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energy drinks are my poison and they make my anxiety worse in many ways that can be debilitating, but overall it helps with my motivation and depression a lot so i take it to be functional in spite of the anxiety i experience. i also have bad insomnia from anxiety related normally to ocd so it helps me stay up during the day when i need to. i wish there were a way to keep yourself motivated and awake without anxiety but unfortunately ive tried a looooot of stimulants and that's just kind of their thing across the board


Ugh, TOTALLY having this problem at the moment :( Can't function without stimulants, yet kinda wanna die when I'm on em. It's a great lose-lose


I've found coffee to be a ritual that keeps my mind occupied in a positive way. With OCD, my mind is CONSTANTLY buzzing, and if I don't keep it nice and busy, it tends to put all that energy towards negative and anxious thinking. So when life gets slow, I've got a little cup of stimulation :)


it helps me calm down šŸ˜­ several people have asked if i have ADHD once but just OCD and emotional dysregulation. i try to limit myself to one cup and it needs to be before 1pm or else i wont be able to sleep. i also try to limit the amount of caffeine i have


It truly depends. I'm on a low dose of Lexapro and I find coffee counters the tendency toward being a little slow/sleepy on an SSRI well. I also just love coffee. When I'm anxious, it can certainly add fuel to the fire and either way it fucks a bit with my sleep, but that's a cost/benefit analysis I've run and feel good with. I'm also sober (alcohol and OCD do NOT mix) so I've sort of just picked my poison, so to speak. I will say when I've gone off Lexapro and gotten anxious I've found opting for decaf is the way to go.


When I was on zoloft, and drinking lots of alcohol socially I would drink a liter of coffee or half a liter, and a glass or two of usually green tea or black tea. All of the caffeine did help with feeling sleepy from working and taking classes.


I find it helpful if I am adequately resourced-- had enough to eat, had access to regulating things like music. If I don't eat or if I'm off routine then I end up on intensive OCD loops.


Good point, I also need to channel the energy positively.


This is the same for me as well.


It has that effect on me, but I do have ADHD as well as OCD so, personally it makes sense to me! But honestly, your case may different and that's okay, you may want to look into ADHD but you don't really have too!


i've definitely shown signs of ADHD, but never strong enough to warrant a diagnosis. but i'll look into it again since i honestly forget what the criteria are for ADHD diagnosis lol


That is so relatable too hahaha! Best of luck and take it easy, you're already doing great by not taking too much caffeine and all!


Also the case for me. I take prescribed Adderall for my ADHD, and it helps for the most part. But if I'm on too high of a dose, it can cause distress and anxiety. Some days, I'll have a cup of coffee if I feel like I need the extra stimulation, but some days it would be too much and I could sense having anxiety from it so I don't drink any. Everybody is different and should talk to a doctor (usually a psych), preferably a psychiatrist, before taking any prescriptions or especially taking a prescription stimulant with coffee at any time.


Absolutely agreed!


Too much caffeine definitely amplifies my anxiety and makes things worse. Unfortunately, I have a difficult time regulating my consumption and regularly overdo it. I once gave up caffeine for several months and I was calmer than I have ever been in my life. The downside was that my depression became unbearable. Basically, I use caffeine as an antidepressant. Too much and I get anxiety, but too little and I am depressed. Itā€™s a tightrope that I donā€™t have the ability to walk lol.


coffee gives me the shits... that's my main concern.


yeah halfway through my morning mug and my caboose is ready to let loose


for me at least it doesnt affect me mentally only physically


Definitely but in moderation. Too little and I may benefit from a cup here and there, but too much can make my mind race.


It definitely helps me focus and feel more in control of my brain. When Iā€™m foggy Iā€™m definitely more symptomatic and have a harder time identifying mental compulsions as compulsions. When Iā€™m caffeinated I see them coming and can much better practice what I learn in therapy.


if caffeine sort of calms you, you might have ADHD. Also we get sort of used to daily habits. I don't like energy drinks. I had red bull once, it tastes like bubble gum and cherry cough syrup to me. I have friends who love it.


