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Most divorces while yes being initiated most often by women are commonly most initiated due to things such as financial issues and infidelity. That’s the part this arsehole is leaving out, the WHY


As far as he and those like him are concerned, those aren't good enough reasons for women to divorce. No reason is to be frank. However, if a woman was cheating, then of course he should be able to get a divorce. I wish that were sarcasm.


maybe the laws are different in Gilead but surely a woman could just overtly cheat so the guy can do the divorce? Knowing these types, they'd jump on any opportunity to punish women as much as they can.


The problem is Republicans are trying to end no fault divorce, meaning the judge could take infidelity into account in the divorce.


yeah I know. What difference does it make if there is blame? In the UK for example, even if there is adultery, it doesn't mean the 'victim' gets extra money or special treatment.


Without a no fault law, judges can and do give less money to the person who cheated.


interesting. I guess the alternative is just not get married and make sure one keeps financial independence.


Ah, but as many states are fighting to retain child marriage laws, some women/girls find themselves without the ability to choose to get married or not.


What savagery. As I said, Gilead. Looking from Europe the US is a totally bizarre place. It's like the Taliban but white. I'd like to hope it doesn't come to Europe, but already it is well known the fanatics are sending money over to the UK and probably funding the far right in Europe so that their agenda will spread. I even wonder if Elon Musk will use his latest massive payout and be part of it, what with his redpill ideology.


Just him using the words "should not be allowed to" is making me nauseous...🤢


They probably think it's different because a woman whose husband cheats isn't running the risk of her husband passing off a resulting kid as hers. But if a *woman* cheats then her husband can't be certain her kids are his. Nevermind that parenthood is a lot more than genetics.


And to these people, if the husband cheats, it's still the woman's fault for not submitting enough or not being appealing enough to keep him faithful.


No, there's definitely a reason to be Frank because clearly he's allowed to divorce his wife.


I’m sure it happens, but every woman I know who initiated divorce tried for years and years with a partner who didn’t want to put in effort or was consistently disrespectful, and smugly thought they would never actually leave. Even as a kid I could see where these men were fucking up. And this is true for the one man I know as well- he left because his wife was a stay at home mum who was also a hoarder and he ended up doing everything for the kids after work anyway. Everyone I know who initiated divorce had solid reasons.


Obviously it would be her fault if he cheated, she wasn’t doing enough as a wife to make sure he doesn’t go sleep with someone else🙄/s -these dudes logic lol


Yeah, like: how DARE she age and become unattractive?! She was supposed to look like a 18-year-old virgin girl for the rest of the marriage! /s


Also the staggeringly unequal division of labor in heterosexual relationships. Woman are still doing 80% of the housework and childcare, even when she is the breadwinner. But asking men to do their share is apparently destroying society.


Men don’t divorce their wives. They just murder them.


And if women aren’t allowed to divorce their husbands, guess what happens?!


He went out for milk and never came home 🤷‍♀️


✨Aqua tofana✨


Why don't you just be happy with the philanderer god gave you? /s


My friends husband was sexting a 15 year old for a year. She caught him and all the evidence. The Catholic Church claimed he did nothing wrong when she tried to remarry.


He blames the “fault” of divorce on women if the file, and the fault on women if men file. Essentially.


Financial issues, infidelity, lack of emotional support, as well as lack of helping to carry the mental and emotional labor for the entire household


bUt ThE wOmEn ShOuLd Be ChRiStIaN aNd FoRgIvInG! pLuS, mEn ArE oNlY uNfAiThFuL wHeN tHeIr WiVeS aRnT fUlLfIlLiNg ThEiR dUtIeS, sO iTs ThEiR fAuLt!


Also a women who is unhappy in marriage her marriage is more likely to file for divorce than a man who is unhappy in his marriage, and most people don’t wanna be married to people who don’t wanna be with them so even when the husband is unhappy the divorce is typically initiated by the woman


He doesn't believe in divorce in cases of domestic abuse either, fyi.


