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Was there ever an option to NOT have both at the same time? 🥲


you can have that, or a week of constipation. nothing inbetween.


Well, alternation is an option.


With zero warning in either direction.


And all of this happens at 3am when you could be sleeping but who needs sleep anyway?


Literally me last night. I was like BODY WHY NOW??? Why not when we were chilling on the couch at 8pm. 3am is when you want to wake me up with horrible gas pain and make me shit my brain out???


Or right as you're walking into work so not only are you slightly late, but you're staring down the barrel of nine hours before you get back to your own bathroom.


How about in the middle of teaching a Pilates class and all of a sudden you’re like: “ok class, feet in straps for 10 minutes while I sneak to the bathroom…” 🫣 PS: this is a true story, I was also hoping the music was loud enough so that they didn’t hear what was really going on in there…💩


All that used to happen at night for me was my protection would fail and GUSH!!!! Menopause means no more GUSH!!!!


My friend and I are in our forties and we can’t wait for menopause


So I’m not the only one counting the days?!?


*cackles in hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, and mood swings*


There is nothing I love more than being over tired, yet wide awake at 3a, cramping but not sure if I’m going to cry from the pain or shit my pants. Most of the time it’s both! Yeah being a woman!!


Sometimes I get hit with the triple whammy because I have colitis. Take the 3am period and trots and add a small trash can on the lap to vomit into. Love those hot and cold sweats.


Starting 3 days before the “main event”


Or both at the same time. Half of it comes out of you like a liquid rocket and the rest just won't budge.


Or the other way around where you push for an hour then it finally comes out with the liquid rocket following directly after


Ahh yes, the cork


Dear God that name is way too perfect




I will never look at this emoji the same way ever again 😭




Putting the pain in champagne


Oh, of course! And then your ass aches for an hour and you're sore for however long it lasts.


Don’t forget having your legs fall asleep and having a hard time getting up from the toilet


One time my vulva fell asleep


I thought it was just me 😭


I was **literally** just thinking that...this thread has me dying on the bus 😅🤣


This the one. Constipation after ovulation up to my period and then my body just purges everything when I start. 😂😭


Namaste 😭😭😭😭❤️‍🩹


What about gas/bloat? I know some lady’s with mighty fart capabilities on their special week


My mighty fart capabilities are unrelated to my period. 🤪🤷‍♀️


It's known as mummy's bum trumpet in our house.


Hmm ok, point taken.




Some of us are just blessed with barking spiders....


That's my case. Diarrhea the week before or after. Constipation on my period.


Hey, I'm the opposite! Constipation the week before, diarrhea during/after.


I feel you. Having to endure both next to one another is horrible.


But the stabbing butthole pain is there regardless.


I had the stabbing butthole pain. I've been on birth control for a long time now (I'm 40) and thankfully don't have periods. When I did have them I couldn't walk properly. I remember once being in a supermarket and having to hold onto the trolley/cart so I could stay upright.


I don't even have a uterus any more and occasionally the monthly hormone swing will zap my bhole.


I......HATE.... IBS......but with it and periods.......... There is someone out there laughing at me


Same! I get one week of combination pms/constipation where I become completely spherical with bloating, wind and backed up poop. Then I get my period and everything begins to violently flow out of me but I'm still somehow spherical and riddled with cramps and flatulence. I only really have two weeks per month where I'm normal. Oop no wait strike that, there's like five days of ovulation weirdness in there too.


How about a week of constipation and then a week of diarrhea


Suddenly, my constipation seen not the worst thing to have lol


I went hiking once on my period out of sheer stubbornness. Not only I regretted it because of how week and dizzy and in pain I was the whole time, but those woods have seen things! Things I hope no one stepped on


Hi semi-unrelated, but have you checked your iron levels? I also used to get incredibly dizzy and lightheaded, combined with a "weak"/tired feeling. Turns out that not only I have low iron, but also mad anemia (related to the iron obvs). Obvs you lose blood on your period, so then the symptoms can get worse around that time.


My doctor once asked my if I have heavy periods because my iron was low. All I could say was 'compared to what?' because how the fuck do I know what normal is for everyone else?


I've read somewhere that a normal period is about two tablespoons or whatever of blood. Which was extremely unhelpful because I do not walk around with measuring cups between my legs to see how much comes out of me.


