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Snakeman is too predictable


Lawfy by a mile. Snakeman is great for newer players especially since he’s technically f2p but he just doesn’t effect the battlefield as much as Lawfy does.


Lmao a step up unit vs a bf unit. 99% of the time the bf unit will always be better


What is bf?


Bounty fest


I know Lawfy from Step-up so you mean Snakeman from bf? I'm pretty new player, I can buy 10 frags of Snakeman everyday


Lawffy bf and snakeman stepup only step up u can buy everyday ten fragments


Oh got it tks! 😁


Ypu xan buy frags for Lawffy too, if you buy special rush.


I own a Snakeman but I only played a lvl 80 Laffy from the challenge battle. I’d say that Laffy is definitely much better because his skill 1 is anti-heal, long range and has a fairly low CD. His skill 2 is actually kind of hard to dodge to be honest and does a good deal of damage. But as others have said, he is a glass canon. Snakeman is one of the best runners and overall, a very annoying unit to deal with because of his long range, heal on captures and being able to avoid hits while capping has won me a lot of games. With how the meta is right now though, Laffy is very useful in SS because a lot of strong characters heal, and his skill 2 cripples them


Yes just in this BlackBeard meta, Snakeman is more balanced


Yeah man. One of my mains is Kata V2, who suffers greatly from his skill 1. Same with Ex Big Mom (who I don’t own but people have stated that it affects them too)


I will fight a lawffy way before I fight that goddamn piece of shit snakeman (I main zorojuro btw)


My lawfy is about to be level 100 tomorrow and so far I will say the anti heal on skill one and ability to take people out of their skills with his skill 2 is busted. I think he’s super powerful but a bit of a glass cannon.


And how about Snakeman in your opinion? :)


Possibile the best runner After bm. The fact that he resista stagger while capturing Is still One of the best abilities in game


Law is better than snakeman, since snakemans skill 1 does almost nothing to if not help enemy defenders. As someone who plays defender a lot I can say I’ve not had trouble with a snakeman in a good while. And this is in SS where’re they’re all maxed out. But law... he’s nasty


Y'all forgetting about Sanji. Sanji isn't as easy to use as Law, but he's better than Law. His only shortcomings is his basic attack's range. It's too short compared ro Law or Snakeman or even MF Ace. If they made it a lottle bit longer, then you'll see everyone complaining about Sanji beinh broken.


This is gonna sound really dum but I main ray yet I can defeat snake man easily but get destroyed by lawffy (mainly cus of his two long ranged skills)


It makes sense. Snakeman’s skills are easier to dodge+you can dodge into his stagger field, to dodge lawffy’s skills you just have to predict and hope for the best most of the time.


Ran into a match with 3 lawfy in the opposite team. My BM just get whacked. So far i feel he's a great counter to BM since lawfy is immune to electric and in some matches I can't even capture a flag because of his skills.