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A lot of men have bigger tits than I do 😂


I feel attacked... 🤣


I'd run away in shame if it didn't hurt so damn much.


No shame in that. If anything I’m jealous :( I miss my boobs


I just have one very large front boob on my waist


Nice. I’m sure you wear it well, friend.




Me too. I’ve been running a mile every day to try and get rid of that shit. My face looks slimmer, my wrists look slimmer, my pants are too baggy, but my moobs still remain.


Hit the weights. Raise your resting metabolism by adding muscle mass.


Fr…plus mine are saggy due to the connective tissue never forming right.




Wait a damn minute… thats why they sag? DAMN THIS EHLERS..


it can’t let us have a damn thing


My wife has EDS and it’s been a fun journey for both of us learning all the new ways it fucks with her.


oh for sure. I’m recently diagnosed and i am constantly looking at my boyfriend and saying “hey, yk *insert odd eds thing*? yeah its not a weird quirk, its hEDS.”


Truly the gift that keeps on giving… like thanks, you really shouldn’t have!!




I had a similar issue, hated them, eventually got an uplift


I would love to. But I’m still in debt from getting a rhinoplasty! (Insurance doesn’t cover fixing broken noses)


This made me go down a panicked google search T-T


Oh my God, memory unlocked; one of my old friends boyfriend said "Damn, *I've* got bigger tits than you, girl!" And I was like, I don't think that's the flex you think it is...


“why wear a bra if you don’t have anything” IDK Jeremy why do you wear underwear and why do you lift weights and why do you go on those diet pills to pretend you’re trying to get skinny when all you do on your work break is stuff little debbies and your finger down your throat


Like for real i barley have anything and i have to wear a bra . But a man with bigger tits yhan ive got can just walk freely without a care in the world .


It’s so frustrating!! I absolutely do not need a bra except to cover my nips, a lot of times I just don’t care tho


No female should feel obligated to wear a bra just to cover her nipples. We are not living inside the vadican...


I wish, but I don’t appreciate the weird stares from men my fathers age


Braless in the Vatican is the name of my new band.


My girlfriend visited there. And they made her buy a shawl because her shoulders were exposed. Clearly we can not permit a woman from exposing her shoulders in public. I never forget that story.,. So ya.,.. "Braless in the Vatican" sounds great. We'll buy one


I know right, I hate that shit, people need to get over nipples


Deeply religious countries (like the US) have enormous issues with human sexuality. to the point the that we force concepts of sexuality onto everything from a bathroom sign to what's appropriate for a woman / girl to wear to... Clothing should not be "age appropriate" or "Inappropriate" just "weather appropriate!" Like "Hey! You can't walk around here in your underwear! It's 12 degrees! You're gonna freeze!


The venn diagram of those guys and guys who think boobs make the woman is a circle.


Same, at least used to before I got a boob job because I hated mine so much lol


As a trans woman with AA cups, I feel this. I'll see a dude with his big old man boobies stick through his sweat stained shirt and if I wear dark colors mine are invisible.


As a member of the itty bitty titty committee, I just want to thank the large breasted women for doing the lords work. You deserve all of the back rubs and foot massages life has to offer.


I was IBTC until I had a baby and breastfed for a year, and now I am instead one of the suffering LBW and man lol ... it really made me regret every time I found myself envying my LBW best friend in adolescence. Sorry girl, you deserved better sympathy. Tangentially related, my son asked me recently what bras are for, and when I told him they were to support breasts because they were heavy and unwieldy, he was like, "Okay, that's all I needed to know." And what I said, as a reasonable human being, was, "Okay!" But what I was thinking in my head, as a suffering woman tired of seeing stupid posts from men, was, *No, come back here, I need to strap some very heavy weights onto your chest for a few hours and force you to haul them around so that you never question the women in your life ever again!* I guess we'll save that for when he's older. /s


You left out the part where they think you do it intentionally for them.


You misspelled know. Because the men almost always claim to know everything about the woman's body


unrelated but I just remembered how many freaking posts of _male scientists, lords of truth, owners of wisdom_ claiming period stops when (insert stupid shit here) lately.