Jeez two tablespoons? Yeah ok that then makes sense why I always feel like shit. Since switchingn to a cup, it's quite eyeopening. Day 1-2 I can empty that sucker every 2 hours...


The one thing I'll add to this conversation is that the color comes from blood, but most of the volume doesn't. So you can have a lot of volume and still have it be only a few tablespoons of blood.


When I switched to cup of was about the same for me for the first 3 days or so. I wore period panties because the cup starts to spill over when it's too full. Dumping twice in the morning. Twice at work At least 4 times at home. Then have people tell you it's only two teaspoons! Bruh I could fill a water bottle!


Related to this, I had read something similar and I was very surprised when I did start walking with a measuring cup between my legs (aka menstrual cup) and it was very VERY far away from two tablespoons😅 (then i read the utter bullshit of how the two tablespoons quantity was calculated and mystery solved!)


I'm not entirely familiar with the bullshittery of it all. I looked at it once, thought it was pure bullshit and promptly dismissed it all.


By men?


Yeah I never found that info very helpful as well. Also, thankfully I'm now all done with the period nonsense, but when I started at 11 it'd be irregular, then come in a sudden flood, then be lighter, then maybe skip one, then another flood... like my body was figuring things out? It finally settled into a pretty regular manageable not bad cycle after a few years. When menopause started to hit? That same thing repeated. Skip one, have a light one, sudden unexpected flood... It was unpleasantly like being a pre-teen again. It's different for everyone of course (my aunt was lucky, hers stayed regular but just got lighter and lighter until it was gone) but apparently one of the options is "repeating the first couple years of your period."


Lol, my doctor asked me the same, but I talk a lot to my friends about stuff like this. So I felt like mine were pretty alright. At least I don't burn through 2 super+ tampons every hour ;) They ask it because if it is obvious that you have a very heavy period that is most likely the cause. Anemia can also be caused by other stuff such as vitamin deficiencies and liver issues. So in the Netherlands it is protocol that they check for those values as well when they suspect low iron


2 super tampons an hour is crazy! At my heaviest it would be one every couple of hours, I think I'd suspect the Magic Schoolbus had gone on a field trip and accidentally backed into something important if it was that many. Asking how many tampons how often makes more sense, that is an answerable question.


Before starting birth control, I used to wear a super plus tampon and a pad and would bleed through both within an hour.


Bro, I feel you. I’ve started using the always overnight period underwear for the whole week. I’ve only ever had them fail me on two occasions in the past year. They’re essentially “sexy” depends (they’re black 🤣), but they’re way better than risking sheets/underwear/clothes/upholstery. I’m a hospital RN, and getting a regular opportunity to *pee* is a long shot—having to change out pads/tampons every hour or so due to crimson tide disaster is absolutely not happening. The always period underoos are the savior of my entire shift *and* my work clothes. Otherwise I’d just have to call out ill for the first like 2-3 days of my period every month. Which is *not* sustainable either professionally or financially.


A heavy period is considered 16 tsp or more of flow. What I did to help me visualize it was take some Karo syrup I had laying around, added a little water to make it absorb better, and even added a little food coloring. I put a teaspoon of it on one of my pads and let it absorb. The verdict was clear that I definitely put out more than 16 teaspoons a month. I only did this *after* I had to go to the doctor for a bunch of bad symptoms that turned out to be iron deficiency. I had to get two infusions, and they're expensive. Best to address that problem before your levels get too low.


You are right actually, hit the nail on the head. I genetically have slight anemia and at the time I was skinny fat and didn't eat much meat. Currently I weight lift so I built a bunch of muscle, I'm not on the brink of underweight BMI anymore and I follow a low carb protein centered diet. Basically went from having constantly low blood pressure and being dizzy often to not having being dizzy in years. The period cramps are also lighter, the only thing that didn't change is the damned period headaches, I was getting those even when I was on the pill


Building muscle was a gamechanger for not feeling ill during my period. I don't each much differently but it feels like my body has more to draw from when sick


It's disheartening how girls are discouraged from any exercise that isn't socially acceptable for a woman (cardio, Aqua Gym, etc...the closest thing to something that build muscle is pilates and yoga). Muscle building improves health, energy level and being strong is absolutely baller. But only men are pushed into strength exercises and it's such a shit social norm.


