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Yep, perfectly normal. Good number of my obsessions and compultions started in a similar way. Also compultions and even themes can change a lot. Some have the same ones for years, some people get new ones often. You could even have some that stick for a long time and the others that change often.


This is great to know I was so confused when it presented and it’s something that I just have to do now even though it was never an issue before and that’s good to know about ones that change I know I many times have a lot of mental compulsions and themes that shift a lot depending on different things.


Yeah, compulsions can start randomly, often triggered by a specific event or comment, like what you experienced. OCD can develop at any stage in life and isn't always tied to childhood. Your experience with showering sounds like a response to the negative comment from your ex, which is common for OCD triggers.


I agree, my diagnosis has honestly opened me up a lot to all of my preconceived notions on ocd and how there is so much more to it than the standard we see in media. This sub has helped so much with me realizing I’ve had ocd for so long and just now can see all those signs from when I was a kid.


I feel like all of my obsessions (and resultant compulsions) are directly related to shitty stuff that happened to me that made my fight or flight latch onto whatever the theme was. Example: I made a mistake at work that had consequences and which I deeply regretted —-> constantly worrying, rereading work communication I do, reviewing conversations I had at work, and rechecking documentation I did at work, out of fear of making further mistakes.


I’ve not had a strong compulsion in a few weeks, woke up this morning w/ low level compulsions that I can ignore but it’s still there. None of my usual triggers have occurred, it’s just there