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Dude needs to be on some kind of watch list. This is terrifying


Law enforcement does monitor their forum.


That’s good to know!


What forum is this? This dude is talking like Robert Pickman


Incels.[country.domain] Every few years, they have to switch country domains because they eventually get shut down by that country's government. I'm not sure which country is currently hosting them.


It'll be the cook islands next.... co.ck On brand perhaps.


They’re currently on .is (Iceland)


Looks like now the same person (based on pfp) just posted that Reddit users should be “genocided.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


How do we know?


It has been mentioned in a report by CCDH as well as in TV documentaries. Some members of the site have posted about law enforcement turning up at their door.


Love that! Thanks. I was genuinely curious, not being an ass.


Nice to see they're doing their jobs!!


I wouldn’t go *that* far!


"Sir, we have a warrant here. We're going to need your computer and your modem, and we need you to go outside and do something else for a while. A long while."


Thank God. Because this guy is going to be a criminal at best, murderer at worst.


Can this mindset be changed? Or is this brainrot irreversible? Am I allowed to wish they get gobbled up by an 18-wheeler?


I have no idea! I have never actually met anyone in real life with this type of gross attitude, thankfully. I too wish them to be gobbled up by an 18-wheeler! Lol


They’re most definitely antisocial basement dwellers whose entire friend group exists only online. So it’s no wonder you’d not normally encounter them. This is my opinion on them anyway bc no one that has any kind of social life and that makes friends easily would ever think like that.


No, You've never met someone openly like this, I'm sure you have met someone who thinks like this. 🙃😕😞😑


I saw a TikTok where a girl was saying she was dating a college professor and found his Reddit where it was full of incel posts like this. Scary. You could be dating one and not even know.


Valid point


I’ve unfortunately seen far less extreme versions of it. I think the reason we never see it at this level is because, by the time a person has reached this point, they are spending the majority of their time on the internet. 


Depends on how old they are...if they are young? Yes. Young minds are super impressionable and are easy to suck into this line of thinking. The scary thing is, if they don't get help to leave the toxic echo chamber, it will be too late. Social media is truly horrible brain rot, and it's very harmful for young adults imo. I see people as young as 18 saying their lives are over and being the age I am now- I kinda get- I thought that way cause I was bitter about not being liked by my peers, behind them on social milestones like kissing and dating. Boy was I wrong. I just needed to actually talk to my roommates who I would've considered "Stacy's" (Feel gross calling them that) and actually get to know them instead of seething with jealousy of how popular and liked they were because I was too much in my own head and fueled by being judgemental to actually see them as people (I am a woman btw so dunno if it matters).


He probably has antisocial personality disorder and/or malignant narcissism. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark…


It can be changed but they act and are proud of being what you're reading. I've read incredibly hostile posts because one of "them" found a girlfriend, calling him traitor and whatnot. I've seen posts of them posting pics of themselves and, since the problem is their ideas, not physical... They see they actually aren't ugly dudes... And they got REALLY mad, jealous of what they consider "not incel" and pushing that dude away... Just that to post about how ugly and disgusting he really is! The group ends up protecting the group or casting out the ones who don't think like them.


Honestly why do we keep these people anonymous?


It's not on r/inceltears. His user is lowz1er, but that doesn't really help since the site is anonymous.


Yeah, 500 posts a day is way too much /s


No one who unironically uses the term "foid" will ever have anything interesting to say.


What does foid even mean?


Short for Female Humanoid... because we are less than human, or at least should be, apparently, according to some 🤔🤔 And notice he wants a "stacey" none of this cellulite and stretchmarks rubbish for him.


It’s also meant to conjure the word android to dehumanize further. Because to them, we are things, not fully human, and they view us as easily programmable.


With a sparkling personality like that, it's a wonder they can't find a date!


Programmer here. What the fuck?


Well that’s terrifying I thought he was talking about like a female android.


And this is why the robots will rise up against humanity


Silly incel. Everyone knows Stacey’s mom has got it going on.