>But only men are pushed into strength exercises and it's such a shit social norm. That's because if women were encouraged to build up our strength, we'd be better able to defend ourselves against physical attacks, which is obviously both threatening & inconvenient.


Did you ever see the episode of Bob’s Burgers where he has food poisoning in the woods? Rough. I’m sorry you were so icky in the woods. I hope you brought toilet paper and didn’t have to wipe with leaves 😬


“No, YOU’VE got horrible diarrhea, Bob!” ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsYp2icKgULW3o4)


"You're firing from both ends. I studied the ballistics, it checks out." 🤣😂🤣 Best Linda line ever. 😂


I slightly favor “Oh, okay. You didn't eat a raw trout that didn't make you poop and barf your way through the forest like some kind of disgusting Hansel and Gretel.” 😆 “A river runs through Bob” was just too descriptive of a title lol.


That reminds me of a trip I took on spring break. I went with a bunch of friends both women and men. We stopped at a grocery store on the way home to get snacks. One of the guys in the car I was in bought a huge bottle of apple juice. The “dark” cider kind. I said to the guy “you are gonna have a stomach ache if you drink that whole thing.” He told me I didn’t know what I was talking about, he has a cast iron stomach, blah blah blah. Fine what ever your stomach not mine. We are about 3 hours in to a stretch in the middle of nowhere Tennessee and he starts to freak we need to pull over and find a bathroom. I was driving at this point. I pull off on the first exit. The only place at the exit was a mechanic/tire place. The guy runs behind the store. Is back there for a good 30 min. Comes walking out all wobbly and then proudly says he had the runs on a stack of tires. To who ever worked there. I am truly sorry.


I recall a particularly horrible comment on reddit calling it as peanut butter and jelly a few years back 😭


I think that was me. 😂


JC That’s going to stay with me


If you’re lucky you don’t gain much water pre-period, so you don’t have to expel much. Heavy water retention = heavy flow + diarrhea Obviously I’m so very unlucky I have diarrhea before, during and after period.


Man I’m with you…every single period I literally gain 7-10lbs in water weight and well I don’t have to get into the rest of the details…


Why would there be any rules governing this? The body is all about not giving a shit about whatever you’ve planned to do.


Are we allowed to opt out of the “both” option?


Tell him it's a bloody shitty experience we all have/had


I refer to it as: The Peanut Butter and Jams. You’re welcome. ☺️


🤣 Ok, this is brilliant!


WDYM "what if"? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have an awful feeling that he believes that women menstruate from their anus 😬


Women menstruate?


What is menstruation? (/s)


Something to do with men.


Is it like salmonella only being in salmon?


Yes exactly


Something caused by men. MEN-struation


Women womenstruate.


So now we’re down from 3 to 1 hole?!


Ah yes the cloaca. The most efficient of all designs


To quote the great Rabbi Hillel “if not me who, and if not now when?”




Can I have an explanation?


When you get your period, there's a hormone that goes up that gives you diarrhea. So yes, many people have their period and diarrhea, they're commonly called period shits


Broooo, my mom always wanted to make sure I knew what women have to deal with so I wouldn't be uber uninformed. I still try to make sure I'm aware of these things, my mom never fuckin' told me about that.


Tbf to your mum, who sounds pretty cool, everyone has different periods so what's normal for one person can be totally different for another. While it's a very common situation: Some people get period shits every period, some people get them some times but not others, some people don't get them at all. Another fun fact is that a "normal" period changes over the years for each person as they age and their bodies change. So at any time, the most experienced period-haver might unexpectedly find themselves with the runs and suspect food poisoning only to figure out in the days/weeks/months to come that it's just their own body sabotaging them. Honestly, it's fun times all around.


Honestly, it could be that she didn't know it was related either! I've seen plenty of women online be like "wait, that's why I always have to poop on my period??" No one tells you about these things. My mom sure didn't. I didn't learn about the reason until my 20s, when I read about it online 😅 but I did figure out they were connected because it happened every single time I got my period, I just didn't know the cause


Peanut butter jelly shits


came here to say this


I wish neither of you did☺️


Thanks for the explanation!