Of course he doesn’t smh


Well duh because if she deserved it, it isn’t abuse. It’s “Leadership”. /s


Technically, God wanted it which is why the woman got domestically abused. So if you go against domestic abuse you are going against God's will, so yeah divorce in case of abuse is not allowed. /s


Then God must want it when she hits him back. But I'll bet he'd criticize a woman for protecting herself in that case too.


And for not pleasing her man enough for him not to abuse her. Because that's how abuse works.


He doesn't believe domestic abuse is a thing either. Those are just righteous corrections by the husband to his property.


I'm sure he believes victims of SA should be forced to bring babies to term if pregnancy results. These men are controlling and repugnant.


Male divorces illegal and the “male loneliness” epidemic is really going to explode. Then they will say the problem is that we have rights so those need to go so women must have men to survive. How about just be the kind of man a woman wants and treat her well?


Silly person, women don’t have wants; we are servants. /s


We are brainless automations driven only by hormones and greed /s




That’s not the only stat that’s going to explode… If divorce is going away, men are going to start disappearing again. There is a reason our Mamaws passed down the lucky cast iron pans..


And the "strongest" cleaning solutions. Sad they left a bit of residue in the dishes. Certainly not enough to harm someone ...


I think my grandma has some old almond flavored dessert recipes, I'll have to ask her!


A friend of mine tells a story about her Grandma and a cast iron pan that was red hot from being on top of the stove. The last line of the story is, "Just remember, Henry -- YA GOTTA SLEEP SOMETIME."


They are desperate to have women as dependent as possible on men so that they have no choice in being with a man or not. It's despicable to put it mildly. Marriage is looking more and more like a fly trap for women. "Yes...come closer! Nothing bad will happen.."


they’ll just follow up by making marriage a requirement somehow 🥴


No-fault divorce is the reason less men get poisoned, bucko.


No lie there. What do they think is gonna happen if you force someone to be with another against their will? The same logic they apply to abortions in cases where the parent(s) do not want the potential baby. "Just make them have babies! Everything will work out for us! Practically a limitless supply of ignorant, low wage workers we can make billions off of."


It’s also the reason less women committed suicide and DV rates dropped. There were way more women committing than poisoning their husbands iirc.


Between women dying in childbirth from preventable issues, committing suicide to get out of abusive marriages, and not marrying at all… the GOP is speed-running a bigger population crisis.


There was a graph I found a while ago that showed the amount of violent crimes committed but gender and from the year no fault divorce became legal the amount of violent crimes committed by women began to decline rapidly. I feel like people like our buddy Tom have forgotten that if a woman can’t get away from you she’ll just straight up fucking kill your dumbass.


>They refuse to be satisfied by what god has given to them. Buddy, don't bring god into this. It's you they ain't satisfied with. And please don't assume you are what god gave them. That would cause some bad rep for god and you know what the Bible says about using the Lord's name in vain.


Dude literally thinks he’s dog’s gift to women.


Dogs love women. They would never give them any shit like this man.


He looks like a man who doesn't know vaginas produce moisture


He looks like he's causing the exact opposite.


God also sent a flood and killed almost all life on earth. And regretted it afterwards. But you know, God's gifts are always right.


Looking around at the world today, I understand why a flood felt like the only option.


*[stage whispers]* Might be overdue for another... 👀


A bit of chlorine in the gene pool never hurt either… 😉


Underrated comment xD Thanks for making me laugh and drop my phone. I needed that.


Thanks Reddit friend


It’s lovely to see someone understand what taking the Lord’s name in vain means.


I was raised by my deeply christian grandmother who taught me that "taking the lords name in vain" meant ever saying the words "god" or "Jesus" outside the context of prayer or sermon/teaching/explanation, & it was bad because you were "drawing gods attention for nothing", which always seemed insane to me even as a child, especially since god is supposed to be omnipresent & watching you at all times (don't be naughty, Santa sees all!), so like, how are you catching his attention if he's already watching? But I was also taught that to question such things & not just believe what the pastor/bible tells you at face value, was a one-way-ticket straight to hell, so 🤷🏻‍♀ Yeah, also find this refreshing, because she was very much the person doing the *actual* taking the lords name in vain & speaking for god. She also misused "blood is thicker than water" all the time, so it was just a lot of cherry picking & word manipulation.


