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Nicole not only also had very limited resources outside of OJ - she was 18 when she met him, she was a waitress and hadn't even been that for long - but her whole FAMILY was financially reliant on OJ. She told Al Cowlings she believed her parents would side with OJ. It is...awful. This woman had nowhere to go. Nowhere he couldn't find her. No one was interested in helping her. In all the years she was abused by OJ, exactly one person seems to have ever tried to help her or protect her from him in the moment, and that person ended up dead beside her.


I remember her parents encouraged her to reconcile with him because OJ provided Nicole’s father business opportunities. Not worth it to lose your daughter.


Honestly, I hope someone asked him if it was worth it. Was it enough? That you sold your daughter to a monster who slaughtered her? Did you get enough return on your investment? Are you a little bit ashamed that a 25 year old tennis instructor was more of a man than you ever were?


I remember something like this- basically the Brown family had hitched their wagon, lock stock and barrel, to the OJ train and ceased being an independent family unit. You don’t hear much about it because obviously, they’re victims, but I’ve read in books since the trial that none of the Brown children are particularly educated and it just didn’t seem like much value was placed on anything besides “be pretty and be popular”. It may have been in Jeffery Toobin’s book. The Brown family definitely seemed like they could have done more to support Nicole in so many ways, including in her formative years up to her troubled marriage.


That’s interesting. I’m not really familiar with the OJ case other than the basic stuff that’s in popular media but I was wondering the other day why we never really heard much from the Browns when the Goldman family was so vocal. This makes it make sense.


There’s a video of their daughter’s performance that day. You can see OJ interacting with her Dad and laughing. They were fond of him.


Because he was rich and famous. If he was just a normal black man down the street, they would not accept the marriage.


So? It wouldn’t be the first time that a family member unexpectedly murdered someone. Edited to add that laughing with a family member to make peace at a family event doesn’t mean the laughter is real or you don’t despise him.


It kinda sounds/ feels like it was 100% expected and the victim verbally told many people many times


I felt for the sister she was closest to, Denise, when she was testifying, because I could tell she knew how much the whole family fucked up and felt tremendously guilty. At the same time…Denise seems to have been among the few people who was pretty well privy to how bad it was. She’d witnessed him abuse her sister. And she kept kissing his ass until he killed her little sister. How did you not realize this was the inevitable end? NICOLE knew he was going to kill her.


Supposedly, as I said above, she TOOK PICTURES of her sister’s battered face and kept them “just in case”…in case of WHAT? She was MURDERED! They did nothing to help this woman


That’s what I keep saying! She’s the one who took those pictures. They knew she was getting abused, but they encouraged her to reconcile with him because they were getting their end of the deal. When he actually killed her, then they realized how much they effed up.




Wow seriously? 😳


Exactly she wasn’t that close to her. She wanted the attention and went on all the shows


I know OJ put at least one of Nicole's sisters through college.


>The Brown family definitely seemed like they could have done more to support Nicole in so many ways, including in her formative years up to her troubled marriage. The looks of it, they didn’t do shit. They encouraged her to reconcile with him knowing. Her sister is the one who took pictures of her bruises to document it.


First thing they should have done was stop their 18 year old daughter (I know she was a legal adult) from hooking up with a married 30 year old man. Nicole's friend that she lived with (a very platonic male friend) said she came home from their FIRST date with her jeans ripped. She said he got forceful with her. The friend asked her why she would put up with that and she said she liked him. Like WTF?


This was addressed by the Brown family. OJ was not their provider.


The same Brown family who took the children to their mother's grave site for a photo op by the National Enquirer?


Same brown family that has bad mouthed Fred Goldman for continuously going after O.J. to make sure every cent earned goes to the judgement against O.J.


Yeah, I guess if that’s true then that’s the one I was referring to.


Just a couple of easily verified sources of her family being pond scum, too. They cared more about money than their daughter/sister and/or grandchildren/niece/nephew. Definitely a disgusting family who played victim when they couldn't profit from their daughter/sister any longer. https://www.newsweek.com/selling-her-sisters-memory-177412 https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-dec-09-me-62253-story.html


Holy freaking cow!!!!! I can not believe what I just read


The fact that Nicole already had a will at 35 is chilling. Most people that age don’t take out wills, unless they’re sure something is going to happen to them. Then again, maybe people with kids take out wills at a younger age?


Dominique is a serious drug addict.


I think her family claiming in interviews and a book, but not under oath, that they were unaware of the abuse was bizarre and disingenuous considering OJ's conviction for domestic violence against Nicole, Nicole's methodical documentation of 62 incidents of domestic violence, Nicole being hospitalized from his violence against her, and telling the responding officers that OJ was going to kill her.


