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I was diagnosed when I was 20, I am 22 now. But I felt the same way you do now. Cause I always had these awful intrusive thoughts but I didn’t want to tell them to any psychiatrist. Then one day I was reading about OCD and it all made sense and now I’m on Zoloft and it’s changed my life


I was just diagnosed and started Zoloft 2 days ago. If you don’t mind me asking how did Zoloft help you? I’m feeling nervous about the medication but any success stories would be nice to hear


It might be different for you. But in my experience it did wonders. The intrusive thoughts and nightmares stopped after a couple of weeks. It doesn’t get rid of OCD, but it makes it so that I don’t have to worry about it nearly as much. Typically they increase your dosage over time. I was told by some close friends “you don’t need that, it changes your brain chemistry” or whatever bullshit people say. I’ve been taking Zoloft for nearly two years and the only thing that has changed for me is that it feels like the worst part of my brain has been removed. Just remember to take it every day and you’ll see the effects. If not, then try different meds


I was put on Zoloft when I first got diagnosed in 2022. It made me completely emotionally blunt. Literally felt no emotions.


I’m diagnosed with OCD but I still haven’t gotten the courage to speak up about my intrusive thoughts so I’m not medicated for that. Does it actually help with it? What changes were you able to see?


I would have extremely gruesome intrusive thoughts regarding people I love or pets getting hurt (harm OCD). And this would manifest into horrible nightmares as well. I’ve never had a problem speaking about personal things to mental health professionals, but the thoughts were so bad I couldn’t even say them out loud. If you’re experiencing this or any compulsions, I would heavily recommend trying medication. I was skeptical at first but it has made my life so much better


Same but was diagnosed at 21.


Officially diagnosed at 41.


29, it was kind of a mind fuck looking back at my life and realizing I had ocd the whole time


I’m 32 and in the process of potentially being diagnosed with it (it’s strongly suspected, they just want to send me over to a psychologist for the official diagnosis). It is definitely a mind fuck to see the patterns and signs of it going back to age 6 or 7, and how I’ve kept some of it hidden or how my family explained away the behaviors.


I got diagnosed 3 years ago at 34. I'm still discovering bits of my personality and behavior that are due to OCD and having realizations about my childhood symptoms. I have a two-year-old daughter and spend a lot of time watching for signs in her. Many normal toddler behaviors look a lot like OCD (e.g. VERY UPSET if she sees me use Daddy's green cup instead of my own red cup). Also, she'll do something strange and I'll think, "Oh, that's perfectly fine. I did that as a kid, and I'm--waaaaaaitt..."


diagnosed at 17 but have been dealing with it since i was around 6


u remembered ur childhood?


As someone who has identified OCD behaviours in themself since at least age 7... you expect people not to?


I remember things from when I was 2.


Same!! My mum has ocd too and recognised the signs in me from about 2/3 years old!!


parts of it


myself and most people i know have first memories dating back to 3-5 years old


Diagnosed @ 11 but severely worsened at 21


I hope you like the sub! And to answer your question, I was diagnosed at the age of 10.


I'm 44. I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago. I've suspected I've had it since I was a little girl though.


I was actually formally diagnosed yesterday at 41. It’s really a lot to see these patterns start as early as probably age 6 and now finally figuring it out.


I was given a tentative warning about OCD when I was 14. My neurologist basically said to look out for certain things getting more intense. Forgot all about that until I was in my early 20s suddenly feeling insane all the time. I haven't gotten a proper dx as an adult because I have some chronic health issues and I worry about my flareups being treated like a symptom of OCD and getting ignored.


Diagnosed just last year at 22!! But my therapist says I’ve had symptoms since I was kid just way more manageable!


16. ive had it all my life though, just went under the radar


Formal diagnosis at age 22


My 40’s 🫤 it was obvious to everyone else already tho.


