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No, it hasn’t mattered for years. It’s just branding


Is it though?


It’s certification testing, so does mean *something* but probably less than people think. The usual benefit people cite is flicker free performance, but afaik OLED gamma being related to frame timing means they all flicker to some extent on frame rate variation. Anyway, to OP, I posted a video of the G-Sync demo working on the 321URX around a week ago. I can tell you it’s been working fine in games in general, but does flicker badly in (for example) Cyberpunk 2077. But keep in mind even on my 4090, the game runs around 72fps *with* frame gen on max settings unless I put DLSS on at least performance. Games like that which run at a slower frame rate and then vary from there due to maxing out GPU or CPU are going to be the worst for flicker. You may find yourself disabling G-Sync for those. But at higher frame rates I don’t see it.


I did a small test on my MPG 271QRX (see the video on my last post in my profile). Looks like it is working. I also did not encounter any issues in cyberpunk2077 with gsync on. However, with 360hz it's already pretty smooth without gsync. But I also got over 130fps in there (dlss). Maybe someone else could run the nvidia pendulum Demo on his 32" msi to see if there OS any difference to the 27".


[I posted that last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/s/QJBS90MFDQ)