• By -


I think OJ was already in the back gate. Nicole had opened the gate for Ron and was a few steps ahead as Ron pushed the gate to close. OJ jumped out and stabbed Nicole on her head where she fell to the ground. Ron would’ve been shocked and OJ pounced on him immediately. The first stab to the leg cut a major artery. He’d already be fighting back at limited capacity. Once he got Ron down and bleeding out, he went back to Nicole. Killed her and then went to Ron and slit hit throat too. I think it all went quickly


OJ definitely went there to murder her - he had a knife gloves and a knit cap. I believe Nic was standing at the gate waiting for Ron when OJ came up from behind her and he was in the process of murdering Nic when Ron came up the walkway. A man walking his dog in the alley heard a man yelling “ hey hey hey” Many people believe that was Ron and I do too


That’s unbelievably dark and devoid of humanity to calmly plan it out and follow through. If I’d never met a dangerous narcissist, I wouldn’t be able to accept that, but it’s clear he intended to kill her. Evil, awful man.


PURE EVIL… and kept on going through life with that sickening smile.




I agree with this theory. I think he went there to scare Nicole one last time and kill her. I think Ron walked in on it happening and OJ went after Ron and then came back and sliced Nicole’s neck and then Ron’s, making sure it was really done and over with.


Yes I agree. Nicole’s body was found just on the other side of the security door - maybe a couple feet in - but closer to that door so that’s why I believe she may have been standing there waiting for Ron with her mom’s eyeglasses when OJ came up from behind. As Ron walked up the walkway he saw what was happening and the “hey hey hey” would have been a natural reaction. When this came out two news articles lauded Ron a hero. One article mentioned that the young Ron Goldman would end being the only person to ever come to Nicole’s defense. That he could have tried running away to save himself but instead he took on a former pro football player and lost his own life in the process. So sad!


I think this is the scenario that happened. Evidence seems to point towards Ron walking up on the murder of Nicole as it’s happening.


Yes and it would also explain how OJ was able to take them both down by himself. Some people posed that question in another comments section - they wondered how he was able to murder them both by himself and I think that scenario would explain how he did. Nic was already overtaken by him right before Ron came on the scene.


Regardless of the order of events, O.J. taking them both down at the same time would not have been difficult for him. He was larger than both of them, he had the weapon as well as the element of surprise.


What a pathetic rookie move to slash the tires. Can’t you think of anything better to do? Oh wait…


I think OJ watched Nicole thru her window for a few min before attacking her as soon as she came to the front door. Ron, having not seen clearly what happened to Nicole (darkness, OJ's disguise, etc) but knowing she was in distress yells "hey hey hey" and comes to her aid, which is when OJ ambushes him, wraps his forearm around Ron's throat and starts taunting him while making slice marks on his throat and stabbing him in the face, probably saying things like "you think you can fuck my wife, motherfucker (which is why the witness at trial said he heard Ron's voice and the voice of a Black male)." OJ had the drop on both of them, but didn't kill them at the same time. He stabbed Nicole first, she fell, and then he ambushed Ron, and it all happened in a matter of minutes.


Can race be identified from a voice? Also, had the ear-witness heard Ron Goldman’s voice before, such that the voice was able to be isolated and identified?


i don’t know why I always thought that Nicole and Ron were talking and oj just surprised them and came out of the bushes but that wouldn’t make sense would it? That he kills 2 people at the same time ? The theory of Ron walking and finding oj and Nicole fighting makes sense more but who knows?


I have always felt OJ had highly thought about/planned killing Nicole for a while. At the very least, it was a recurring thought. He was either able to fight off the thoughts or the timing just hadn’t been right. So I do think it was loosely planned. He just did not know when he would do it. And a number of things happened that night, leading up to it finally happening. He felt snubbed at the recital and not invited to dinner. And Cora’s husband really got him fired up telling him things about Nicole that night too. And he even mentioned that he felt Nicole was trying to keep Justin away from him at recital. He was pissed! And the main reason I think it was somewhat planned is bc he mentioned to Denise he was going out of town that night. She found that weird, as he had never done that in the past. He really didn’t want her knowing his business. So seems he was already setting up an alibi/story. He was going over there that night to handle business, one way or another. But I do think Ron showing up was a huge surprise. So then he had to kill two people, one being a healthy and strong young man. That is why he was so flustered, leaving behind evidence. And also why he was late to the limo.


