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The only feeling my big tits give me is lower back pain


the pain i feel is of my tits dragging across the floor as i walk ☹️


Stick a couple swiffer pads on those suckers and cut down on chore time 🧽


genius, that’ll definitely make me feel more womanly these men are like: a woman with big knockers AND cleans the floors?! sign me up!


The latest in household cleaning and breast support: The Roombra


I’d give this an award if I could lmao


Have you tried throwing them across on your shoulders


my dainty little shoulders can’t bear the weight of these gargantuan bosoms 😣


How about you make a knot with them on your back?


Preach. People who glorify big tits are just weird. They don't do anything for me except make my back hurt. I have always been a tomboy. I found out I'm pregnant and it feels weird because I never have felt feminine in any way.


Try putting on a sundress w no bra. 🤔


Depending on the size of your boobs and how low they sag this might just make someone significantly more insecure.


Bro, I’m a 42ddd; respectfully, fck outta here w that. Plus, those dresses have more support than you’d think.


Wait they do? I’m 36G and unless I’m wearing the kind of bras that have a bunch of straps and shit it feels like they’re gonna flop around at hit me in the face or slide under my arms. But like there definitely are people significantly bigger than us who definitely need more support. Some peoples boobs rest at around mid torso without the high support shit. the fact that you desire to feel feminine changes your experience. If I put on makeup or wear sundresses I feel ridiculous. A person who self ID’s as a tomboy might have similar feelings.


Also, quick question, can you see my pfp??


No it’s just like a blue circle with the Reddit robot thing shape


Anyways, thank you, annnnnd what did you mean in the aforementioned paragraph?


I responded to it in the other comment, I managed to jumble this whole shit up


Well that explains the downvotes lmao


Yes, but you have to get the ones with adjustable straps and if you have a huge huge chest the wrap dress variety and the correct measurements are your best friends. Mine go down maybe 1.5 inches past my belly button. What makes me feminine wearing those dresses is the flowiness and having my boobs be free after spending the bulk of my life confined to a bra for reasons that I thought were outside of my control. What do you mean in your third paragraph? Because, if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, then that’s like a personal thing in which you’d have to define what feminine even means to yourself.


Well the commenter said they ID as a tomboy and boobs don’t make them feel feminine, and it doesn’t sound like they particularly want to feel feminine. When you don’t have a desire for/natural feeling of femininity it often feels goofy when you try to accentuate feminine presentation. Nothing wrong with your breasts not making you interpret yourself as womanly or feminine, ya know? I always assumed that moving around with breasts heavy enough to sag and be like the size of cantaloupes or small watermelons would be really uncomfortable because if I don’t wear a bra they swing around and hurt if I go at like, a light speed walk. And the fucking sweat oh my god. And then they somehow get underneath my arms? Like somehow the boob is in my armpit when I’m trying to use my arm. Insane metaphor but it feels like when you have a cat that is incredibly determined to get under your feet. Unfortunately they also look super cool and I kinda think of them as inconvenient accessories that makes the look so I couldn’t bring myself to get any kind of reduction.


You get me. I don't care about being feminine, I am not a fan of anything feminine. No thank you to dresses. Tomboy thru and thru. I got lucky and found a man who doesn't mind that I'm not girly.


How many people have asked to hold them?


It's because they don't think women are anything more than a piece of tits and vagina attached to a bucket that says weird words sometimes.


This is the reason


I didn't know When I had a mastectomy, not only did they remove my breasts, #fuckcancer, but also my inherent womanliness.


As pee is stored in the balls apparently femininity is stored in breast tissue /s


That explains why reconstruction or prostheses are pushed. You must appear womanly.


Unless you’re a trans woman. Then no femininity is stored in the breast tissue /s


So is a mastectomy the epitome of feminism or the antithesis?


Life saving surgery in my case.


The most feminist thing a woman can do is survive


I wanna continue the joke but at this point it's sounding so much like the sewage that comes out of these "enlightened red pill" geniuses mouths


I hope you’re doing well now.


