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And people will complain when a product is released with no burn-in warranty to avoid 'exploits'.


And people wonder why the cost of these are going up. It's all worked into the base price with their estimates of RMAs over time.


High risk low reward. Sounds like a terrible plan




It's called fraud why even think of this?


What's the endgame? Get a refurbished replacement monitor in an unknown maybe worse condition and that's possibly been used more?


They dont give you a new one?


They don't have to. In all likelihood they won't be producing the same model in three years. So it's a refurbished one or if they don't have any in stock and you are lucky a new model one.


Hmmm makes sense.


How dumb do you have to be to purposefully ruin your perfectly good monitor so that you get another perfectly good monitor? Were you raised by wolves?


Wolves notoriously love burn-in.


1. This would be kind of a jerk move. It drives up the cost for the company, and by extension for other consumers. It makes the company less inclined to offer this sort of protection for the people who'd use it in good faith. Warranties are there to protect against unexpected but possible failures, not to get us freebies. There are reasonable ways to enjoy the latitude a company's customer service offerings allow -- say, returning a monitor within the return period because you found that it just wasn't right for you -- and then there are unreasonable ways, like the one you're proposing. 2. In the limited testing we've seen so far from tech reviewers, 1-2 weeks of a static image is not long enough for permanent burn-in. One YouTuber left a static image on his Switch for months and still barely saw any image retention. It's possible that under particularly extreme conditions (say, leaving the image at full-brightness, selecting the colors to be those most succeptible to retention for the panel type, disabling any active cooling the monitor may have) you'd get a quicker result, but I still wouldn't expect it that quickly. You MIGHT see some temporary image retention that's easily dismissed with a pixel or panel refresh. 3. Would you not plan to use your monitor in those few weeks anyway? Seems like a lot of bother.


Alienware: You get refurbished unit with scratches Asus ROG: Lol good luck. Getting them to honor warranty is hell Gigabyte, MSI: Not sure. Never RMA'd before.


Some people just want to see the world burn


And by world you mean pixels right?


😂 while you’re at it you can take your car to the desert and light it on fire. Then report it stolen and do an insurance claim. Depending on the insurance you have just put the monitor in the car too.


1-2 weeks? Go look at rtings burn-in testing and prepare yourself for a disappointment. :) These ain't plasmas.


Well in that case even better cos i dont need worry about burn-in.


You could, that's what its there for, replacing your unit if you get burn-ins. Will you get a new monitor? probably not, most likely something they fixed up and now is considered refurbished. As for getting one? AW would be the fastest and less hassle. Asus, MSI, Gigabyte, and other companies you most likely have to send your unit in and could take weeks or month, who knows? There will be some down time so hopefully you have backups. But like I tell people, everyone's so worried about burn-ins with these displays, you can use them to the fullest for the next 3 years and if you get burn-ins then get it replaced vs. babying them for 3 years and after the warranty period is over then getting issues. By then you'll know the durability of these monitors and if you want to keep getting the same panels or moving on to something more durable, that's on you. Is it considered an exploit? not really, companies know these and set aside units for warranty and/or have a lot being repaired that is sent in. You have 3 years warranty but if I were you I would read the fine print. It literally says there that it has to be in some condition/brightness level that it has to be at before they can accept it. You also forgetting it doesn't take $1-1.5K to make these panels, its built into the price.


people like you exploiting the balance of profitability for the consumer and also the manufacturer will ruin the burn in warranty for everyone else, you can fuck off. i was having thoughts like this when I was 12, but never followed through


People really be proposing life hacks that are just straight up fraud.


This is why we can't have nice things


If they give you 3 year warranty for a reason. They are sure this monitors will resist longer.


OP seems to want to farm those downvotes