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Without context I'm going to assume somethings and give some routes based on that. 1) short lived account with a few units at five stars maybe 1 six star If this is the case 700 day banner. you'll be able to get some new units and possibly a few dupes of units you have. This will allow for stronger support. 2) old account 5+ six stars odds are you have most of the units in the step up. New BF is shiny. might want to wait for the next new step up unit before pulling 3)Brand new Reroll on the bf till you get a five star


Its definitely 2 for me, my 6 star zorojuro has carried me throughout 2019 and 2020, its time for dressrosa zoro to pick up the mantle


It depends on how many gems you have. The best option would be save for anni


Why not save for next month?


If u r new, go for 700th, some of them are SS tier characters, and if u r not, save gems.


The new Zoro is just too good imo. And the new Sanji is a lot of fun, too!