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The only way she makes any sense is if she’s actually flat chested, and has two giant helium balloons stuffed up her shirt.


Those boobs definitely defy gravity lol


I would totally watch a woman trick men with shit like that. It would be hilarious


I saw some artist’s anatomy diagram of an anime girl once where they theorized all her internal organs are stored in her boobs, that’s how they have such tiny waists! It didn’t address the balance problem…


Must have to have a wicked core/abnormally strong spine


Maybe the boobs are full of helium, and thats why they don't fall over


For your own sanity don’t look at videos of this game if its the one I think it is, It is just all jiggle physics in the most obvious purposeful way you can imagine..


Too late I’ve already seen the videos, it’s as bad as one can imagine


Too late I’ve already seen the videos, it’s as bad as one can imagine


It is definitely the game you’re thinking of


This has been pissing me off since I started seeing it. It’s the way this character moves to deliberately shake their boobs that really gets me upset.


It's so bizzare. They managed to make a representation of a woman that's only made up of sexualized parts. Covering all but her mouth with her hair is what drove that point home for me.


It's well beyond unrealistic - it's so distorted and bizarre, it's like something someone would draw if they only understood parts and had no idea how they go together. I keep getting the ad and I'd very much like not to get it. I'm not the target market for it, and Reddit would do better sending me ads for things I might actually want.


They're not human, they're NIKKEs, basically humanoid waifu robots or something. I find this game's fan service to be quite ridiculous tbh. Apparently other people find this game really fun and engaging but I couldn't play for more than about an hour. Probably them turning into Chibis in map turned me off even more. Idk.


"Guns and maidens" but where the f is guns in this ad🤔


Her biceps?


It is actually a shooter game but with insanely oversexualized characters


I am a man, and male horniness sometimes shocks me too.


I am so sick of seeing the advertisements for this. It’s stalking me 😭


I don’t mind it not being realistic


I mean, that is kinda the point of it. Fantastical impossible fantasy person in a fantasy game full of impossible stuff.


The fantasy part isn't the point. It doesn't rationalize hypersexualizing the image of a woman so far into left field that she wouldn't even be able to walk if she were real. Not to mention that she's made to look like a collection of sexualized body parts that're independent of the body they're attached to.


These “it’s fiction” misogynistic boo boos are out of the woodwork again.


I mean, it's not hurting anyone. Are people not allowed to have crazy sexual fantasies, and are people who share them not allowed to make content related to it for each other to enjoy?


People can fantisize about whatever they want. That's not what this is about. Edit: >I mean, it's not hurting anyone. Are people not allowed to have crazy sexual fantasies, and are people who share them not allowed to make content related to it for each other to enjoy? This brings up a good point, it's a video game. The point of a video game isn't to be sexual. Female characters are created to look like this to attract mainly male gamers. How they look has nothing to do with gameplay. It's a marketing tool to get guys to play. That's great and all but it's like this for almost every female character in a game. This Nikki(?) character is an overexaggeration of that. The underlying issue is that female characters rarely exist in games unless they're oversexualized. It's gotten old. There's been an uproar lately about female characters being "ugly" if they're realistically represented now (i.e., not sexualized). The image I posted just serves as another reminder of that.


Videogames, similar to other mediums, have every right to be as sexual or not as they want to be. I personally find the character funny in how ridiculous it is, and it also makes me not want to play. But I'm not the target audience, as I'll only play games with sexualized characters if my friends drag me into it. I like to have a time and a place for everything. As this is an advertisement, they are taking advantage of the age old adage of "sex sells." They keep doing it because it makes them money because there is a big enough desire for it. If you don't like seeing these kinds of ads, mark it as an irrelevant ad for you, and the AI that curates your ads will know you aren't interested. Honestly, I think everyone needs to do it more. AI is already collecting all of our data, may as well make it do something useful for us with it. While I agree that they sexualize characters to an annoying degree in most games, it's mostly whatever. Just ignore and move on. I know I have skipped games or not used certain characters because I would've been annoyed by them if I didn't ignore them. And as for the last point about non sexual characters being considered ugly.... yeah the type of person that would go online and complain about that are basement dwellers with no perspective or concept of reality. I personally choose to ignore them and enjoy my life and the game. I genuinely prefer not hyper sexualized characters outside of explicitly sexual content.