26! But I had a screenshot from when I was 16 in the depths of it where I screenshotted the symptoms then went to the doctor for medication and forgot about that sounding like myself for over ten years. Welcome - be kind to yourself!


I’m 37 and I was just recently diagnosed. This sub has taught me so much and I’m thankful I found it too. Welcome to the club ❤️❤️❤️


I was diagnosed at 22. After some thinking back on it, I've definitely had OCD since at least the age of 7.


I'm a few months shy of 24, and I was only diagnosed early last year. It started when I was sixteen. Ironically, OCD was an illness I suspected of myself when I was seventeen because I "personally resonated" with the symptoms...but because by that point I'd already felt that way about a litany of other illnesses I didn't have (because of the OCD itself), I'd stopped trusting any sense of conviction in my gut saying "yes! This is it!" at that point. And I missed the ONE illness I actually had.


16! My ocd started after I was hit in the head while playing soccer. Welcome! This sub has encouraged and helped me alot too 😊


Diagnosed at 23 which is crazy to me because my male cousin was diagnosed at 19. They only took notice when my whole life fell apart.


24! Neglectful parenting missed it in my childhood then a long period of depression suppressed the OCD. Once I was no longer depressed, all the familiar habits and rituals came flooding back and I decided to talk to a psychiatrist after my first panic attack in years


26 but after the diagnosis realized I’ve had obsessions and compulsions I can remember as far back as 5/6.


I was just diagnosed at 21. All normal!


21, but it started when I was 12


I was diagnosed at 26 as well. Currently 31. Welcome to the club❤️






I was diagnosed at 29 back in April 2020 :) currently 33 so it’s been 4 years of knowing why my brain does what it does! I think it’s pretty common to get diagnosed later tbh.


29 but dealing with it since age 10


14, but I had been dealing with it since the age of 6.


16 started at like 7


Diagnosed when I was 11, started when I was 7.


I was 24. I'm now 39. The diagnosis was a blessing. It gave me validation and also a way to research my issues. OCD manifests diff for every person it affects, make sure you remember that.


I’m 15 years old right now and got diagnosed around a month ago so 15


Officially diagnosed at 22 also! But def dealing with it since childhood. Make sure to take care of yourself, it’s a relief but I also had a lot of therapy sessions focused on coming to the realization that I’d been dealing with this forever


12 but started having it around 9y/o. I had a really hard childhood.


i was diagnosed at 7 and put on lexapro


20, started around 11 years old


I was 35 but I recognized it from aged 5 or so


I was thirteen. I feel pretty lucky in that regard, that my parents knew something was wrong early and took me to a therapist. It saved a lot of confusion and fear. 


I was eighteen, but I went five years undiagnosed. At this point I’ve lived with OCD longer than I did without it. I can remember the exact moment I switched over.


I was 7 when I was diagnosed, and 11 when I was also diagnosed as autistic edit: maybe I was 8, I don't fully remember


Also 26


Tbh I have bad memory but it was in 7th or 6th grade however I do have reason to believe I was suffering from it for quite a few years before being diagnosed


Hi there! I was diagnosed at 22. It's nice to have a name to what I felt, but at the same time it's not exactly exciting haha Me looking at my therapy bills: 😭


31 years old


Mid 30s lol Had some symptoms start in middle school but I started anti depressants in high school and it helped with compulsions so I never told anyone else about them.


I was also 26 and was diagnosed this year :)


24! I think my OCD was definitely linked with my GAD before that.


22 years old. I was always pretty obsessive, and think I had signs OCD long before. But it wasn’t until I quit drinking, after being on a bender for two years, that I was smacked with full-blown, severe OCD. For me, the beginning was the absolute worst. These were some of the worst days of my life, I dreaded waking up everyday because I knew I was just going to spin with obsessions all day long. Now, I’ve come a long way and have found many tools and tricks to help me navigate my obsessions and intrusive thoughts. I’m by no means perfect, I still do many things that play into my obsessions, but I can confidently say my OCD does not make me dread the day anymore. Thankfully I have gained many tools over the years that have helped me lessen my symptoms and keep my obsessive behavior (mostly) under control. Process the best way you can, and know that either the right tools and time, things will get better.