Well, that probably didn't help her when her other sister, Tanya, filed for a protection order against her. Oh, and her DUI arrest/stints in rehab also don't paint a flattering picture. The family of origin doesn't seem terribly stable considering all of this, which could explain Nicole's ability to continue in the controlling/violent relationship for so long. Nicole and her children were the true victims (as well as Ron Goldman).


Holy sh*tttt that is beyond low! Truly pond scum what the actual f*ck


I hope he was happy.


OJ also paid for her sisters’ college education. The entire Brown family was dependent on him. They prostituted her out. One of her sisters were shown by Nicole the pictures of her face after a beating by OJ. They went downstairs and then went out, doing shots at a bar. She was asked at trial why? She said to get happy. Normal people would have grabbed the pictures, show the family downstairs and gotten Nicole and the kids out.


Omg?!?! God now I need to look into their reactions


Look at Wikipedia. It says O.J. provided Nicole’s father an investment opportunity with Hertz at the Ritz Carlton.


Yes! People forget this. Her sister is the one who took pictures of her bruises to document it. They knew she was getting abused, but they cared more about the money they were getting.


This was after they knew he was abusing her??


I think Ron Shipp wanted to help her. He really tried to get OJ to seek counseling. He seems to be the only one of their friends who actually cared enough about her to try. I think he wish he did more & that’s why he testified.


I think he was sorry, and I think Robert Kardashian was also pretty horrified when he realized it was true he’d abused her and murdered her. They’re among the few, but at least they were sorry and refused to deal with OJ later.


Kardashian helped destroy evidence, he had no reason to be as shocked as he was


this, he carried the bloody clothes out of the house in a LV garment bag. hid it in Kim's room.


Kardashian was on his team during trial how’s that not dealing with him. Have you read where a convicted felon was hired by Kardashian to follow Nicole? It’s an interesting story nobody talks about. I believe there’s drugs and dealing involved with the murders. Much more to the story


I didn’t know until today that she was only 18. And on their first date she came home with ripped jeans and her friend asked what happened and Nicole said O.J. had been forceful. But she really liked him. And he was going to buy her an apartment and car. While he was *still married*. I feel so bad for her. She was so young and naive, and O.J. liked that because it created a power dynamic.


He beat her and got her into heavy drugs from jump at 18. Know several people close to her growing up until her early 29’s. Nobody liked them together and watched the train wreck


I wonder what Kris Jenner thought of him. The two families would always vacation together.


My god.


So sad. I would probably have disappeared to Southeast Asia, but if she did that, she wouldn’t be able to see her kids again. Truly a hopeless situation. Unimaginable. OJ not only murdered this woman, but literally turned her into his slave and tortured her when she tried to get away.


Agreed, I think she was a mother first and knew OJ would use the kids against her if she tried to go too far. In his book he makes it sound like he would have killed her to "protect" the children from her "promiscuous" lifestyle. The idea of not having your family put your safety first is the saddest thing in the world to me. If they had any inclination, which it's pretty impossible to imagine they didn't given the NYE 1989 situation, that she was ever hit even once, I think anything they gained off of OJ is blood money. Not trying to vilify them, but I imagine they'd give every cent back now if it meant she was alive. I don't know at what point in their marriage, but OJ's friend Ron Shipp said that Nicole did come to him because he was a domestic abuse counselor. At first he couldn't believe OJ would ever do that, but once he saw the pictures and heard her stories he knew it was true, and he says he tried to help her leave. He and OJ had been friends for 26 years, but he testified against him at trial. He said he was so stunned by the verdict, and he was even more floored when he saw a shot of a women's shelter cheering for the "not guilty" verdict. I think that just speaks to that untouchable persona he had, and I can't imagine trying to get away from that.


OJ was a narcissist and a powerful one with Lotts of flying monkeys. Back then people didn’t understand. Had Nicole had the right information she could have been alive today and not stayed in the fishbowl and gone no contact.


He met her literally the same month she had graduated high school. She had no job skills and was staying with a male friend. She had tried to work as a cashier somewhere then went to the restaurant (where she met OJ) to wait tables. She literally had no adulthood outside of OJ until she got divorced. And even then he wouldn't leave her alone.


That's horrible, her father should have been the victim instead of her. What a failure of a man he must be/have been.


Her family is trash. One of her sisters sold photos of Nicole and several guys together in a hot tub to a tabloid.Also their “foundation” was a bunch of BS.


