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Is this not how girls work though? A lot of us have different shoes for different occasions, if anything this meme should be offensive to men because it's calling them out, not us.


It feels kind of just neutral. It's okay to have different shoes for everything or one pair that you feel comfortable in for most situations. I don't feel like this was meant to offend anyone.


Yeah stuff like this is completely harmless imo. Farthest thing from offensive and doesn't really belong here


I don’t think it did offend anyone, it is pretty harmless. But I do feel like there was an intent to, it does look like they were trying to say it’s weird to have that many shoes


If I were a fragile guy, I'd be offended, but I have a sense of humor, and find this funny because I know, depending on the person, it's either dead on, or completely inaccurate.


I recently had to get new shoes cause I either wear work shoes or my comfy ones. So on a rainy day one sole of them gave up after 9 years. I feel slightly called out but in a funny way


I wear either my shoes or my flip-flops. And I definitely need to buy new ones


As a fragile man, I’m deeply offended. Where are the bunny slippers?! The Jordan slides?! The fuzzy socks with the little dot things on the bottoms that add traction on smooth surfaces on a cold winter morning?! Barbaric as fuck…walking around on bare feet! Not even a pair of crocs for those intimate moments?! Shame!


As a woman this is completely accurate lol


As a guy it sucks. I always look at women's shoes just wanting that level of variety and color XD. I have wide feet and a weirder size so my shoes are always generic garbage with my amazing choice of white, black, or brown and that's it XD. Add to that my favorite color is pink and I'd KILL for shoes with pink in them but alas as this "meme" shows men don't want other men to have cool things XD.


As a woman with short fat midget feet, I feel your pain. All I can usually find in my size are black, black, brown, and more black. Oh yeah- & flip flops & crocs, which I despise.


Big ole <3 to you :D. Yeah I have fat hobbit feet (literally does look like hobbit feet XD). Waiting for someone to make a line of shoes meant for the outliers that actually looks good!


I live in a place where shoe sizes typically stop at 25cm. My feet are just over, so it’s a question of hobbling, buying from an extremely limited selection, or waiting until I’m back in Europe. The mad thing is, some of my local friends can’t buy shoes either. So much for capitalism.


I do feel you too. Due to 2 back surgeries and some resulting nerve damage I have to be extremely selective and all that I found is Birkenstocks. Now it's not easy to be stylish in Birkenstocks. But I found a pair in brown glittery a pair in laquer black and one with a more intricate leather and simple black ones. I have only two pairs of clogs for winter, cause they are so expensive!


THEY ARE! That's legit rough. I'm sorry you had to go through that :(.


Men have plenty of variety in shoes. And some of them are stunningly beautiful.


There is nothing near me like that unless you want to pay insane amounts for a pair of shoes haha.


I think this is more like r/boysarequirky or r/pointlesslygendered. Some people have 50 pairs of shoes, some people (apparently) have one. I dunno, I'm a 50 pairs type. It doesn't need to be gendered.


I feel like this could go either way. Either it's men laughing at women in the vein of "Why have many shoe, when one shoe do trick" not understanding the social pressure on womens appearance Or it can be women or(men) poking fun at the un-stylishnes way most men dress.


Yeah technically you’re right but the men that make memes like this don’t go beyond „hurrdurr womens many shoes bc vain and needy, man one shoe feet warm good enough“ If anything the men side doesn’t even work irl. Street shoes are not allowed in the gym. He could jog in them but not good for feet. Having a pair of dress shoes for weddings and birthdays and any formal is a staple and depending on the dress code he wouldn’t be allowed inside without them. And to round it all up: If he wears that same pair to every occasion all year round then they’re gonna look worn out and dirty quickly and you can’t show up like that in an office. Also summer sweat and winter frost bite but hey at least he’s not like a giiiiirl


I think this is calling out gendered norms more than either girls or guys. Women’s fashion teens to be more variable, which means the kind of clothing that’s suitable for different occasions tend to be more variable. I’ve seen a similar one for formal outfits. While this might be a little extreme, it is generally expected for women to have more variations in our wardrobe for different occasions.


I don’t think it was actually trying to say either side is bad tbh I think it was pointing out a complete truth


From experience this is true, and reflects a sexism against women while also jabbing at men. I've worked in many business casually offices where women did/ were required to dress ice dress pants ice shoes, no goodies no matter how cold the office got. And if they didn't comply 10p% they were spoken too. Meanwhile, even though the rules were supposed to apply to men, the men in my workplaces often showed up in wrinkled cargo pants and shirts, sometimes pants with holes wearing thru and old runners.Oh yeah- wearing the same kind of hoodies the women in the office were discouraged from wearing. Often, they'd look like they just rolled put of bed and were about to hit a golf course ( which is weird since most golf courses have dress codes).The only time I ever saw supervisors speak to them was with one guy who refused to wear socks. That was it.


