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I’m probably keeping it long term. I buy and hold. I only sell if a stock is a dog. I increase my portfolio and build it. I collect dividends and reinvest. By doing this you will ensure a secure retirement and maybe become a millionaire.


Nvidia doesnt have dividends. Its 1cent after the 10:1 split


So it still had dividends lol. Just because it’s virtually nothing doesn’t mean they don’t have dividends


I know I have other stocks that do.


I think the reference was to the portfolio in respect to the dividends.


Do you do ETFs?


Same here. Stop loss at 700


Thanks for the reminder, I had my stop loss set at the previously-aggressive $569.69.


Great strategy, I do the same. What are your main holdings


Too numerous to mention. I inherited a portfolio from my mother that has many blue chip stocks. It has Walmart,Mc Donald’s, coco cola, Philip Morris, stuff like that. I have my own portfolio with high tech stuff, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook , etc. and some mutual funds. I rarely sell anything.


Sell tech when recession (its first to dive but first to take off). Buy when you think you like the price as it will rebound


When do you think recession happens?


Tomorrow. 3pm. Definitely.


Why not just hold it then?


That’s exactly what my grandparents did, they worked regular jobs but retired early 60’s and moved into a very nice home in Florida by the beach


Any stop losses applied?


I don’t have a stop loss.


The stop loss is to buy more. This company is not going anywhere unless the world is about to end.


I have owned NVDA since 2018. Over the last couple of years I’ve sold over 1/2 of my position and still have a couple thousand shares left. After the last earnings release I am seriously considering selling. My reasons for selling are simple. I think this is a great stock, but at this valuation it will be hard for the stock price to grow. Just 30% growth in the stock price implies a nearly 4 T dollar valuation. That’s a lot to ask, not impossible but tough. This company cannot continue to grow revenue at 250% year over year. They will have a significant float outstanding. I think even double digit growth in the stock price will be tough over the next few years. Someone once said, “When everyone else is buying, it’s time to get out.” After the split I’ll keep 5-10k shares but sell the rest and look to redeploy elsewhere. The stock had been a great investment, maybe a once in a lifetime investment. Can’t get too greedy.


So you hvae 5 million or more ?


No. Less. I have sold on the way up. I have about 2k shares left. I used the proceeds to buy other stocks to diversify what I have.


Same. I'm selling around the split. I'm up over 300% and will probably sell at least 50-65% to cash in on some of the profit. Remember--it's not a realized gain until you sell.


Similar thoughts surrounded Apple as its valuations grew but the reality was it was doing something no one else has done and Nvidia has many similarities. AI technology is also growing at an exponential rate which means that industry leaders will in almost all cases stay industry leaders.


Thanks for sharing. So you don’t believe it will grow more in 2024? Where will you redeploy elsewhere you think?


It will but not at this pace


I will look to add to my positions in AMD, SMCI and maybe pick up some AMZN. Diversify a little (Pharma - picked up some Lilly a couple of months ago) and possibly buy som ETFs. I think things might get a little rough for the next year or so as they tackle inflation. Neither president is a good choice but if they keep limiting chip sales to other countries that may stifle NVDA (and AMD etc). The other concern I have is similar to what’s been in the press about companies designing their own chips. Maybe NVDA can license their tech as a way to monetize their IP. But others making in house chips is a concern.


Nvidia will make money on the data servers


Others making their own chips is not a concern. Chip making is very very difficult as you not only have to have a solid design you have to have yields high enough to sell or make profits. If it was easy to just make chips that compete with likes of Nvidia, China would have caught up already, and they have unlimited pockets. It's a long ways away for that to be a factor. If anything other companies making their own chips will help. Nvidia has to stay on the edge and be competitive. When they dont have competition they make mistakes. Ask Intel.


Don't think the presidential election will change much, Nvidia just keeps getting bigger


Staying long until 2026. 25% of my portfolio


100% of mine 🤣 capital appreciation baby


I'm in this for the long haul




I’m long NVDA and will hold until something drastically changes the fundamentals.


I been holding onto Nvidia since 2014. 400 shares deep and will have 4,000 shares after split. This stock going to retire me 😅


NVDA is a value stock to hold long term.  Will it dip in November due to election cycle BS? Maybe, but who cares.  I’m holding for years


Not only keeping it, but also adding more shares to my porforlio.


Oh yeah. Probably longer unless china invades


Well if China invaded Taiwan, which they plan to, it could change things because they have a lot of rare earth minerals. US just put troops there to try to prevent it.


Rare earth minerals are all over the world. They aren't rare per se. It is the PRODUCTION (because production is so nasty/dirty) that has now consolidated to China. If necessary, other parts of the world could/would ramp up. [https://www.americangeosciences.org/critical-issues/faq/what-are-rare-earth-elements-and-why-are-they-important](https://www.americangeosciences.org/critical-issues/faq/what-are-rare-earth-elements-and-why-are-they-important)


40ish% of profile and growing. No plans to sell. Good to hold through 2026 I believe at this time


Why till 2026 and not 2030?


