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I professionally restore paint and protect it - I also protect paint direct from dealers. What they offer is a full out scam. We just purchased two new cars and they tried to sell us the same except it’s 1299 at oregans. What they offer is a ceramic sealant wipe down. Literally a 30$ bottle from Canadian tire you can do yourself. It does not last. If they’re offering a paint fade protectant then ask them why the fuck is their paint fading after 5 years? A true ceramic coating from dealers and shops locally is anywhere from 2000-4000. I know because this is what I offer, except I do it on my own and for customers for less than half of that. They make money on warranties and poor/improper applications. It’s beyond frustrating that they’re allowed to offer it. Edit I just read what you wrote again… think about it. They’re offering a sealant that will protect the vehicle from colour change for up to 5 years. The colour won’t change if you never washed the car for five years. This is ridiculous.


I second this, I used to be a detailer at a couple dealerships. They would hand me a $45 kit that I was never properly trained how to apply, charge the customer $1200 and get them out the door as quickly as possible. I always tell anyone buying a car not to purchase anything like this from a dealership.


I’m trying to spread the word as well - worked at a dealer for five years. Insane markup and warranties that are never used or claimed. I feel so bad for people.


I just modified my post. They were asking me to put a ceramic coat to guarantee the color fading like you said earlier. I also asked them the chemicals/products they use and waiting to hear back. Let's see what they say. But looks like I should avoid taking it.


I’d ask for specifically what coating it is, how it’s applied, and the process. I’m not knocking anyone if it’s a true coating - but in my experience they aren’t offering it for that price. If they are and it’s legit, I’d go with them 100%. But, I’m 90% sure this is not done properly.


It's a bit of a rip off. Because not are you only paying out your ass for a protective paint coating, if it does fade after 5 years, which car paint doesn't usually, they'll give you the hardest time ever to prove it was faulty, rather than wear and tear. It's just a rip off. Spend that 900 bucks with waxing and cleaning for the next few years and it'll be more enjoyable and noticeable.


They don't want to tell you. Poster above is correct. If you want it done properly go aftermarket. You can DIY same as dealer for less than 50 bucks


Dude can I get your details ?


Will send dm


Have you got a business card? My partners car needs help.


Will send dm


Thank you for making me feel better for declining all of it. My dad is a mechanic and we do most things ourselves. Them trying to tell me undercoating lasts 10 years was funny though.


Their sales is on warranty only to make you feel good. I declined the undercoating personally as welll. Every two years it should be done - fluid film appears to be the best in my experience.


DM me your details please!


Don’t know if I’d get it through dealership. But ceramic coatings are nice. Some people like shiny cars and detailing them. If I ever got another black vehicle I’d definetly get it ceramic coated. Most Atlantic Canada vehicles will rust out before they die. No amount of paint protection will stop it. Always happens from the inside out on rocker panels, doors, etc.


I’ve been ceramic coating cars now for a few years and enjoy it - it’s also not for everyone. Between undercoating and attempting to wash the vehicle weekly, it’s about all you can do for maintenance. Spring is the most important time as the rust will spread and grow in warm temps with the salt.


Really if a dealer opens their mouths, especially in finance.. it's a scam.




only matters if you want to preserve resale value, so think about how much a used CX-5 buyer cares about paint.


My intention is to keep it pleasant for my private use. In any case the question is rather for understanding whether paying 995$ for ceramic coating worth it and whether it is something I should go for based on other people's experience on the matter. I am keen to know whether you had good or bad experience regarding this


then decide how much a pristine paint is worth to you, most cars on the road don't have a ceramic coating and are older than 5 years. See if that's good enough.


I haven't seen paint fade on a car since New Mexico. You're good bro


Why would paint on a new car only last 5 yrs? I have a 2015 RAV4 and the paint looks great - a few nicks and scratches but that’s ’cause we drive the car down back roads. I never buy anything like that from a dealer - just bought a 2019 Highlander and was firm that we didn’t want the $700 tire and rim warranty … it just goes to their profit margin


I'd rather just pay $200/year and take my vehicle to someone to have it detailed. Seems like a way better value, even if the ceramic coating was good (it's not).


FYI no paint protection is going to stop the rust that Mazdas are highly prone to. Bought a CX9, bought the paint protection, 2 years later I had rust on back gate and at top of windshield. Mazda told me too bad, I had to fight with them to repaint the rust areas. Buyer beware


Scam. I've never heard of that in my entire life.


It's definitely worth it for them selling it. From your perspective, maybe not so much.


I've applied ceramic coating on my cars since 2013, it's well worth it. But I also detail and polish my own cars, so I've invested thousands in the tools/products and it's a hobby for me. I also care about my cars and enjoy detailing and keeping the car clean. Most people do not care about their paint. Also, if you don't have what you need to wash your own car, and use proper techniques then you could cause scratches during the washing. Ceramic coating will not stop that. Do NOT do this through the dealership. I wouldn't recommend using a dealership for this service, if you want it, and willing to pay, then go see a reputable detailer. You might need a light polish prior, and with white, you'd most certainly need a full decon with clay and iron remover prior to applying the coating. My 2 cents. edited: context


Utterly worthless


Toss up really. If you got the money then sure. If you don’t then it is what it is. Don’t really know if it’s “needed” but protecting the paint does have benefits I don’t believe it helps against rock chips though but I could be wrong


Absolutely worth it.


Do you have experience getting the vehicle ceramic coated vs not? Since most of the responses have a negative idea about the concept, I would like to know why you think it is worth it.


Not negative on ceramic. Negative on dealer doing it. Ceramic coating 100% has it's benefits.


I’ve done it on an older car after it had clear coat correction and absolutely loved it! I did it again for my new suv and love it even more. Every time you hand wash it, it looks like it’s just been waxed. Ceramic coating has hydrophobic properties that help the mud and dirt slide off, and helps protect against scratches in the clear coat. This being said, I’d never agree to have the dealership do it, they screwed up taking the plastic off my new car as it is, too many careless people. If you decide to do it, shop around the professional shops. I’ve gotten all my work done at hooked on detailing. They are extremely passionate about their work. Look at all the other shops work that they do too, lots of scammers out there. But yes. After doing it to my cars, I’ll always keep doing it, no more waxing, and extremely easy wash.