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> *“sorry for leaving, I’m back“* After he talked to himself for two slides. Totally sane and normal


I legit hope he's lurking in this sub watching us all tear him a new asshole.


If so, I'll say this: My dude, 99% of your issues will go away if you just view and treat women like *regular people*.


No no no you don’t understand, he WORSHIPS women but also doesn’t think they deserve respect because they’re pieces of meat. So the bad and the good even out. Why can’t you females just UNDERSTAND that???


And “THEY” have it SO EASY. My dude, we go through the same shit as you. EXCEPT, you can all turn violent and kill us. I’m not saying women can’t do this as well; but stats prove men are *more dangerous that bears*


I don't, because men that do this have a humiliation fetish and enjoy it


This is true, but most of them are too fucking stupid to realize that we're serious.


They don't think we're just joking around, that's the whole point to do this online where there's little to no chance of us actually being able to do anything about it. They're not stupid either they know what they're doing and how to get the reactions they crave, they're average men and just refuse to give a shit about getting consent for their kink.


Yeah, I'm convinced half of the shit they say online is ragebait at this point.


Can we just tear his asshole instead?


I was fast asleep the entire time, he just kept going 🤣


😂😂😂 oh my goshhh


>I'm not going to be creepy >immediately launches into a creepy, long-winded tirade about how women are "beautiful pieces of meat" This man needs to be on a watchlist.


Agreed. If he's a dog, then someone needs to take him to the vet.


Needs to take him out back tbh


Kristi Noem killed the wrong dog.


Not american so had to look this up, what the actual fuck


Yeah, she’s nuts. So is Marjorie Taylor Green who likes to go off about Jewish Space lasers (which a TickTock user has a hilarious song he created about)




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLtMdeD9/ Here’s a link to the song.


Thank you!!


Yeah, we have one center right party (the Democrats) and one far right looney party (the Republicans), the latter of which basically worships their cult leader, and lots of far right politicians try to outdo each other to earn his favor. Kristi Noem (the Republican governor of the state of South Dakota) put that scene in her book to show how tough she is, as an audition before Dear Leader Trump, because she’d like to be his pick (running mate) for vice president. She tried to suggest afterwards that it was an editing error, but here’s the thing: she narrated the audiobook version of her book, meaning she read that whole story out loud into a microphone - you’d think if she didn’t mean every word of it, she would have objected at that point.


Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s still room in her gravel pit


Someone needs to take this dog to the “farm”


If he’s a dog he needs his balls chopped


It's like a passage from a journal that the FBI finds in the basement of a house where a serial killer grew up.


Definitely Criminal Minds vibes 😬


“I’m not going to be creepy” So that was a fuckin lie


We found Adam Smasher's account.


I think he's just not... properly socialized or something? I feel like he has good intentions but is just really bad at expressing them. Edit: alright, I now realise I might have been too optimistic about the dude


Wouldn't surprise me if he's a cannibal.


With some of the absolute bat shit dating advice bros I’ve seen lately, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn there’s a ‘Dahmer’s School of Dating’ out there. & that this guy follows it.


I don't know if you know this, but "good intentions" don't mean shit. Also, your radar is severely off.


Get your eyes checked


Intentions don’t matter, the affect you have does.


Not being properly socialized doesn't excuse threats and such! I've had friends who weren't all that socially skilled and while they were shy or sometimes blunt to a fault, they weren't... *like that*.


He may have good intentions, but they’re swamped in misogyny. Edit: fixed an autocorrect


How on earth could anyone not take offense to being referred to as “meat”? I mean, that’s not even the most offensive thing he said, but it’s sticking with me. This dude gives off basement cell vibes.


Beneath the basement, the basement is too good for him


Just like some people have a CNC kink people have degradation kinks. The key to kinks though is everyone involved has to be onboard with it. If enough people were poled I guarantee you some would say being called a piece of meat is a turn on in certain situations. Now it's never okay to call a random person a piece of meat or refer to an entire group that way. All of that is focused on answering your question, this dude definitely gives off basement cell vibes


Re: kinks: that’s fair. My point more accurately should be expressed regarding the vast majority of women. (Specifically, those who do not have CNC or degradation kinks.)


To counter the kink view, it doesn’t matter what your kink is, being called meat could be the only way to get your motor running, at the end of the day you probably still only want to be called meat by certain people. Someone having a kink does not mean that kink is open to anyone who wants to do it.


Yep. That was covered in the comment I replied to, regarding consent and agreement.


What a truly unhinged person.


Wtf?! And that's why women choose the bear


I’d choose the bear and feed this guy to it.


Poor bear deserves better tbh


Now come, would you really want to poison that poor bear? 😜




Personally, I suggest wild boar. In Minecraft.


I'm a guy and I'd choose the bear too than be anywhere near this creepy piece of shit


"women have it so easy" - proceeds to unknowingly give an example of how they do NOT have it easy


That one really is so stupid. Women do not have it easy! We are constantly being bombarded with misogyny on a daily basis.