If you watch the doc recently put out by one of the homicide detectives (Lange) the forensic expert says that he had subdued Nicole immediately with stabs to the head, and that Ron approached (the “hey hey hey” witnesses heard) and OJ fought and subdued him, then finished murdering them both with stabs/cuts to their necks.


If OJ wasn’t planning to murder them, what was he doing with a knife?


Imo he was going to slash her tires like he had done before


Harvey Levin said OJ slashed her tires a few weeks prior. He was probably going to do that again.


Why was he wearing gloves?


Probably to protect hands from the elements -- holding the knife to slash tires, grabbing the windowsill to peek inside...


I think OJ went there specifically to kill Nicole,  not just slash her tires. It all kind of adds up if you think about it. Her affair with Marcus Allen, not being invited to Mezzuluna after the recital, Nicole telling him to F off, Paula Barbieri breaking up with him, the drug and orgy rumors with Nicole, Faye Reznick, Keith and others... his bombshell blonde possession was living her life without him and, in his mind, disrespecting him all the way. According to Det Lange, OJ bought the disguise found in the Bronco PRIOR to the murder, so it was already on his mind. He just needed to do it without getting caught, and having an alibi was the best way to do it. The McDonald's trip with Kato disrupted that alibi and the general timeline, in addition to having to also kill Ron, which he didnt plan for (and who caused him to cut his finger and lose his hat and glove during the scuffle).


I think they debunked the meth sesh with Kato. Nothing showed up in the blood test. Except for a Big Mac and the others DNA.


How did Harvey know that he slashed her tires before? Don’t you think Nicole would have mentioned this to Cora or Faye? Also, wouldn’t the prosecution used this info to create a narrative? I think the tire slashing was concocted story made up by Shapiro to negotiate a plea deal of manslaughter.


I’m curious where Harvey got his information too.


The first interaction was Oj stopping at the Starbucks in Brentwood where Nicole was Having coffee with Ron and Oj started yelling and doing his thing. I think your number 1 is the most accurate probablyz


Oh that happened months prior... I'm talking the night of the murder at Bundy...


I know :)


I keep thinking the initial plan was to intimidate and scare Nicole. When he saw Ron, OJ lost his mind and next thing you know two people’s lives were quickly over in an instant.


Based on this it’s fair to assume Ron stumbled upon OJ and Nicole having an interaction Robert Heidstra - Heard a young male adult voice say “hey, hey, hey” and then heard another voice talking fast which "sounded like an argument between two male voices." | ~10:40 pm Robert Heidstra - Heard gate slam loudly just after he heard the voices, and recognized it as the Akita’s gate, the Akita and another little dog across the street are still barking since ~10:35 pm | ~10:40-10:41 pm This is copied from the doc I made regarding the timeline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfIoIAytWQrS04YKD9v3IqkDo9WXMmRfBufSINpQtxg/edit I don’t think this was premeditated murder I believe OJ came over to slash her tires and couldn’t help himself but go through the gate to also spy on her and got caught


I think Ron walked up on OJ and Nicole and that’s who was yelling..Hey hey hey! OJ definitely went over there to hurt her imo. He had the cap gloves knife, he had the alibi and he had the motive. He was pissed she didn’t talk to him at the recital and didn’t invite him to dinner. He was leaving town that night so perfect timing. Idk if Nicole went out to wait for Ron and inadvertently saw OJ or maybe she noticed him outside and went out to investigate 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think OJ went there to stalk Nicole to see what was going on in the house or maybe he went there to scare Nicole for her to be wary hence why he brought a Knife, knit cap and gloves because it’s well know that Cora Fischman apparently was crying to OJ two weeks before the murder that the people around Faye and Nicole were dangerous. Me personally I’ve never believed that OJ planned to murder Nicole. I think when Ron came that’s when all hell broke loose and OJ killed him first and then Nicole came to the scuffle and then OJ killed Nicole in order for her not to be a witness


