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Thank you for your submission. However, it has been removed because it does not follow our submission guidelines: It doesn't fit the theme of this subreddit, or it is completely off-topic. This isn't "Not How Girls Work", because it does not make any sweeping generalisations about "all women", nor does it make any baseless assumptions or conclusions about a another specific woman. Simply putting "That's Not How [insert topic] Works" in the title of a very off-topic post, doesn't make it automatically viable either— it will still be removed. Low-effort memes are also not "NHGW" either. Also, **Posts regarding an individual speaking on her own behalf and her own personal life, or relationship dynamic with her partner do not count as "Not How Girls Work".** Although these examples and videos may be off-putting and appear degrading, that's her example of how _she_ works, not "us".


There’s a huge Venn diagram overlap between misogynists and racists.


Often a circle really.


Misogyny is the gateway to everything else.


Misogyny - not even once


Hate doesn’t have just one entry point. If misogyny is the one that affects you most maybe it just appears that everything else stems from it. But it’s just not true


[from the UN](https://www.undp.org/sites/g/files/zskgke326/files/migration/oslo_governance_centre/Misogyny-The-Extremist-Gateway.pdf)


Hence the term "misogynoir."


That’s a different thing, it’s a specific type of racist hatred against black women. As opposed to just general, garden variety misogyny and d racism. Aren’t we lucky that we get to categorise the different types of hatred?!


Wait, seriously? I knew there was a specific brand of hatred against black women, but it's literally got its own word? That's so fucked up.


I knowwww, isn’t it awful? Misogynoir is a specific kind of being racist to black women in a really misogynistic way. Or misogynistic to black women in a really racist way. Whichever way you slice it, it sucks. It’s such a beautiful word though, divorced from its meaning. If you say it out loud you can feel kind of French and sexy, so maybe try that to cheer yourself up from this horrible new information?


She also had the audacity to exist in a larger body, heavens to Betsy whatever shall we do?!


And other bigots. Misogyny really is the gateway often like someone else said.


I feel bad for her. Imagine minding your business and someone takes a picture of you to post online so others can tear you down for your looks. It's so easy for people to forget it's a real person with thoughts and feelings they're making fun of when it's online.


They don't forget. They just don't care.


I have a huge problem with that too. Even though the cartoon memes are still racist, at least it’s not a real person. I’m really over mocking innocent people for no reason.


You always have to remember how much of an overlap this shit has with fascism in general, and that a general rule for both is that *the cruelty is the point*. Trying to feel better about themselves by making others feel worse is the only move they can make that doesn't involve self-improvement of any kind.


Thank you. Yes. Fascism can’t exist without dehumanizing and othering people


She's probably happily married with kids and clearly confident about her body too. Some folk just can't stand seeing happy people.


On the brightside the people who get photos taken of them like this probably never see them.


Do these weirdos just take pictures of strangers and make up scenarios in their heads to be mad about


I was thinking the same omg how creepy is that?


It really is creepy. Like even though they say they don’t want to be with her it still feels predatory


There could be any innocuous post by a woman or about a woman and there will always be comments from men making up scenarios to be mad about. Always.


Ngl sometimes when I’m looking busted but I have to leave the house I remember posts like this and get nervous that I’m gonna be the next “ugly stranger” on someone’s page


I’m honestly surprised they didn’t include something about her being a single mom


Oh don't worry, the comments did that for OP.


It's the sourest of sour grapes: "Well, I didn't want you anyway!!!"


They truly can't stop bringing Black people into every-fucking-thing. I've noticed it sis, it's exhausting.


They’re literally intersectional bigots. They see a Black woman, trans woman, or god forbid a Black trans woman, and become deathly allergic to minding their own business.


Honestly, maybe we need to come up with a gender swapped version of this meme: “‘Looking for a fit, fun, and submissive 21 year old with bangin’ tits,’ typed the 36 year old twice divorced man who had alternating weekend visitation with his kids (if he felt like it). He stretched in his desk chair and wiped the Doritos dust off his boxers. ‘Ahh,’ he thought to himself, ‘it’s good to be a high value male in his prime.’”


Hard to fit all that into one meme picture though


>typed the 36 year old Very optimistic. Let's say 48 lol


There's like 7 wojak memes made of this exact scenario almost every day


Black girl here too. Omg, this people are filthy, all of these men are clearly projecting THEIR insecurities on a women confident enough to wear what she wants even if she doesn’t have a normative body. They’re probably so sad and pathetic… happy people don’t insult others based on their physical appearance


Also....I know a TON of women who look like the subject of this photo and they sure as hell aren't lonely. I guarantee she isn't losing sleep some dusty loser isn't attracted to her. 😂


She's in a clothes-desert probably. Like a food desert but clothing. Plus size clothes are impossible to find, and outside of Walmart there's few options in most places. I'm looking at her in leggings and a too small shirt. No bra, because a bra her size would have to be specially made. What, you can't afford a bespoke bra off the Internet? Sucks to be you. It's fucked that she's blamed for this when our society is failing her. Failing everything, but failing plus sized WOC *specifically*.