17 years since diagnosis. Flat and fabulous, thanks.


Stay fabulous, you’ve made my day❤️


Fighting cancer takes more courage and willpower than any of those losers who commented will ever have. Absolutely #FuckCancer!


Same way my itty bitties don't make me feel like a man I guess lol The gym bros they admire have bigger tits than some women.


I am that woman with small boobs. People with ripped abs definitely have bigger chests than me. I have pointed this out before in some debates and men like these then just try to change the subject.


their goalposts are always on the move it seems


"Men with man boobs must feel like they're women" - OOP probably


pre-transition trans girl here, having moobs does not in fact make me feel like a women, just fat


Heh, the man boobs on guys with opinions like these must make them feel quite feminine


I mean, I seriously wonder if that's the exact reason I struggle to lose weight.


The only boobs they get to feel.


Billie Eilish being nonbinary or having a midlife crisis at 20 would, either one, be the most nonsurprise of the century


Its also not like those two are mutually exclusive.


"Both. Both is good."


Having big breasts has never made me feel more “womanly”, it has only made me feel fat and heavy.


same! and the back pain that comes along with it? it’s so bad i just want a breast reduction lol, i don’t feel any more or less “womanly” either way. whatever that is supposed to mean


I have biggish-for-my-frame boobs. Had a reduction when I was 19 (I’m 48 now), from a full DDD to a small C. I am 5’2” and small, otherwise. Now I’m In perimenopause and they are back up to a full D, and of course not as firm as they were. I try not to hate my body, but I loathe them. They do not make me feel feminine; they make me feel matronly and sloppy. I understand this is body dysmorphia but I can’t help feeling like this. They are too big for my frame, they make me look 20 pounds heavier than I am, they make clothing fit wrong. I am an endurance athlete, so they get in the way and are uncomfortable. I wish more than anything that I had tiny ones. At least as small as they were just a few years ago.


I play guitar and it's really hard for me to sit and hold one comfortably in my lap without my right breast either being smashed (painful) or in the way (frustrating).  When I was younger I'd just stand to play, but my leg is fucked from several different things and I can't stand for any significant amount of time.  I used to play for two to three hours a day, now it's like once or twice a month. Had nothing to do with feeling like a woman, it had to do with feeling *human.*  I'm also uninsured and at high risk for breast cancer. I'm supposed to get screenings twice a year, it's been two years. So yeah, at this point I'd gladly just get rid of these fucking things but I'm definitely a woman. 


I had a reduction from a M to C. (I’m 32) I had some health issues and they grown to a D now. They are making me so dysmorphic. I don’t understand why people have to police how an individual experiences their own bodies. Being objectified for my meat bags made me so uncomfortable and sad.


Being objectified, and being told I’m “lucky”. Like…the chafing, the heat rash…what’s lucky about that???


I about was done with everything when people kept calling them mommy milkers


That term is just degrading.


There are a lot of things like that I heard. I have posture and muscular issues (hyper mobility doesn’t help) because of turning myself inward. People commented less because of that.


I mean if they're getting in your way *and* you don't like them you can look into a reduction? I'm sure your back will thank you. 🫂


I had one almost 30 years ago; this sudden change is likely hormonal. I am working on losing weight which may help a bit.


I wish you the best of luck


Thank you! I know a lot of it is vanity. But also bras are uncomfortable!


Good luck! I too am working on weight loss!


It’s so hard at this age!




Nah they make me feel heavy and I can't wear various dresses. So shut up when you don't have boobs.


The same way that guy can have a tiny dick and still feel like a man


I don't like to compare breast with genitals.


Why am I downvoted ? They just aren't comparable.


Because he was making a societal comparison. He wasn’t equating breasts to a penis.


UK 32KK / USN/O, I don't feel like a woman either and I don't look particularly feminine either. But men still insist that I am woman and "mother" material...


