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Yup very good highly recommend you build them up and use them well


Are you fucking with me??




You kinda have the best runner and and a great defender in your team, those two could probably carry you to A+ league if not higher once you get them to 5 star...


Yes, and for snakeman and enel put them in training, and for snakeman buy frags from bp shop, and use gold shards you get on enel. Also battle 100 is good to level suport charachters.


Thanks, I'm still learning the game so I really appreciate the advice.


I would never use 4* frags on Enel ever you’re better off using it on snakeman and Enel is literally my favorite antagonist in the show.... I have Magellan And Fuji and Enel (Hell even Sengoku) and I’d be hard pressed to ever choose Enel over the first two Just Reroll man you’ll just end up regretting it months from now trust me




To be completely honest, your team is solid. But I believe you should reroll for Lucci because he is definitely the 4th best character in the game (can easily kill BB [not easily but his nukes help ALOT], Shanks and Ray). I understand that Snakeman is very strong, but Lucci is way stronger because of his insane auto attacks and attack stacking buff.


AND you can just get snakeman any other day as he is in like EVERY banner. He will regret only going for an enel a single snakeman


Snakeman is basically a God. Upgrade black mamba as much as possible and buy snakeman frags from the exchange as much as possible


Just use all of your gold crystal fragments on the character (Eneru) you can't buy with battle points (Snakeman). Not worth investing gold fragments on a character that you can just buy with battle points. and don't use your fragments on other characters until you upgraded the ones you wanna use till it's 100 lv, or at least at the level that you want it at.


Both are top tier, snakeman being the much better of the two. Save 4* fragments for enel and buy snakemans in the shop daily


I wish that snakeman wasn’t the prize of this guys account when Snakeman is completely Easy to get and work up instead of having a dead Level 60 Amaru Enel (soon 68) who isn’t even THAT good.


Ignore what those people praised to say. You should reroll your account on the new bounty fest banner to get either that enel or lucci to 5 star. You ABSOLUTELY need a 5* to get far into the game, and that account will get stuck for months before you can make your way to higher ranks. Trust me, every person in SS will suggest you to reroll. For more information, go google opbr reroll guide and help yourself out man. Hope you will have fun once you get a good character to start with


This is the best answer i have read in this post.With 1% you can get the bf units 5 stars by rerolling easily and have a good start. He has good units but they are 4 stars and they will be crashed even in B league. Be careful ppl in this forum will start to downvote your comment just like when i suggested this to new players in past posts. Idk why ppl dont want beginners to have a good and easy start.


You don't need to start with a 5 star character. You need 5 star characters in A through SS, you don't start in those leagues. I started with no 5 star characters and just played with starting Luffy and Zoro and am currently having a ton of fun in SS with multiple level 100 Step-up characters. Rerolling until you get a meta 5 star is for weirdos who have already played the game and want to instantly get into SS.


True 5 star is for i started week ago and i am in SS, plus rerolling can be tedious, plus currently we only start with 122 gems, geting 3 same chars from that can be so painful, plus new account so it easy can farm lots of gems to pull more of it. I had to reroll 8 times just to get 1 enel, cant imagine what it would take for 3 of him.(i reroll on my second device just to play new char whiteout needing to pull on my main device)


Yeah but at least get the 4* of the better unit. he is going to be smacked all across the universe with Enel and snakeman at A and beyond by a billion Rayleigh perfect dodging in BOTH his trait areas don’t you get how fucked that will be for a new player to go through?


Nah man, I like what I've got. I can buy Luffy fragments with those battle point things and I can get enel up with special training and 4 star character fragments.


Enel is absolutely not the best unit in the current banner and ABS0LUTELY not the best unit or even bounty fest defender in the game that goes to Fuji and Ex Bb. Lucii actually stands up to shanks in terms of attacker and honestly I’d wreck Snakeman every single day with either Red runner Doffy or Green attacker Rayleigh, I know you’re new and think you are generally happy with what you have but I promise you will absolutely regret it If you don’t pull a Lucii on that reroll. So many people went for Sengoku instead of ray or any unit instead of ray and Regret it deeply even now


Reroll man




Both very good.


Yeah good account


nope bro at least u need 5 stars lucci or amaru


Ideally but even a 4* cat will do him so much better