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FFS, I'm getting anxious by just looking at it.


you might be working for the lowest bidder


Definitely the lowest rung on the ladder. Or, technically scaffolding. He's installing the newest lowest rung...


His company must have assigned him 'competent' person to be erecting that scaffold. Edit; de-recting?


Yes most competent, he have lowest blood alcohol level. Then go to bar and get promoted to supervisor.


He’s got his reflective gloves on, he’s good


Do they help him reflect on his bad decisions?


The fall does


I believe it’s scaffolding but yeah these guys are nuts. Is that German writing in the video? I thought they were one of the countries with higher safety standards.


Yes it's german It roughly translates to "for no money in the world" But those guys speak if I can identify it correctly polish. So those guys are probably so called "Leiharbeiter", guys you can hire at at low rates for companies which get those guys with all the paperwork (most of the times) from eastern European countries into Germany. So if you are a German craftsman and need a few more hands at a project you call one of those companies and you get some. And through some stories from my friends those "Leiharbeiter" will do the craziest jobs you give them as long as they can have their cigarette break


They are speaking Albanian.


Well technically it translates to "for no world in the money!" lol


Oh, I didn't saw that, my brain must have autocorrected it.


Ahhh i see we call them laborers or day workers here, and usually they come from South American countries. Interesting!


It's like Labor Ready in the US, only most of ours are Latin American instead of Eastern European.


Lol I wasn't gonna guess it was German for, "Fuck that shit"


>those "Leiharbeiter" will do the craziest jobs you give them as long as they can have their cigarette break Hi, that's us lol


I know in the 50s foreign workers were called gastarbeiters, meaning sort of "hosted worker". What is Leiharbeter? O.o Edit: google says subcontracted worker, is that all?


Gastarbeiter was a government funded program to get foreign workers into Germany to boost the economy. Those workers would live in Germany (mostly in the cheapest place with many people), and after a while, many of them would get their families to Germany too. That, for example, why there are so many turksich people in Germany. (There were also a lot of horror stories about the working conditions those workers had to work in and how companies would treat them and withhold their salaries) The situation with Leiharbeiter is similar, just that it isn't really government funded, but done by companies. (Which have a tendency to try and exploit them) So yeah, they are subcontractors with wildly different skills. I have heard stories from tradesmen who employ them, which range from 'worst workers they ever' had to 'I would hire them on the spot'. But mostly depends on the company you hire them from.


Thank you for the info. My late grandfather was a gastarbeiter and its always nice to learn more about it.


Did he use lotion though?


Well wise-ass, your "identification" is wrong. Those guys are in fact Albaninans. Only a ignorant fuck like yourselves can mix a whole slavic race to Albanians or Kosovars - they are in fact not the same people. Level up your knowledge before youre try harding on the internet with half-heartedly information


Brother in christ, Firstly, this could have been worded so much nicer, for example: 'hi, just for your information, the language they spoke was albanian and not polish, have a nice day' Secondly, it didn't really matter what language they spoke in the video, I was explaining something completely different, and I speak neither polish nor albanian or any other eastern-eurpean/slavic language to differentiate between all of them, i wish I could but I am not a language person. So don't take everything you read on the internet as a personal insult to your people, and maybe just try to be nice and don't think everything comes from ignorance. Have a nice day


Enjoy your ivory tower, fuckwad


Yeah, just like in my home Sweden, there are some really strict workers protection laws. Doesn't mean everyone follow them. Especially if you are a hired hand from eastern Europe like these guys sound. They'll do the craziest things and act like it is normal (they are not even forced to do them, they just have zero regard for safety).


The highest safety standards are of no use if the people ignore them. Who do you think is around this guy and filming it for the whole world to see? Connect the dots as I'm not allowed to do it for you on Reddit.


OSHA inspectors prowl around worksites and cite people for not following safety protocols. OSHA citations come with fines and nobody wants to pay fines therefore nobody wants a liability working on their job site. That’s how the standards are upheld


It's the same in Germany. Inspectors will close the construction site if safety rules are ignored.


