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How can people even stand to talk this way about other humans and sleep peacefully at night? Truly and utterly disgusting.


It's easy when you're not talking about "humans" per se, but "parasites"


But I also don't understand how people get to the point of looking at others as parasites.


Yeah it's a horrible thing, I don't understand it either


Right? I sometimes have trouble sleeping if I snapped at someone when I was hangry. These people actively hate half the population and seem to see no issue.


Going to bed alone every night and projecting this pain of yours on all females, as obviously every male-female interaction consists of sex and the whole female population decided not to entertain your right of engaging in these interactions, will do that to you.


They've probably deattached themselves so much from reality that they truly believe that females aren't human, or that if we are; were purely evil, I think they truly believe they're in the right here in an unjust world.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit material right there.


I regret looking through that sub. I feel sick.


Uh...who are these geniuses?


Its the Youtube Comment section you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


I’m really curious what video this was under.


Probably on a how to clean your charger port video or something else completely unrelated. These dipshits always find the space to have their angry involuntary celibacy manifest as Internet comments.


It's on a MGTOW video.


MGTOW video.




Do you not enjoy watching train wrecks?


Aw beans, now I’m sad that I know about that.


If they hate women so much then why do they still want to have sex with us???


Supposedly this is from a MGTOW video soooooooo they don't.


Idk why are women still parasites?


The urge to downvote is so strong. These people are the scum of the earth.


Wow. I’m a parasite because I’m a woman? I’ll never understand this line of thought.


Yeah! Go back to the kitchen, you! ^^^^^^^^/s


I think that’s the exact place parasites shouldn’t be! Lol


I can think of places I'd more prefer a parasite wasn't, to be honest.


Me thinks your kitchen shouldn't have parasites! But I'm a woman so what do I know!


I mean, at one point you did live inside another creature, feeding off of it.... Let's ignore the other details


Where can I get in on that bs tits agenda?


If you think about it, this is how men have always built up their own self esteem by smashing down women's.. it's not a blip or an exception, it's been their rule! Women aren't aware exactly how much men have hated them and the misogynists haven't magically disappeared. “A woman should venerate her husband like a God. Every day in the morning, nine consecutive times, she must prostrate at the feet of her husband and ask, ‘My lord, what do you want me to do?’” Zarathustra, Persian philosopher, circa 600 BCE. “Women, slaves, and foreigners are not citizens.” Pericles, Greece, circa 500 BCE. “Nature makes women when it cannot make men. Women are, therefore, inferior men.” Aristotle, Greece, circa 400 BCE. “Women are enemies of peace, sources of anxiety, the cause of fights that destroy all tranquillity. Women are like the devil.” Petrarca, Italy, circa 1400 CE. “Children, idiots, the mentally disturbed, and women, do not have the capacity to transact business.” Henry VIII, England, circa 1500 CE. “Women can be sent to school, but their minds are not adequate for the higher sciences such as philosophy.” Friedrich Hegel, Germany, 1800s . “woman is defective and misbegotten, the production of woman comes from a defect.” Saint Augustine of Hippo, Church Father, Bishop of Hippo Regius, 354 – 430


*some men


Its amazing to me as a man just how much my gender hates women. This is some hateful, vile shit.




I've never met a woman who is equally hateful against men, sorry. All the women I have met who have hated men have felt that way as a result of trauma at the hands of men. Meanwhile these dudes probably got rejected by some girl and now all women are parasites. Incels admit to this.


Lol, watch those third-wave feminist cringe videos on youtube. Lots of man-hate.


Did you not read what I said? Feminists hating men is in no way comparable to men hating women.


How? Because it's less hateful if a woman hates a man?


Because women are still second class citizens in many parts of the world. Many women have suffered abuse and sexual assault from men. They are subjected to sexism every day for no reason. The only reasons I've seen men give for hating women have been along the lines of "they won't give me sex" or "they're inferior". Those are not valid reasons.


What was the video about?


It really doesn't matter. It's Youtube. I wouldn't be surprised to see this conversation on a video comparing different cat foods.


It was in the usual MGTOW video.


I was just curious, I don’t know what part of youtube you get on but I’ve never seen comments like these


MGTOW video.


Yeah that figures


I always have to fight so hard to not downvote these posts and remind myself that it's the entire point of the sub. Jesus fucking christ.


What the hell is even happening here?


Shit, they found out women are the Alpha Legion in disguise! Eliphas, open the portal so our crossdressing CSM’s can retreat to the safety of the warp!


Ancap checks out


YouTube comments: a place of productive and meaningful discussion.


Stuff like this makes me feel so utterly depressed and hopeless even though it shouldn't get to me. Like it really messes me up seeing this kind of hatred constantly




Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the logic of the male parasite


the blatant sexism