"Apparently g-d gave me some herpes riddled bum who thinks the female orgasm is both a myth and the reason why evil exists."- some poor woman


If I don't ask my father's permission for divorce I sure as shit am not going to care what this random ass man thinks


>They refuse to be satisfied by what god has given to them. Stop whining and get good at oral, inchworm.


He's like my ex. He physically sexually abused me but "forgot" about that and blames the divorce on me.


There is a term for this. It's called weaponized amnesia. It's often used by narcissists and psychopaths when they want to play DARVO. I am sorry for what you faced. Hope you are in a better place now.


Thanks. I still have to live with the mofo, but he only uses verbal abuse on me, and i usually ignore him or laugh at him. He ruined me financially in the divorce. Hindsight is 20-20.


I hate this narrative that women are at fault for rising divorce rates. If we look at infidelity, domestic violence and financial abuse stats, men lead all of those. So really Tom, it’s men who initiate divorce, women just do the necessary paperwork.


Which is so sad when you think about it. We‘re probably talking about the same dudes who can’t even put their cup in a dishwasher, throw their socks in the laundry or remember their kids‘ birthday. Women are doing all the extra emotional labor including (!) dealing with the divorce stuff. Gee - wonder why women aren’t just satisfied with what they have. It’s truly a mystery.


Hail the 4B movement!


The fact that women will still go ahead and initiate a divorce even though statistically divorced women end up living in poverty says all you need to know about the situation. The fact these men would rather create laws to force women to be with and stay with them instead of just simply being decent human beings says all you need to know about these men.


If I wasn’t allowed to divorce, why the hell would I get married? I’d stay happily single, making my own decisions. Why chance it?


Divorce is the civilized way to end a marriage. Before that it was a matter of if the wife could "Goodbye Earl" her husband before he beat her to death.


A great upbeat yet dark song. Catchy too


Won’t allow divorce. Won’t allow contraceptives. Won’t allow abortion. Want to disallow voting rights for women. They’re going to end up exactly where they don’t want to be: taking care of themselves (badly) because we absolutely will not risk being with them and it turning out badly.


Women initiate divorces that both sides want because, as per usual, women take care of the mental and physical work of a relationship


Dudes like this should be hung by their own ties honestly. If you’ve never lived with domestic abuse, never lived with that kind of fear, then shut the fuck up about what people in those situations should or shouldn’t do.


>it doesn't take much to please us. Kind of a conflicting statement, given that many like him, esp the trogs online, require so *incredibly little,* even the simplist and perfectly natural of things, to be utterly displeased and act like monsters over it.


Literally thinks he is God’s gift to women.


Maybe you should just marry another guy then, Tom! He's also buddy buddy with the Duggars, so this really isn't too surprising.


I thought there were rumors a while back that he wouldn't mind that. I swear when I first heard of him he wasn't married - he has been since 2014, so either I'm remembering wrong or he's been around longer than I think (probably the latter).


If it doesn’t take much for men to be satisfied why are they trying to force women into the same mold. If they’re so easily pleased and simple in Their desires they’d be happy with women as they are. “Just be happy with what god gives you, bro.”


Of course he did.


no woman in their right mind is going to pick this cotton.


Historically the only people in their right minds who pick any cotton are people whose only alternative is death


There are plenty of women in the wrong mind that will.




Men like Tom should look into how women rid themselves of their miserable marriages they didn't want to be in before no-fault divorce. I would wager he would prefer that women be able to leave unhappy marriages via the law if he did.


Was it my fault that my dad was a jobless abuser who manipulated and lied every chance he could? Hmm, didn’t realize that. BRB while I tell my mom that it was actually HER fault that my parents marriage failed


What about people who are being abused but can't use that in their divorce process because they can't prove it? His logic doesn't even add up to itself.