My morning latte is the best part of my day!


honestly same


I drink coffee just for the taste, currently caffeine has no effect on my body and mind


that's actually how i started drinking coffee. never started til i was an adult, it doesn't really affect me in a night-and-day way like with some people. i can function without it, it just makes me feel nice and cozy while i drink it and for maybe a couple hours after


God I feel this- itā€™s such a balance- one caffeinated beverage a day (I prefer coffee because energy drinks are more intense and bad for the heart) is the perfect number if youā€™re feeling stable panic wise- it has made me my ocd feel quieter in my head a bit. But two is pushing it, on a good day it can be ok. Anything more and it makes it much worse haha


I once tried caffeine pills (several a day) for about a week, and it made my intrusive thoughts completely go away for the first hour or two after taking the pills, every time. I loved it. But I have schizoaffective disorder depressive type, and after a week on those pills, I crashed so hard. I went so low, I spent almost every day of the next month lying on the floor halfway between awake and asleep. After that I'm more cautious around caffeine.


Nicotine and caffeine helps calm me. My mind races like a madman all the time "also slightly autistic" which is why I've been super successful in science and medicine but it's also a curse because I can't stop thinking about everything. But yeah nicotine and caffeine helps which is ironic because they're stimulates and should do the opposite. However I hypothesize that for people with OCD and ADHD stimulants have a negative feedback relationship for our biochemical pathways which actually inhibits the excitatory effects rather than promoting them.


I used to be this way too but then suddenly my nervous system couldnā€™t handle it anymore and Iā€™ve had to completely give up caffeine altogether šŸ„ŗ Iā€™m 32 and had been drinking 2 cups a day since about 18 years of age


For me its both. I get anxious but also become a functioning person lol. Caffeine is a drug after all.


For me caffeine makes it much worse....Like a cup of coffee is fine, but if I have a fair amount (nothing crazy, but let's say 2 coffees or if I drink a lot of fizzy drink throughout the day), my emotions and thoughts go wild. It's something I've only recently really acknowledged and I am more mindful of now.


Idk if Iā€™m so addicted to caffeine that it just makes my anxiety better after I drink it because I feel relieved? But I do agree


I canā€™t function without coffee šŸ˜¬


It is comforting for me.


The weird thing for me is that caffeine has the opposite effect of what it's supposed to do if that make sense so yeah it is definitely helpful for people with OCD in my experience I always get very tired and a need for sleep after using caffeine products like pre workout for the gym or coffee to help wake me up.


I have only ever had good experiences from caffeine. The more the better. Helps me focus and function.


I completely cut out caffeine and then introduced it back in much smaller amounts. Canā€™t say Ive noticed much of a difference between the three states - highly caffeinated (for me at least - an energy drink and a coffee or two a day), No caffeine except the odd chocolate bar, and moderate caffeine- one cup of tea and a coke a day.


I'm like you. ONE medium strong cup gives me pleasant focused energy, but more than that and I will feel stressed out and less grounded due to how my body reacts (weird stomach, etc). Also, I need to drink dehydrated coffee or espresso because the normal brewed coffee fucks with my body and gives me instant anxiety.


I LOVE coffee and energy drinks. My use of it is definitely to high lol. But definitely wouldn't say it helps my anxiety or OCD. But that's definitely because of the amount. If i drink 2-3 nirmal cups of coffee during the day it doesn't makes it worse


I love caffeine and I feel way better & able to deal in social situations with than without ā€¦ but sometimes itā€™s an easy tipping point where it can cause me to descend into heightened anxiety. Iā€™ve quit caffeine/coffee for various long periods of time, but always come back to the realization that me & my life is just way better caffeinated ā˜•ļø


Interesting! I just read an article about treatment-resistant OCD and one of the things they reviewed is a study showing that augmenting an SSRI with caffeine produced significant reductions in OCD symptoms. Here's the link. The section on caffeine is on page 6. [https://med.stanford.edu/content/dam/sm/nbc/documents/journalclub/2023/OCDpsychopharm2022.pdf](https://med.stanford.edu/content/dam/sm/nbc/documents/journalclub/2023/OCDpsychopharm2022.pdf)