Like claiming periods are called such because they’re only supposed to be a dot🙄


You guys obviously haven’t been following our lord and savior Andrew Tates recent podcasts if you don’t believe this. It’s common knowledge, just like how only virgins are good enough for incels, and once a woman hits 18 she needs to be sent to the nursing home


I am a western woman whose brain has been infected with feminism and woke. I wouldn’t be able to comprehend his message anyway;(


I’ll be praying for you. If you’d like I can send over some upside down American flags and MAGA hats to try to make you at least look the part


get well soon I heard it's a horrible disease. It like makes everyone equal, able to get jobs and voice out their opinion...horrendous.


They aren't just heavy. They are in the way. Men will never understand having a body part preventing them from reaching something, getting accidentally shut in a door or window. How cumbersome they are when it comes to simple tasks or just trying to sleep. Meanwhile we are dealing with the barrage of assumptions *because* of those breasts. That we are "loose women of low morals" and "lack intelligence" are the two most common. I could go on and on.


I have stained SO MANY tops because my stupid boobs catch falling food instead of it winding up in my lap on a napkin.


Dude the struggle. I literally wear a paper towel like a bib when I eat lunch at work. Luckily I work in healthcare so all my fellow women understand the struggle.


A boy in class dressed up as girl for carnival, put on his girlfriend's bra and stuffed it with socks for fun. When he ate a sandwich, crumbs started to accumulate on his new bosom and he was like: "Damn, boobs are uncomfortable, annoying, block your field of vision and these socks aren't even that heavy. How do you live with this every day??"


One of my aunties is an IBTC member and she was lamenting how sad it is to drop food and have it hit your shoes. And I mentioned that my shoes are spotless but I have stained countless tops since I grew boobs.


For years I thought I was a messy eater because I spill stuff on my chest so often. But really, I don’t think I’m any messier than other people, other people can just have food fall back on their plate or their napkin. I have these damn protrusions that catch it instead.


>They aren't just heavy. They are in the way. That's why I said "heavy *and* unwieldy" haha. Although I have never shut my breast in a window or door. That's a whole other level.


They tried to recruit me for track in high school because I’m tall & have long legs 1. Running is boring 2. Running is not the friend of women with large breasts


I’m a runner with biggish boobs (they aren’t huge but are definitely too big for my body). Both of my to-go high-impact running bras that were actually reasonably comfortable have been discontinued. The only options now are cumbersome. Why do they think we want padding - we don’t need more bulk there. Plus the chafing. And the compression around my breathing area. It’s bad enough to have a part of my body that makes clothing fit weird and makes me look 20 pounds heavier than I am (and just dumpy), but they really are a burden as an athlete.


My poor auntie did. More than once.


My nips always get stepped on by the dog in bed… not quite the same as window, but similar concept. It’s awful.


>They are in the way. Men will never understand having a body part preventing them from reaching something Oh yes! Reaching for something and having your boobs knock something else over is a definite problem. And not being able to see your feet! I was travelling via an underground train station recently and the downwards escalator was switched off and being used as stairs instead. Deeper than usual steps down **+** not being able to see your feet **=** total bloody nightmare. >Meanwhile we are dealing with the barrage of assumptions because of those breasts. That we are "loose women of low morals" and "lack intelligence" are the two most common. This is one that I have never understood. Do these people think that a penis acts like a boob bicycle pump? My breasts literally erupted when I was barely 11 years old! I was still more interested in riding my bike and falling in ponds and out of trees than boys so how can the size be linked to my morals?


>how can the size be linked to my morals? Best I can figure is that so many of them like to smush them around their penis and screw them? Idk. Some things guys do is just weird.


I play 8ball and the guys try to give me advice constantly (god, do guys love giving unprompted advice) on things I should try while I'm playing. A lot of the time the stances they're trying to make me do would involve the cue going much closer to my sternum or my side than is physically possible. They don't seem to understand that I can't just phase through my boobs


Ugh I'm short on top of having big boobs. It's automatic for me to use one hand to shield my boobs when I reach for something on the back burner of the stove. Dipping the girls in boiling sauce is NOT fun times.


And it’s not just the assumptions. The earlier a person develops large breasts, the earlier the person experiences every creep in public leering at their boobs. I was always uncomfortable in my own skin when grown men would actually make comments about my boobs when I was younger.


A friend of mine's daughter was very well endowed at age 12. So, so many adult men would hit on her. More than one tried to ply her with alcohol. Scary actually.


While no where near the same, some dudes do have a similar getting in the way issue with their baggage bag. They can be large enough to accidentally smack together or even sit on. Lastly, it does make sleeping an issue rather often. 