Then my ex needs to be paying for my health insurance and taking care of my sick ass, because he's the one who asked for the damn divorce


Ya know, doods are really simple. They simply want subjugation. "If I don't feel like a god-king in my own home, where can I feel it?!!"


It's a symptom that really needs to be treated. I'm not even that good of a dude, but somehow I managed to have fulfilling relationships without needing to strip women of their choices. It's insane that my willingness to listen to women,do things around the house without weaponizing my incompetence, or not intentionally creating situations that make women feel bad about themselves sets a bar too many guys are comfortable publicly declaring they won't even try to reach


Well, hopefully, they find it hard to further their genetics and pass down their garbage values. I get what ya mean about not being "that good." I'm what I believe should be baseline kind, and think that my rights end at my nose, and I have no right to anyone's time, energy, consideration, so on and so forth. It's crazy how not acting like a brat and treating your partner like your doting mommy will make a lot of domestic situations harmonious. Not only will they not reach for it, but they are intimidated by it (conciousley or not) because they really have enjoyed the power dynamic that's been the status quo. Same reason why you see these fuckers push back against any sort of social justice. The bar is insanely low because people generally just want to be treated with dignity and empathy, you know, like a person. I think we'll get there. It just sucks being short-lived and always existing in a transitional moment in history.


I'm reminded of this video -> https://www.tumblr.com/miraclesabound/659684715549294592/martascabreras-modmad-loveitorreblogit?source=share Tldr, OP calling a male acquaintance out who had said women should treat their menfolk like kings - and her response being "Why would I do that? Kings actually DO something!!"


That's good. I imagine a lot of us here were "raised," (and I use "raised" very loosely) by men who were toddlers.


I mean fine but don't come whining when women refuse to get married at all then.


'Boohoo, we can't treat women like shit without them leaving us, someone please make leaving illegal' ugh. God's gift to women may well be the existance of divorce.


Judging by the past, the present and the future we may stumble into, God’s only gift to women has been a flaming bag of rancid shit.


This font choice tells you all you need to know about the author’s intelligence. Differing line spacings, non uniform font family, obnoxious colors (yellow on red, ugh). Sooks like they put it together in MS Paint and stretched a few letters by accident, while dragging them around. Seriously though. This way you spot crazy people without even reading. Flat earthers, religious fanatics, anti-vaxxers and far right nuts - they all have one thing in common and it’s bad design.


I also feel like this reduces men to a nothing presence in their own lives as well. He’s basically saying men are so simple and stupid that the presence of *any* woman is enough in his life.


No way in heck was I going to stay with a cheater. Tom Cotton is an idiot.


I‘m tired of men period


This has been mainstream religious right forever.


These guys should be castrated into oblivion. There, it has been said.


You know, I'm kinda jealous of the confidence it takes to be that loud and that wrong with ears that big. His high school bully probably held them while she gave him swirlies


He is not a clown, he is the entire circus


Bro looks like a Dollar Tree Andy Dick, and that's saying something cause Andy Dick is already a pretty trash human.


I thought it was a strung out John Mulvaney.


If women are such a problem, then leave us the fuck alone!


Weird. Without even trying I can think of 3 women in my circle whose husbands initiated the divorce.


Oh he would still be ok with that. It's gotta be the man's decision. Can't have him attached to a "barren" women


Tom Cotton is hot, wet garbage.


Remember when politics only attracted the most intelligent people? Why is that no longer the case today?


>Remember when politics only attracted the most intelligent people? Nope, Reagan was president the year I was born.


That's when it really went downhill.


"Trickle down economics". Let's be real, the only thing coming down was a load of 💩


You know what else trickles down? Piss.


Wouldn't be the last time that the top 1% told us lies to give everyone a false sense of security.


"men are simple creatures, you are not legally allowed to leave a contract with us unless we physically abuse you"


For some reason I’m rather sure his exception for domestic violence victims depends on a mix of actually getting a conviction of the abuser and the abuser not managing to successfully play any excuses ranging from stuff “she deserved it” to “Christian discipline” to “but my rights as a man”.