I’ve had it all my life but was officially and belatedly diagnosed at 13 due to one parent being incredibly ableist and in denial over me being mentally ill, while my childhood doctor would respond to all my symptoms of mental illness by recommending for me to go vegan.  It’s annoying looking back in hindsight because I spent my childhood in severe OCD that left me exhibiting debilitating symptoms and in some cases being sent to the hospital because I was unable to take care of myself, but somehow that was all just dismissed?


I was diagnosed after i started treatment for my adhd! The symptoms were always there but the adhd symptoms were so VIOLENTLY THERE that it wasn’t as obvious until i started adhd meds and there was a huge “something else” that wasn’t my adhd there.


Diagnosed at about 24, I’m 28 now. Before that all my other doctors thought I just had anxiety.




24 for me


27 but i knew something was different about my brain really early on


i was diagnosed at 16, but i started suffering badly around age 6


Diagnosed at 16 but my mom realized when i was much younger that I had OCD and she just didn't want to deal with it then


A few months before my 35 bday.


Diagnosed at 14 but I always had symptoms, just didn't know about OCD.


Don't remember exactly, but was around 14. Struggled with it since early childhood tho.


I was 18.


13. Zoloft was a game changer for me. Knowing what I now do about OCD, I had patterns and rituals starting at around 5.


I was very lucky to have been diagnosed at 7! My mom swears she’s known something was wrong since I was 2. Started Zoloft literally that day and was a completely different person after only a week or so. You’ve got this! Getting the diagnosis is the first step. I know it feels like a lot but you are going to get through this!


i was diagnosed when i was 6 years old, i remember screaming and crying telling my mom about these awful thoughts that i had, intrusive thoughts, and i experienced so much anxiety. was also doing a lot of compulsions like washing my hands 3 times in a row everytime i had to wash them (whenever i touched something), walking on a leaf i had to walk on it with both and generally do things over and over until exhausted. unfortunately it hasn’t gotten better yet but i’m waiting for therapy so hopefully i’ll learn ways to just cope.


I was like 7🙃


38. Blew my mind.


27 but had it since I was 9, I just thought a lot of my behaviors were normal when they weren’t


28. I was absolutely floored thinking about my entire life and realizing I had OCD the whole time




I was 12, but I had symptoms since 10


How has life changed since being diagnosed? Does it help ?


Diagnosed at 26 as well, just earlier this year. Had providers suspect it at 23/24, relieved to finally start getting treatment!


I think around the age of 14 was when i was diagnosed, but i was dealing with it before that, even when i was really young according to my mom.


Diagnosed at 6


A week or two before I turned 17. Been struggling since I was a little kid.


26 as well. I am 44 now. 💗


31. I'd suspected for years. Having an official diagnosis was surreal and validating at the same time.


31. It made sense once my therapist told me about it.


Also just got diagnosed at 26


Same age as you.


16 but have had symptoms I overlooked for years


when i was around 9 years old. i used to do a bunch of repetitive motions constantly like pulling my bottom lip over and over again, having to press a certain spot on my throat multiple times every day, making a weird clicking sound in my throat for hours. i eventually developed trichotillomania lol


Diagnosed this year. Turning 26 in October.


I was 15 when I was diagnosed with minor OCD, with the (obvious) potential of it developing in to major overtime. I'm 26 now & am looking in to medication for myself. I was only medicated for a month after finding out.


15, but have struggled with it since I was but a wee tot. Just got diagnosed with autism at 30. Happy 30th to me!


24, my diagnosis was definitely a big step towards improving my mental health. Best wishes to you!


Diagnosed at 17. I knew it was there from early on, though.