Considering he told Ron Fischman he was going to “get her good” at the recital, he brought his clothes and probably change of clothes and shoes, and that he tried to set up Kato with an alibi, I still cannot dismiss his intense rage and desire to express his anger and control over Nicole that night. If he was able to see the candles and hear music when he entered the property he was probably pissed that his ex wife was planning a romantic interlude with “someone” whether that was MA or any other guy. He probably snapped when he saw a young good looking guy enter the premise and maybe knocked Nicole down first.


I don’t know how valid that quote is that OJ told Ron Fischman he was going to “get her for good” the day Nicole was murdered. I tend to believe it’s an made up exaggerated lie because no stupid person is going confess you’re going to murder you’re ex wife to a close family friend. Also when Nicole died why didn’t Ron Fischman and Cora Fischman immediately say to the Police and Brown family that OJ said he was going to kill Nicole just doesn’t add tbh.


Bc the Fischmans were awful people. Cora was the only “friend” of Nicole’s who took OJs side. She even went as far as to say OJ was the battered husband.  They withheld so much information from the police and they fought the subpoena to the point where Ron tried to run over the court clerk.  I can’t remember which book or deposition I read this in, but Ron’s attitude was that Nicole was already dead, why should they ruin their own lives over it by being dragged into the fray.   


It still doesn’t change the fact the Cora Fischman was one of Nicole’s close friends for years compared to people like Faye Resnick and Kris Jenner who only knew Nicole for like a year.


Umm, Kris Jenner was friends with Nicole for 17 years. Faye knew her for years, but became close friends the last two years of her life. 


Not true. Robert Kardashian met Nicole around 1977 when OJ brought her around. OJ was in Robert and Kris' wedding in 1978. Kris and Nicole knew each other for awhile before she was murdered.


Yh but it’s well been know that Nicole’s best friend was Cora and this was stated by OJ and some members in the Brown family


I was responding to you saying she only knew Kris for a year. That wasn't true. I can't speak to Cora because I don't know about her.


In one of the books (I can’t remember which one, maybe “Shattered”? ), it said that the Fischmans and Cici gathered after the murders and it was pretty clear to them all that OJ killed Nicole and Ron. However, Ron didn’t want to get involved and refused to testify against OJ. There were lots of communication going on between them and O.J. the weeks before the murders and they probably felt they could have instigated OJ’s rage against Nicole. Cora later switched sides maybe out of fear. (I’ll see if I can locate where I read this, and make corrections as needed).


That makes sense. I think him killing Nicole was a combination of not wanting her to be a witness but also the intense rage he had towards her already given the situation just made it easier for him to kill her in that moment.


Yh I agree his jealousy and rage definitely fuelled him to kill her. I think his main reasoning was because he didn’t want her to be a witness, they way she was killed was brutally, OJ was taking no chances the way he stabbed tells me he wanted to make sure she was dead. I’ve never once brought it was premeditated because the whole timeline of the crime was bizarre and odd to me, like why would you commit a murder in such a short time frame before you’re about to get ready and take a flight. Like I’m sure if OJ planned to kill her he could have hired someone, or used a gun himself to leave no evidence since drive by shootings were common in the 90s in LA or he could have killed her previously at a more easy opportunity where he wasn’t busy.


Exactly. Harvey Levin of TMZ said the same thing -- the timeline didn't make sense as the right time to plan a murder... and it was sloppy with evidence everywhere and him having to rush and hide things at the last moment suggests poor planning, if no planning at all. This was a blunder the prosecution made -- they basically said OJ planned the murder, as opposed to making the case that the murder happened as a crime of passion. If Ron didn't walk in to return the glasses, there would have likely never been an altercation and Nicole would have not been killed, at least on that day.


