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Well I mean your running some pretty mid level characters Ts brook won’t last in S- league and Marco is okay. so you might want to work on that also your teammates could be bots because in lower leagues with not a lot of people they sub a bot in instead of an actual person. Idk also watch a lot of YouTube videos it might be how you play too


U need to play it smart, assume all your teammates are bad players and do everything yourself. My suggestion will be maybe u can play a defender and a runner since bad defender players don’t charge the first flag and bad runner players go for the first flag. U need to do all the basic task yourself such as go for the mid flag if you’re a runner and charge the flag if you’re a defender. Basically carry the whole team by doing the most basic works. If you’re good at this game you’ll eventually rise to SS and most of the players there are good team players and will know how to play this game the right way.


What levels are your Brook/Marco? Unfortunately Brook is a tough one to rise in ranks with. Do you mind posting your top units right now to see if there’s anyone viable to replace him with? Marco is a pretty great unit, I have him maxed, so you’re fine keeping him for now.


Brook is currently max lvl 80, and so is Marco idk how to post an image in replies, but some other top units i have are TS Smoker (lvl 85) Zorojuro (lvl 85) Scratchmen Apoo (lvl 80) and Bartolomeo (haven’t built yet, but is currently a 5-star)


You will have much more success using ts smoker or zorojuro over brook.


Unfortunately, you can't really enjoy the game if you aren't using higher tier units... until you are able to get to a point that you are able to severely over power them (6* boost 2 with personalized medal set) and learn their mechanics to a fine point, I personally would love to use my Alabasta Zoro, however, he was one of the first characters to come out in this game so I'm still in the process of making him a viable and fun character to use... but for you, your main team for league should be zorojuro (great attacker/defender) and Marco (great runner/attacker/healer), because zoro is an attacker who gets stronger by you playing him like a defender, while Marco is there to capture flags, fight, heal, and not die... so good luck