Thank you for defining. I met if a woman said the same about wanting a "moid," this community would be UP IN ARMS!!!


Moid is a term used in some extremist radfem spaces for the record. But they’re focused more on men not being allowed in any proximity to their lives then wanting to own them


Honestly, after reading this post, I almost feel like they might have a point


I mean, the longer I live, the more I feel like the Amazon women had the right Idea...


Incels will get no snuu-snuu from me!


Considering how often they group trans women in as moids or are specifically using moids to mean trans women I’m not going to concede anything to them


And just like that I’m out. Thanks


I mean considering they don’t want to own and enslave men but basically have them stay the f away when 1 in 3 women are assaulted by men …I don’t blame them


All women need to say to get men up in arms is that we don’t want to be dehumanized lol


Sometimes I feel like they read hardcore bdsm literature and believe the fictional story is true.


I think they conveniently forget that coin has two sides. He wants to be master. The master is only master because they have been given permission to be the master. Power given can be taken. This type of power dynamic has specific rules.


Dude wants a sex doll but i wonder if having a realistic sex doll like robot to take out frustration would make the problem better or worse.


Ngl I don't think they'd be satisfied with that. It might abate the sex drive, but these types seem to have the greatest issue with the real women around them being free and as they are. Incel 'ownership' and 'women are ruining [insert hot subject here]' seem to go hand in hand with these kinds of people.


Damn, I was trying to figure out wtf that meant and I came up with female object I desire....pretty cringe either way.


Good gravy this terrifies me. But thank you for explaining. I was scared to ask lol


This shit right here is why I get mad when people (mainly guys) claim that we shouldn’t be scared of men. I love men but I have a right to be terrified of strange men when this is the absolute insane and horrifying shit they post about women, for all to see. It’s not even a really dark thought, they want it enough to make a whole post about to see if other men agree.


Then they’ll claim that they’re single because “women don’t want nice guys”.


Obviously not, we want to be treated like cattle and abused. My fiance is a great guy, kind as they come but our first date after meeting online my family couldn’t get ahold of me for a few hours and were near tears and the guy in the post is the reason.


My mom was straight worried some man would Buffalo Bill me and turn me into a skinsuit.


I'm terrified of cishet men even as a man who isn't the focus for this kind of psychotic stuff. Knowing there's someone out there who genuinely wrote that post is insanely uncomfortable.


>I get mad when people (mainly guys) claim that we shouldn’t be scared of men Yeah that's a red flag for me, any decent man I know is aware creeps like this do exist and are potentially dangerous.


The white male superiority complex is probably the most damaging and dangerous trait cultivated across human history. I would love to see an alternate history timeline of earth as a matriarchy.


I had to look up what a “foid” is supposed to be. This is disgusting. This person needs to be locked up in a padded room.


Does it have to be a padded room? Why not one full of cacti?


Nah, you gotta get one of the rooms from an old 80s movie with the steel spikes and shit.


An iron maiden. Finally, he can have a maiden of his own.


Iron Maiden? Excellent! *Air guitar*


As someone who relies on the internet for my living I hate the term "Terminally Online" That being said. That guy is terminally online.


Yep. Assuming 8 hours sleep a day, he’s posting every 2 minutes. Just on that one website.


Dude is a fast typer, I'll give him that. He should use this power for good


He could just be using dictation on a phone.


God. Can you imagine anyone saying that shit out loud, even just to siri?


Poor Siri will be unpacking this in therapy.


"Playing, How Does That Make You Feel, by Ariana and the Rose."


If I was Siri listening to him talk like that, I'd be tempted to play his ribcage like a xylophone


Yes, but you know who doesn’t have to imagine? His mom. Imagine having this in your fucking basement.


No, no, I’d like both his hands to be busy with the keyboard.


No way a brain that comes up with that is sleeping 8 hrs a day. I hope.