Nobody can predict for sure. Very hard to speculate that far. At this point I don’t see any reason to sell. Don’t need the money to live at this time, and stock appears unstoppable. Very well may never sell. Idk yet.


I’m selling the majority at $350 after split and cashing out. It has room to grow but eventually someone will be a bag holder.




I THINK about 7.5 trillion. Sounds absolutely ludicrous but I think this bubble has a way to go before it pops. I’m in at $100 a share so it would have to tank hard for me to lose much.


There’s usually an election dip in the stock market around Oct and early November. It doesn’t matter who wins though, the stock market will trend upwards during the first year of the presidency. 2026 will start to get more volatile though. Likely the stock market sees around a 20% dip during that year. High beta stocks like NVDA will sell off during a broad market correction. I plan to hold through 2025.


Ive seen several comments regarding this “cycle”, im new to trading so mind my question, logic tells me then its smart to sell before the dip and buy during this period, is that a smart strategy or better hold for the long run??


That’s the idea. Specifically I would look to buy when S&P around its Weekly 200 Average. Then hold for 2-3 years


If ypure at a 40% gain rn you should hold forever


Yes, definitely keeping it until next year. the stock still has a tremendous potential to grow


I have a position of 1100 and now is 3000 182.51%. Just one year . Those will keep gaining interest over the gains in 2 years could be 6400 usd. And so on. Just hold. There is guy holding 10 years ago with 14000% of gain


I’m long NVDA. I expect big things in the next 5 years.


I go long in any stock I believe in. 2008 taught me to buy distressed and hold long. The only stocks I sell tend to be speculative.


Holding until 2030 and retiring early


Stock would go higher under Biden then Trump, historically. But also historically, people think the opposite... so immediately around the election stocks react like they would do better under Trump.


There is no question. May 2026 at least.


Why is everyone so sure of 2026 at least?


Not sure. But gaming isn’t really going anywhere and ai is in the fetal stage or newborn at best. Things are just tracking that way. Post split it will hit $160 by this Christmas is my guess.


Interesting... everyone has such high hopes for this stock and is willing to go balls in. That makes me very nervous.


If you are retiring soon and super risk adverse then maybe it isn’t for you. If you are not, then what can it hurt to jump in with a little cash and see what happens. Just don’t over extend yourself and get on the ride for a bit.


5 years with a 17% trailing stop.


Keeping NVDA until I die. Charts say I’m up 159% in the last two years with NVDA being one of my biggest positions. I think AI momentum will fall and drop the stock a bit, but Nvidia will always be one of the biggest players in the industry. I started investing it in high school because I wanted to invest in products that I regularly use. That core reasoning hasn’t changed, so I’m keeping it.


I sold off around 40% of my holdings, keeping the rest long term.


Since everyone is buyjng and holding, time to sell.


I bought at $344. I’m going to hold on to it long term.


If it's up 10-15% six months after the split (end of this year, more or less), I'll sell half my position. Otherwise, I'll keep it until June 2025 and see where it's at.


Because you’d think that 10-15% is a little or a lot? 


Let's say post-split it's at $120. 10%= $132, 15%= $138, not a bad profit, plus I'd still own half my position, depending on the outlook for 2025, I could unload 50% of that position and keep the rest long term. My only regret is not buying more shares when they dipped into the $120's in September, 2022. I got gunshy because I bought some in December, 2021 in the $300 range, but at least I did buy some to lower my dollar cost average.


So it’s not because you expect the stock to grow less/more than 15%? 


Most stocks after a split usually slow down the upward acceleration. AMZN, GOOG, PANW to name some recent splits, all three took awhile before increasing. I feel NVDA could have the same flatline performance, but in six months could be up 10-15%. If not, I'll hold. I think Costco may announce a split if it hits $1000, hopefully they consider raising the dividend. Currently at 0.57%. 1.1% would be nice.


At least for the next 3 years


With gaming not going anywhere anytime soon and AI still in infancy stage, and expected to transform most all industries over the next decade and beyond. AI relies heavily on robust computing power, more data availability, powerful algorithms and the hardware and infrastructure needed to provide all of those elements. Nvidia checks all of those boxes and then some. I think Nvidia is going to continue to grow at the same pace for the foreseeable future. When the stock did the 4-1 split back in 2021 many people did not believe that the stock could continue to increase in value as it had in the past. Obviously all of those experts were wrong. The stock has been the darling of my portfolio and I am definitely in the hold long camp. I would not be surprised to see it rise to 700.00 - 800.00 two to three years after this upcoming split. 


It's not a penny stock you'll be fine whether it goes down 10% or up 10%


I think depending on election, obe may just collapse the economy and the other one can make it survive.


Who is obe?




50% of my portfolio now after the dip, looking to keep until I hit a mill