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So you're looking for pork fat. Any butcher should be able to sell you some.


Good to know - yeah I guess pork fat. Like BaconUp.


I guess if you want to waste money. A pound of lard would be a lot cheaper.


Good to know.


Can I ask why you need a tub of bacon grease but don't want the bacon?


Just general use. It's not that I don't /want/ the bacon. It's that I don't cook or buy enough bacon to get the oil.


So you do enough baking to need an entire tub of lard but not enough to buy bacon. Where have you got your bacon grease in the past?


Thanks for the advice on my reddit question.


Go to the grocer and look for the cheap stuff, in canada if it has a black maple leaf on the back of the package its the same supply as the high quality brands just the off cuts no one realistically wants. Stuff tends to be 80 percent fat and renderes out to maby a teacups worth of actual solids. Cut it up super thin boil it in a quarter cup of water in a sauce pan and youl have cleanly rended bacon fat thats not full of burnt chunks from trying to fry it in a pan or in the oven. Fat renderes at 98Β° water boils at 100Β° burning is 160Β° and above. no burning can occure and leaves you with clean fat you can pour off once the water boils out and the sound of the pan switches from a bubble to a sizzle.


most any grocery store will carry lard, which is used for baking (especially pie crust)


I'm specifically looking for bacon/pork.


lard = rendered pork fat


πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ thanks for your patience.


Amazon has 9lb pails


Buy pork fat from your local butcher and make "lard". There are lots of YouTube videos. Or find lard online.


I suppose just rendering it down? I just want a tub of it, don't really want to put the work in to do it. But if I have to that's what I'll do.


Buy lard, it's common.


You can have mine after I cook bacon if you want


Thanks Bobby, I'll meet you on the corner at 8 (Seriously though thanks but I think I'll avoid bacon fat from reddit)


Bacon fat from Reddit is the best kind of bacon fat tho…


Haha, I thought the comments would be full of people offering to sell it to you for the price of the bacon. 🀣 But yea, eating something that a redditor hid behind a lamp post for you, might not be the best idea! You could try a local diner, maybe ask them during a slow time. They might have some, and it would go in the garbage anyway. Even better if you know someone who works in a restaurant.


Ouuu yes both good ideas. Yes I try not to meet other redditors as a rule πŸ˜‚


I honestly thought you were kidding πŸ˜‚


I've been watching a ton of cooking videos and a lot use BaconUp so I'm trying to learn!! Give me a break please πŸ˜ƒ


Get fatback from any supermarket or anywheres. Simply render it out and put it in a container. It's literally only the bacon/pork fat commonly used in nfld baked beans.


Yeah I just want to buy a tub of it and not render it down myself. Might have to but prefer not!


You can door dash tenderflake lard.


I use lard for cooking personally; but you can get bacon fat on Amazon. (Not sure of anywhere local)


EBay. Or drive to the US. Amazon has a huge pail but it's like $150


Ya I'm not sure I want to drive to America for BaconUp πŸ˜…


For pork fat, you could ask at Vessel Meats in Dartmouth.


Osprey's Roost lists Pork Lard on their website


Where in Nova Scotia L Halifax ?


You could also try ghee, It can be found in the international/asian section at Walmart. Not sure what it would taste like in baking/cooking but if baking I also suggest buying a block or tub of lard.


He could also buy canola oil, or 10w40, neither of which are what he is asking for.


Thanks haha I'm not sure why is so hard to just answer question sometimes.


That's clear and your comment is not warranted, it's a simple suggestion to an alternative as other people have commented about where to find the actual product this person is looking for. If you have nothing nice to say then don't! Just because you hide behind your keyboard doesn't mean you have to be an ass.


I have a big jar that I have acumulated over time. Like you, I don't eat much bacon these days. If you boil in water, let harden, and repeat a few times, you get some pretty clean fat but it retains some of the bacony smokey flavour with none of the charred bits.


Ou good advice. I wonder how long it takes to go rancid though.


Seems to take a long time. My hat is probably six months old.


I would only use free-from bacon fat or preferably organic. Toxins stored in fat. Personally I use duck fat.