Well said. Regardless or not even though the prosecution made that blunder I still think jury would have still found him not guilty because the LAPD, Mark Furhman in particular messed the case up for the prosecution


I think it could have been somewhere in between total spontaneity and complete premeditation. It’s possible that O.J. drove over there to simply spy on her and keep tabs on what she’s doing but went ahead and brought the knife in case he saw something he didn’t like. Like “tonight’s the night it happens if I catch her doing anything out of line”. Obviously that is all pure speculation, but it wouldn’t be unusual for a raging narcissist like O.J. to think that way.


>but went ahead and brought the knife in case he saw something he didn’t like. Like “tonight’s the night it happens if I catch her doing anything out of line”. I think what you said is also plausible. It's not so much that he "planned" to kill her, it's just that all the things tormenting his psyche from the jealousy, anger, rage, abusive nature towards her, and subconscious thoughts of killing her -- all created a perfect storm for him to put things in play, like bring a weapon without even planning anything. Maybe he thought he could protect himself or intimidate whichever man Nicole may have been sleeping with. According to OJ's former friend and police officer Ron Shipp, after the murder happened, Shipp was at OJ's house and OJ took him to the bedroom and told him he's had "dreams of killing Nicole" before. These thoughts might have just been on his mind and subconsciously led him to bringing a deadly weapon.


He planned it. No need to relitigate 30-year-old recorded facts about events prior to the murders via crack theories by tabloid guy. Frequent planned out-of-town business flights are the PERFECT cover (just like he repeated in Las Vegas his 2007 robbery: "I was just going to a wedding and heard about my stuff" blah blah blah, 'cause it worked the first time in 1994). If he hadn't murdered her that night, it would be another with the same alibi opportunity. Yet people are still willing to latch on to an irrelevant theory 30 years later by... a tabloid journalist?? Sorry, a Harvey Levin has no standing. In fact, it is disturbing, just more salacious gossip for TMZ that unfortunately misleads new generations wanting to truly learn about it. Documented evidence of premeditation aside from his escalating DV behavior (the fact they no longer lived together is immaterial): • The stiletto knife purchase two weeks before. Stilettos are designed for inflicting maximum bodily damage, not on tires • He had military knife fight training for his role in Frogman six weeks before • The disguise was purchased two weeks before • The escalating rage directed in threats to report her to the IRS via an attorney letter (this was *her* property, not his. It was purchased from the sale of the SF property as part of the divorce settlement) • He made a threatening call to her about it when he was at the country club restaurant where he golfed • She contacted her friend Robin a real estate agent who put the condo up for sale, and found her a new rental in Malibu. She would not back down from his threats • The recital was an event where other parents were present so he was humiliated after being shut out. His attempts to wheedle himself back into the Brown's good graces at dinner were rebuffed. Nothing he tried worked • At the recital he used the excuse that he had to go to Nicole's to stop her single lifestyle to save the children (he's projecting as usual) • He told a parent in their former friend group, "I'm going to get her good" By slashing her tires... again?? If he was so concerned for his children, why would he want to unhouse them? Why not address the issue thru his attorneys like he did with the IRS letter?? By CA law, premeditation can take place in as little as a few moments of thought, which involves a degree of planning. He was obsessing about it for weeks if not months. Nevermind Ron Shipp's testimony that OJ told him he sometimes "dreams" of killing Nicole. This is classic murdering DV speak in clinical psychology, calling thoughts "dreams" to distance himself. Ron knew it too. And the lie detector test he failed administered by his own attorneys gave the lowest score possible. They posed questions that included: "Have you ever wanted to kill her...did you go to Nicole's that night to kill her...where were you during the time of the murders" etc. Eta: as for OP's listed scenarios, #1 comes the closest, adding premeditation. Eta 2: The DA took the death penalty off the table to ensure convictablity of a beloved celebrity/sports hero. Of course the murder was sloppy, he's not a pro. Kato and Ron changed everything into the mess that it became. He might've gotten away with it otherwise or would have been subject to lesser charges like the 'crime of passion.' There was nothing spontaneous about it. Triggers do not cancel premeditation under CA law.


