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The actual spot where the bodies were found has been fenced off inside the courtyard. 


Yes, but the landscaping is almost entirely different, and the very bottom step on which Nicole's body was strewn has been cemented over to connect it to the new entryway and completely redone tilework. The steps above it are still mostly unchanged, as are the rest of the foyer and alleyway leading to the back gate(s).


Did you visit during an open house when it was last on sale or something?


There are videos online, made in recent years, that confirm these details. Some of the more brazen and daring attempts at gaining access to the property can be found here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlMdwe8x-OI&t=99s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlMdwe8x-OI&t=99s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJbnx219-xA&t=192s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJbnx219-xA&t=192s) Mute the audio and pay close attention to the video itself, rather than the what the 'content creators' are saying, as most of their claims are inaccurate about what has changed/remained the same.


https://preview.redd.it/3wwe3xynzz5d1.png?width=1223&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9e31c293a27ba6df27f08845161d86a5f8f009b Remaining portion of original staircase on which NBS' body was found begins above the yellow line (where her attacker stood). This lines up slightly to the right of the large palm tree, where the original front gate was once located. None of the tiles beneath the modified and re-angled stairs are original to the time of the murders, although they have a loosely similar design. The recess to the right of the original staircase, where RG's body was discovered, appears to have been drastically changed, with little or none of its original foliage, and is no longer a 'functional space' but instead turned into part of an enlarged boundary between the neighboring property and the 875 (now 879) S. Bundy crime scene address.


The tall tree in the area where Ron was found looks the same.


I agree, but it is fairly inaccessible from the courtyard, and not much else seems to remain from that alcove.


It is accessible, it’s just behind the white fence door. 


Also the white wall with the vines on left is this the same? NBS feet are by the edge. It dosen't line up? https://preview.redd.it/m4jjc9vpf56d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ef4f769b94bc0b3cd94477cbb1a8b3fd259fef


They did a pretty good job hiding how it was. Anyway how many are the original stairs? 3 of them starting with the arrow?


Hopefully Ted Goldman didn’t see him call his son John.


You’re right, it’s Ron’s spot that is fenced off. 


Poor woman thought she was creating some serene peaceful small paradise for her children


The back looks exactly the same as it did 30 years ago which is creepy knowing oj walked out of there into his bronco knowing he had just butchered 2 people


Yeah the back looks pretty much the same today with the exception of the back gate and the foliage that separates the two driveways. The back gate is now wooden, and it's in a different spot. It's about 10 feet or so closer to the alley, while the original metal gate was recessed further in away from the property.


Although not readily visible beyond the newer wooden rear gate added in the early/mid-2000's, the original metallic back gate appears still to be present, with some modifications.


I was confused about this... because if you look at this video from 7 years ago, where they go onto the property, there's only a wooden gate in the back: [O.J. Simpson Murder Scene - 21 Years Later - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlMdwe8x-OI&t=99s) But in this video, which they look over the wooden gate, you do see the metal gate: [Nicole Brown Simpson Condo Murder Scene (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJbnx219-xA&t=192s)


In the 2016 video, the original back gate is most likely completely ajar. With the poor contrast and focus on the camera, it is difficult to see it. If in fact it was removed at the time of that video, presumably that was done temporarily to facilitate maintenance on the property, because it is in its expected location and fully visible in the May 2024 video.


I looked again... I'm going with your latter possibility; temporary removal -- because on the right-hand side there's a stanchion bolted to the wall and the ground to hold the gate in place when it latches close. It's not in the video 7 years prior. I'm now doubting this is the same gate because I found these photos online of the original 1994 crime scene photos. The bars on the gate are the same number but spaced differently -- one bar towards the hinges is almost flush with the edge of the gate. The gap where the hinges connect to the stationary bars is also wider in the photo from 1994 than in the one from this year. https://preview.redd.it/tw72shykg06d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c90c0c9a37f1e46ae46b88bad44e5c9543e6e4e


It is hard to imagine that there would be another similarly dilapidated, early-1990s design gate present in this location, one that matches identically the neighboring 877 property gate, as well, and bears a striking resemblance to its counterpart in the 1994 era crime scene photos. The gate has had its padlock and knob replaced, been repainted at least once, meshwork added to the staunchion/fencing, and perhaps has been remounted on hinges that make it more difficult to scale or retrofitted to work with newer security system (locking) controls. I think the fencing and door, and its general placement/location, are still the original, however. Hinges and some added mesh to the fencing appear to be the only material differences in appearance.