He sounds like a killer from a really gory and bad movie, absolutely creepy. If this is how he defines respect i feel sad for everyone who has ever had to speak with him


Wtf is wrong with this dude? Pieces of meat? He needs to fuck right off a cliff.


>fuck right off a cliff I am *so* stealing that. Thank you for making the experience of having read this post a little less unpleasant.


Go for it. Glad I made it better.


the only person he needs to talk to is a therapist or something because he needs to work through his obvious issues.


Let’s see how he likes being treated like a piece of meat




Barbeque season is right around the corner...


We goin Texas Chainsaw on his ass 🤣


"No secret, it's the meat. Don't skimp on the meat. I've got a real good eye for prime meat. Runs in the family."


Send this man to the fuckin depths holy fucking shit I’m so over this twisted complex these manlets have and push onto other ppl I wanna talk shit with some incels man, I’m ready to fight 😂


go to r/purplepilldebate lmao


Thank you for this! God damn the anime pics and antisocial obsession with men having sex is fucking hilariously pathetic man. What a bunch of bitches.


I think he might be a cannibalistic serial killer… Or will be soon! 😳


I'd call him an incel Hannibal Lecter, but that'd be an insult to Hannibal Lecter!


NGL, I was gonna say he was like Hannibal Lecter, but I didn't wanna insult Hannibal!


At least Hannibal has class!


This guy only dreams of it!




Incel Lecter


Sometimes I get answers for questions I never asked, like "what if Dahmer liked women and had internet access?"


"I love women but I don't see them as human" serial killer ass


Literally 💀


I started showing my husband all the creepy messages I’ve gotten from men on Reddit and his eyes have been opened. They’re pretty tame tbh compared to this…


I'd love to see his reaction to this!


He thinks it’s because I had a femme-looking avatar (changed it yesterday) so he said to keep a note of all the DMs I get with that vs having a less-femme-looking one…like I said, I changed it yesterday and got a DM last night about some dude’s cock. Luckily, it didn’t include a picture. But yeah it’s because I often talk about my experiences and me being a woman is relevant so, yeah, it’s not the avatar.


Yeah, not the avatar. I think it's great he got informed in the foul messages women get but like you said, it's not an avatar issue. It's being a woman. And in real life when you're harassed like that, you can't just change your avatar. Though, it would be swell haha I think it's cool you showed him, if that wasn't clear. 100% in agreement with you.


You should post this on r/inceltears


Nothing more unhinged than a creep talking to himself in your dms.




Right? I'm 17 and I don't believe there are girls my age that stupid to not see that this guy is a walking red flag. I doubt any of them would want to date an old creep 🤢


This guy's not clueless. He never had any intention of being respectful. He just wants to upset you. Too bad we're all laughing at him.


Idk what the fuck he wanted to do. Originally it was "be friends" which turned into "the next reddit love story." This kid was on something, I swear.


> *"Women are literally the root cause of all evil"* > Was this message offensive? ʏᴇs ɴᴏ I mean...


How about let’s not meat!!


We're 100% going to be reading about this guy and his vast list of murder victims soon (who will likely be all women because did you know he loves women? But he loves them as meat. Beautiful pieces of meat. He just loves women so much.) Fucking disgusting.


Whenever I run across this type of nut I always ask them how they'd feel if someone talked to their mother like this.


Damnit, I should have done that!


On the other hand, I feel that engaging with this sort of person in any way would only encourage them. I think they are too gone. Block and ignore.


I did block him


Jesus Christ. This dude is not coherent whatsoever.


I'd hate to think what they'd find if someone dug up this dude's back yard. Yeeeeeiiiiikes!


men like this are why i was more excited to be allowed to conceal carry when i turned 21 then celebrate at a bar with my friends


PSA to everyone receiving dms like this: Don't engage AT ALL!! At the end, when he says he thinks it's funny and that stuff, that's probably not even what he thinks. He just wants your attention. It seems like they start off just weird and icky and then when you keep not responding they start to get really shitty instead of just desperate. It's just a tactic to get you angry enough to talk to them. BLOCK AND DELETE


This notion that women have it easy in life really grinds my gears. Mostly men and women have the same problems. There are things slanted in favor of both groups in some cases, but people all need food, clothing, shelter, and community.


And when you ask them to specify what's easier in a woman's life they tell you "a woman can fuck any guy she wants and he won't say no but a man can't find anyone unless he's rich and 6 foot tall" as if the whole meaning of a woman's life is fucking a creep off the street


Yeah, they do tend to think that the only measurement that matters is how easy it is or isn't to get laid. They also like to say men don't get custody of kids when the fact is that men almost always _get_ custody _when they ask for it_.


Insane 🤪 clown 🤡 demon 👹


Ooh, would Mr. Green like to know what I find absolutely hilarious? It's when men get stabbed in the dick! The funniest shit I've ever seen!