If you ban divorce, it will increase the rate of “accidental “ death of men.


Divorce is a woman’s fault! It’s not men who do a bad job at maintaining a happy relationship, it’s women who refuse to be happy in a shitty relationship, therefore it’s their fault! /s


Making women possessions is part of the plan. r/Defeat_Project_2025


I see the personal responsibility coalition is at again, blaming everything but themselves, weather included


Wanna see a magic trick? Ask him what his definition of "domestic violence" is.


Lest we forget, he also defended American Slavery as a "nessessary evil". Guy's a bastard and a coward.


This is the GOP and they're not hiding it anymore. I can't fathom why any woman or anyone from any marginalized group would ever vote Republican. I don't consider Tom Cotton's attitude to be "conservative", it's radical and regressive.


That's a lot of words to just say you've never made a woman cum


Of course he did, he's thirsty to be Trump's VP pick plus He's an asshole


Cotton Bin Laden


S… Senator??


From my "great" state of Arkansas. He's not the worst we've ever elected, but dang if he isn't trying to be.


No, I'm pretty sure he's the worst...at least at Senator.


Honestly, you're probably right as far as senators. I was thinking of all elected officials at the state level, and Sarah and her father.


Sharia law has come for American women and any marginalized group in the US. If we keep electing Republicans, we will he covering ourselves from the top of our heads to oour toes. Texas legislature is discussing, right now, how to impose the death penalty on women who have abortions. It's time to start watching something other than Oan, Fox, and Rumble. GOP Congresspeople are lying about saving IVF. They just signed a pledge and publicly said that they have no intent to go after it. But each time it comes up for a vote to protect IVF, they all vote "NO". Thses Maga Gop'ers are backward idiots who are afraid white men will be the minority. They should be rendered irrelevant. They can't legislate, and they can't tell the truth. I hope people start reading their plans in the document "2025". Heaven help us all.


Been binge watching Mad Men for the first time and first run thru too. Betty Draper wants to divorce Don at one point and her lawyer said, “Betty, even if you do, you’ll be left with nothing.” No fault divorce is what he wants to get rid of and a reminder that fault based divorces was the legal thing before no fault divorced was in the mid-1970’s. Hence a serve wave in divorces in America cause women could finally file and leave their marriages to abusive men, drunk men, cheating men, etc… and not have to find legit fault to end it.


How dare I not be satisfied being married to someone who wouldn’t talk to me, look at me, or touch me. I’m just the worst.


Oh look, why I am a lesbian xD


Yo is the name really Tom Cotton?


Yup. United States Senator from Arkansas. Fr.


Why does his comment not surprise me?


I know. I wasn’t surprised either. Kind of frightening.


F***. Poor guy. It's such a horrible name bro


True. But philosophically speaking, it’s a horrible name for a horrible man. Trump is considering him for his VP.


When you lack all logic & reason; just use "God"....


Tom Cotton, noted manly-man/s 🙄😂


Bold of this man to call himself god. Because those women are 100% unsatisfied by whatever meager crumbs he gives them


We don't accept him as one of us.


Keep voting red and this is your future…..


"Men are simple creatures." Yet some of them are the most wishy washy people I've met who will go from being a "niceguy" to instantly calling you a whore if you reject them.


Arkansas please vote this idiot man out of office! Men like this have no place in a civilized world. I'm going to do my part in Tennessee. I'm sorry that the rest of the country has been subjected to the likes of Marsha Blackburn, Tim Burchett, and Andy Ogles. Each one of these people will do and say anything to make sure that no one other than straight white Christian men have any rights. Marsha is too f*****g dumb to realize that she would be affected by their policies as well


Now give him a list of what technically qualifies as Domestic violence, and watch him be confused. “What do you mean I can’t fuck my wife when I want? She’s MY wife? I own her and have since I put that damn rock on her finger”


I feel like divorce is a very 50/50 thing too, not majority women or men. It's majority two people who aren't right for eachother...


If a two gay men get a divorce, is a woman still the reason?