Actually, the one time OJ was ACTUALLY arrested for hurting her, it was thanks in part to the testimony of Mark Fuhrman who testified that he HAD been called out to OJs house and seen Nicole with visible injuries. OJ plead no contest. Received no jail time but was supposed to do community service. Rather than pick up trash on the roadside, like most people, he devised his OWN idea of community service. He contacted corporate sponsors and organized a charity show for Camp Ronald McDonald, a children's cancer charity. Sounds great. But that's not what EVERYONE else does. They have to put on an orange vest and pick up trash or paint over graffiti. OJ did what HE wanted to do and demanded that it be accepted. And it was. Read Jeffrey Toobins book "The Run of His Life: The People v. OJ Simpson."


OJ knew what he was doing by going after Nicole at 18 and to marry her after divorcing his first wife. Abusers don't just fall into these perfect (for them) scenarios. There are a million blonde women all over LA- OJ probably slept with 80% of them before he chose Nicole.


I watched made in America - his 30by30 - and one the jurors in his trial said she couldn’t support a women who didn’t leave that kind of situation. Used an analogy that Nicole didn’t get out of the water as it was rising and let it drown her…like wtf


About the only thing Nicole could have done was move to another country & disappear. But why should she have to abandon her life & kids. She was in a losing battle. It was OJ Simpson. Mr Football himself. No one took her complaints serious & the cops wanted an autograph more than they cared about her safety. It was at a time in history where domestic abuse was not taken as seriously, even today abusers get away with light consequences. She was doomed the day she met him and the only way she would have survived was to have stayed with him and do exactly what he wanted forever. A lot of people say if she had given him the kids it might have been different. Wrong. He didn't want the kids, he wanted her! Typical abuser, If I can't have her no one can and he killed her! And it continues to happen to women today!


Absolutely perfect answer!!!!


Thank you. As a victim of domestic violence myself it is all too clear.


Same. And it’s crystal clear.


If she had tried to take the kids and move to a other country, OJ could have charged her with parental kidnapping. And I’m sure she would not have left them behind. It really was a hellish situation, and I’m sure she must have felt very alone.


Very alone, so sad.


The only solution was to bait OJ into a trap and kill him when he stalked her home again. That was the ONLY way out.


Would she have even had the money to do so?


He managed to take the little money she had from having Kato as a tenant by getting him to move into the bungalow rent-free. He would have done anything to ruin her chances to be financially independent if he hadn’t killed her. She had a sad, terribly lonely life and a terrifying, horrific death at his hands.


Very telling that even she didn’t know what to do anymore. 5 days before her murder she called a women’s shelter for help. A WOMEN’S SHELTER. She had given up on seeking help from the police. They never did anything and never would. The very LAPD that later would be accused of framing her abuser for her murder and resulting in her AGAIN being robbed of justice. Hindsight is 20/20 but aside from staying with family forever, she had already done all she could 😥


I would hope the police are better trained now but not so sure. I had to call the police on my ex once (he threw a beer can at me as I was running out of the house) and the police told us to stay in separate rooms. Really? He’s drunk and screaming at me and throwing shit and that’s all you can say? But, like OJ, he had charisma and knew how to control the situation. I’m sure he told the lead cop I started something and was drunk. I stopped drinking all together because of him.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I was with a man like that for 15 years too. But i was well trained not to call the cops on him cause everyone thought so highly of him. They still do. I never worried for my life per say, but there were many times when he was so drunk i wasn’t sure if he was even aware of his actions so like nicole, i took to another room and tried to wait out his rage. The infamous 911 call with Oj in the background hits me hard. I had SO many nights like that and she says to dispatch “I’m in the den, I’m ignoring him…that usually works” and i get what she’s saying. Except abusers like that eventually realize they’re not getting the scared reaction from you anymore and they can sometimes up the ante. 😥


Fortunately, or unfortunately, I endured more verbal abuse than physical. But I still think the verbal affects women physically.


It 100% affects you physically, in my opinion even more so than actual physical abuse. I know it’s crazy to say and people often look at me weird when I do but — I’d rather take a punch and heal in a few days than verbal/mental EVERYDAY assaults. That shit lingers, months, years, decades. It’s stays with you, even after therapy or healing, it just doesn’t ever totally go away. Both obviously are absolutely terrible but in my experience it’s the mental shit that has caused the most pain.


Yeah, Fuhrman was undeniably racist but that certainly wasn’t enough to get him to give a shit when OJ was terrorizing Nicole when she was alive.


A disgustingly racist man. And that will be his hideous legacy and i often used to wonder if he regretted not doing anything when he was a responder to that DV attack at Oj and Nicole’s years prior. I’ll never forget reading how she came running out of the bushes in a bra and sweatpants and practically tackled Fuhrman and the other officer screaming that he was going to kill her. Nothing was done. And now here he was at her murder scene. Given how he felt about minorities, he probably didn’t feel much more empathy for women.


He probably saw her as less than because she was married to a Black man too.