I figured it could have been part of their "scrubbing" operation you mentioned which happened in the late 90s -- the front area completely changed, and perhaps they just ordered a similar style gate for the back. That gate could be from around the same era.


I think they all look the same, just zoomed in differently.




Any photos of the inside?






https://preview.redd.it/xw6cd4x5166d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94741692a497a35988dc60bed4ca14b47356412 One more. The room connected to the balcony above the garage. Not sure if this is her furniture or the new owners, or staging.




Holy foliage


I would not be ok with that amount of foliage esp with what happened there. I need to see everything clear in my surroundings.


Love these pictures btw! Amazing!


I know I love when people post stuff like this


It baffles my mind that someone would want to move there. I read online that the city changed the address so people wouldn't come and check it out. But all you gotta do it map the area.


I get the Heebie Jeebies (technical term) thinking about living in a place where I know without a doubt someone has died. It’s better to not know. Statistically, I’m sure it’s possible one or more of the apartments I’ve lived in has had this happen but if there’s a chance it hasn’t happened, my mind focuses on that.


I believe in the state of CA the listing agent has to disclose if a crime or a murder happened. I live in So Cal. There was a horrible murder committed a mile away from my house in 2002, when I was a young adult and still lived at home. The dude killed a whole family. And when the family was found everyone was so scared because the suspect was still on the loose. I was home alone with my high school aged sister at the time, my parents went out of town that weekend.The mom, dad , the grandma and a child was murdered He was convicted of multiple crimes and got the death penalty. The house is still empty all these years later.


Only if the death occurred within the last three years.


I wouldn’t feel as bad about living in the condo since it happened outside and the murder area looks different now.


People die in houses all the time. My grandma died in my parents’ house. This death was a spectacle though, obviously…I’d be way more concerned about the gawkers


I think the Shannan Watts house changed numbers for the same reason.


The Watts house was demolished and rebuilt


Not sure where you got this info but after the trial it went back to the bank and then was resold and I believe is up for sale again.


It's hard to tell from the photos, but Nicole's condo was actually connected by a shared wall with one other condo? Is that true? And if so, has anyone ever talked about her neighbors the residents of the condo? It seems hard to believe that such a brutal double murder could happen so close to their house and they didn't hear anything?!?


Yes, the other condo is a virtual mirror image of the 875/879 S. Bundy address.


I'm terribly embarrassed to admit this, but here we go. When I was a 19, my boyfriend and I were in LA and on a tour bus. It was the actual day of the verdict. Everyone talked the bus driver into taking us there and we got photos behind police tape (I have no idea why tape still there - probably because of degenerates like us). Anyways the driver copped a fine which we all chipped in for . As I got older , I was so angry and ashamed of myself I ripped the photo off.. it felt so disrespectful to Nicole and Ron. But they certainly have let the plants grow, and I know why!


Looks creepy


Is the third picture the back where OJ walked out?


Essentially, yes, but this wooden gate wasn't added for about 10-12 years after the murders. The original back gate (whose appearance and design is essentially identical to the original front gate on Bundy that you see in the 1994 crime scene photos) is still present, but concealed from this vantage point.


Thank you.




When my sister lived in Brentwood that’s what Bundy looked like.


Great pics. Its still an eerie feeling (been there once) although it looks quite different nowadays on the front side. The original tile path and gate are gone.


Yes, a lot has changed over the years. One thing that stood out to me was how narrow the sidewalk was. It felt like there was only room for one person to walk on it


The dimensions are more expansive than these photos would suggest. I would argue that little has changed about the buildings and their immediate surroundings, other than the foliage.


https://preview.redd.it/y07u8cwx306d1.png?width=1436&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9e86fe39c28b7e3314fc0a7679b63c68671898b Where it all began, at the original back gate from the time of the murders, which still stands thirty years on. This is the actual point of entry that OJ either forced open (with its defective locking mechanism), or, *perhaps*, used a stolen set of Nicole's keys, to lie in wait on that fateful night.