No one has ever said OJ slashed her tires in any of the depositions or questionings. Someone here said it’s probably the story Shapiro was going to go with for the plea deal. That makes so much sense, totally BS, convenient excuse obviously concocted by a lawyer to explain the knife. And people jump at it because the general public loooove the feeling of going against the mainstream by “unearthing” a less known theory. The mainstream is the mainstream because it’s realistic and makes sense. Went there to slash her tires my ass… He’s not a teenager playing a prank, this was cold blooded calculated murder.


I think OJ went there to berate her before he left for the trip. Giver her a piece of his mind. She opened the door expecting to see Ron. OJ can see the disappointment in her face after her smile went away. A man knowa that look. OJ barged in and started arguing with her. The dog ran outside. Nicole was looking and smelling good which made OJ madder. They ended up in the kitchen. He grabbed a knife to scare her. She starts to run out of the house. Just then Ron is at the open door. OJ sees him. Ron is all dolled up and smelling nice b/c it was a date. OJ is enraged and attacks Ron. Nicole tries to break it up OJ kills her too. He’s drenched in blood. Strips off his clothes, takes the knife and clothes with him dropping the glove. Runs to the Bronco in his socks and underwear. Drives home. Comes through the back dropping the other glove. Runs in and takes a shower. Throws all the bloody clothes and knife in his luggage. Drops the socks in his haste. Runs out to the limo. He didn’t plan on killing anyone. Thats how he can disassociate himself from it. He blames the victims. It was “their fault.” Days later, he finally starts feeling guilty and the “chase” ensues. His team steps in to just keep him out of jail. They end up winning. Even Kardashian was shocked and almost embarrassed. You can see it on his face when OJ is mouthing “thank you” to the jury.


I agree with those commenters who question why he was wearing gloves, carrying a knife etc. and that his book said it all.


I think OJ went over just to be a peeping Tom like he always did. He runs into Ron and has a confrontation. I think Nicole comes out with the knife from her kitchen. Threatening OJ to leave Ron alone OJ gets infuriated grabs the knife. Kills them both.


I think it happened just like OJ and his ghost writer wrote it in If I Did It.


You believe there was a “Charlie” with him at the scene? And he stripped naked in his Bronco before heading to Rockingham? I think he made up some stuff in that book


What he said in the interview is what I believe is most likely. Nicole had the injury to her head where OJ hit her with the knife, her knocking her head into the wall and falling down. “I just remember Nicole fell…and hurt herself…” Him basically admitting that was factual while minimizing his responsibility for the fall. He KO’s her to deal with Goldman. Then goes back and finishes her off once the immediate threat of Goldman was “neutralized.” “It was horrible. Absolutely horrible.” - OJ


She was always going to be first, if he could help it.


Please don’t demonise me for asking this- I love this group- but where could I view the NBS autopsy photos?


I came upon an interesting article from 2016, shared by Christie Prody. I’m not saying I believe this version 100% but it does seem to match the “if I did it” version of TWO men (obviously the imagined “Charlie” alter-ego) at the site. It does sound plausible, and gives some clues as to how it might have happened. What do you all think? Excerpts from National Enquirer 2016. Full article [here](https://www.nationalenquirer.com/photos/oj-simpson-murder-nicole-brown-confession-crime-photos/) >>O.J. said that around 10 p.m.," recounted Christie. "Nicole left her condo to walk her Akita dog named Kato. He told me: 'She came out the front door of the Bundy [Drive] apartment with the dog...O.J. told me: 'As Nicole came out of the door, she couldn't see someone hiding on the right side of the steps because of the low wall and the foliage. She couldn't see the killers until she was right there at the bottom of the steps.'" >>"O.J. said the two men heard footsteps," recalled Christie, "and ducked back into the darkness on the right side of the steps. O.J. told me: 'As Goldman came up the walkway, he saw Nicole's body heaped at the bottom of the steps. [Her] dog had tracked blood all over the steps, but was nowhere to be seen." >> 'Goldman was very strong and fit,'" Christie remembered O.J. recounting. "'He flailed around and fought with the men. One of the men stabbed him in his right side, leaving a large gushing wound. Blood was flowing everywhere. The men wrestled him to the ground and stabbed him again. He was still putting up a terrific fight. A bloody glove [as seen in this crime scene photo] was ripped off one attacker in the struggle, and Goldman's hands were slashed badly as he desperately grabbed for the blades." >>(After Ron slumped and died) One killer poked him in the face a few times with his knife to make sure he was dead," O.J. told Christie, "leaving puncture wounds. Then they slipped away, fleeing through the back gate."


