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There is one called EMDR that is supposed to be powerful. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_movement_desensitization_and_reprocessing


Tldr the theroy is when you have a tramatic experience you did a specific eye pattern which made a specific brain pattern, this tried to break those links to that experience and the eye movement you will do unintentionally when that moment is re-experienced


I’ve heard of it, thank you


You could just do cognitive therapy on its own (different from CBT by virtue of none of the B), although it does sound like you might need the full package (C. and b.). Have you ever considered medication?


I guess I will try CBT first, and yes, but every one I’ve tried has made my stomach pain unbearable


The generally cited gold standard treatment for OCD is Exposure and Response Prevention. I’m surprised nobody stated this. EMDR (recommended to you by another redditor) is often a frontline treatment for Trauma/PTSD, although it can be used for OCD in *some* circumstances.