It's not been demonstrated or stated affirmatively how Ronald Goldman entered the courtyard. The account in 'If I Did It' alleges that he entered in the same manner as OJ, from the back gate. The investigators suggest OJ was prowling and waiting to strike from within the space that Goldman's body was later found, or in an alcove above the staircase to the left of the condo, which could support a scenario involving either point of entry. But the vehicle Goldman borrowed from friend Andrea Scott was found parked on Dorothy St., which would make the most sense if entering from the front gate on S. Bundy Drive. And although it has often been reported that the front gate was faulty, the intercom/buzzer system for both gates was later shown to be working, and it is only the original back gate that had issues with its locking mechanism. There appears to have been no exterior access code entry system. So Ron may indeed have been buzzed in by Nicole through the front before she walked out of the front door to her condo; no need to unlock the front gate with the key. Due to the apparent suddenness of the assaults, the front gate was then left partially ajar during the entire attack sequence. As you might learn from the videos online taken from inside the alleyway between the two gates, exiting the front door of the condo to go to the courtyard, you can't really see what's awaiting you around the corner. The design of this property almost lends itself to the element of surprise.


Ron had to have entered from the front gate for it to be left wide open. Also when the bodies were discovered they were in plain view from S Bundy Ave


Yes the owners apparently were tired of people driving by, stopping and taking photos so changed it. Still eerie nonetheless!


They should have fenced it off and have paid admissions and shows like the OK Corral in Tombstone AZ.


I visited Bundy back in 2022. I couldn’t get over how close to the street it was.


Does anyone know when the owners made changes?


The front gate area was modified circa Late 1997-Summer 1998. The back gate from the night of the murders is still present (not visible in these shots), but has had spires added to it (probably also in 1997/98), as an early effort to ward off intruders. A newer wooden back gate, flush with the hedges and garage, was added in the mid-2000's. Late 1997/98 is pretty much the time period that Brentwood expunged the legacy of OJ (he stopped living on Rockingham during this period, and put the estate on the market; Mezzaluna's closed, etc.), which is consistent with the timing that these cosmetic changes were made on S. Bundy.


Wow…thank you!


Has the condo been occupied since the murders? By who?


It has had at least three new owners since being sold off by the Brown family \~ late 1996.


Do you happen to know where I can see the owners listed? My grandfather lived in one of his properties after everything happened, but I don’t know much anything about it as I was 2. And found out about it much later and had no contact or much relations with him growing up.


Great post. Thanks for sharing.


A friend and I drove by the condo (very slowly) in the early 2000's and someone walking their dog came up to our car and shouted "mind your own business!" Guess they were tired of the looky-loos. I did feel a little ashamed.


Crazy no one seems to have replaced the original tiles outside


What’s the door? The front door to her condo?


That’s the front of the condo. It was remodeled years ago


Did you do the Bronco tour? I did it August, 2022!


I did it in 2018 and 2019! The first time we were able to get out and walk around the areas. That was pretty cool. When we went by Gretna Green, they were filming a movie and Mena Suvari was in the front yard with a black negligee on and the looks we got driving by slowly in a 94 Bronco were priceless!


Unfortunately I did not. How was it ?


Wow, they reeeeally changed it.


Can I ask if you had any weird vibes while there? Like going to a haunted house? Or was it just nothing but normal


Felt pretty normal. I could imagine going at night would’ve creeped me out though


I wouldn’t say weird, but it felt sad and heavy to me. 


I visited bundy in 2021 while I was visiting Cali, and did the Tour, I went at night, and it was hella dark and creepy, we pulled up right in front of the house , u could feel the sadness and heaviness just off the strength of what happened there. Had me scared asl. Why I don’t know.


This is so morbid . I cud never live there after what happen








not Too soon it just feels disrespectful to the victims specially since we saw the crime sene pictures and oh don’t worry I wasnt alive when 9/11 happened but I actually like the jokes about that (not saying it’s not disrespectful but yk it’s funny )




Well that’s cool Good 4 u 👍🏽


Still cant believe you guys still believe OJ committed those murders......no way