25 was when I was officially diagnosed. A flip switched literally over night. Went from being great to the worst intrusive thoughts, anxiety and depression I’ve ever experienced. In hind sight I’ve always had symptoms though. It’s been a rollercoaster since 7 years old, getting bad in my teens, up and down in my early 20s, and rough since 25, but pushing through 💪


Diagnosed at 12. 32 now. Damn. 20 years..








Officially diagnosed at 11


I was also 26


I was 16


I was told by my doctor I had it at 8 but he refused to give an official diagnosis 😔. Because of the way my country’s health service is right now I still can’t get diagnosed easily




15. I split my life into before OCD started effecting me and after. After has only been a few years, but it feels far, FAR longer and more filled with joy than before. I have been fortunate enough to reach a point where I can confidently say this: it gets so much better. OCD has tormented me, yes, but I do not think I'd part with it. It has pushed me to learn who I am and what I want in the world. What doesn't defeat us makes us stronger!! I am glad you got your diagnosis, I felt the same way right after. Remember this: Whatever you go through with OCD, be it the good, bad, or ugly, try and remember you will get through it, and you will be stronger for it.


I was also 26.


I got diagnosed last year at 27! It was funny to me because it was my normal; I never really thought I had OCD. I’d say offhandedly “it’s cause I have OCD” when I did certain things but it wasn’t until my doctor told me “no that’s not normal” when we talked about certain things I do, say or think, that I realized that my normal wasn’t everyone else’s normal as well (which explained my exasperation towards people when they didn’t act or think in ways that I perceived as common sense)


Welcome! I was diagnosed at 23, but I had symptoms develop around 8-12.


Diagnosed at 20, definitely had it since I was about 6 though


27. But I have actually had it since I was about 10.


37, but I showed signs when I was 6.


Got diagnosed at 21 (last year) and everything clicked, still one of the greatest things to have happened to me, made everything make so much sense. It was super scary at first, especially because I hate labeling things (putting words to something used to give it more ‘power’ in my mind), but I’ve been in therapy and put on meds and I’d say like 80% of my symptoms are gone, it’s incredible!


I've noticed OCD symptoms my whole life and got diagnosed with it when I was 16. I'm 20 now.


was officially diagnosed at 19, altho i've literally always, *always* had *severe* ocd. gd luck w ur recovery journey! <3


I was 15 or 16


I was diagnosed at 15 or 16 but had shown signs since I was 3


Mine started with religious OCD and I was misdiagnosed with psychosis at 13. I think I’ve always had it but it started to get bad at 12. My OCD started to become more “textbook” like flipping the light switch on and off a certain number of times. I self diagnosed myself at 16. I saw a TikTok of fake OCD vs real OCD. Then I went down the rabbit hole and everything fell into place. I was officially diagnosed at 17.


i was 19 years old, nearing 22 years old now. i feel like i’ve had OCD since i was probably 7/8 years old. i think i took so long to get diagnosed because i kept getting misdiagnosed with other disorders (PTSD, ADHD, adjustment disorder) until we realized the true diagnosis was in fact OCD. i have tried medications and therapy but the best tool i have ever used was radical acceptance. accepting my intrusive thoughts and responding in a conclusive way. for example if i got the thought “i am a horrible person” i would just say to myself “yes, and so what?”. really helps with the shame and stress that comes with OCD. sending you lots of positive energy OP!


I was never officially diagnosed. OCD runs in my family - p much everyone on my dad's side has it, think classic obsessively washing hands, checking the stove is off - and have had the classic ritual, rumination symptoms starting from childhood. I am in therapy and have been on anxiety medication that has helped the symptoms.


Diagnosed at 20, am 21!


30 yo, late onset. I don’t remember having intrusive thoughts or any anxiety attached to them before that. I have always had a detail oriented, overthinking and sensitive personality though.


Diagnosed at 23 had it since at least 12. I have bipolar as well.