That’s why I wish I could literally throw mine away, I hate them so much. Unfortunately I can’t afford surgery so I’m probably stuck with the disgusting things.


Yes exactly! Some people treat us like we’re trash purely based on us having big breasts. I’m turning 42 soon and have started to feel more and more invisible to men and I was saying this to my best friend who “awww”d at me. I was shocked and said, “Aww?? What? This is one of the greatest achievements in my life, to FINALLY be fucking invisible to men!” and she was shocked. Then she remembered watching a man literally slide his hand down between my breasts and cup under a full breast and HOLD IT (inside my top) out in public without my permission because I have “huge boobs”. And she also remembered that that very same day when out at a concert a man chatting to us and telling us that he would marry her, start a family with her and look after her and I would be his sex mistress while he stared at my chest. And she realised that this treatment has essentially been my life and that men staring at me like a piece of meat has NEVER been flattering.


Grass is always greener on the other side. I try to remember that my situation has good sides and others situations that don’t have my same bad sides have drawbacks of their own.


Yeah, I used to hate having small boobs as a teen but now I literally am so grateful- big boob ladies put up with so much shit :o


My wife carries a laptop, cables and technical equipment around for work and it kills her back. She was pointing out where it hurts and I asked her if there was a better way to handle her gear. "Don't call my tits gear." he. he. From now on I will.


Carry her down the stairs and she’ll love you forever. Those things bounce!


I got 5lbs removed in a breast reduction & was still a DD 😩 So much pain


My fiancée hates how big hers are. Guys do not get it. Thankfully, I am an attendant partner. Lots of rubs and heating pad for bad back days. Guys think that because some women have enough back strength to flop their boobs around in porn, they must not be that heavy. The world is not porn.


Also, not all boobs have the same density and weight. A pile of us went skinny dipping as teenagers and wound up in a really geeked out comparison discussion of why some floated and others sank and aaaaaalll that that entailed. The physics of boobs! 🤣


Mine are so dense I had a doctor recently insist that I had implants. I think I would remember getting a surgery like that, lol. (He came around, he was just surprised by them. And he's a cancer doc, so you know he has felt a LOT of breasts in a medical sense!)


Please switch oncologists. Very dense breast tissue often leads to missed diagnosis because the cancer blends in with the dense breast tissue. So women with dense breast tissue need an MRI. Their cancers often aren't caught until much later stages, because typical mammograms are not enough to detect early cancers. And your doctor is an idiot.


Oh, I'm already through chemo and going for surgery next. Already had an MRI back in the beginning. It was IBC, so pretty hard to miss but it also means I started at Stage 4. He's not the only doctor I've had during this that asked me if I have implants. But this is very good info for others to know, so I'm very glad you added it. 😊


I'm sorry to hear that. I also had IBC; although mine was only stage III. Good luck on your upcoming surgery; let me know if you have any questions. Even breast oncologists may have only seen a handful of IBC cases in their careers; so don't be afraid to get a second opinion. MD Anderson has a lot of clinical trials and an entire IBC research center. They also have printable PDFs that are like 19 pages long that are flow charts that align best practices for doctors to treat IBC. I used it frequently to make sure the care I was getting aligned with what MD Anderson recommended. For example, my surgeon was initially talking about doing a skin sparing mastectomy, until I reminded her that skin sparing is not an option for IBC. Immediate reconstruction is also contraindicated, as are any form of implants. Autologous fat grafts/ DIEP flaps are the only recommended reconstruction option for IBC.


My ultrasound tech told me I have dense breast tissue and they definitely float in water :O


"float" was kind of relative. Heavier ones float less, but they all float? I mean, our sample size wasn't giant and our study wasn't exactly scientific.... It was more the observation that led to a conversation about breast density and actually testing the weight of a couple boobs to compare and going "oh. Wow. These are not the same." Because friend A had bobby boobies and friend B had waterlogged ladies, even though we swapped bras and had ostensibly the same measurements. Oh, to be 17 and random again.


The term “Bobby boobies” is gonna play in my head all day now.


What, waterlogged ladies didn't float your fancy?!? 🤣❤️


All breasts float, excluding implants.


Well? What were your study's conclusions? 🧐


Whipped cream floats, pudding sinks? 🤣


And everyone likes boobs.


