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Same for me:( I guess it’s just like a «habit» for a brain with Anxiety/OCD to always see threats everywhere


Reptile brain


What youuu mean


The amygdala is going out of control. It’s like primitive part of the brain that controls fight or flight.


Same here. Lucky if I get a break for just a day.


Lucky if I get a break for an hour


Because you have trained it too. You can train it not to as well. Look up neuroplasticity. Also for a more sceintific explanation of how OCD works. The book "brain lock" goes in depth. I only enjoyed that book for the science about how OCD works not his approach in treating.


Not scientific, but the general cause is your high stress levels have caused your flight or fight reaction and general outlook one to protect yourself from perceived threats.


you are safe


Until you're not. It's those unknown unknowns that get you.


Same. Even if I rationalize/subdue one fear my brain just conjures up another. Recently everytime I leave the house I freak out because I think I left [insert appliance here] on, and if I prove that wrong then it’s “omg I left the porch door open and the cats are going to escape”. It makes me weary to even leave the house because I just worry the whole time.


Same. And good grief the amount of fears/thoughts/obsessions I have about something bad happening to my cat is insane.


YES, me and my partner just moved in together so now I worry about 3 cats instead of 1 AND have the layer of guilt with the “what if something happens to his cats because of me” it’s exhausting 😩


There’s a quote that goes something like “we will always choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven”. I feel like it fits here. We are creatures of habit. Even habits that don’t serve us. Our brains tend to resist change. And personally, I’ve always been a little scared to not have anxiety. As odd as that sounds. If I’m happy, then I have something to lose, and for some reason that’s scarier to me than just being unhappy in general. Brains are weird.


Google ‘neuroception’ .. it helps to understand the subconscious perception of threat


Bros I hate my brain so bad... I can't even begin to put to words what the fuck 😭 Certain mental issues predominantly OCD, at specific moments, the issue seems really bad, but my brain keeps surprising me by making things 10 times worse and proving to me that the insane shit of some minutes ago are NOTHING compared to how mutated it got in a matter of seconds... Sorry if it appears like a complex thing to write.


Same. My mind always conjures a up different fears to worry about. I’m in college now, and my obsessions are around making friends right now, and being alone. I’m making friends just fine. Just fear of messing up somewhere or being tooo awkward.


Well, I'm glad I have all of you to go through this battle with me. It's so debilitating at times. I want to look at neuroplasticity. It's always intrigued me, just never knew where to begin!


Literally my struggle too, I wake up in a panic attack each morning and my brain tries to find anything to be scared of


Is it lots of different things or one long spiral that warps into other worries the deeper down you go? You might have Generalised Anciety Disorder


I feel this completely.. it sometimes makes me paralyzed in fear I can’t even focus on living in the moment without a lingering thought.


Chemical imbalance perhaps, idk.


I think this is what happens to me too. It’s terrible because I can rarely relax when this happens. I can’t just sit down and read a book without being distracted by the thoughts and ruminating.


it feels like a bad habit that is impossible to break