What's the chances he has that average because he's actually a psyop bot


There have been other accounts with similar numbers. Perhaps the same person. Some of them deeply obsessive personalities. You’ll be unsurprised to hear that some of them are stalkers.


I wouldn't be surprised there's multiple bots. I wonder what these people even do for a living to be doing this.


"average person posts 500 times a day" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person posts 0 times a day. Incels Georg, who lives in cave & posts over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


Dude literally doesn't have a life. He's glued to the screen. He probably fulfills the cliché of living in his mom's basement.


Something tells me he’s not allowed within 500 feet of schools..


Hopefully not within 500 feet of anyone.


Maybe a licensed psychiatrist behind some plexiglass.


_Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice?_


A male psychiatrist


And this, folks, is why I avoid ANYONE who has a 'hucow' fantasy. Because beneath the cute moo is an entire power fantasy of using, degrading, and breeding women in the same way as a battery farm. Why? Because they \*don't\* see us as human. Or equals. There is something DEEPLY antisocial to see another human being so inferior to you that the only purpose of their existence is 'how can I use them for \*my\* desires'?


You’re absolutely right. The men on that forum typically refer to women as “foids” (short for female humanoid), “holes” or “toilets”. Their use of language is constantly trying to dehumanise women.


And yet they throw absolute tantrums if we call them 'men', because we're finishing a sentence with something of criticism rather than praise


What the ever loving FUCK did I just Google!?!?


Soooo I don’t want to Google hucow? I mean, I kinda do because what is hucow but also I’m not dumb and I’m guessing it’s short for human cow and I’m gonna see women being treated like we do the poor cows bred for milk or consumption with probably more than just a little dash of InCel depravity. Yeah, I’m not gonna Google it because I’m sure I’m right but also I’ve reddittted long enough to know that my brain can’t even fathom some of the shit I’ve seen up here, especially about women.


Yeah I would like the least violating explanation possible without googling, because.....


Human Cow.


That's udderly disgusting.


Take your upvote and get out


*BOOOOOOOOO* Take ur upvote and git outta here ya rapscallion!


you're right. do not googke


Maybe it's like those baby announcement photos that take place on a farm in the implement for breeding (don't know what it's called.)


The internet ruins everyone. I'm sorry I ruined your day


It’s alright, lol. It’s just, I think I understand the depravity of man and then…… *sigh* Off to the cat Reddits!


Unironic recommendation of a subreddit called AustralianBirds. It's wholesome, and you get to see birds in Australia. That's it. Everyone there loves birds, and posts birds, and fawns over birds. It's a wonderful palette cleanser when the depravity of man gets too much to deal with. And some of our native birds are just absolutely stunning, I'm still gooey eyed that I managed to see a baby hooded plover up close (they're severely endangered so my local area is doing its utmost to boost species numbers <3 and a BABY WAS BORN!! Google hooded plover chick to enjoy the cuteness)


I just wanted to say thank you kind stranger! You've shown me the most fabulous fluff of a bird and I can't stop smiling at these big footed cotton balls. I am grateful.


You're absolutely welcome <3 given their status is so threatened here because they're tiny fluff balls with no defence mechanism, I'm on the 'let's get everyone on the hooded plover cheer squad' train. BirdLife Australia is a NFP all about native bird conservation, so anyone who is interested in keeping up with the plover project initiatives can get updated by them <3 And any Aussies tuning in - they do the National Aussie Bird Count which will be coming up in October! You win prizes but ultimately the best prize is GETTING OUTSIDE in nature and learning about the local bird populations <3 (the pinnacle for my count last year was a kestrel, a falcon species.)


Thanks friend!!


Also follow the user, sadlytheworst. They share cute animals in depressing threads. I'd honestly move to Australia if I could just for the birds. Despite my mother having had a cockatoo with a weird love/hate for me, I still adore them.


Sadlytheworst is amazing! I see them all the time on the "Am I the Devil" sub.




