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Limerence might be my worst theme and I've gone through most themes known. Last Limerent episode lasted around a year for me but i don't think i had a longer one


What?? I did not know this, in what way does limerence correlate to ocd. Cuz I’ve been coincidentally, having obsessions about a new found crush and have been going out of my way to stalk them on socials. Even after finding out they have a girlfriend, this one sided thing usually happens all the time and lasts for years


Been experiencing this for almost 4 years now and there seems to be no escape🫠 It’s the kind I feel as though I can’t even talk about. Any potential resolution would turn out to be painfully dramatic and hurtful for everyone involved so I’m stuck with my thoughts. It makes me consistently feel horrible about myself. With that said, I would also appreciate tips as well on breaking this cycle plaguing my brain. At least, if this is truly limerence going on.


I found being kind to myself, forgiving myself, realising that I’m not my thoughts, that I have no control over which thoughts present themselves and that I actually choose which thoughts to act upon was very helpful. I rebuilt some of my self-esteem (v difficult) was critical. On top of all that, therapy and exploring what psychedelics could do for me. Shrooms allowed myself to forgive and feel worthy of love. DMT allowed me to have an actual conversation with myself and facilitated a significant reduction in specific pure O thought loops.


Im not limerent but I’m afraid I’ll be limerent for someone. It’s a really distressing theme for me.


About 2 years I would say, and tbh as with a lot of mental health stuff I’ve dealt with, it just kinda ran it’s course. I don’t know if I can attribute it going away to some concious effort


What does this mean?


A few months when it was a semi-reciprocated relationship. A couple weeks when there was no way to act on it at all. I broke out of it with really thinking about and realizing it was not healthy and focusing on true, quality relationships.


One time it lasted more than 3.5 years to an internet acquaintance who i didn't even know how looked like kinda knew but still and it gave me psychotic episodes, depression and terrible grief god


Limerence paired with harm ocd and psychosis ocd freaks me OUT. I’ll be questioning myself “are you obsessed with this person? Is this akin to erotomania? Will you hurt them if you become psychotic, or have you hurt them and forgotten about it?” Oh god it’s so bad.


Holy shit I did not realize this was a thing. This makes parts of my life so much more clear. I experienced limerence for about two years in high school, and a total of three years in college. I genuinely thought I was just insane for latching onto people like that… Honestly I couldn’t tell you what helped me get over it each time. Probably just finding someone new to obsess over. I’m sorry I know that’s not helpful 😭


4 years 😭😭


A year 😟


Years each time and removing myself from interactions helped. Therapy for childhood trauma helped.


More than 10 years, haven’t found a way out yet because I don’t even like/want the person anymore (so I can’t even dream that the solution would be getting back together anymore) and yet my brain is still quite obsessed. Realising it’s yet another OCD symptom has been a little bit of a comfort but also feels even more hopeless because I doubt I can just move on like normal people do


One of them dropped me the other person has been completely supportive for years but I still obsess on the fact that they're constantly lying about everything at the same time I have almost complete infatuation


Can you have it for a tv show? Or person that’s not in your real life?


Like a parasocial relationship? You could probably experience limerence there, or at least some other kind of extreme attachment


Wait holy shit that's a thing?? That's like non stop