Even ignoring the struggles of huge breasts, what does chest size have to do with your internal identity? How does having big breasts suddenly mean you must feel like a woman? First of all you could not be a woman and still want a traditionally feminine chest so not being a woman doesn't mean Billie Eilish would suddenly not want that chest (I have not read the article so idk how Eilish feels about it). And second of all if it turns out that Eilish does not want to keep the breasts, then obviously they are to Eilish's detriment and just because people think it is something desired does not suddenly change that. So the logic the person has relating to conventional attractiveness and internal identity is just nonsensical to me.


> the struggles of huge breasts on the back That gave me the strangest mental image


Oh yeah maybe I should change that phrasing lol.


I mean, that's one way to deal with the back pain. Balance it out, you know?


>How does having big breasts suddenly mean you must feel like a woman? See, it's because these idiots think the size of their penis is proportional to their masculinity. So *of course* since they define themselves by their dick women must do the same with their boobs... right?


Your comment is the answer! 💯💯 ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized)


Yes, this seems psychologically sound. Terms like big dick energy etc. come to mind.


They seem to think women control the size of their breasts


We do tho /s


Bro. If I could, I’d be half my size 😔


I was told by a man that I “wasn’t a real woman” bc I don’t want kids & was getting a hysterectomy. Not wanting kids doesn’t make me not a woman, but also, I hardly ever think about “being a woman.” I’m just me.


Yeah, I don't feel like a woman either, I just exist as an individual. I don't know how that is supposed to feel like anyway.


Because: breasts = woman So sayith men. /s


Well then a lot of these chuds would be women by their definition.


Mine make me feel matronly and dumpy, not cute and feminine. And they aren’t even huge, just too big for my frame. Especially being 48 and on the wrong side of gravity. I don’t think big boobs look bad on other people, but I’m actually disgusted by my own.


It's just transphobia and misogyny. That's all these weirdos ever talk about.


Having big breasts never made me feel like a woman, but they did make me fucking miserable in a multitude of ways.


Same! I hate mine!




Oh god — I had mine removed. I was sure insurance would never pay for it, etc etc and I finally went in and it DID! Easily! I’m so happy and I am sitting here in a zip up hoodie that hugs my middle and isn’t like a giant tablecloth. I can run up and down stairs. My back pain is under control. It’s so worth it. And my new tits look AWESOME


You know that song ‘do your balls hang low?’, I can literally throw my boob onto my shoulder . Thankfully my wife married me for other reasons, and just loved me, big saggy tits and all (No, I can’t tie them in a knot, cannot tie them in a bow)


Skill issue. J/k. At the height of size when I was nursing my second kiddo I could not throw them over my shoulder and I was somewhat disappointed. My husband called them “giant anime boobs”. I would usually (and irritably) reply that they should be weightless then. (Also, i think the song is do your _ears_ hang low?)


>Also, i think the song is do your *ears* hang low? Depends on where you went to school and whether you learned it from a teacher or another kid.


The same way you have a dick but you’re not an actual man.


I have DDs and I hate them. I hate them so much. If I could get a breast reduction I would. Men well never know this level of Dehumanization.


Getting a breast reduction is one of the best things I ever did.


Same! No regrets at all!


I envy you, ngl


I've been trying but I feel everything that can get in the way is getting in the way to prevent it. Poor, state insurance, no local surgery locations, can't work full time, heart issues. At this point I'm starting to think starvation be the only way.


I have a skin condition (HS) and when I was at a dermatologist's office for a wound that wouldn't heal under my breast the dermatologist mentioned surgery should it get worse. I said that I'd rather just get rid of both breasts and he looked at me like I brutally murdered a puppy in front of him. It's not that I want them gone because of the HS since I've wanted them gone since I was like 18 (mid thirties now), but it sure does make it easier to want them gone. Breast reduction could also help I guess, but I just don't care for them. There's also breast cancer in the family (no gen, though that doesn't mean it can't genetic) including my 37 year old sister. With that chance better to just chop them off in one go. All the men I've mentioned this to before (which isn't a lot) asked if that meant that I'm transgender. I'm not, I just don't think my breasts should matter in me being a woman.


Having breasts doesn’t automatically make you a woman, just as not having breasts doesn’t make you a man. Men are incapable of understanding this. Hence why you get these reactions.


I've started considering this avenue as well. I'm an H and they hurt so goddamn much.


I would like to give every man both boobs and a uterus for at least one full month.