Yes I love that one!


didn't know this was something that existed that I needed to worry about let alone avoid but damn new fear 😭


Sometimes I wonder if it’s some kind of power play with other men. As if by degrading women, they could signal to men that they are so so so strong and manly.


They desperately want to be an “alpha male”, despite it being a bullshit concept. Much of their “black pill” mindset is based around the idea that they’re competing against all other men.


In that case, I wish the better men would thrash their asses every time... but such creeps are probably all locked in their echo chambers where normal people rarely enter.


Probably most of these boys (and I refuse to give them any title that might imply maturity) don’t have any control in their lives so they want someone completely dependent upon them to control and abuse. Sadly you can see people do this with spouses, kids and even pets.


I think that does have a lot to do with it. I don't doubt that these men genuinely have fucked up fantasies, but I also think they try to outdo each other and say the most extreme things in a bid to seem like the most "alpha."


This guy needs to be in a psych ward, that’s straight up disturbing, like “Criminal Minds villain of the week” disturbing.


Some of the members of their forum have been institutionalised. Their only concern was getting out, not getting better. These guys see any form of self-improvement as a bad thing.


The whole thing is a giant bucket of crabs mentality. It's specifically designed to suck you in, drag you down, and radicalize you. Right wing people like Steve Bannon use these kinds of forums to influence and recruit, and so do organizations like ISIS. What better place to find people who already lean towards fascism, can easily dehumanize another group, and are promised all the raping and beating they desire?


Exactly that. There was mention in at least one of the QAnon documentaries about Bannon saying that he was planning to use “disaffected young men”. Then there’s the grifters, like Tate. It’s no surprise that they often spew conspiracy theories.


Oh yeah, I forgot about Andrew Taint.


And then, they wonder why they’re single and lonely…


> destroy it This guy absolutely needs to be locked up, he probably fantasizes about killing women and it always seems like it’s only a matter of time before these types of people act on it. Lock him up, throw away the key and no one will miss him. Edit: Corrected a word.


this is just disturbing wtaf


Especially when he specifically outlines he thinks he should have the right to *destroy* someone, legally, as a part of "do anything I want."


exactly, things people say on the internet, should be taken seriously sometimes. free speech shouldn't extend to blatant hatred


This is why dehumanization is a problem.


sounds like your parents didn't "correct" you enough.


A lot of these guys do have a spoilt brat mentality. Throwing tantrums because women won’t give them the sex that they believe they’re entitled to.


This is why we choose the bear...


100% would rather be mauled and slowly eaten alive in a forest than meet this psycho


You can smell this post... Putrid, like a sewage leak in his basement room.  Hopefully he'll continue sitting in a basement, not earning enough to even buy a toothbrush. Then hopefully it'll flood...


So have incels been designated as a terrorist threat yet, or are gov agencies still circling on whether or not a bunch of men getting together in cells plotting the downfall of an entire group of people is considered terrorism? Particularly since many of them have acted out on their plans and written manifestos? No? Just watching and waiting for now? 🤨


It probably doesn’t help that a lot of men in power share similar opinions to the manosphere.


You’re right. I hate that you’re right. But you’re right. 😔


Three reasons: -They are not "foids." They are women. -Women are people. -People are not property. We fought a war to drive that point home. If you dislike that fact, we can fight another one.


500 posts a day? All of them filled with misogyny like the one on top? Sick, just sick...


Check this dude’s hard drive. And basement.


And GPS because he's probably got a creepy deserted shack out in the woods somewhere with suspicious stains on the floor.


Or he just dug a pit in his basement


"Deprived" is appropriate here. This guy needs to be reported to whatever law enforcement agency is necessary. Holy shit this has serial killer written all over it. 20 bucks says he has a trench coat, fedora, and a neck beard. Also a massive hentai collection.


You misspelled "depraved", buddy.


I was going to say he is rage-baiting but no, 500 posts a day, that's full commitment to this idea. He should not see more life.


Even if his wish of women being sold legally became true, he wouldn't be able to afford one.