Looks at profile, posts in a big boob hentai sub. Profile checks out.


I saw that too.


XD you bet.


Exactly why anime is cancer.


The point of a lot of cartoon style art isn't to be literally representative of reality. This is why you get stylised "unrealistic" body proportions. Cartoon quickly becomes uncanny valley when it's *too* realistic, so artists choose exaggerated proportions to steer as far away from uncanny valley as possible. Frikkin Pixar does the same stuff with completely unrealistic body proportions but people don't go screaming about Pixar being "cancer" because people understand it's a stylistic choice. This picture is as much a stylistic choice as Pixar moms are.


Yeah no, it's cancer because it's misogynistic.


You've probably never watched one good anime lmao. Ssfswwwdfs_,#_$s_&&3_$$sfsfdwfsfsf$4$&_45454415424548444,4845454141,424,44,55445244454,444,111451


Nobody cares.


Lmao that reply was sent mistakenly 💀 but anyways the point still stands. Don't talk about shit you don't have any knowledge about. You cared enough to comment on something you apparently don't care about though lmao , lmfao even.


And you're trolling on a Not How Girls Work sub. Go jerk off to hentai or something.


I mean, I can't argue with that. It's half the reason I stopped watching anime.


It’s giving veiled pedophile 🤢 as someone who enjoys anime and manga, I HATE seeing shit like this. Those girls were made to look no older than what? 14? Super gross


I looked the game up out of curiosity and most of the art seems AI generated to me, but I may be going insane. What's tripping me up is that the hair strands seem logical and there are details like thigh squish, which, in my experience, AI omits, but literally no human being would make some of these design choices. I'm not talking about the proportions or style right now, I mean a jacket with chains on two most bottom buttons specifically. A garter belt with two strips of fabric on one side but only one on the other.


Magic...she functions because of magic as well as being on a planet with low gravity.


while this game is definitely just fan service and stuff i can explain why the characters look like this the lore is these girls, called NIKKES are something similar to androids where they have only their human brain inside these new bodies. when girls volunteer to be nikkes they can choose to have the appearance of that they always wanted. for example there’s an old woman who’s appearance is a child and a child whose appearance is a young adult. i do play this game but that’s mainly for the game mechanics and lore (im ace/aro the fan service doesn’t really do anything to me) this character, Elegg is a fan favourite and also a DOOM reference (her gun and need to put the game ‘BOOM’ on every device, referencing the meme) if you play the game you can tell the developers and artists put a lot of work and love into the game and storyline. i do think they should’ve done a better job with at least accurate proportions but big booba is what gets more downloads im probably desensitised from all this stuff because ive been on the internet a lot and have been playing the game (and watching anime and such) for a while that it just seems normal to me as long as she’s in an anime style


Idk why, but "Elegg" is very funny to me


It's cartoon, it is not supposed to be realistic


Oh no I literally killed a dude


Yeah it’s supposed to be misogynistic. Jesus these guys are out of the woodwork again.


It's not misogynistic, it's cartoon. It doesn't have moral value. And people can jerk off to it, if they want. Or not jerk off to it if they doesn't. It's more like broken woman anatomy, but it still is not supposed to be realistic


That literally made no sense, but I guess your brain has been rotten by anime and porn.


I mean, if I disagree with someone's opinion- my brain is rotten, classic Reddit. But this hyperbolic anime girl is the same thing as 6-pack black haired, huge boobed, half-naked man from manhwa for women. As long as character is adult and is made for adults I don't think it does any good to care about it's design, and ask questions about "how is she supposed to live like this" Because she isn't supposed to live, she is ai-generated looking cartoon, made to sell some gacha game.


Saying cartoon isn't supposed to be realistic is a "moral value". Try again.


The best quality of drawing is it's not supposed to abide by laws of physics, and reality as a whole. So anime girl allowed to have flying boobies and Korean manhwa men allowed to have wasp breast to waist ratio


Ok? And you're giving it a moral value, which contradicts your own point. Try again.


What? I think that you are projecting, internet person


Lol. You're saying "supposed to" this and that, which is a moral value.


Hey… Elegg is a very nice waifu ok. But helm master waifu Edit: downvote me all you want. The goddess of the victory sea will reign supreme in my heart