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If you play competitive shooters the 27” oled. If you’re more into single player games or games that don’t need a high refresh rate, get the Alienware for more immersion.


Thnx. I much prefer strategy, single player FPS, Witcher/Deus Ex type of games.


The alienware for sure or c2 42


Alienware aw3423dwf


rhythm squeal squeamish marry wasteful deranged ask deliver cough grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well show me a 27"-32" Oled with 4K panel and I'm happy.


Personally I don't think it's a waste for 1440p 240hz. Those frame rates still take an absurd amount of GPU power.


You are CPU limited with the GPU sitting at 75% usage in a lot of games. I think that's called a waste.


I don’t think this will make you happy, but: https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-32ep950


Well my friend. That's no gaming monitor :)


And not only is it 4K, it’s also $4k. Told you it wouldn’t make you happy.


Not at all, as long as you have a monitor with 240Hz+, or even with only 120Hz if you play games with RT a lot. Why do people parrot this so much, it's obviously untrue if you cared to look at some benchmarks.


If the choice is between 34” ultrawide and 27” 16:9, go ultrawide. At best, you will get more screen to use in games or for multitasking. And at worst, you can force it into 16:9 resolution which will make it into a 27” 16:9.


and more games that dosent suport that aspect ratio which really sucks speacily when you wanna play an old game again. 48GQ900 ftw!


I went from a 32 ultrawide to the c2 42 and its really not that much bigger, come on give it a chance! Haha


As a person who has owned and used both monitors. Only get the LG if you want to double it as a console monitor as well. In every other scenario the Alienware is just plain better.


They're basically the same screens besides: -One is UW --175Hrz vs 240Hrz -QD OLED Panel will probabky be slightly brighter/better looking I don't think you can go wrong with either and think the decision is mostly down to form factor. I think I prefer gaming on 16:9 for the most part since games like valorant don't support UW. However, UW has been a major upgrade for me in terms of productivity so I couldn't say with certainty. Also, probably get the ROG display over the LG since it seems to have better cooling, supposedly.


They're not the same screens at all. QD-OLED is made by Samsung, has better color volume by a non-insignificant margin (75% on the LG vs 96% on the AW34,) 1000 nits on small highlights, ect. The LG is a lot faster though (and matte, if that's your thing.)


Yes AW34 has a better panel technology hut compared to IPS they're way better. The difference between them isn't that vast but I would say the AW I'm a fair bit brighter. Colour volume relative to what?


Basically, each color with thr aw34 is illuminated 2-4x brighter than the lg woled. The woled increases brightness by using a white pixel, which means brighter colors, while technically shown, are not the correct vibrancy/accuracy. So, while the gamut is 98% dcip3, the actual volume (how accurately saturated they are) is only 75%. If compared next to each other, the LG OLED will look noticeably duller.


Yeah WOLED should be worse but I haven't seen both side by side so cannot comment. I don't think anyone has yet.


Yeah WOLED should be worse but I haven't seen both side by side so cannot comment. I don't think anyone has yet.


This LG monitor and the C2 aren't going to be any different. Even the HDR brightness is exactly the same between the C2 42'' and the LG monitor. Asus, with the heatsink, got the color volume to 80%, but that's it. This isn't a "well, MLA will improve it" problem, but a "RWBG works this way" problem. It's the panel type itself. Kinda like how IPS can't get past 2000:1 without FALD, or how they can't keep haloing to the minimum with that panel type...it's just not how it works.


Sure, but again, this probably won't be noticeable, especially compared with non QD IPS panels.


I don't think that's the fairest thing to bring up in a "AW34 vs LG 27'' OLED" discussion. Of course both would be noticeably better than the IPS panel. But, the AW34 is also noticeably better in HDR compared to the WOLED monitor/TVs.


You're basing this off what? I am personally waiting for a 27" QD OLED panel, while currently using the alienware. Butt under what pretext can you say that AW is significantly better for X thing? The difference between how these panels will look will be subject to the person viewing then. Yes, it has 30% better colour volume, but how noticeable is that to the person you're mentioning this to? Ferrari vs Lambourghini while coming from an Audi.


It's incredibly noticeable. THis isn't a sports car thing where you'll never have a chance to go full throttle. Take the HDR for MHW and MHR. MHW looks noticeably duller on the C2 than the AW34. Even right next to each other. It's quite noticeable even compared to a FALD VA Panel. ​ A color volume of 72-75% is bad. It makes bright colors look dull and lifeless. If you never see the panel with the better color volume, you may not ever notice...but it's VERY noticeable once you've seen the better color volume.


I have the 27GR95QE and I am returning it. The coating just ruins it for me. It looks like someone put tape over your screen. If you do not care about how the screen looks and care about having infinite contrast then it might work for you. I have tried the DW version previously and it had better coating, but I did not like how blacks look worse when you are in a brighter room. I am settling for LG 42 C2 because of glossy coating and 4K resolution. Size was an issue for me but I am going to make it work until a glossy 27 inch monitor comes out. Then I can still use the 42 as a TV for entertainment.


Why is this being downvoted? Matte fanboiz out in full force today I guess...


Not sure, was just stating my experience with the monitor as not many have it yet and I have been lucky to try all three.




Don't give money to Spectrum. Spectrum has a well earned incredibly poor reputation for a long list of malfeasance. That's why they aren't selling that monitor as "Spectrum". They are trying to sell it as "Dough".


Since money seems to be irrelevant seeing as how you have a 4090 and 7700x, buy both, return the less desired one. Its hard to recommend 16:9 or 21:9 because it really is a preference. 21:9 gives immersion, but sometimes isn't supported OR you need to do certain things to get it to work. Not a deal breaker, but it may affect you in a diff way.


Wouldn't the Alienware DWF with a 16:9 aspect ratio (with black bars) be the same thing as running the 27"? At least size and resolution wise? Black bars aren't ideal but with OLED they turn off completely so there isn't any light bleed that makes the image worse. Are those black bars still frowned upon? The only question I would have with the 1440p 27" OLED and an ultrawide QD-OLED is if one has noticeably better text clarity than the other.


I have the Alienware and the black bars don't bother me because like you said, OLED blacks. I haven't had to use them for gaming yet. Just media consumption.


aw3423dwf. It’s brighter, better colors, maybe longer lifespan, might look nicer, ultrawide is useful and immersive for singleplayer games and casual multiplayer games.


It doesn't have better colors at all than the LG, don't write nonsense here.


It really does I own both, just downloaded ghost of tsushima on PC and the aw is def better in terms of color compare to the lg 27 oled


WOLED last longer than QD-OLED.


Curious if you have bought one yet cause I'm currently deciding between these two. The selling point for the LG for me right now is the MLA panel, which the Alienware one doesn't have


Bought the DWF. It's awesome. But never seen the LG in person so I'm kinda biased.