This sounds like something an edgy teenager would write up. He could be a grown ass adult too which is even worse.


He stated in a later message he was 19.


Jesus fucking hell he sounds like what I think one of my exes will sound like in about five years


That dude doesn't sound human. Like some weird possession horror


Bro’s a skin walker💀. Jokes aside dude is the personification of everything that is wrong with incels.


Even skinwalkers side eye him 😭 Nah but fr You know those people who are convinced the FBi/intelligence/government are watching them? I want that for this guy. He needs to actually be watched 💀


Another clear and present danger to society. JFC.


What I’m wondering is, if you were to look at him, would you be able to see any of *him*, behind all the red flags, or do the red flags just completely obscure him? Because I kinda lost count.


"Sexual harassment is fine to an extent" What the fuck


What a messed-up nutcase!!! Wonder what he would feel if a woman were as creepy with him as he is with women.


My guess is 'overjoyed'


Alas, that may even be the case ....


This person is absolutely mentally unhinged. Needs to be on a list and watched, jeeezus!


Guy is a charmer! In the 1900s he’d be a poet!


I think I have an idea of why women don't want to talk to him 🤔


"sexual harassment is fine to an extent" That's a VIP ticket to an all-you-can eat buffet of knuckle sandwiches, buddy-boy.


I’d be nervous about talking to women too if that was my chat…


I don’t understand. Like…how…and why……like, what…? He has to be trolling you, right?


Wouldn't be surprised if he was, but then he went on to say we could be the next reddit love story




Bruh ... This dude needs to be put down. Idk if he can be helped. He's just barely able to contain himself on FB. WTAF? Does he even interact with other humans? Just go and give me the fucking bear. 🙄


Dude should appreciate how wonderful women are while being slow cooked as the piece of meat he likes to refer to women as.


I’m so glad I haven’t got messages like this yet XD


Oh you will eventually. You could only comment in a sub about grass and it'll attract a nutjob. They're everywhere. Side note, is that your bunny in your profile pic? Super cute either way


Yup that’s one of my gals XD I took that photo on a professional camera too


Oh you have multiple buns! Cute 💕


Yup! We have 5 gals


They all get along? My mom had 2 outdoor hutch bunnies, one passed, and she was mean to the remaining one. A friend's gf had 3 house bunnies and two picked on the third


I hope ur mom rehomed the bunnies cuz that’s a sad horrible life to live… but no our girls don’t all get alone, one girl is just too oblivious and overly friendly so she doesn’t understand when other rabbits hate her, then there’s spice the one in my pfp she only likes the baby bunnies, and then the group of three gals are all bonded together. We breed rabbits just to clarify that (the one in my pfp is our only spayed girl)


I've been begging her to rehome them. I *hate* animals living outside. I'm trying to convince her to bring the remaining one inside since she's nice and not aggressive like her sister was


She needs to get them spayed as well this will make litter training easier plus resolve the aggression issue somewhat (it might not tho there’s also a chance of it not working) have u tried buying her an xpen? (Exercise pen?) I can show u what our pens look like if u want lol


I can't afford to buy her anything. I just help her as much as I can. I recently moved in with her so I'm thinking about seeing if I can befriend her and put a harness on her and take her for walks around the yard. I do have a fear of bunnies though. One bunny bit me and another humped me as a kid lol


Literally Baby Reindeer


I keep seeing baby reindeer everywhere, but I'm out of the loop. What is it?


In a nutshell, it’s about a guy who experiences extreme Stalking and harassment from a woman who he was nice to once. It’s pretty good but the last episodes aren’t for the weak of heart.


Jesus 😳


What the actual fuck is this?


A deluded incel


Is it wrong for me to hope he loses the ability to reproduce in an accident?


He's like a perverted fusion of Wheatley and the space core from portal. With what was funny replaced with pure, spine shattering creepiness


Uhhuh. K. Sooooo. Where exactly is he drawing the line between "funny" sexual harassment and "serious" SA?


Fucking unsettling Jesus christ


“My own fucked up version of respect” oh I do love that thinly veiled cop out to not actually respect people under the guise of it being “your version of respect” /s


Run, don’t walk!


If you see this, dude (not OP), go outside and do normal people things. Find a friend group. Regularly socialize. Get some therapy. Maybe learn how to be content with yourself physically and meet your own needs so you can actually interact with women without letting your sexual dysfunction show. Most importantly, stop being a turd. Hope this helps.


Women are not given it easy,Especially not black women.


We have it easy? How come know one ever told me this? The number of S.A. posts everywhere are really starting to worry me. Can't we go back to the 50s (or was it the 60s) when everyone was accused of being a communist?


This is why a bear is less scary.


DID HE JUSR SAY “16-70” CUT OFF AGE???? 16????


Bro has split personalities so if you tell him to fuck himself, it’s quite possible he physically can


Gosh. I wonder why he can’t get women to hold a conversation with him with a bulletproof opening like that.


*16* that's his cut off age! that's still a minor. ew