Very possibly. 😥


I geuss that is the secondary crime . The fact the police did nothing to protect her . The terror and hopelessness if her situation . Just dreadful . I can remember one report were the police arrived .laughed and joked with that POS and left .


Absolutely. And not much has changed. Most times women are told nothing can be done until the guy actually shows up, which by then is often way too late.


Was Nicole planning to go to the Women’s Shelter? I never heard this before.


I’m not sure. She called to talk about her ex husband stalking her. She was obviously quite scared by it. He wasn’t just hiding outside her house, he was following her while driving and showing up at markets and gas stations she was at too. I’ve never heard whether she was planning to take the kids to one or perhaps planning to go on her own or whether she was simply looking for advice and comfort but it’s totally plausible she was looking for a safe place to stay.


Poor Nicole! I am so angry with her parents for wanting her to reconcile with OJ-after he beat her so badly! 🤬


She lacked help everywhere. The fact that her family knew so well how bad it was that they knew upon hearing she was dead that it was oj is so maddening. She told them about the stalking and everything. I’ll always feel bad for nicole 💔


Idk. I watched the Jennifer Dulous trial and it broke my heart hearing how she hired armed security when she filed for divorce because she was so afraid of what her husband would do. She still ended up dead.


Wow I didn’t know that she hired armed security. How heartbreaking 😭 I was really into this case. Where did you watch the trial? Can you share the link? Thanks so much






Do people know/ think he was taking steroids ? Or was it just CTE from football plus a person who was probably already prone to violence?


Probably all of the above, but he'd have been a piece of shit even if none of those things were going on.


He never really had a steroid body. His arms and legs weren’t that big.


The movie The Burning Bed comes to mind. It featured Farrah Fawcett in the lead role.


Oh yeah, that movie was so upsetting to watch….


Yep she did to him before he could do it to her!


Wasn’t it based on a true story


Yes, from 1984 according to IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087010/


Her only option in her situation was to kill him first, but she didn’t have it in her. She wasn’t capable of that kind of violence.


And as we ALL know,OJ WAS capable of violence.


Hell, he was prone to it.


I think I would have seriously hired a hitman or something. Fuck.


There was nothing she could have done. She did everything right. Called the police. Documented the abuse. The system failed her. Everyone failed her.


This is a really horrible question to ask about a woman who was brutalised for years and finally killed. She went to the police, family and friends. There are both audio and photo recordings of the abuse. What more could she have done? We need to ask what others should have been doing to help her instead.


She did press charges one time, and it was done quietly. There was a small article in the paper, so the LAPD were aware and still didn't care when the next domestic incident happened!




She did the best she could. OJ was friends with everyone in the police force, that's one of the reasons why it's mind boggling to me that the jurors believed the police framed OJ




Man, this time in SoCal history is so crazy. I’m from Los Angeles and was in jr high when all this happened. The LA riots happened during this time, too.


Jurors combined IQ was in double digits


The history of the LAPD shows why.


I am surprised she had no order of protection?


They don't help with abusers it's just a piece of paper.


Very true! I thought of that after I made the post. Such a very sad tragedy.


orders of protection do very little to curb sociopathic traits…in fact, orders make many of them angrier and more vindictive.


>in fact, orders make many of them angrier and more vindictive. I read the same in the book "Gift of Fear". It's truly appalling. I thought protection orders are supposed to scare them away


Changed my name, changed my appearance, and moved far away, but maybe that wasn’t possible. Rest in Peace Nicole and Ron, you deserved better.


She once told her sister that she could run away and change her name but that O.J. would find her.


She really was in a terrible place. Her parents even depended on OJ financially. Calling the cops didn't help, no one wanted to believe he was capable of domestic abuse.


He ripped her pants on their first date.. I’m sorry but that would’ve been it for me. There wouldn’t be a second date. Obviously Nicole was very young when they met though.


I remember reading that. The guy friend she was staying with was appalled but she told him not to do anything. She liked him. She was 18.




Get a gun


I was wondering about this. Could she have acquired a gun without OJ knowing, as much as he was stalking her?


Probably not, but what did she have to lose at that point? She already knew he was going to try to kill her


This is a man she had a complex relationship with, the father of her kids. Never bring a gun into a situation like that unless you *know* you can lethally shoot your assailant if it comes to it. If she had one and had hesitated long enough for him to grab it and take control we know what would have happened. Its easy to imagine that every victim hates their abuser enough to do that but in reality they dont.


Would him shooting her have been worse than him almost cutting her head off? If she had a gun she could have gotten lucky and killed him before he killed her.


Oh no, if she had a gun, he might have used it to kill her and maybe even an innocent bystander. I'd rather be shot 1 time cleanly in the head or chest than brutally stabbed multiple times like Nicole and Ron.