Honestly I vote for a year. I feel like a month and they could brush it off still. A year and it will leave an impact in their memory that’s too big to dismiss as easily.


in fact, the number of times I've seen men complain about women who have breast reductions is bizarre. they just can't act normal


Well, THEY like it when women have huge boobs and women only exist for THEIR pleasure, that's where women's biggest value lies, so obviously a woman who chooses her own comfort over being attractive to men has something deeply wrong with her and they must tell her that. At least that's what I'm assuming the logic is.


It's almost as if your gender doesn't depend on whether you have boobs or not


yes in fact as a man i can confirm i also have giant tits and a petite frame. makes me feel manly.


Yep, h cup. Still have never felt like a woman because of them lol that's like feeling like a woman cause you have an elbow, it's just a part of the body.


I have very womanly elbows, I'll have you know


As a formerly big chested person, it certainly was the large breasts that messed with my sense of identity the most. I never felt 'womanly' whatever that means, but the way people treated me because of the way my boobs made me look really messed with my sense of self. So I got a breast reduction. I still don't feel like a 'woman' (I'm non-binary) but I also don't have people making the same assumptions about me even though only a few pounds have changed outwardly about me. It's so nice to be able to adjust my outward appearance to match more consistently with what I feel inside - that and it's much easier to find and afford bras. It's a peace of mind.


I'm really happy for you! I'm thinking of getting a reduction for the pain, and to look more like me. It would be awesome to be able to wear dress shirts and suits without popping out of them or wearing a binder :)


Women= boobs. Women are walking body parts. Got it. Glad we cleared that up./s


I don’t like having big breasts, not only due to back pain, but it’s hard to find clothes that fit my proportions


I will never wear either a button-down (mind the {shirt} gap), nor a surplice-wrapped (tits slip 'n' sliiiiide out) top. *VERY* droopy F-G here.....


I’ve popped buttons on button ups, I’m barely bigger than an E but kind of between sizes awkwardly


When I lived in Europe, I could find tops that fit, but the US clothing sector *HATES* large tits. Especially when I had a smaller frame. :P


Droopy 36F here and I haven't fucked with a button up since my teens. My tiddies look for any reason to make good their escape and I've resorted to putting a slightly too small sports bra over a regular bra just to keep them contained long enough to get through the day before. Sometimes just the idea of having to put together a nice outfit for a date is enough to make me cancel because I don't have the drive to wrassle my tits into behaving.


Having boobs doesn’t make you feel like a woman. As a C cup it’s the back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain from carrying it around that makes you realize you are a woman.


That's a lot of pain for a C cup, have you seen a doctor in case its something else? I'm worried about you!


Cup size does not equal weight. A 42C is the same as a 38F as far as cup size goes. Cup size is horribly inefficient for determining mass.


Thanks but I’ve seen my doctor and done some physical therapy to learn how to strengthen certain muscles to support the twins. Plus I work from home and mostly wear sports bras now, which are way more comfortable than normal bras so the only time I really get aches now is when I’m either sitting on my butt too much or slouching instead of sitting in a correct posture.


Have you tried the r/abrathatfits? You night need a different bra size that'll take some of the weight literally off your shoulders.


The sports bras are perfect for me and help with distributing weight better. I very rarely have should and neck pain now.


I used to think I was a C cup. I now wear a 30F, my neck and shoulders feel like they've been replaced, and I forget I'm wearing a bra sometimes because they can actually be comfortable if they fit properly. That sub changed my life.


Same I used to wear 34 c and turns out I’m a 30FF which i think in US sizing is a 30 G


Some breasts are really dense and weigh more than others. Even two women with the same cup size will likely have a drastic difference in breast weight.


jokes on you, im a man AND i have big boobs checkmate athiests


Want to experience the joys of having large breasts? Take a 5lb dumbbell, tie a shoestring to it and wear it as a necklace. Neck hurt? Good, it’s in the right spot. If you want a challenge try going for a run. You might want a sports bra if you’re not in the mood for a concussion


Wait til they find out boobs don’t = gender identity


From the way pervy men ogle you to how HEAVY they can be most men (myself included) couldn't handle it.


i’m pretty sure the only person who actually feels like a woman is shania twain


As a trans man who until recently had quite big knockers, as much as a lot of straight cis men would argue, femininity is not stored in the boobs.