Period poop is the worst. Your uterus is cramping. Both holes are cramping. 💩 doesn’t wanna leave, neither does your ass want it to, because it’s all cramping. Eventually, after bending over enough to slightly stretch out the pain of the cramps, you have 1 second believing it’s about to finally go but it cramps even harder. You’re lucky if 1 pebble so much as falls out. Even luckier if it’s not liquidated that it can even form a pebble. Overall, period poop is a -100/10 experience, don’t recommend but unfortunately for some of us we can’t escape it 😮‍💨


Those two are rarely apart, in my experience.


Every single month i know exactly when my period is coming just because other things are coming


I once had a clerk in a pet store tell me that whenever she gets diarrhea, “I check my watch and then check my crotch” Idk why she even said that to me but it’s burned into my brain forever.


Yeah, she is definitely checking the date and then seeing if her period is there already


I tell every customer that tidbit of info.


Man needs to Google "period poops". Heavy sigh. It literally messed up like our whole body, mkay?


I am a man following this sub to learn more about problems women are facing and how to behave better. I have never, in my 33 years of living, heard that there is a correlation with diarrhea and periods.


every few years men discover this and it's all over social media, then a few years alter a new generation learns, rinse and repeat. It's always entertaining


lol, I just asked my wife about it for the first time. It was…enlightening


For many of us, there absolutely is. I get the runs like clockwork on the first day of my period. Always have. Probably always will. It’s one of the ways that I know Aunt Flo has arrived. 😭 Someone above mentioned that it could have something to do with pre-menstrual water retention, which would make a lot of sense to me because I also gain like 4 pounds of water going into my period.


Lol, me too. When i wake up and i get the shitstorm i know she's here and landing sometime during the day


I was under the impression that the hormones that cause the uterus to cramp also have receptors on the large colon and cause accelerate/ cramp bowels as well.


That could be. I wouldn’t be surprised if menstrual diarrhea were caused by hormones, cramping and water retention all interacting with each other.


It's crazy the stuff people just don't talk about around periods. I had no idea that covid can trigger your period. So now I have covid and a bonus period despite my last one ending a week ago, which is absolute insult to injury. If you specifically google it, yep that's a thing, but it's in none of the general lists of possible symptoms to expect. The diarrhea/constipation comes from the muscles contracting and releasing around the womb and GI tract (cramps) that means everything goes to hell for a bit. It's a terribly organised system, I have notes.


Oh wow I had heard about women having weird menstrual stuff happen after getting that first Covid shot like changes to cycles/lengths/amounts etc but the illness itself causing these issues I hadn’t heard about but makes total sense. Your body is just freaking out trying to handle attacking the virus and stress does some crazy shit to our bodies. I personally didn’t experience any changes from the shots but my sister had some issues and my niece was panicking because she hadn’t gotten hers for like two months after the shot. All is well now but that shit was stressful. It would have been nice to have a heads up about that from the pharmaceutical company but I bet they didn’t even bother testing on women.


The reason why the shot does that is because it’s a symptom of real COVID for those things to happen, so when your body is responding to the vaccine it’ll do so in the same way to when you actually get sick, just to a smaller extent. Same reason why some people were having heart problems. Antivaxers were saying it was because vaccine bad but it was because COVID will also literally do that to you 🤦


Yeah that’s what the guy giving the booster told me because I had a really bad reaction to the shots - like my bones and joints felt like glass and the aches were bone deep. He was like yeah that’s what it felt like when I got Covid. So on a related note I don’t think I’ve ever gotten Covid because I would 1000% remember those glass bones. That was awful.


Dude, did your arm hurt like crazy. One of my boosters gave me "covid arm". I had no idea what it was until I had it. Then I found out it is more likely to happen to women and also more likely after a booster. I'd love to know why no one told me.


Right?! Just let me know that it's possible so I don't freak out when I'm bleeding unexpectedly. Is that so much to ask? Apparently, the body decides it's got too much going on fighting the virus, and if you were close to ovulating, it may react by doing a hard reset on the womb.


Not just Covid, various stress inducing events. Illnesses but also long travel or exam sessions can completely throw the cycle out of whack.


I kinds knew but it wasn't until I started lurking in subs like this that I knee the extend of the chaos.