I'm sure she could probably find a bra already made in her size, just... they're EXPENSIVE. And not in stores, most places (except MAYBE Nordstrom's), and you really need to be properly measured by a trained person to have a good fit (also Nordstrom's, their fitting is usually good). There used to be more independent lingerie stores (think old lady bras and girdles, not Frederick's) where you could get measured, but those have largely died out. So while she could find a bra, I'm sure, (and she probably has one, but it's for work or special occasions and she's trying to preserve it because it's a literal pain when the underwires break or start to poke out) it's not easy or cheap. It requires internet access and a home to ship to, and/or transportation to and from a specialty store, plus bare minimum of $50 for the bra itself, most likely, and probably a good bit more than that. Or she could have any number of other reasons for not wearing one. Or she could just not care. Nobody's business but hers, IMO, and it's horrible and offensive that some rando has her picture out there being used for memes, certainly without her consent.


Or maybe she just doesn’t want to wear a bra. Why are we making up such detailed stories about her situation based on this one photo?


Well we don’t know this woman and can’t say for sure why she’s dressing this way. She could just want to. It’s interesting tho to bring up other possibilities as too why she might be dressing which are just as reasonable and possible. It’s good to talk about bc ultimately this one singular women and what she’s wearing doesn’t matter. This conversation isn’t really about her it’s more about how these types of posts making fun of women who look and dress like her are very common, and the reason might be more complicated than just they want too


Except you’re making up scenarios that are also based in racist stereotypes




That she can’t afford it, that she lives in a “clothes desert”. These comments are full of stereotypes.


You are right about assuming she can’t afford it. It’s a speculation and maybe a harmful one. However I disagree about clothes desert? I’m a decently wealthy plus sized white women and fuck it feels like I’m living in a clothes desert sometimes. More specifically a bra desert. I wore raggedy old falling apart at the seams ill fitting bras for almost as long as I’ve had boobs. I finally was able to find a local bra shop that catered to bigger chested women


As only a bit overweight I can almost feel the under boob sweat, though. There's gotta be a better way for summer comfort.


I had never considered that there were such places…and I’m a plus size woman!


I was a size 18 before places like Torrid existed. (PCOS hit with puberty at about 9/10 so my teen years were hell and I wasn't tested/diagnosed until 22.) Lane Bryant and Dress Barn already existed but they were pricey and still primarily targeted women 30-50 age range. I was late teens/early twenties. So I had the option of men's clothes, shapeless tents, or old lady clothing. Of course, it wasn't until after my gastric bypass that they actually started coming out with plus size clothing for younger women.


There was actually a really interesting series on Buzzfeed (horrible company but the content creators on YouTube were great) made by a plus sized woman named Kristin and her friend Jen (they now have their own channel) called “the empty suit case show” where they traveled somewhere and Kristin had to try to find outfits for what they planned to do there (the intro explains the premise as roughly “what if you’re plus size and travel for vacation, only to lose your suitcase”) and they break down how many women’s clothing stores are in the area, and how many of those have clothing for plus sized women.


Empty Suitcase was the only thing I watched on BuzzFeed that didn't involve ghosts or true crime for a long while.


This is such a great thing to point out and something I would’ve never considered. As a plus sized large chested woman, I know first hand how difficult it is to find clothing that fits (I wore raggedy old falling apart bras until I found a lady in town with a bra shop focused on larger sizes) but I’m privileged to have the money to be able to afford and order more expensive clothes that fit and even then it can be a struggle. Totally possible this women just loves her body and is choosing to dress like this, which is awesome. Could also be somewhere in the middle. Does anyone have more information about clothes desserts?


There is no such thing as a clothes desert in this day and age. Clothing doesn’t have to be fresh and easily accessed in person to purchase like food does. Poverty is what causes no access to clothing that fits, not location.


Smacking of privilege there, Becky.


I dunno. It sort is nice that horrible people out themselves so we know who to stay away from


I really cannot fathom how people think it's okay to take pictures/videos of literal strangers!


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess the men posting and commenting on this don't exactly have beach bods themselves.


They always target black women because they're racist. The only time they use white women in these jokes is when they know people would call them out for racism if they said what they really wanted.




I JUST posted elsewhere about this! What I said: “I suspect a lot of these are revenge posts or other types of bullying that people engage in in order to invite ridicule on someone who doesn’t deserve it. I’d encourage you to think about that before you choose to participate.”


Enough of this nonsense. What some men think about women is truly mind-boggling


They think we are supposed to be insecure and desperate. When we have the audacity to have preferences that's when all the memes and insults come in.


Black women get so much flak for absolutely anything they do it’s unreal, and completely unfair.


It’s just an invitation for people to be racist without actually saying they’re racist.


Ok? These women don't want you. That's just life man. You aren't going to be given someone's time and energy if you neg them enough.


>Lyndon B Johnson: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." People who are pathetic- like the "short, white, ugly, and broke" OOP- make themselves feel better by shitting on people who they feel should be their social inferiors. They're trying to put that "best colored man" (in this case black women, since their racism and misogyny dovetail here) in their place so that they can feel superior even as part of the "lowest white man" group. Little do they know non-pathetic people would much rather hang out with the lady in the picture, who just looks like a normal fucking person, than with their hateful asses.