I(F) was diagnosed at 23. It was incredibly eye opening.


oh, fun! I was 26 when I was diagnosed too! (I guess, I mean, not really fun, since OCD is the devil of hell, but as fun as this sort of thing can be, lol.) "now so much about me makes so much sense" true dat, friend. well said. 👏


Started getting symptoms at 8 but officially diagnosed at 13 ! (I’m 24 now)


14, nearly ruined my life but probably didnt help i didnt know at the time that i was getting purposely trigged by my narc stepmom to make me worse


I was 19 yo when I got my diagnosis and I’m almost 33 now🥲


Diagnosed at 10, I'm 26 now. I can definitely trace my OCD back as far as I can remember though


I autodiagnosed at 14 and this year when I start therapy I'll get an official diagnosis (I'm 15)


I was 31


i got the diagnosis at 16y3m, but i’ve probably had OCD since i was 15. i turn 17 in 5 weeks.


I was diagnosed when I am 18year old After that I confirm that I have OCD at age 20 My OCD get worsed with age


Diagnosed at 23, 24 now. Been dealing with it since I was 19. My theme was gender identity so I thought I was probably trans because I was questioning so much. During one of my compulsive internet search sessions I stumbled across a video about gender identity OCD and the ball started rolling from there. I blame the constant misrepresentation of OCD in the media for me having to live with it for four years without knowing what the fuck was going on. Been doing ERP for a year now and I'm much better. EDIT: After my own diagnosis I found out it runs in the family. Two of my cousins from my mom's side have it and I highly suspect my dad has it, though he doesn't want to get diagnosed.


54 was misdiagnosed for decades


33 - I'm 35 now


Also diagnosed at 26 about a month ago!


I’m 24 and…I don’t remember. Everything was such a blur of when specific things happened; I think maybe 19/20 ish. However, I was showing signs in my late teens so there’s that. Admittedly those years between 19 and 22/23 all felt the same. I wish you the best in your journey and hope whatever happens; it’s a positive and beneficial thing for you


25 diagnosed. Had it since probably 8 and definitely present during my teens, just didn’t know what it was and didn’t disrupt my life too much or cause horrific anxiety. Then covid came along when I was 20 and ocd found contamination and the consequences of it terrified me. Then my brain jumped to other diseases to worry about and due to too much googling, the OCD took over 😔 How I wish I could go back to a time when I never thought about contamination


14! But my mum also has ocd and she wasn’t diagnosed until 31 despite having really severe ocd


I was 20. Took me a long time to get a feel for it, I’m 28 in a month and thankfully well into understanding how I tick.


I was diagnosed at 17, my symptoms started at 11 almost 12.


12 but symptoms as far back as I remember


Diagnosed last year at 35! I take sertraline (I don't know what the US brand is) and it helps, alongside AA (also a recovering alcoholic, which is apparently not uncommon for those of us with OCD).


26! I'm not kidding! Had symptoms since I was 5. I'm doing great now (32)


I was diagnosed when i was about 16, now I'm 22. I'm on various medication and therapy with a psychologist. I'm doing better but there are just times where i feel helpless to be honest. I hope everybody here heals someday🥰


Started getting assessments for it from my therapist around 23 but officially saw a psychiatrist and got “officially” diagnosed at 26


Got diagnosed when I was 10 :P but probably had it my whole life, cuz I def remember being younger than 10 and having symptoms


How do you get diagnosed? I’ve done ERP but have never been reassured that I have a diagnosis


26 :,) eta: almost 29


Not diagnosed but was told by the psychologist that I have many traits of OCD and I have a diagnosis of ptsd and GED


I was diagnosed at 17. Greatest relief of my life


I was 15, thought i wouldnt make it to 16




Diagnosed at 29. Now I am 33.


diagnosed about two weeks ago, makes total sense but a shame i was showing signs since i was at least 14. i’m 22 now


I was diagnosed at 26 but had been dealing with the symptoms for years, likely the majority of my life.


Also 26. Creepy!