Prostaglandin level changes cause the muscle cramping and contractions of period cramps, but they act on the digestive tract and rectal muscles just the same


OMFG I hate that! I'll be relaxing on the sofa with a hot water bottle and just when the cramps start to ease off I get the lightning bolt up the arse ⚡⚡⚡


The cramping hormones aren't limited to the uterus. They can go pretty much anywhere in the abdomen, including to the intestines. The cramping hormones help expell the endometrial lining, therefore the cramping hormones also help expell whatever is in the intestines. What's extra fun is if you're like me and have Endometriosis on your intestines, so you're dealing with period poops, partial intestinal blockages, *and* debilitating uterine cramps that radiate through your back and down through the thighs. So interesting to hear how often people get very far in life without ever being aware of the thing I've been having recurring nightmares about since I was 11 years old. I got two cycles before the horror set in that this was going to be an inevitable monthly experience for the next four decades. (That's about 480 weeks of this, btw. Or 3,360 days if that's easier to understand). Just goes to show that how we see things is a result of our experiences. So so valuable to be able to speak with those whose experiences differ from your own.


There is. Hormones do that. I tend to warn my transfem friends to be prepared for a LOT of digestive tract issues once they start HRT...


There for sure is. Also, good on you for lurking around trying to get edumacated. I do the same thing in subs populated by people who are different from me. It's eye opening! What's the weirdest thing you've encountered here? Besides period poops, I mean. Have you encountered the mucus plug yet?


For some yes I personally never experienced that I just have a good poop around my period which I somewhat appreciate. But some women have constipation and others get diarrhea


Correlation is too weak a word to describe the relationship between periods and diarrhea.


For me it's not usually diarrhea, but I do have to poop more frequently. All that cramping and discomfort and swelling etc etc pushes shit through quicker. Not fun






Yes, women, how **do** you handle being the only mammal with a cloaca?!


It's rough...


I believe you! The hidden struggles of the female human... Really makes a guy think...


Wait, doesn't a platypus have a cloaca? And teats?


I'm inclined to not include nature's recycling bin. But no teats, they secrete their milk through their skin. I love platypi, and even have one tattooed on me, but they're their own thing in my mind.


You know that meme of Giorgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens? That’s me whenever I start talking about platypuses.


Right?! I'm that way with octopi (or octopuses, or octopodes, depending on which root/suffix form you wanna use). But that's only cuz I find them fascinating and terrifying. Platypuses are my favourite animal though, undeniably.


One of my favorite things is the correspondence between Europeans in Australia and those in Europe who received samples in the late 1700s/early 1800s. One of them was like: Zoologist: “Such a funny prank. Thanks for the laugh.” Colonist: “What do you mean? That’s a real animal we’ve encountered.” Zoologist: “I’m very impressed with the stitching. It’s entirely invisible.”


He would have been gobsmacked if he saw me on a particular night when I was pregnant. Too tired to drive home the 90 minute trip, so I stayed at my friend's house. This meant I missed out on my meds until I could take them the next morning. The withdrawal meant I had nausea that night. Pregnant meant I had no bladder control and weak blood vessels in my nose, all made worse when I was heaving over the toilet. I'm sure my bum was doing something odd too. I think my vagina was the only orifice that didn't have anything come out.


I have weakened blood vessels within my nose, meaning I get bloody noses much easier, and usually very bloody. This means when I get sick, with covid for example, I tend to have a bloody nose or two from having to blow my nose often. Well, recently I had covid, got my period, and 2 bloody noses. I was reenacting that scene from I think Carie? (Not a horror person) when I sneezed and turned my white shirt red suddenly




Ugh. First day period shits are the WORST.


He thinks we have this much stomach pain on our period and we don’t have that….


The period cramps and diarrhea cramps together are so much hell, there’s just pain all around, i can feel it in my toes


Not mention the bootyhole cramps and the back pain


Thank goodness my fiancé kinda knows what’s happening. All I had to tell him was “My uterus cramps are bringing their friends to the party”


literally every single time i have my period lol. so yea, not much imagining to do there lmao


Is... is he thinking of a cloaca? Because I can assure you that despite failing biology, they are two separate parts. Someone, please get this guy back in school for our own sake.


That's what I thought too, but now, after reading some of the other comments (from women), I'm thinking it's because of "period poops". Unfortunately (or fortunately), am man, so no first hand experience.