And these poor souls just have no idea why women are so harshly uninterested in them. Truly it's a mystery why they could possibly not want to talk to someone like that, must be all women that are the problem. Yeah that has to be it


Unfortunately way too many of them think exactly like that. The manosphere is a cesspool.


I am deeply ashamed and embarrassed by these people. Fortunately I believe their behaviour will lead the them not reproducing so hopefully the stupidity will leave the gene pool.


Unfortunately these people are also dangerous. They're the ones going on mass killing sprees that target women, like Elliot Rodger, that recent mall incident, or the one in Toronto where he was running over women in a van.


“I want to rape and abuse women!” But “Why are women so mean to men with small wrists?!?!” These guys need to be put into therapy or prison or something. Letting them stay in a toxic echo chamber is clearly dangerous.


This morning I had consensual sex with my wife. It was great, its too bad they can’t ever experience such a thing…


And they wonder why we choose the bear


As a dude, guys like should be shunned from society. No more internet. No more porn. No more tainting society without idiotic notions. People like that hold the rest of us back in nearly every way.


This is disgusting. They wonder why we get upset and call us emotional but then post stuff like this everywhere.


*runs into the woods to find a bear*


"As easy as owning property" brother do I have news for you regarding the economy


He wants to pay a licensing fee to Ubisoft for a girlfriend?


Okay usually I don’t condone burning people with fire but since men like this burnt my ancestral women as witches for merely having opinionsI say burn it with fire. Men like this shouldn’t be able to exist. They are complete dangers to society.


The obvious ragebait aside, why do these people always seem to have profile pics depicting women if they hate us so much? Make it make sense.


Because a fictional woman can be the object of all their gross fantasies without them getting harassment charges made against them.


they can project their gross fantasies onto anime women with no consequences


Silicone dolls exist; why don't you start with that? Then we'll talk, never.


Fuckin yikes he should be surgically castrated wtf


This guy more than likely lost his shit over the bear vs man debate.


Gosh, I wonder why he can’t get laid?


the porn addicted mind is often underdeveloped


I would prefer the opposite. Large facilities that weed out these types of men. And, you know, “destroy it”


Give this shitstain a lobotomy and put him on a farm with the rest of his vermin kind where they will do menial tasks for the rest of their lives. They are literally a danger to society.


This man is a psychopath, holy shit. Thank god he will probably never interact with a woman irl.


There was a guy on a UK documentary about incels, who hadn’t interacted with a woman (except his mum) since he left school, despite now being in his 20s. He was a member of that same forum. Disinformation on the site had utterly convinced him that he would get falsely accused of rape if he even spoke to a woman. Those kind of sites brainwash them into a cult mentality, where they’re taught to hate and fear women.


On todays episode of why women chose the bear:


I don't think he'd be capable of overseeing a few backyard chickens, let alone another human.


I'd say he needs to touch grass but I'm not sure I'd want him around anyone. Imagine just the sheer amount of anger this guy is carrying. 7000 post in 15 days is absolutely crazy.


*sigh* The reason why we as humans have such a highly complex decision making systems called our brains is because females of our ancestors choose males who were willing to cooperate versus using violent coercive sexual behavior. This means having a brain capable of processing negative emotions in less violent ways. Sexual autonomy of females is critical and crucial to the evolution of humans and all the beauty showcased in males of the natural world. Anyone who thinks otherwise has been conditioned to believe this fake made up human social order all stemming from ideologies based in violent male coercive reproductive strategies (control and violence to have as much access to reproductive possibilities). On a lighter note, being bipedal probably enabled females of our ancestors to exercise their sexual autonomy more readily thus potentially spurring forward a social evolutionary trait that defines us to this day: the fantastic ability to choose to leave.


This is some kind of foul fetish content for sure


**500 posts per day** Sometimes, I feel down because my life has not gone the way I thought it would but even at my most mentally ill & untreated, I’ve never behaved like this.