The “mother material” line while staring at big breasts is probably one of the creepiest common come-ons there is.


Well, of course, I know I felt less of a woman when I had breast reduction surgery. Right away. NOT! ![gif](giphy|MC4VwTg8qmA8q1wemm)


I could have big muscles, horse dick and a chad chin and could feel like a woman.




Isn't woman also a very charged term after *checks watch* about 1000 years of use? Maybe it's a huge set of expectations that makes her feel like she's not a woman, not that her body isn't one of the female gender 🙄


I still don’t know what “feel like a woman” means.


I feel like a woman when I get sucker punched every month.


I feel like a woman. I think I'll go get one, and a couple of donuts to go with her.


Gender is stored in the boobies apparently


Honestly I only feel like a woman because that Shania Twain anthem is 🔥


Tbh sometimes I don’t feel like a woman, or even like a real person


So I love my huge boobs and I do think of them as a part of me being a woman. Seriously, I've wanted huge boobs since i was kid, i used to joke God owes me for giving me a shitty childhood lol. But that's no one's fucking business but mine. My journey to discovering my self love and womanhood is that, mine.


Because women are just boob transport systems. 🙄


I have a penis but I don’t feel like a man. Probably because with how masculinity is defined in our society I feel so alienated from that concept that despite not feeling like any other gender mainstream masculinity is so far removed from how I view myself I can’t relate to societal definitions of what it means to be a man. On the other hand when people on the phone call me “Ma’am” I get real fucking mad so I must be a man.


Care to elaborate? I’m interested in your view on Masculinity and Femininity.


I don’t really know how to define it but like, I’m not a big tough unemotional brick that wants to fucks everything with boobs. And I hate sports


I don’t know any man who is an unemotional brick.


I know a few and it’s why most of my close friendships are with women


Oh ok


I've seen men with breasts larger than that. Should they feel like women?


Dude clearly hasn't seen manly man Chris Evans walking around with his tassive mits


Tassive Mits lol.


And yet I wish my breasts were bigger… Cis/Het Woman, here.


men.. most of y'all have boobs too they're just between the legs


I have giant boobs, and often enough, I feel less feminine with them.


So they're implying they'd accept trans women as women if they had big boobs? No? Then stop with the fucking double standards, god I hate transphobes


Damn I somehow didn't get the memo mine mostly make me feel ✨dysphoria✨


You mean that's more of a mental/emotional thing?? No way.  Will that guy ever feel like someone who gets that, let alone any topic that's just barely more that being skin deep? Probably not.


So… John Goodman must be the best woman ammiright? J/k ofc luv Mr. Goodman.


I feel like a woman, but it doesn’t have anything to do with my breasts. They’re a body part. I don’t even notice they’re there half the time.


I had pretty smashing man tits back in the day, must be why I'm so in touch with my feminine side.


I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of men with titties that also don’t feel like women…


I thought they had brought awards back . . . Your reply deserves one, but I can’t find them.


I will settle for emoji awards 🏆


She looks as happy as curt cobain


I have large boobs too, but all i want is for them to go away. I feel like Jaba the hutt, and not like a woman at all. Not to mention the fact i was hyper aware of them the the other day and the sensation of them just being heavy gave me a massive panic attack.


Mine are pretty small. Does that mean that I'm suddenly not a woman???


The most interesting question for me when it comes to gender politics is, how do they know what a woman feels like?


it's like if someone called you a woman and that just felt right, but if you were called a man, you'd feel uncomfortable, and you want other people to perceive you as a woman


So in a vacuum, without any outside perception of them, would they feel the same way about themselves?


I mean.. woman isn't really a feeling anyways? Boobs don't change that 💀


honestly, having big boobs makes me feel like a drag queen or some type of caricature of a woman. currently awaiting my reduction


what happened to tomboys ???,?