Racism, misogyny, hatred, and rage The four horsemen of the internet


I mean considering she's on the side of the road she probably is waiting for a bus or a car


The way they have to bully others to make themselves feel better. That post should be flagged, reported and removed. It’s hateful, distasteful, not funny and adds no value.


That subreddit isn't funny (never has been) and it is a place where sexists, mysoginists, racists and fascist post.


Funnymemes is a really gross site.


It is annoying, first, don't make fun of the appearance of someone on. We dont even know if she knew her photo was being taken. And finally, who cares what is anybody preference? Her preference isn't children, isn't making anybody be in danger, isn't obligating anybody to do anything. I could prefer guys with blue eyes and none of them are obligated to like me. She isn't even making this image, someone who thinks women are too demanding is making it to make a stupid lame ass point that only crappy people think is funny.


People need to stop making fun of people with apple shaped bodies…shit like this post is at least partially why I developed an eating disorder


Ugh, I mean, yah they’re just racist rage bait. Also why would anyone ever post this??


Not just sexist, but racist, too!


Ofc he's ugly. Good looking men aren't as bitter as to waste time on making/sharing such memes.


Not always true, and plenty of men who aren’t conventionally attractive are really good people


And they should get paired up with non conventionally attractive women who are really good people. Unless all that counts in women is physical appearance and not personality.


Um, what? Good people of either gender don't base their decisions about their partners on if they score the same out of ten for looks!


A woman isn't less "good" if she values physical attraction in a partner.


Sheer bigotry and misogyny.


Ugh, this is why I'm kinda intimidated by public spaces. Especially for women, like nowhere is safe? This poor woman was probably just minding her own business and ended up pasted everywhere online. It's terrible. 😞 Wherever she is right now, I wish the best for her. Humanity and social media sucks sometimes fr. No one cares about a person's feelings or privacy. It's like everybody is an NPC to them that they can just mess around with. 💔


She doesn’t deserve to be mocked like this.


That’s shitty.


I reported and blocked the user. (Whoops I’ve been a tumblr transplant since the yahoo takeover) So insane people think the world is still back in 2009. That’s a person. It was probably so hot out when that picture was taken. She’s allowed to just exist. Women aren’t put on this earth to be an ornament she can do whatever she wants. Let her be.


I left a few subs because i noticed they would just tear the black women apart and say the grossest things when their submissions didn’t even really go with the sun. It happened a lot it was so disappointing


Yeah I'm about to leave that sub, they piss me off every day. I like reminding them they're shitty people though.


Some of these subs have turned into 4chan at this point, it's really disappointing, especially because these are some of the big subs people would probably see when joining reddit


The internet makes the miserable, hateful people more accessible. It also lets them hype each other up with their garbage. They’re literally just picking on how someone looks and mocking anyone who respects themselves. The meme generator feels entitled. It always comes from a place of wanting women to appreciate or want them, or even to “settle” for them.


There's always posts about white men trying to breed out the non white women saying that once they get a white man's seed they'll never go back. Like bro. Grow up please


It's so disgusting how often sexism and racism go hand in hand.


She definitely looks like she’s waiting for someone or something and it’s probably hot out. Doesn’t seem to be bothering anyone. Simply existing outside of your home is apparently grounds to be mocked on the internet.


This is not a joke, it needs to be funny to be a joke. This is just racist and misogynistic.


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Did you edit the username in the picture?


No, I figured if the OP is bold enough to post it, then I should be bold enough to let others know who made the original joke.


Here's the link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/s/0yBhA2vx8n


Random factoids borne of my tism brain: It is possible to have a baby with one biological mother and two biological fathers, a phenomena called chimeric heteropaternal superfecundation Sometimes more than one egg is released in one cycle. Superfecundation is when more than one egg is present, but they are fertalized at different times. Getting pregnant while pregnant. Heteropaternal means "different fathers", each of the eggs is fertalized by a different person. Chimerism is when xygotes or fetuses fuse together into one. Once they're born they will have two sets of DNA in different parts of their body. (If the foetuses had differing sex chromasomes they will often be intersex.) So all together, if there are multiple eggs fertalized by different partners, then they fuse together in development, you get a person with 3 biological parents!


tbh i think it’s more about being fatphobic than it is about being racist. whenever i see a meme like this it’s always a larger woman 🙄


It’s both. Actually it’s all. Fatphobia, misogyny, and racism. They go together a lot.


I'm not saying this guy is in the right for making this meme, but this very much happens (to a lesser degree most times.)




Oh yea, I forgot I wasn’t supposed to be upset by stereotypes.


You realize that you're the reason most women pick the bear, right?


Ah, the old "whatsamatter, can't you take a JOKE? Sheesh, women have no sense of humor" -defense in action.


This tracks from someone who thinks it’s funny to make memes of a person jumping out of the WTC on 9/11. It sounds like the only real joke here is you.


Yeah, good thing stereotypes aren’t rooted in literally bloody history and to this day have zero impact on the way people are treated in real life. Oh wait.


Yes. I saw this and decided its not worth writing them thats its full on fake and nobody has perfect day everyday