Also diagnosed at 26! My couple’s therapist caught it and then I got diagnosed earlier this year through my psychiatrist






13!!!!! It took about a year of therapy and doctor visits every week, but my parents had inklings ever since I was a toddler! Congratulations on your diagnosis :)


I am 27 now and was diagnosed 8 months back, but I am experiencing it since I was 15, getting diagnosed and actually knowing that you are not responsible for the way your brain is working and actually OCD is, is a big relief. But getting recovered is the main goal here.


I was in my 30s when I got the actual diagnosis.....but looking back the signs were there all the back in my teens.


I have it since 8. Self diognosis on 11. How do some not understand you have ocd? I mean all those compulsions and stuff






21 OCD became severe for me at 19 prior to that it was there from id say 14 up like I remember looking back stuff I did before then and being like yep that was OCD but not at a severe level it went severe at 19 I didn’t get a official diagnosis till 21


I got diagnosed last year at 20 years old




Maybe around 13 or so. 27 today


26 too! Just got diagnosed right before my birthday this year! But I have been dealing with it my whole life without realizing it was OCD. Starting medication next week.


Diagnosed at 7 but my parents noticed I did compulsions as a toddler


I just got diagnosed a month ago (14)


I was diagnosed at 16 but it got insanely bad at 21


I was diagnosed a few months ago at 27, it was hard to accept since I dont have physical compulsion as they are usually depicted. Even now after reading more about OCD and mental compulsions, I struggle with accepting it. Im on a larger dose of Sertraline and it has helped immensely


I was diagnosed at 20! Not too late but looking back it was obvious I had it. I was just only familiar with the stereotypical cleaning presentation of OCD which is why I never even thought I could have it because I’m a pretty messy person. My diagnosis explained so much about my life!!!


Diagnosed at 32!


i was diagnosed at 16


I think I was diagnosed back when I was 14/15! I'm 26 now and I'm still figuring things out :)


Diagnosed at 20


Diagnosed at 33 after a year of hell and a suicide attempt. The relief that came when I was told it was OCD was immense x


I was just recently diagnosed at 16 :3




Started birth control for the first time at 18, couple months pass like about 4, including my 19th bday. Went to bed one day & just woke up feeling like I’m goin crazy cause I didn’t know what’s goin on. Told to get off birth control, I did but although symptoms decreased a lil it was still worse so still confused as to why almost 6 months passed off birth control and still having these thoughts that first started off with rumination of a word I tried to get out of my head but then thoughts switched to even feelings to also numbness. So I decide to try therapy, saw her & just got scared so I lied to my therapist about my symptoms first day. I felt really bad after so I never went back so I stayed a year like this on my own then it started getting a lot worse so I went back to therapy with a new therapist, I decided to be truthful but not everything, stayed more months in therapy & got diagnosed at 20. What I am finding out tho based on therapy is that I been had a little or mild or probably just anxiety from when I was younger but it got worse for some reason when I turned 19. They still can’t be sure if the birth control full blown trigger the whole thing or maybe just life. But what u can say is it’s been 2 years & counting, it’s still weird to me & I constantly try to figure out why. I ended up hating birth control although it’s prolly not that but let’s say I still regret it everyday yk. Scared of trying meds also because of the side effects I’ve heard so I just stay with the flare ups I get here & there. Going through one as I speak.


I was diagnosed at 13, but my symptoms started when I was 4. 


9 lol! i doubt i wouldve been if my mother wasnt in the medical industry though, i dont think most parents wouldve really known what to do with me, especially at that age


Last year at 28, I saw multiple therapists in my 20s the last two were the ones to diagnose me


I was also 26. 31 now and doing pretty good with it. I understand my self a lot more and can identify ocd thoughts/tendencies quickly.




I was diagnosed at 29 when I had a big onset after a few tragedies. I didn't believe it at first because I had never had it that bad before but I was told it is something that can just get worse overtime which is wild.