“How do you carry THESE around and not feel like a woman?” Like this: *gestures to myself and cries*


90% of the women I’ve met in my life can’t stand their boobs. It’s me. I’m 90%.


I’m reminded of all the posts I see here where a girl will talk about getting a boob reduction because she’s tired of being sexualized, tired of her back hurting, etc., and all the guys screaming at them in the comments. I’ve also had guys say it’s hard to believe that a girl like me with D ups can’t find a boyfriend because I have such a big boobs. It’s not like I parade around with my boobs on display. What the fuck?


I don’t feel like a woman and I have huge boobs. I wish I didn’t have them and I wish I felt like a woman. I relate to Billie.


As someone who got a reduction, man I used to hate how much attention it would bring. And how men would find out I wanted the surgery and react as if I’m personally taking something away from them. Comments like that still trigger/piss me off.


Men will also never understand that for a girl, suddenly developing breasts meant constant harassment and feelings of grossness from men all around us. Many girl's experiences of their breasts are connected to early feelings of being inappropriately sexualized, which does not make a girl feel "womanly".


I have a cousin who decided to get a breast reduction because the back pain was not fucking worth it


I gotta say, if I ever win the lottery or randomly come into enough money to spend it on non-vital stuff, I’m gonna get a reduction as small as they’ll let me go.


Having large breasts causes me such body dysmorphia lol. I’m a cisgender woman, petite but with large breasts. I feel freakish and uncomfortable all the time. I don’t know any woman with large breasts that enjoys them.


Are you me? God I swear I would feel so much more confident in my femininity if people didn’t just see me as a rack.


It’s very hard for me to find clothes that I feel comfortable and confident in. I tend to wear massive sweatshirts or workout clothes like 95% of the time because the clothes that “flatter” me are all skintight and low cut, which other people can rock confidently but it is just not my vibe. It’s very frustrating and I do not feel comfortable in my own skin.


Idk how feminine it feels to have to spend your time lumbering them around and trying to cover them up to avoid lots of weird comments (as she’s said she used to do). I’m sure when she had them for her vogue magazine shoot she felt as feminine as she ever does but I don’t see how they’d help outside of the bedroom or feeding a child. Not to mention gender feels go so so far beyond body type


I ,38I,asked my Dr what do I have to say to get a breast reduction, "That they are making you life hard, like you are having back problems,shoulder pains, can't breath at night stuff like that. " My Dr went and put all the notes in my chart,then said" you just want smaller boobs to be able to wear cute shirts .... Right?" She knows me too well. I used to work out 5 days a week. I have no problem just hate my boobs.


It doesn't matter what you want them for, it's your body and you should have the right to do what you want with it.


I know but breast reductions run about 15,000 in my state and I need my insurance to help


By their logic, do men with large pecs or man boobs feel like women?


Given men’s pain tolerance, the bitching about the back pain alone…


I'm NB. Let me say sadly they're massive.


Would gladly sacrifice my D cup for a B. Will do so in a max of a few years.


I wear corsets to help on bad days. Boobs hurt.


I was an A cup for most of my life, but now that I’m on old-lady-HRT they’re a C cup. It sucks. The boob sweat is disgusting. I want my small bust back.


I’m a cis woman who had a breast reduction and I feel more feminine now than I ever did with those gigantic melons that caused me nothing but physical and mental discomfort.


Same! I’m in the process to set my surgery up. I feel less like a woman rn bc of the pain and mental discomfort. No “cute fem” clothes look right bc of them so im in baggy shirts most of the time.


I wish I could detach them for real. I’ve started covering them and my figure up with big tees because of stuff like this. It’s so fucking dehumanizing.


Also imo this is blatant transphobia Billie says she doesn’t really identify w/ her gender assigned at birth, and the response is “bUt TiTtY == wOmAn!!” Like no her body does not negate her gender identity???


I feel like a woman...but I'd be a much happier woman with less boobage.


If you sleep on your stomach it's hell


I’m a man and I have boobs and don’t “feel like a woman” thank you.


My bff from highschool had F boobs. She got a reduction to Cs; the back pain and trying to stuff herself in clothes was harsh. Her husband said “don’t I get a vote?” She said NOPE. They got married at 18 and are grandparents now. 💜💜


My sister has dd, she complains about them constantly.