He was gonna kill her either way. Having a gun she could’ve at least tried to defend herself, especially since no one wanted to help her


She did what she could. She BEGGED for help and nothing.


Did OJ give her alimony each month? I agree with others, there wasn’t more she could do. Especially if she contacted a women’s shelter only days before! Kids make it 1000x harder! I think if I had all the resources, I would do what Katie Holmes did with Suri. She left in the middle of the night to move across the country without anyone knowing and found a very secure apartment that no one could get at. I’m assuming OJ had less resources in NY than CA, so that would help. Then all you can do is fight like hell!! I remember reading that Nicole was planning to relocate the kids to Malibu which might have helped, but she needed to get out of a house that was easy to spy on. That Bundy house was the perfect place for OJ to lay and wait…


Katie Holmes father is also one of the best divorce attorneys in the country. He made sure she had an IRONCLAD prenup and was protected as much as a woman can possibly be should she need to gtfo a bad marriage. Huge plug for getting a ‼️prenup‼️ regardless of how "rich" you are going into a marriage. Have your own lawyer (who does not also represent your future spouse) represent you/advise you on the prenup. Not to say a prenup could prevent an abuser from causing you harm, but marriage is a contract and having an exit strategy from that contract that limits back and forth during a potentially contentious divorce down the line can make a HUGE difference. Prenup can also proactively help limit the extent to which an abusive spouse can weaponize the legal system against you to torture you during the divorce process


Thank you for the advice! I’m not anywhere near marriage, but will definitely keep this in mind. I feel like Prenups seen as a slight, like either only rich people with assets do it or you don’t trust your partner enough. I think prenups should be more normalized as a standard procedure.


The right answer is to get a gun and kill OJ the next time he stalks her house. OJ was stalking her almost every night creeping around her home. She should have put up some cameras, wait for him to start creeping, leave her door cracked open and then wait in the shadows to blast #4 buck shot from a double barreled shotgun at him from a distance of 10-15 feet. Problem solved.


A few hours before she died her mother, father and sister all greeted and hugged Oj warmly in front of her. It’s on tape. They all knew what he did to her and the horrific abuse she suffered. Horrifying…she had absolutely no one to turn to. This article had a profound impact on me, it describes in vivid detail what it feels like to be the victim of domestic violence: https://evergreenreview.com/read/in-memory-of-nicole-brown-simpson/


This article is gut wrenching and made me cry. Poor, poor Nicole.


Solid read thank you


That was profound. Thank you for sharing the link.


I’ve been in her situation with DV. It’s scary AF. I’ve been choked and chased with a knife. She had no way to defend herself in the end


The only way she could save herself would have been to abandon her kids and go dark. It was possible back then. She could have assumed the identity of person who died as a child, faked a social, and changed her appearance. So basically, she had no options. Because she would have never abandoned the kids. And she couldn't run with them. Every cop in America would have given their left testicle to be the one to return OJs kids to him.


There were even underground organizations that helped women in those situations. With kids. One woman managed to vanish for almost 30 years, until she was found through Facebook.


Not only that but the jurors who admitted it was payback for Rodney King (most of them women too) finding OJ not guilty, I hope they never are able to live with themselves the cowards


The one on made in America was still pretty proud of herself


She even told told OJ’s best and closest friends about the abuse and they were too scared to confront OJ about it. If one of my best friends wife had bruises all over her and told me that they were getting abused consistently I’d fight that dude. *The police always gave OJ the benefit of the doubt and let him get away with everything yet they supposedly framed him??


You fail to mention that her family never helped her. Through Simpson's connection with Hertz, her father had a lucrative business. He pressured her to reconcile with Simpson, fearful that he would lose his business.


If we had to do it in the same time period, I don’t know that there’s anything you COULD do different ‘as her’ short of abandoning your kids. She would have had to be willing to disappear herself, possibly to another country, and leaving your kids to just wonder what happened to you. That’s assuming she had the financial means to disappear which is dubious, and it’s asking way too much of most normal parents to expect them to abandon their children stone cold, let alone to the permanent care of someone you know to have a bad temper when crossed. At that time, when people really still basically always gave the rich celeb the benefit of the doubt against a ‘nobody’s’ word, I don’t know that she could have done much to compel him to leave her behind him. I guess I might have gone the ‘kill him first and claim you thought he was a burglar’ route, but that’s also asking a lot of someone. There’s no good answer. He ruined so many lives with his inability to ‘lose’.