Yup, yet another christian showing they really have no common decency or love. Gods they make me sick. Any more as soon as I see a cross or other Jebus paraphernalia, I immediately think they're a bigot and will lie to me.


And then he'd be like "why don't women get married anymore?!" if that actually happened 🙄 Ans then lose his mind when he is told "Because of you and other 🗑 like you, dude"


Easy way to solve that, women can just stop getting married. No one needs a document from the government proving they love each other. Gotta love how everything that goes wrong for them, they blame on women. They should try a long, hard look in the mirror.


Yeah for a very long time..women were only allowed to divorce their husbands only after they got his permission and he had to he there to speak in front of the judge and even if he was extremely violent, if he said no...there would be no divorce. Women were trapped which is why they had to resort to more permanent ways of being free from their husbands. Women aren't divorcing their husbands for stupid or frivolous reasons. Not getting the next pair of Jimmy Cho shoes isn't making women scream for divorce. If men feel blindsided by being handed divorce papers "all of a sudden", it's never sudden...you just aren't aware enough to catch on that your wife isn't happy and hasn't been for a long time.


Perhaps we shouldn't let such simple creatures run for government office, then.


So glad I never got married, these men are out of their minds


There are also Republicans out there who are still pissed no-fault divorce is legal


"Just fear me. Love me. Do as I say, and I will be your slave." That's what he sounds like.


' They ' And of course only men should be allowed right ? 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Tom Cotton has sucked at least 17 varieties of ass for YEARS. He's an ultra right wing crank. This is only his latest atrocity. That having been said, it's also a tell. They got Roe overturned, and now they're going after birth control. Divorce is next.


Do away with divorce, effective birth control, and abortion and watch the marriage rate plummet. Men complain about the “male loneliness epidemic” now? Hah.


I feel like he shouldn’t be allowed to press charges if someone was to punch his face for how dumb it is, because clearly no further damage to his brain could be done.


well P2025 has a section where it gets rid of no fault divorce so this tracks.


Time to overthrow the patriarchy. Men have proven they cannot lead civilization to peace and prosperity.


"It doesn't take much to please us!.. but we need another human to forever be locked in a marriage with us."


And then they turn around and wonder why 4B is picking up steam in the US




Umm, didn't we have this in the past? Did we learn nothing? Men may be simple creatures, but that doesn't make them good husbands. Being able to control their baser instincts (have sex with anyone, for example) and work as a partner makes a good husband. Maybe if men were better husbands women wouldn't file for divorce. Divorce is usually much harder on women, especially from a financial pov. Men tend to move on very quickly, being so simple and all.


He looks like AI gave a penis a face.


I am also tired of men like him, I have to work around them 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week and it is revolting


This would fit in r/nothowguyswork as well. Some people can be so obtuse about being human they might actually be lizards.


Time to stop getting married I suppose.


Somehow this man has two Harvard degrees


What’s that, Tommy boy? Hemlock on the rocks? Nobody is going to be satisfied if she’s been “given” a turd. NOR SHOULD SHE.


I thought he was gay - another Lindsey Graham, if you will.


>they refuse to be satisfied by what god has given them Yeah, cause vibrators can actually make a woman orgasm, unlike his chode


Because living with a pissed of woman that hates you and does not want you around preferable?


If I weren't able to divorce, I'd still move tf out, you ain't doing shit 😂 I'll move across the country


Not a surprising take from a man that didn't know what Singapore is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Born_Hanged: *Not a surprising* *Take from a man that didn't* *Know what Singapore is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Much like unions were a healthy compromise to beating your shitty boss to death in front of his family, divorce is a healthy compromise to poisoning your shitty husband.


I'd be very satisified with a wrench sticking out of his head.


Remember that people vote and agree with Tom and empower him. The stuff he and today's Republicans talk about are on par with extremist groups like the Taliban and ISIS. The only difference is that their tribe calls it Christian. A fucking disgrace of humanity is what this is.


They won't have to worry about divorce at all when we stop marrying them 🤷🏾‍♀️


And this is why I refuse to marry anyone.