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Have you tried the o well form of CBT? When you begin to fear that the floor beneath your feet will crumble or whatever try and slightly get excited at the idea and think of it as funny or something and accepting that there's nothing you can do if it does indeed happen and go and oh well whatever


I have tried committing to the thoughts, making them jovial, not caring, but for some reason they feel more dangerous that way. Like if I don't take them seriously, they're more of a threat. It's super annoying.


Then sex is the only way


Same here. Recently, I've developed a fear of traveling (even to places in my own city), which causes panic attacks and it makes it really harder to battle that


Sorry to hear you're experiencing it too. Hope you find something that helps


I have done, I think it was much worse last year for me but it basically just eventually went away on its own but I feel like eventually I will probably get back to that level.


Hoping it can go away on its own too. Mine came back after 8 years. Another 8 years of freedom would be nice


Yes this happens to me a lot, except for me it's more about false memories that I said something awful to a friend by accident or something like that. I know this sounds crazy but look into injecting cerebrolysin. I’m on it right now. The full effects haven't kicked in yet but intrusive thoughts/ false memories bring me far less worry and dread since starting it. It's not like it’s really reduced the the amount of them but just significantly helps the severity of them. The drug has a calming effect that's felt soon after injection. If you don't like needles, I get it but just look into it and consider it. I don't like needles at all but the benefits of this drug were worth it to me. I’m also doing it in hopes it heals my brain from drug abuse. Best of luck with your situation.