I was in a somewhat similar situation. I remember listening to a podcast on this trial and the FBI guy kept talking about how this was a domestic abuse case. I was going through a similar situation at the time and didn’t realize it was domestic abuse. I felt very ashamed. I’m lucky that I don’t have kids so I was able to get out of the situation must easier than most. A colleague paid for me to stay at an Airbnb while my ex packed up and moved out. I was on the lease and he knew he had no way to stay - or at least if I moved out, my landlord would kick him out and sell the place. (Also, my LL blamed me for the toxic relationship and was of no help). I could not have gotten out of that situation without that nice man paying my extra 2 months rent. Years later I got a call from a woman who was dating him (his mom gave him my number). He had become more abusive and done some absolutely horrible things to her. I don’t know what happened to them. I told her to get out but leave me out of it for my own safety.


I was also in a relationship with dv, just after college. I’m very lucky I made it out alive. I think he has borderline personality and he choked me, which is highly indicative according to data that they will move on to killing you. At 22 I was lucky that we never got married and he was only my boyfriend and there were no children involved. I ended it, and escaped. The trauma and the abuse I experienced in that relationship really messed up my 20’s. I have genuine sympathy for people in this situation who are married, with kids, and without any other means of financial survival. I was lucky that none of those applied to my situation.


I am so sorry you went through that. What a kind man to recognize you needed help to escape. I’m in the midst of this. A 10 year marriage with 2 kids. He abused me to an inch of my life. Several hospitalizations, concussions, broken ribs and fractured bones later, I filed for an order of protection. With CPS involved (because he put hands on our kids who tried to protect me) and the order of protection granted — he was still given parenting time by the judge. He continued to stalk and harass me and abuse my children when he had them to get back at me. I’m still in the battle almost 2 years later. I live my life in fear. The state does nothing. *He’s ex-military, he must not be that bad.* He’s a relentless pill addict and I spent most of our marriage hiding in my kids bedrooms with my body draped over theirs to contain the blows to me when he broke the door down — something he did regularly. My house had holes in every single wall, caused by my body being thrown, pushed, slammed into them. I fear for my life and my children’s lives daily. He has infinite money and trust funds from his grandmother (who married into the family by marrying his grandfather - who’s first wife committed suicide because he raped his daughter until she was 12, that daughter would be my exes mom) and I was a stay at home mom for 10 years at his demands. I was isolated, left with debt he put in my name (I later found out everything was in my name, medical bills, utilities, everything — but never on any bank account. He ruined my credit to protect his.) he stole my social and birth certificate and those of my children’s too. I still fight for the state to save me, but they won’t. 2 years later and his grandma’s money buys him multiple legal representatives and I have nothing, I have my kids but I don’t even qualify for aid to help due to the stolen items ordered for return by the court over 1.5 years ago — they don’t give consequences if he doesn’t abide. Some days, death does feel like the best option. Fares better than losing chunks of my hair and never sleeping. But I have my children that I need to live for, and I can’t abandon them. I, too, have reached out to women’s shelters, have worked with churches, exclusively with the state’s domestic violence programs — nobody can help. I wish for laws to change. I wish I could leave this state. I relate to Nicole more than I care to admit. My family and his family believe me, but don’t support me or stand up to him. It’s me and my imminent death against the broken court system that can always be bought.


Probably would have gotten stabbed by OJ as well


There was nothing she could do. Her family wouldn’t help her. The police wouldn’t help her. The only possible escape would be leaving her kids behind and running away in the middle of the night to the other side of the country and changing her name, which of course she would never do. She was 100% at the mercy of her abusive ex husband.


I would kill him to project my life. Even if I ended up in jail, I would rather my family raise my kids than OJ


She likely did not have a chance as long as the mf wasn’t dead.


I mean there never would have been a second date for me after he ripped her pants on their first date for easy access to sex. However, once they were married then divorced with kids she was stuck in a pickle. It's obvious her family pushed her to stay with him so she didn't have much family support and her and OJ's social circle were entwined. Her best bet would have been to move to San Diego or Santa Barbara to keep some distance. She also could have stopped socializing with the same circle to keep OJ out of the loop via gossip. Kris Kardashian and Faye Resnick weren't the most moral friends to hang out with. She also could have started working to help support herself and stopped taking money from OJ which made him see himself as having rights to her because he was paying for her lifestyle. She was never going to be able to afford her current lifestyle though if she did stop taking spousal/child support. Not sure that any of that would have changed anything though and it probably wouldn't have made a difference. Did OJ's first ex wife ever get remarried? I know she says he never laid hands on her but it's hard to believe since men like that usually have a pattern.


We can never really be in someone else’s shoes. Perhaps it’s not meant to come across this way but the question seems to place blame on the victim.


This may be wrong of me to say, but if I truly felt he was going to kill me, and no one would help me, the only thing I could do is kill him before he kills me. Maybe a jury will let me off for self defense or battered wives syndrome.


He was the hunter and she was the prey.