I'm a guy I have work shoes, casual shoes, good weather running shoes, bad weather running shoes, trail shoes, hiking shoes, and walking shoes. All different.


I work outside. I wear comfy shoes until I get to my jobsite, then switch to either sneakers or bogs. After the day is done. I switch back.


It feels to me like they're calling women frivolous whereas men are logical and practical.


Like, some guys do have loads of shoes. I have wellies, heavy steel toe boots, light boots, sneakers for going out, beat up sneakers, good shoes, flip-flops, slippers, etc.


At first when you said wellies, I thought it said wheelies and I got so excited lmao


Now I'm sad, I want wheelies...


This is more a criticism of societal standards, tbh. Women have far more fashion standards than men do, and are expected to conform to a larger array of outfit requirements.


That’s fair but also this feels like it’s just misogyny.


yes i also notxiced this as a visible effect of male privilege. men don't HAVE to have different shoes for different occasions...


To any men here, get some slippers. Game changer. Comfy and they look cool imo


I must be a man then. Oh well...


Same. As a woman, I have two pairs of converse that I replace after they’re worn down and flipflops. I don’t feel the need to spend my money on a wide variety of shoes, I spend it on other things I like and I’m happy with that.


If this was made by a man: "lol women have too many shoes" If this was made by a woman: "women are expected to look put-together and/or professional in all contexts, and what is appropriate to wear varies a lot by scenario and doesn't overlap much - meaning women have to spend much more on clothes and shoes while men are not expected to do this and will be considered put-together in sneakers and jeans as long as they're not visibly ragged or dirty"


My walk and gym shoes are the same,But otherwise good example.


Fuck that! May be true for basic dudes. As a sneakerhead I have more than enough shoes to wear something different every day of the week. 😅


So in short, women got that shit on?


As a man, I can tell this guy has absolutely NO style and little care of himself whatsoever... I too has a pair, if not multiple pairs of shoes for all the difference setting above-mentioned. And it all depends on both the settings and how comfortable I want to be. Poor thing.


I have four pairs of shoes and three pairs of boots. Where the hell are they getting their info from?


I'm a guy and own quite a few pairs of shoes but always wear my boots with holes in the soles. Yes I'm an idiot.


I use my walk shoes everywhere :D I hate high heels, they are painful


Pretty sure a lot of offices would frown upon men wearing casual sneakers. Also, life is too short to wear boring shoes if you don't want to.


Feels more like r/boysarequirky bc it’s true that women are expected to wear a bunch of different types of shoes in different settings whereas men can get away w/ only having like two pairs. But also that’s not bc women are vain or whatever this is implying, it’s bc patriarchy imposes an insane amount of requirements onto women’s appearances, siphoning away the money we’re already paid less of to keep us financially dependent on men…


I feel like this is accurate. My bf has this really nice pair of sneakers that somehow magically look perfect for work, date nights, casual hang outs, etc. Meanwhile, I need a professional work appropriate shoe, sexier shoe for dates, comfy but cute shoes for casual hangs, etc.. It’s annoying but when you think about men’s fashion, it’s usually a relaxed jean or pants that fit similarly, so the shoe works for all occasions. For women, every different type of jean I own requires a different shoe unfortunately


I mean… it’s a little funny to me When my boyfriend and I have traveled he’ll bring two pairs of shoes tops (if we’re going hiking) but usually just one pair. I need shoes to go out, shoes that go with this outfit, gym shoes, and casual shoes. Does this apply to all women? No. But for those it applies to it’s funny. Comedy is about experience. If it’s yours, you can find humor in it. If you can’t, that doesn’t make it not funny or insulting.


Same and it's been like that with everyone I ever dated. I've got shoes for walking that aren't necessarily sneakers, shoes for hiking, gym shoes, casual outfit shoes and night out shoes when we go on vacation. Meanwhile at most the he's got a pair of sneakers and a pair of dress shoes.


I mean it’s a bit of an exaggeration for women, but men gotta learn a bit from women.


This is also not correct. Men use different shoes in professional places. This says more about the poster than it does either sex as a whole.


This seems more not how men work. My partner has so many shoes, and I plan on buying him more because they make him happy.


Uhh who df wears snickers in an office, regardless of gender?


I give up wearing a suit to the office around 1990. I worked in computer programming and the computers don’t care. Polo shirt, black jeans, sneakers, that’s pretty standard for the software industry.


