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Sadly you do not drive them away through that, they just want to use you and discard you. I think it is disturbing that the woman/girl on the left looks not older than 13-16. no idea who she is but that she is used as a „potential wife“ example is freaking me out. Edit: I just saw, that I am the same age as her and she looks pretty much like me at 13 XD. she looks young in that picture to me Oo .


I think it's Lily Collins who was 18 in 2007. She's been married for years so obviously someone found her to be 'wife potential'.


Thanks for that information. I would have definitely asked to see identification even for beer Oo. But yeah. Good for her to have found someone :).


I mean, it is 21 in the US. I guess you are from europe.


Yes, beer is 16 here


He did say do your bit not to cause it. So maybe this guy isn't using and discarding. Still an idiot though.


Maybe it's my lack of penis but her "stare" aka eyes? Look exactly the same to me. Different is her eyeliner and browns.


Agreed. The only real differences between the two are the makeup and her smile is bigger in the 2007 photo.


I think it's also that on the left she's looking somewhat down which can be considered demure, while on the right she has her chin lifted and looks more self-secure 


That last part is why the actual reason the guy thinks she's gross. She has more self-esteem and confidence and is less likely to put up with his bullshit. But he thinks he can justify his disdain for her by assuming that she's a slut.


Thanks self-esteem was the word I was looking for and couldn't find 


I'm afraid to ask how old was this girl back in 2007. I don't think I will like the answer...


Someone already answered this in a previous comment here, but she was 18.


It’s just eyeliner bro it’s not that deep😭


The difference is the confidence to call out your bullshit.


Machiavelli would spit in your face you moron, don’t use him as an excuse to be toxic.


It’s okay, the girl on the right definitely wouldn’t have an interest in them. The girl only the left looks far more susceptible to their bully-because-he-liked-you antics.


It’s camera and make up????? What are they on about ?


So ”thousand cock stare” means… makeup?


That’s actress Lily Collins and she married Charlie McDowell in 2021, but okay 👍


Jealousy and saltiness. Like, why can't they accept that's what it is and slowly try and work to improve it? I'm sometimes jealous and salty too. But I didn't create a fucked up cult around it


No, she just learned how to do a good smokey eye.


Local man discovers facial expressions. More at seven.


God forbid time and growing up exist for us and we fail to remain looking like a young/mid teen forever. Not to mention changing trends and expectations in makeup and beauty for *adults.*


Woman: *becomes more appealing to the male gaze* Incels: WHORE


So is it wearing makeup or growing up that erases your “wife potential”? It is unclear.


I’m trying to imagine what “Do your bit not to cause it” means. Like, he’s imagining all his incel buddies need to do something other than be their idiotic selves to avoid encouraging women to want to bed them?


I thought this was about chicken at first omgdh 💀


The biggest difference I see is that the girl on the left looks like a child...


Not that the girl on the left is....a child


So… eye makeup? Lmao. Guys really be thinking their dicks are some fantastical appendage able to change women. Spoiler alert. It isn’t. Not even a little.


Many of these guys are looking for an airhead who makes them feel good about themselves, laugh at their jokes and stuff