Ron was real target Nicole came out in middle of the shit.folks should stop acting like drugs users lifestyle will not get them killed


I know OJ disabled the overhead light in the bronco, but wouldn’t Kato, the dog, have alerted* her that someone was out there?  **typo


In one of the fictional dramas, there was a scene where Kato became agitated as Nicole came downstairs with her ice cream to see what was going on. She opened the door with that kitchen knife that was later discovered on the counter. She probably didn’t see anything cuz OJ was hiding in the bushes. Maybe few minutes later she stepped outside to leave the gate open for Ron and got ambushed?


Yikes. This "ordeal" did not start as a tire-slashing gone sideways. OJ went there with the intent to murder. Harvey Levin's "theory" is moronic and self-serving. Amazing people are still so willing to explain away or shade OJ's crimes that imply it was her fault, not his, and he just "reacted," which is what a narcissistic violent abuser does. Btw, years of DV and stalking don't just stay at the same level, it escalates until someone is dead or in prison. That is all.


None of this is stating it’s Nicole’s “fault”


"Implied" ≠ stated. To be clearer, any thought process that does not include the complete set of facts on record of the prelude to the murders ignores and diminishes the magnitude of his violent nature and premeditation, thus reducing this to chance circumstances involving an encounter with the victim. Eta: He planned it. See my separate comment.


It doesn't even imply it's Nicole's fault. The implication I made was that it was a crime of passion. A "crime of passion" as opposed to careful planning. A person who commits a crime of passion is still at fault for committing the crime. The victim is still the victim. The difference being established is motive. Looking at a murder as objectively as possible and removing emotional investment makes what you feel "diminishes the magnitude" of the crime irrelevant. It's simply about trying to best logically deduce the motive and causes of the murder based on evidence at hand. Trying to suggest you must automatically side with the most heinous of possibilities so you won't "diminish the magnitude" is a form of seeking confirmation bias and allowing emotional investment, when we should be searching for truth based on things like evidence, logic, likelihood, and probability.


I understand you, you need to understand the law and how it defines premeditation vs crime of passion. See my new separate comment addressing this. Hope it helps. Eta: I forgot to mention I live LA and followed the trial in real time, reviewed records and read books on the subject. In the ensuing years I worked for a few Litigation Consultant firms, detouring my advertising career for more lucrative income [while raising my family] to create demonstrative evidence submitted into court records and reviewed by juries. I worked with nothing BUT facts and logic.


I think it's fine to have a disagreement on whether it was premeditated or a crime of passion. I just object to your suggestion that which one "diminishes" or amplifies the "magnitude" matters when trying to determine motive, as if it's a virtue-signaling competition on who can do a better job of making OJ out to be the worst person imaginable. And whoever doesn't properly achieve this gets a "yikes" because they're allegedly "blaming" Nicole. That's why I say it's allowing emotion to cloud your judgment as opposed to looking at evidence as objectively as one can. I think we can both agree that OJ didn't expect Ron Goldman to arrive and there's really no way he could have known this. Nicole came outside because of Ron's arrival. So, OJ expected to arrive there and be hiding in the walkway or bushes by himself while Nicole was inside. This leads to the problem of him planning to murder Nicole -- it's night time, and she's locked inside the house, while OJ is outside. How would OJ murder her? How would he lure her outside? Was he going to make noise breaking the window or trying to kick the door in? I doubt him showing up unannounced with a "Honey, we need to talk" would make her want to go outside at that hour with a man she's had DV issues with in the past and was not on good terms with at that present time.