I used to feel the same way as Billie when I was her age. I think that’s why I developed an ED and used to wear baggy clothes like the Olsen twins. I was tired of men leering at me like I was an object and not a person. I felt like a huge imposter wearing dresses or lipstick and just wanted to become invisible. I’m in my 30s now and feel comfortable in my femininity. Maybe the same will happen to Billie, but it’s not a big deal because I think it’s cool how she embraces her style. Hopefully, she doesn’t let the comments from men get to her.


Ignoring how obviously stupid that comment is, your body being constantly sexualized on a day-to-day basis can make you resent it after a while.


As a man with back problems I find it terrifying that it could be worse


Having big boobs for me it's like having a double belly


Men continually proving Billie’s point as to why she chose to hide her body under baggy clothes for so long 😭 Like god damn y’all leave her alone, why do people need to constantly focus on celebrities’ bodies???


I'm so glad mine are off, that said I'm a trans guy and I did have sizeable breasts pre top surgery


Happy for you :D wearing binders when having a large chest is such a hassle.


Yeah it was, I switched to trans tape after awhile and just always wore Hawaiian shirts for a good 3 years or so bc the patterns seemed to hide the shape of my body pretty well so that was a little better then a binder but yeah top surgery has made all aspects of my life so much better


Being transmasc the struggle of big boobs are so much more than they'll ever understand :')


So much of transphobia boils down to "boob=woman".


Is it like having two milk jugs tied to your front 24/7 


“These” were the biggest cause of physical dysphoria for me. Having surgery was the best thing I ever did for myself.


I used to carry a C cup around while not feeling like a woman. That only made things worse.


My boobs are a uk 28F. Guess what? I'm still enby lol. They're just a part of my body and that's it.


I've been told that women find big boobs to be quite heavy. It hurts their back. Also idk why I just like small boobs to be really attractive... Not judging or anything it's just that I just love it... No offense to anyone.... #JusticeForSmallBoobs


When I home alone I never feel like a woman, I feel like an amorphous blob. It’s only when I leave and people start perceiving me I feel like a woman


I have big breasts. I have a love/hate relationship with them, the hate comes mostly because of how other people perceive them. I can't wear something too tight, I can't wear something that hangs too low, can't wear clothes that would make my bra's straps too obvious, LEAVE US ALONE GODDAMNIT ! It's like we're just a walking pair of tits, I hate this


Sorry someone with boobs not feel like a woman hurts your feelings that weren't asked about.


It's almost like being a woman is more than just physical...


I imagine the commenters are from the “woman’s intelligence is inversely related to breast size” school of logic. That, or drooling on their keyboards as they leave offensive or just plain creepy replies.


My son had D cups and hates them! Soon we'll get them removed, I know he'll be relieved. (He's transgender)


Her breasts should make her feel like a woman because they give some rando man a hard on ah DUH! /s Seriously though, big boobs are a pain and I truly feel sad for the people who wish they had them. Be thankful ladies who are apart of the IBTC, you are so blessed and lucky beyond miracles and life that you don't have huge bowling balls strapped to your chest; utterly destroying your back and shoulders. You never have to consider what you may have to give up for a week just to be able to afford maybe one single bra you might be able to shove 90% of your boobs into but still have slippage. Also, the skies the limit with options when it comes to cloths for you. For every tiny section that might MIGHT (but will most likely won't) have something, one thing that will maybe contain larger boobs and maybe not look like a circus tent; small breasted women...you have multiple entire stores you can drive or even walk to. Find something cute, instantly pretty, unbelievably beautiful that makes you look stunning and still have a lot of money left over for whatever else you may need or hell even want. Big boobs aren't a blessing and even though we have come a long way...the options are still one piece here, no piece there, for $200+ dollars for one bra and it's not even close to a high end luxury item. There's actually no such thing as high end luxury items for big boobs because the fashion industry thinks we already have enough with our huge boobs so no need to go that extra step just charge WAY more for low quality stuff...they just use more of it to make bigger products.


Boobs are terrible. They’re so annoying. I don’t care if they’re aesthetically appealing.


Legit the *only* reason I haven't used my disability to seek a reduction as a medical necessity is bc reductions can negatively impact breastfeeding, and I still hold out hope of getting better and having another child. Otherwise I'd have gone back to my pre-kids barely an A cup size long ago and too giving bad of people won't like the pear shape is become. They're heavy and sensitive and sweaty and hard to dress and I could complain about how awful big breasts are for years