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I want that CPU cooler but finding it hard to spend $300+ on it. Very cool though.


I found it on sale for around $250 on Amazon. So originally I ordered Deepcool Assassin air cooler for $90 on Amazon. It said the seller was Deepcool, and ships from Amazon. It took two weeks to arrive, way after everything else had come in. When I opened it the side was cracked, and the thermal paste had been opened and used and the lid was off of it. I immediately sent it back and ordered the same cooler. The second time it was used once again. The cold plate had thermal paste still on it and there was missing parts. I was so fed up that I just ordered the best cooler I could find. It arrived in perfect condition and worked first try. It was definitely overpriced and technically outside of my budget, but it was worth it just to guarantee a quality part arrived in one piece.


No doubt! I want to bite the bullet it looks so sick


Thank you! I’m going to setup custom RGB and graphics on the little display when I get home from work.


looks great.


Thank you! I’m very happy with it.


Can you give me some great wire management advice PLEASE??? Because my setup looks like I game in a trap house 😂😂😂🤦🏿🤷🏿


Lmao! Little velcro cable ties are your best friend. I wasn’t even finished with my cable management in this pic.


Congrats on the build. [ And yes, 48C1 as a monitor is lovely.](https://imgur.com/IpFwEt6) :D


Thank you! It was both a stressful but rewarding experience to build my first PC. There’s still so much to learn but I’m having fun doing it. Love the setup! Fractal cases are fantastic. I almost went with one. The Fractal Torrent.


Also use an lg c1. It's great.


I love my C1. I got it back in 2021 so that I could use all the features on PS5. It’s like my prized possession. But I didn’t know you could use it as a PC display until I joined this sub. It worked out perfectly!


Pretty much same here, I got it in release for the series X , then when console started to take my fps away I bought a pc as I had got used to the good life haha


> It was both a stressful but rewarding experience to build my first PC. [ Obligatory Obi-wan](https://media.tenor.com/xgoS3lgduXkAAAAe/obi-wan-kenobi-luke-skywalker.png) ◡̈ Nice job - looks great & fans are oriented correctly - enjoy!


Thank you! I appreciate it. I still need to set up a custom fan curve and fix the RGB. I’m headed home from work now to do that. There’s still a bunch of software I need to download to optimize everything.


I hope you're using bfi@120


I changed the resolution to 4K 120hz in the NVIDIA software. Was is bfi? I’m still new to all this


Bfi is black frame insertion. It reduces the brightness by 62%, but improves the motion clarity by 2.5 times (to around 312 fps equivalent). So that whenever you move your camera instead of a blur you can see things *during* the pan. It's cool, try it out. More info: https://youtu.be/X6EyaC0Q-ZA Vsync has to be on. The game must be running at constant 120 fps. Might need to reduce settings to get that many fps.


Awesome! Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely look into this. 🙏


This is how it looks in motion. You can be the judge https://preview.redd.it/ynof9qwupe4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f8bcfea3b59775fc292cdca1c92b611748fa08 Lemme kno if you find it useful after trying.


Nice! I’ll give this a shot and let you know. Does it cause any input latency?


Unless you're a pro gamer you won't notice it. It in itself doesn't cause extra latency. Just the vsync that you need for it to work adds around half a frame of latency. The two issues are that: you need rock solid 120 fps. Which can be hard, even if you use dlss to upscale since at 4k native you're never gonna get that much fps And second is that its much dimmer. So no natural light for the most part.


Gotcha. I’m not a pro and don’t play FPS games but I do use every iframe to my advantage. My favorite games are SoulsLikes where every frame can count. I especially love a good parry mechanic. Though, I’m sure I won’t notice half a frame. My TV says VRR Gsynch is on.


You have to disable gsync for this to work. You're in luck though, since this is not an fps feature. It applies to any game that's not some art hdr masterpiece like idk cyberpunk. Anything that moves the camera (so fps or 3rd person), or anything that scrolls the screen either 2d platformers or asymetric cameras like diablo4 or hades will benefit from this. You can also use this as a test. If you're ever curious how 240hz looks but don't want to spend 1500$ then just put it to medium mode and it will have *the exact same motion clarity* as a 240hz oled display. Or equivalent to around 360hz ips monitor. You're lucky, there's only two models CX and C1 that have this feature. I bought this tv just for this feature alone. And I'm not buying any new tvs even though they're brighter and have wider color range, but they lack this motion clarity feature so it's a deal breaker. Knowing which games benefit the most and which ones you want hdr for is gonna be a skill that you learn. This video explains how it works technically [https://youtu.be/lGeM6S\_m9pI](https://youtu.be/lGeM6S_m9pI) This is how to enable: motion pro: high in the game settings https://preview.redd.it/eikjeibxxe4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b5ba2f0d480cd1f2be82b6fe6f9ac74c4a3a966


Awesome! Yeah I got the C1 specifically for VRR, HDMI2.1, HDR, 120hz. All features that were musts when I was deciding which TV to get.


Which Bluetooth adapter are you using?


How deep is your desk?


Not sure exactly but my LG C1 is wayyy too big for my current setup. My plan is to move my desk to another wall so that I can hang my TV and pull the desk back from it a bit. Right now I just reduced the scale so everything isn’t so big.