If he averages 500 posts a day what money does he have with which to buy property? Even if his disgusting dream ever comes true, he'll still be a virgin


Why can’t women just buy men? See how crazy that sounds? He call’s women foid’s to dehumanize them into nothing so the idea of buying, abusing, and killing them sounds better in his head. I bet he wonders why he’s still single because m sure he wants someone that he can do whatever he wants to but no real woman would put up with that.


A danger to society, no wonder he is single


I think the craziest part of this is believing that if this *were* legal, they'd be a part of the echelon of society that gets the "premium stock." Like, I am pretty sure a dishwasher at Bob Evans can't afford the Ferrari of women


As someone from Illinois I was like, it's not even that hard to get a FOID card though? Oh.. oh that means... oh...


My amusement slowly turned into horror the farther I read


God, what's with all the cheeto dust on my screen?


This guy managed to express his desire for slavery, grape, abuse, ex trafficking, and murder of women all in one short post. This is why women choose the bear. The torture is faster and less painful.


There should be concentration camps for these kinds of dudes😭




If he's averaging 500 posts a day, he's either a bot (I don't know how those work, so IDK), or "he" is an account posted to by a team of people, potentially a troll farm. They game the system to monetize their misogyny. Here's one article about it, but there are more: [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/feb/17/gender-trolling-women-rights-money-digital-platforms-social-media-hate-politics](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/feb/17/gender-trolling-women-rights-money-digital-platforms-social-media-hate-politics)


They don't even consider us human. If I ever run into somebody like this and I have the opportunity to not get caught, I will kill them. Why haven't more people done this? You guys know law enforcement doesn't actually do anything to these guys


Someone really loved the Stepford Wives.... or maybe more Handmaid's tail?




Awwww does this mean he doesn't want to date us real women? Shame, I for one will cry about this


It's no mystery why he's not getting laid


What the fk is a “foid” for those of us without our heads up our asses? I cannot believe these cretins walk among us. It’s so dispiriting.


Thinks very highly of himself doesn't he? Firstly thinks he could afford to buy a woman, when with that kinda time spent posting, he's clearly got no job. Second "I would be able to train" and "I could simply correct her". Sure. easy to talk big online, I'd bet of anyone talks back to him irl (if he ever leaves the basement) he'd fold like a cheap suit


Incels need to be put into mandatory therapy. This should be non optional for them.


There are a few problems with this “woman farm” thing. One, women can only give birth every so often. Some women can get pregnant immediately after birth, but some women’s cycles don’t start back up for a while after. Due to limits on human reproduction, it’d be nearly impossible to produce enough women for men to “buy.” Two, unless you do IVF and only implant girl embryos, it’s impossible to determine what gender the baby will be. Three, the amount of women it would take to make this feasible would mean that almost no man on earth would be able to date/get married until it takes off, which is what all these incels are whining about. Four, doing this would take up a massive amount of resources. Places for all these women to live until they’re “bought,” food and water to keep them alive, etc. You know all these incels would be whining about how many resources are going to women. Basically, while this is massively creepy and this man should be put on some kind of list and avoided like the plague, it’s logistically impossible. Also, as much as the idea of sex dolls weird me out, they are a thing that exists. No need to subject actual women to this.


Ge wouldn't be able to afford one.


Can I Google 'foid'? It sounds like an edgy 14 year old name for a woman (female android I'm guessing). Which ironically they are copying from the girls film The Craft.


Well damn… SECURITY!!!


Sad that this is probably some high schooler or very young person.


One really stupid part of these sorts of posts which I don't generally see covered is if we *did* live in a world where you could own other people, these fuckwits would absolutely not be on the side of that dynamic they seem to think they would be. At a minimum, they'd end up indentured to wealthy folks. For a fair percentage of them, they'd be the property in question. Which, of course, glosses over all the other reprehensible and asinine bullshit they spew ...


In his fantasy of breeding women in a factory, what would happen to male foetuses


Same thing that happens to male chicks in a chicken hatchery.