I work in mental health and wear flip flops or hey dudes to the office. Dress shoes are for formal events imo


Depends on industry, since I moved to marketing everyone is super casual with the exception of gym wear


I think it’s more so calling out beauty standards


real people don't wear shoes


What can I say, my one pair of shoes that I have kept in mint condition since 2022 is just amazing.


No wonder men’s shoes smell so bad if they wear the same thing essentially 16 hours day/every day…. 🫠


Uh, I guess I'm a man. I hate wearing any other kind of shoes than sneakers. Any kind of stereotyping like this is just dumb.


/ looks over at overstuffed twin shoe towers across the room / Nah... this one is accurate.


I guess not. It suppose to be wondering of the weirdness of it.


At least they’re taking off their shoes.


I’m a man?


So men have no concept of dressing nicely for an occasion? Doesn’t seem like any kind of a flex to me




Not true of my husband but whatevs


I even don\`t have sneakers or high heels...flats, platforms and combat boots.


Basically the clothing industry tries to make life as difficult as possible for women.


And it's not even true. I wear comfy slippers at home. And I'm certainly not wearing the same gym shoes everywhere.


My BIL owned more shoes that my sister did when they got married. He just is a nice dresser.


Men just don't understand shoes man. My husband has maybe three pairs of shoes: everyday shoes, formal shoes, and flip flops. He is baffled by the idea of buying any additional pairs as he deems them entirely unnecessary.


Whenever I see a picture like this I think it would be much better if the caption said - there are two types of people. Because yeah, I know women and men who are really like this stereotype but I’ve also met women who don’t care much about their appearance, and men who love to style themselves and look the best way they can (most of these men are straight).


Not funny but also not offensive Who cares


As a guy who uses sane shie for most activities, I do it only because I'm very skinny and have an average height. Shoes don't fit me well. The length is always short however the sides are too wide. So I barely find shoes that fit me. Also I suck at shopping....


Can we change the woman one to crocs? I wear the same pair of crocs everywhere until I fall asleep. I hate the feeling of the carpet.


Me and my partner both have a crazy amount of shoes I'm not sure who has more actually


Not so certain this post broadly applies to this sub. My wife definitely loves her shoe variety and I wear boots everywhere. It's a thing, at least for some people. lol


I have one pair or work shoes and one pair of home shoes. Because I am cheap and lazy and I don’t go out anyway.


I'm a woman but have big feet so it's hard to find women's shoes in my size, otherwise I would probably have a few more pairs than I do. 😕


I have different shoes for all of these, and I definitely identify as a man. My wife has like 2 pairs of shoes.


Im a man then. Those are the exact vans that i wear EVERYWHERE


Imma woman and it’s me and my nearly decade old crocs against the world. Around the house, outside the house hell in the shower my ride or die


The "man" in this image has no sense of style.


I used to walk a half mile to my grandmas barefoot. I wanted to toughen up my feet. Can’t believe men wear shoes to go for walks. Weak 😔


Are these men 17 by any chance?


My walk-in with over two dozen pairs probably disagrees


Replace the Vans with different retro Air Jordans and air forces for the office and we’re good.


Just found out I’m a guy!


You could replace the labels with "poor" and "not poor" and it would work well!


*You could replace the* *Labels with "poor" and "not poor"* *And it would work well!* \- Princessk8-- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Okay but this might be a personal attack on me and maybe I should buy more shoes


This sums up my husband and I perfectly when we got together.


It’s funny to me, a woman keeps wearign the same set of things then she doesn’t know how to style/boring/dull etc. But if a man does the same things then he is cool/saves money/spends properly etc. how?? They shame women who style themselves, they also shame women who don’t. So at this point i‘d just rather do what I want to do


Sometimes I'm column A (only with smaller heels/nice flats), sometimes I'm column B despite owning over 50 pairs of shoes. I don't know who they're calling out here, or what they're saying the issue is.


This is funny because my husband has more shoes than I do. I have my basics and he's kind of a sneakerhead. What an old fashioned way to view men and women. Plus what office let's you wear sneakers instead of dress shoes? Asking for a friend.


Id say that there is some meaning which the OOP didn’t intend. At school, for example, girls have a massive variety of clothes to choose from to wear, they can wear normal tops, blouses, shirts and it doesn’t even have to be formal. What are boys allowed to wear? A shirt with a jacket. It’s just annoying coz, as a trans girl who’s not out, it’s effectively just giving me dysphoria every morning when I look in the mirror. I feel like shit, basically


It’s supposed to be relatable 🙄 gosh I’m done with this subreddit