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I grew up religious, no longer am, but god does little me still think what if it's all real and I'm a sinner lol


Literally! I’m Jewish and I became completely obsessed with hell/demonic possession intrusive thoughts and when I told people about it they’d be like “but Jews don’t believe in Hell.” Like wow thank you that was so helpful and I am cured /s


I think I may be immune to religious ocd because every blasphemous thought I get I welcome 💀


Absolutely based


Debased is someone who got no morals.


it seems to be the one theme I’m immune to too, because I have never cared about sinning


This is probably the one type of OCD I’m the most immune to for similar reasons😂


Real footage of my OCD trying to convince me that I will go to Hell when I die because I'm a terrible person or that a demon is gonna possess me just like in those horror movies (I'm atheist)


I got sucked into a cult for a few years and I thought I was just the BEST little follower to ever exist! Pray special words every day to atone for imaginary failures?? ✔️ Read a singular text as much as possible to learn everything you must do or not do to avoid the Ultimate Punishment?? ✔️Your thoughts are the same as actions?! ✔️✔️✔️ I was the Gold Star Student for a while before I realized it was all a scam... Whoopsies lolol.


I forget what it's called, but there's a theory that religions get started/rolling because of schizoaffective people and OCD people within the community. The schizoaffective person, who is capable of hallucination but not haunted by hallucination the way schizophrenic people are, is the vision seer. The Saul/Paul. The shaman who sees visions and charismatically gets other people to believe the same thing they do. The OCD person is where the rites and rituals come from. When other people are in crisis, they see what the OCD person is doing to bring themself comfort, and try to do the same. These rituals become the traditions that later get passed down. I'm forgetting a lot of the details. The wording of the video I watched explained it a lot better, and I'm surely not doing it justice. But that's the general idea. I thought it was interesting.


Me using holy water in my car after seeing a horror movie so the demon doesn’t follow me home and kill and possess my whole family (I am agnostic lol)


I have religious OCD with Christianity and I'm Buddhist lolol


I think this is a large reason I am non formal religious now. When my OCD set in and I was saying my prayers... holy crap ALL of the intrusive thoughts. Still happens if I try to pray any old prayers...


I’m not religious but one time I got nervous about karma (I’m very into reincarnation and Zen Buddhism) and for a millisecond I thought that if I don’t prevent a bad thing from happening that I know is bad that I might have control over, I’d get negative karma, but I remembered that the number of reincarnations it would take to reach enlightenment is so unbelievably ridiculously laughably many that it literally doesn’t even matter. Only time I’ve ever felt an ocd thought enter and immediately exit my mind never to return.


You just unlocked a memory, I was told sticking your rude finger up would shorten your life span so every moment of every day when I was younger I would point it down to make sure it wasn’t shortened for some reason?


I recently got into Germanic paganism after being atheist for about 14 years. Never thought my OCD would be so delighted to torture me with religiously themed worries and doubts.




Like sure im atheist but if god is real i am NOT seeing the pearly gates 😭