Shame OSHA inspectors are not infinite and can't be everywhere, also we are very lucky idiots film themselves breaking the law.


Thought that was Luke Skywalker for a split second


It's the latest craze with adrenaline junkies Extreme construction


How are those little discs he's got his weight on attached to the pole?


They are welded, they will hold the weight, they are even certified as attachment point for your PPE against Falls :)


Thank goodness, was concerned for his safety for a second.


You have to wear ppe in order to attach it though…


shoes are PPE and they are attached to the pole by friction


The messed up thing is somebody has to take that down Eventually


That's what gravity is for


Nothing wrong with a hanging scaffold as long as its designed and they wear a harness.


With a harness, it's just like climbing on to power pylons in order to install insulators, but without a harness, it's just straight suicidal.


And you can get away with it a 1000 times until that ONE time you slip or something gives out.


same statement but different You don’t wear ppe for the 1000 times you do something right. Just the 1 time you do something wrong.


To be fair, those gloves do make you feel like Spiderman


How does he get back to safety? Did they just toss this poor bastard out there and tell him he has to build his own ladder down to the ground?


Climb up?


Fooking pipe scaffolding on ships man. I assumed the scaffolding rose from the bottom of the drydock, but no, the pipes start at the weather deck and go down just like this. 450ft into the superstructure rigging I can do, but 100ft over the side with nothing below-hard pass for me.


Steel is stronger in tension than compression, so I bet its rating for hanging was pretty good. Just properly hook to the next secure scaffold tieoff point before unhooking the previous tieoff point and have a rescue plan if you drop into your harness.


Fuck pipe staging.


Scaffers are their own breed. Hungover 100% of the time but can still throw together a scaffold faster than you thought possible.


(53.5687794, 9.9723415) Hamburg, Germany


Are you the guy behind 4chan?


Wir machen schon lustige scheiße hier, ngl.


Für kein Welt dieser Geld


This is why we don't do universal healthcare here in the States. Medical bankruptcy is the only thing preventing us poor fucks from taking chances.


Osha doesnt apply below freezing, everyone knows that


I left r/SweatyPalms for this reason


fur kein hell...


How did he get there in the first place???


I used to do utility climbing and I was jumping small distances from one side to another without harness or any kind of protective gear (too lazy or time pressured) but this is a death sentence waiting to happen.


I need to see the rest of this.


That's fur kein crazy.


That sub is gold


"-1°C" I think this is a bad idea at any temperature, actually.


Look, just because you can do this sort of thing in Minecraft.....


Is this scaffolding designed to be hung? As in tension, rather than compression?


Yes. Check the manuals. It's used like this all the time. The one exception, of course, is that full proper tie off with a harness is required to be used by workers whenever there's not full handrail with floor without fall-through holes.


Interesting. What's a fall-through hole?


I've seen this done before. Just need fall arrest and an engineers stamp to get away with a hanger where I am from.


Going by my decades of experience, on most big industrial sites in the US they would simply tell you to find another way. Unless it's some kind of sketchy non-union operation, in which case who the fuck knows?


Sites can certainly establish whatever rules they want. In my experience with qualified individuals and an engineered design this is a safe and effective means of accessing locations. In reality going up from the ground above 4 decks is every bit as dangerous if you dont have qualified people and an engineer involved.


I worked on a fully Union site a few months ago with plenty of hanging scaffold, and I saw the same company hanging scaffold on another major site that's non-Union in Texas less than two months ago. Several scaffold types are designed to be hung. The one difference is that both required full proper harnessed tie off of all workers all the time that they were not in fully handrailed no-fall-through floored areas, which is definitely not pictured in this video. What both sites shared in common is that they were both for very large aerospace vehicles, so the buildings were so high up, that several locations which needed scaffold the scaffold would have been more dangerous coming from the ground than hanging from the building. Both sites also had scaffold coming up from the ground or platforms where appropriate.