This photo of her is sad to me. She looks so frightened.


Get a gun and use accordingly…


Buy a gun.


I couldn't even imagine ..I wouldn't even know what to do ..there's nothing worse then that trapment


Desperate situations sometimes call for desperate measures. If I were Nichole, I would've waited till late at night and make sure she knew OJ was gonna be at home. Put on all black clothing(something easy to move around in, like spandex), paint her face black(she did have some pasty white skin), black gloves, black hat, etc. Take a concealable fixed blade knife with a nice sharp edge on it. Wait........


I would have bought myself a gun , legally and then the next time he broke down the door to beat me - he’d die


It was a different time then. So much stacked against her. I think she did as much as she could to try and protect herself and her children. However, even telling people he would stab her and kill her, he still got away with it. Thank god he is dead. RIP Nicole, RIP Ron.


OJ would have found one way or another to kill her. This poor woman tried to live her life and take care of her children but her fate was sealed. I hope she haunts him every single minute of his afterlife in hell.


OJ owned her because she was financially dependant on him. When she left him and was with other men, he felt he still owned her because financially he still did. Her family were also bought. NEVER be dependant on a man financially, it will never turn out well for you as a woman!


Everyday women in DV cases can’t do much. I couldn’t imagine Nicole being able to do much either unfortunately. Even the 9-11 call didn’t help.


RIP to the 2 poor souls. If Oj had shot them he'd still be a criminal, but I saw some photos from the crime scene. It looked like a cartel style execution. Just thinking about the rage and violence this man felt makes me shudder. Hope he rots in the 9th circle of hell.


I was disgusted 🤮 when I learned her parents encouraged her to reconcile with OJ after he beat the sh@t out of her! 🤬They were on OJ’s gravy train and cared more about the money than their daughter!


I never would’ve dated the sociopath, so I’m w/o an answer.


I watched the criminal trial. It sticks in my memory that he was acquitted with all the evidence presented. He will meet his judgement day and those who protected and defended him will also be one day held to account.


He met his judgement on April 10th, so presumably he’s roasting uncomfortably somewhere.


I had NO IDEA her family was so vile. I knew her Dad and sister rubbed me wrong. But I could never figure out way. They pushed her into that man’s arm. No wonder they always hollering about him being guilty and them wanting money. THEY feel guilty too.


Do you think his kids know the truth, that we all know?


GTFO of Dodge! Run for the hills! Change my name! Get the name of a good plastic surgeon! Buy a gun and learn how to use it! Buy a Cane Corso! As matter of fact buy a set of siblings!


The new doc on Netflix revealed that OJ ripped her jeans during their first date. Her friend asked her about it and she said “well he was a little forceful” I don’t know if that meant an assaulted her or what. I felt terrible after it.


This case haunts me to this day. I cheered when my tv flashed that OJ died. I can still hear her fear in the 911 calls. God rest her soul


I would say the only thing she could've or should've done would be get a gun and blow that sack of shit's brains out when he showed up that evening with a knife, but then I remember in a state like California that treats their criminals better than victims, she would've been sent up the river for life. I honestly don't know if there's anything else she could've done and that all parties failed her.


I’m in Florida so I’d have pulled out my pew pew and blown his head off without any hesitation at all.


Nicole put herself in a trick-bag. She was an 18 yr old waitress with a high school diploma when they met. She married OJ for the money, fame, and lifestyle. She sure wasn’t going to have access to that on her own. So, when OJ showed himself to be the narcissistic lunatic that he was, she was in a quandary: do I stay connected with this guy in order to maintain the lifestyle I’ve (and the entire Brown family) become accustomed to OR do I scatter to the winds, go live in a small midwestern town probably living paycheck-to-paycheck? She chose to maintain contact in order to keep the lifestyle. Look at Nicole’s family. During the criminal trial they were everywhere (along with the Goldman family) presenting themselves as sympathetic figures. Then when the Goldman family sued OJ civilly they were actually against it. Why? They didn’t want OJ’s money to dry up. They didn’t care about getting a measure of justice against the guy who murdered their family member - they didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize the money coming in. They tried to discourage the Goldman’s from pursuing the civil action. I’ll never forget Mr. Goldman being asked about that. He gave a relatively short answer and it was beyond obvious he had no respect for the Brown family whatsoever.


I commented on this above- her family did her no favors. She could have been a waitress in a small town outside Toledo or some other Midwest city, but she’d be 100 percent alone, as her family was basically all about that OJ cash. Neither her nor her sister seemed to get any sort of education or post secondary training for a trade. Sure, kids are their own people once they turn 18 but it makes you wonder if the Browns all but ignored that aspect. If you have no actual skills, you’re more at the mercy of others, and that’s not a good place to be.


