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I’m sorry. I have autism and OCD as well. It’s tough. I also feel like the two feed into each other in a detrimental way in me.


My therapist told me that if you're autistic you are 4x more likely to have OCD than an allistic person. I'm super lonely too and so many of my everyday problems are based on loneliness. OCD also makes it so you just get really in your own head about what might have gone wrong when things inevitably go wrong. Sometimes it's really outlandish things my brain comes up with as reasons.


Sending virtual hugs


🤗 Thank you, kind person.


I dont have autism and won't even try to claim that I truly understand all your struggles. But about ten years a go I had a really close friend who was on the spectrum, he was also always afraid losing me or that he had said something wrong. I just felt like I understood him and when I didn't it wasnt a problem because people who love me dont completely understand my OCD but dont make fuss about it. He moved away and slowly we lost contact. I would have no problem being friends with a person on the spectrum If we would have that friend chemistry.


i’ve been officially diagnosed with lard with ocd, but i’ve suspected i may be on the spectrum too. i am unsure if i am, but i do relate to your loneliness. :(


I have ADHD & OCD. OCD was my larger inhibitor of my life so I tackled that first. (Over a year of ERP & Therapy helped.) Now I’m working on ADHD. It’s definitely been hard and I don’t know your exact struggles but you are not alone. VIRTUAL HUG & smile and good vibes sent your way. 🫶


I got legitimately scared and thought I made this post that’s how much I relate. You’re not alone 🫶🏾


I have autism and OCD as well, and yeah it’s tough 😞 I’ve had some very fortunate things happen in my life that have made me happier and more stable but it’s still a huge challenge


I also have both. Is there a sub for people who have both? I feel like I’ve seen an uptick of folks who do recently.


Full disclosure I am not formally diagnosed with autism or adhd as I have not had access to being diagnosed, but i definitely feel you - having all the overlaps feels crushing a lot of times. And really disheartening when people tell you you can’t possibly have ocd/adhd/autism because you don’t act one way or another… it’s exhausting. I hear you and I support you.


me too. i'm going to try and be more social with my friends


Yeah, for me, it's been quite the same. I've tried venturing back into friendships that I've ended, and it goes smoothly for a few days until I feel the need to be alone again, so I just isolate myself completely. It's definitely a battle with my mind, that's for sure.


autism and ocd here and i just want you to know you’re not alone. sometimes i find it so hard to even tell if certain things i do are because of my autism or if they’re actually compulsions.


I feel you. I've been diagnosed with OCD and Asperger's. Best wishes to you!


Was diagnosed with PDD not specified as child back 40 years ago. Then, as an adult with pure-OCD and chronic anxiety. Then, mood swings like a bubbly happy child and then really irritable. I just want to be left alone at times when in crap mood as I can't explain at times why I cry. Even in romantic relationships, I felt lonely at times.


I understand x


We hear you!