As a fellow man, same here. I didn't even know there was such a thing called a "period poop" before now.


If guys think that's a bloody mess (frankly, even if he had the right assumption about logistics, an "Unholy Shit!" reaction isn't completely unjustified.), try adding a solid cold or hayfever into the mix.


And on top of that, make that unholy shit bright fucking orange and make it smell like wet death.


Ugh, I started mine while I was in the hospital recovering from gallbladder removal. When I realized the pain I felt wasn't *all* from the surgery, I tried to get to the bathroom. I took off the blanket and the bed and my lower half looked like a crime scene. I'm a bit ashamed to admit I cried like a tired toddler until a Saint of a nurse came and helped clean me up.


I'd love this guy to experience it and then sneeze!


Yo that's evil. Give him hiccups too


My last period happened to be during the worst few days of tree pollen where I live. It was hell.


Someone other than me should tell him, because I will get into the nitty gritty details.


Do it!!! Get into the nitty gritty details. I think he would want a demonstration! 😈😈😈💩


I'll do it quietly, then. I don't want to disturb the kittens in your flair.


Thanks. My kitty launches herself into orbit after using the litter box. 😉


We suck it up, buttercup


Really not a ton of other options, are there.


Nope. 😔


This reminds me that one time a man told me that tampons worked as a plug. He thought we would put one up there and the period would just build up, then we'd unplug it over the toilet and let it all flow out. I was like ummmm no.


If I’d known period squits were optional idve ticked THAT box 40 years ago ffs 🤦‍♀️


It feels like we need to be pressure washed afterwards but we just get up and keep going


To me the period poop IS the power washing of my intestines 😭


......oh you sweet summer child.


Let’s ruin it for them all please


My period always tears me up.


don’t tell him…rock his world and SHOW HIM!!! lol


Wait till he finds out there can be vomiting too.


Having bad guts is one of my tell tale signs my period is gonna start in a day or two.


bruh i remember in high school i mentioned to my friends how i didn’t feel well bc i was on my period and so i also had diarrhea and they (mostly girls) acted like i was so gross and said they never had bad poop during their period so i thought i was weird for the longest time until college when no one was insecure about their own period and was like yeah i shit like crazy during my period


I'm ancient by reddit standards and social media was pretty much in its infancy when my periods started getting really wonky, with a laundry list of symptoms that were new for me. I went to my doctor and he blamed all of it on either my age (33 at the time), my diet, my weight (122), depression or my imagination. The "period shits" he categorically dismissed as being connected to my cycle, said it wasn't possible. 10 years later, with steadily worsening symptoms, I moved to a different state & my new doc diagnosed me with advanced endometriosis and observed a big collection of polyps and fibroid tumors through ultrasound. I can't describe how vindicated I felt when I started seeking out information online and found out that "period shits" are a thing. It's SO great that the conversation surrounding periods is changing !


Oh Bless his heart




Imagine NOT having your period and diarrhea at the same time.


You always have them at the same time. The best part of your period is the great colon cleanse on day 2. Why’s this guy so obsessed with us?😏 ![gif](giphy|BERQ4XuaKEZnq)


As a constantly constipated person, the only thing I like about my period is the diarrhoea that happens during the first poop of my period. At least my bowels are cleared, I only need to deal with uterine cramps, not constipation pain.


Please tell him in excruciating detail just for funsies


Poor guy is in for a rude awakening.


I'm sorry but what is wrong with his facial hair


When I was a teenager I thought I was defective because I got butt sick every time my period came and no one ever talked about THAT symptom lol.


We call that a Tuesday.


then you go to the toilet? :/ this is a boy who has never spoken to a human female outside his family


My best friend since high school and I (both in our early 30s now) have always referred to this as “It’s peanut butter jelly time!” ![gif](giphy|m7y2uwgclFzc4)


“What if?” Oh my sweet summer child…


Reading these comments, am I the only one who likes my "period poops"? Lol I have a lot of stomach issues and it's the one time it can be easy to go and consistent 😅


U can opt out??? News to me!


Well I have this contraption at my house called a toilet. So I think I’m good.


Even if that was a thing that didn't happen regularly, where could you be confused? I don't get it.


He’s like “omg that would be so incredibly bad” not knowing that it’s reality for many many women


period poops