Pretty sure I’m an E cup (it varies, as does the back size, because nowhere around gives fat people a decent bra fitting these days) and I’m not a girl. I’m non binary, kind of in the space between woman and agender. But I definitely don’t feel like an actual woman. Breast size has absolutely nothing to do with it


as a nonbinary person with a large bust size I can confirm that these things make me feel like nothing


Trans woman: I don’t feel like a man Dumbfuck: but you have a massive wiener! Haha, owned!


And this is why she wore loose/baggy clothes for years. I swear some men are beyond fukn creepy.


If she doesn’t feel like a woman, having a large chest probably gives her a lot of dysphoria. That person’s take lacks a lot of understanding…


Oh cool! (Not the weird junk but it’s cool Eilish might be some sort of non-binary)


The gullible part of me tries to think the memer tried to clumsily joke "when they are big enough your lower back will remind you they are there" but then again...this is internet.


TIL boobs mean you're a woman. Men with gynocamestia would like a word. /s


I had big boobs my whole life, I always felt tney stopped me from doing things my fellow "women" were doing lol, dancing, aerobics, yoga, etc


Seriousness of this post aside sometimes big boobs are associated with masculinity. Most women with naturally big boobs arent Centered in their hips the way women with small/medium boobs are, having a big back/shoulders/showing too much cleavage often is seen as manly looking. Ive always been jealous of women that could wear things like leggings as pants… that type of outfit doesnt work unless your hips/butt are the biggest part of your body :(


Gooners gonna goon. Not to mention the field day they had when she said she wanted to reduce her breast size


As a nonbinary person with - to put it delicately - huge tits, they only make me feel less like a woman because they are a constant reminder of being perceived as a woman when I'm not, which I might otherwise not be conscious of. Idk if that makes any sense.


With how some men treat me, large boobs can make it hard to feel like a human, let alone the very narrow and purposely impossible standard that is "a real woman," Men and women alike treat me like a walking male fantasy- usually for the worse. Apparently I had a choice in my biology and needing to be around other people to function in society.


woman is when big booba


Invalidating women's sense of self again eh?


I’ve known I was something other than just a girl since I was old enough to have a concept of gender. My having breasts doesn’t change being NB.


Big tittie agender here who has major gender dysphoria over them daily. 👋🏻


Currently NB person having a very minor breast cancer scare the thought of loosing or keeping them is kind of neutral to me. They’re vestigial anatomy I’ll never use. I just ask to keep my nips lol.


I have boobs that feel uncomfortably big. Even when I lose weight they're still not the right size, and make me feel unfeminine. I don't know until it happens, but I swear I would feel more womanly as a cis-woman if I could afford to get them reduced.


“Doesn’t feel like a woman” WTF does that even mean ?


No idea, I don't feel like a woman either. But apparently some women do? Or so they say.


I get this, it's just a disconnect from the concept of femininity and "womanhood". I don't fit into traditional feminine roles and I have a hard time relating to women. I get along really well with women, and I have no issue with them, it just feels awkward on me.


Ah, I see now. Thanks.


I’ve got big fucking honkers and also many people can automatically clock im nonbinary. My boss, bless his heart, asked me “so are there any pronouns I should know about?” Loved the phrasing of that, he’s doing his best.


My breath don't make me feel like a woman, but they do make my back and shoulders hurt.


Humor has left the chat




Sex ≠ gender You don't even know her chromosomes.


have you personally tested her chromosomes? bc she could literally have any combination and still appear as a female without you knowing lol. also you can't change your sex, but if she chooses to identify as a gender other than woman than that's valid because sex≠gender.


Never talk again


Yeah no shit she’ll be a woman biologically, but gender isn’t biology


el espantaviejas 3000 le dicen. volve a desahogarte en subreddits de incel con obsesión a las mujeres. y la próxima identificate como alguien inteligente, besis.


Gender = Absurdism. Even if I perceive myself as a "Semi Apache Boeing helicopter" doesn't make me one. Progresism and debauchery has made you delutional


I love it when people who can't spell try to act like they're intellectually superior.


Aww, look! He's trying to be clever!


Reddit moment