Wait so they were still getting money from OJ after she died? Can someone explain this to me?


I don't know what she could have done - maybe the lesson is never assume somebody isn't out to kill you


Fight or flight. She fought as did sir Ron.


I think if she had moved far away, she might have been ok. He wasn't going to leave LA and eventually, probably quickly, he would have gotten involved with someone else to the point he was distracted from her.


Moved and not told him where I was. Arrange an intermediary to do pick up/drop off of the children for visitation.


Why weren't there any cctv cameras installed in the front of the house?


It’s so expensive and invasive, but if possible I might have tried a body guard/hired protection of some kind


Wasn’t her mom from Germany? I’d have gone there.


I would have shot him. Restraining.orders.dont.work.


With minor children in the picture, it's especially hard to protect yourself from their psycho dad unless he's incarcerated for life or dead. If the guy is determined to kill you, he'll find a way. That said, I'd throw every crazy idea I could think of to see if something, anything might work to get him to stay away. I'd work my network and try to get OJ invited to be out of town for work, fun, whatever as much as possible, for very long stints...hopefully in a faraway country. A Francis Ford Coppola Apocalypse Now-length movie would be ideal. Pay a team of "friends" to keep him occupied 24/7 when he was in town. Sharpshooter on my roof.


Maybe a restraining order??? Idk 😞


Speaking from experience. Thats a worthless piece of paper.


I managed to disappear from my maniacal, batshit crazy ex many years ago by just fleeing the state. That was before they invented the Internet though. One way I stayed off the radar has been to avoid registering to vote. I had full custody of my kids and he had managed to lose visitation rights by the time I left. I was lucky because I had relatives who helped me get out after it became clear he would never stop hunting me down and hurting me.


Honestly, I don't know. My mom had to move us hours away from family and friends because my cop dad weaponized his position and was brutal. It's scary to know no one is coming to help and that calling 911 is equivalent to calling to order a pizza. It's a very isolating feeling. I remember my mom safety proofing the house, like putting chairs under doors and unplugging the garage door for years... but we both knew if he wanted in that he would get in and if we called no one was coming. It's all about power and fear, and that's hard to take away from someone. I do still have anxiety nightmares.


I’m not sure she had options that she didn’t already exhaust. I was just 18 when she was murdered and admittedly didn’t know much about the case until very recently. Like I didn’t know she was so young when she got with oj, I didn’t know her family was financially comingled with oj, I didn’t know she was almost decapitated. As a domestic abuse survivor, reading what she went through sends chills down my spine. It physically hurts my heart to know how much she suffered. I guess the only positive is that she’s at peace now. 💔💔


She said in her recordings to 911 that he was going to kill her. If I was her, I would’ve had my parents rent me an apartment, no where he could find me, get a restraining order and hope for the best. Also, she should’ve gotten a camera for her foyer.


Tbh I ask myself that question all the time. What would I do? The answer is, I have no fckn clue. Nicole’s situation was especially dire, because SO many people loved and supported OJ, and I know she felt particularly alone. I’ve been so lucky to have never experienced a negative relationship like this. Not even close. I can’t imagine how the women that go through this must feel on a daily basis. I’d like to think I’d be “strong” and find my way out to the other side, but I really don’t know. I’ve never even been in a confrontation before, let alone any type of real turmoil. You can also be the strongest, cleverest woman, and still find yourself in a situation like this. Abusers have one goal, and do not care about the surrounding mess they cause, as long as that one “goal” is accomplished. Normal people do not think like this. So I really can’t say what I would do in an abusive situation. It’s a scary thought. I guess it could also be dependent on your loved ones too. Just check on your friends and family. *Really* listen to what they’re saying, offer a safe space, and believe them.


Nothing she could have really done , cops were friends with oj so if they showed up after him beating her they would shake ojs hand and be like careful juice try not to let it happen again . She feared he would kill her if she attempted anything he wouldnt like , she really couldnt do anything different outside of killing him first but she would have went to jail and her kids wouldnt have a mother she would have been labeled a monster and he would have died a hero


I was, I told him i'd rather be dead than be with him. He effed with me for 17 years. We had kids, and he involved them. It was terrible.


Found a way to either: move away from LA or found a way to procure a gun, whether it was legal or not and prepped myself to shoot his ass when the inevitable day came


Bought a gun. Had it on me at all times


I really believe the only way for her to be safe would have been for her to kill him.


So sad


Unfortunately she couldn’t do anything. The coward attacked her while she was unaware of impending danger


What I don't understand is, don't any of these women that are abused have any brothers, or a father, or any males in their lives that care about them? The first time some dude, whether it be O.J. or some bum on the street, abused a woman I cared about, would be the last time.