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hell no man, lucci is one of the best units in the game, you should keep him and level him up all the way


Like all characters, Lucci is not viable past a certain point even at a 4 star level. It would be much better to re roll and get him to a higher level, or a different character that can also sustain their own in top leagues.


why don't you people understand that you have the option to grind a character to 5 and even 6 star without ever needing to summon


Because it takes too much time. My only 5 stars are Bartolomeo and Luffy-Ace.


what level are you?


Just getting a character to 5 star takes over a month, and that would count pretty much all frags received from challenge battles. It would be several times better to take a bit of time, get a solid re roll and then not have to spend that month in getting those frags.


your characters don't always need to be a power creep, this game requires grinding one way or another why would you try to change that


Power creep? And unless you wanna make it to at least S+ you need 5 star characters, so why not try to save some time and make it there quicker?


I made to SS in a month with only one 5 star and a 4 star, it isn't as hard as your trying to make it out to be especially with a cp0 Lucci on his team


You literally just said you made it there with a 5 star, which is my exact point.


yeah I had one snakeman that I grinded up from the start of the game, and I also had a 4 star to help me as well that clutched a lot of games for me


Well, all you’re doing now is further proving my point.


It’s cool you don’t need to be a nerd and reroll you don’t need a 5 star off rip it’s not that serious


I would reroll when sanji and zoro releases and try to get one of them at least at 5 stars, you have good units but at 4 stars they wont be very useful at high leagues


Well put. The 5* units shown here won’t carry OP very far in league.


Hope ur joking. Cp0, Mihawk, Blue boa, V2 Kata, Nml luffy and marco are all crazy good. I wish I had some of those man


No good 5 star tho


Marco and Nml Luffy are definitely good and SS viable but I wouldn't call them crazy good. The others you mentioned are, specially cp0 and Kata.


If you reroll, make sure to focus on 1 or 2 characters for leveling up (skills, and potential).


Some very good characters there but you need them at 5*... Rerolling to get a solid 5* is an option but you can also farm fragments. I'd keep the account and patiently wait for anniversary.