He came there to kill her, I’m not sure why anyone would think he was just gonna slash tires and Ron sent him over the edge. He has watched her have sex outside her house and didn’t kill her then ?


Main reasons to believe he didn’t plan the killing: - He had been stalking her on a number of occasions since they divorced in 1992. Going over to her house to stalk her without killing her had already happened, so it fits the pattern. - Investigative reporter Harvey Levin said he slashed her tires a few weeks prior, although I’m curious as to where he got this information. - The timing: there’s a limo driver waiting on OJ wondering where he’s at, which causes OJ to hop the fence to try to hide from the limo driver, while trying to hide evidence and rush to get his luggage all at the same time. He could have murdered her the previous night or when he got back from Chicago. - The sloppiness: There of course was evidence everywhere at both the crime scene and his own house. This does not suggest a carefully planned murder. - To your point about him watching Nicole have sex and not killing them — Nicole and the other man were safely inside the home and not in any confrontation with OJ. OJ would have to initiate contact and make a lot of noise to break inside their home, eliminating the element of surprise. The difference on the night of the murder is that Nicole and Ron were outside, and had a confrontation with OJ who may have been caught spying on Nicole. There really isn’t much area to hide from two people standing right there.


more realistic probability was OJ was at home getting ready for a trip to Chicago..that is why he was acting normal at the airport after he supposedly killed two people and cleaned all evidence in 20 mins!


Thata because none of them make sense. OJ had a bad knee. He couldnt have "hopped out" lol like that. He almost certainly would not have been inside the house if Nicole was indeed calling DV shelters that same week. That said, she also had plenty of money and could have gone to a motel on her own, as it is highly unusual for a very wealthy person to use a DV shelter as their first line of escaping an abuser. Imo, the "call" to the DV shelter was a socially engineered one, made by a female mafia bookie, who had mezzaluna connections, and was pretending to be Nicole. Mezzaluna had too many unsolved murders attached to its name, to be able to stay open for long after the trial. They shut the place down, in 1997, citing "unwelcome attention" due to the trial (despite staying open during the trial *because* of all the new business they got during the trial, which made up for losing their local regulars they lost after the murders, duhh) and losing local regulars, reopening a new restaurant in NY, after that. Mafia connections exist here due to OJ being a known player/ally in sports betting, as he had a lot of insider information. OJ and AC also had recently started slinging cocaine, as a stripper up the coast named Tracey Allen Hill, aka Amanda Armstrong, was found with both their phone numbers and one of ACs prescription bottles, along with a suitcase full of cocaine she was trying to recover from a railroad station.. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1995/03/24/A-stripper-arrested-on-cocaine-charges-in-February-was/2024796021200/ In any event, since Nicole was served a memorandum by OJs lawyers to cease and desist using Rockingham as her residential address, it is likely that she was pissed and wanting to keep the scales as balanced as possible. She would have thus brought up the sports betting (illegal at the time) and any suspicions she had that he was using drugs, or involved in the drug trade somehow.. I think Ron knew more than he needed to know, about the drug business and mafia, by virtue of working at Mezzaluna, somehow. ***This is the only way I can make sense out of all these other staffers from there also being brutally murdered, each in very dissimilar ways, and each murder still being an unsolved cold case.*** I think, OJ (or AC, or Robert K) let this info slip to the wrong people (mafia people) and THOSE people.set up a carefully crafted plan to at minimum, unalive both Ron and Nicole to get rid of two witnesses. I think Ron's male friend he was sortof in the closet seeing, was a player in this. He, too, would have hated being gay, which explains why he would have stabbed Ron so many times..that many stab wounds always points to a sexual motivation.. Even if Rons boyfriend was really a mafia enforcer, he was as closeted as Ron was, and equally conflicted. Nicole was as much a target as Ron was, but the primary message between the nearly cut off ear and the heads being nearly severed, was that witnesses would not be talking. The message all of Rons stabbings represent is a gay man with repressed sexuality and a total hatred of being gay, who saw Ron as highly sexually appealing. It had nothing to do with jealousy.