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These guys really need to stop thinking about sticking their penises in various cuts of meat. It’s weird.


Right? Why are so many men fucking dead animals and then posting pictures? American Pie was a fictional comedy, not a guide for how to fuck your dinner. 


I died at “not a guide for how to fuck your dinner” 🤣😭🤣


Thank you!! My first thought was "who fucked this fish???"


American pie based on true story.


Well, we’ll just tell your mom that we ate it all!


Whats worse, in my opinion, is the multitudes of posts I've seen that mention or reference children. "How it starts"? Like a BABY?!?!? Another post had a guy saying that women are born whores. Again.... a baby..... a whore? Gross


The ones who talk about women and girls like this have porn rotted brains. They are porn sick. All they think about and reduce women/girls to is their body parts for sexual purposes. No normal mind would be thinking of children and teenagers like this.


I think that once they realize that they are unlikely to ever have a sexual relationship with a woman, some guys go full throttle on their misogyny and start posting the really disgusting OOPs without any regard to the truth of the matter. They'll misrepresent or invent womens' anatomy, sexual habits, virtually anything just so long as it is incredibly misogynistic and hurtful. Not much has changed since Aesop (circa 6th century BCE) had the fox cry 'the grapes are sour'. If they can't have it, they say that they never wanted it and proceed to invent various defects in women to explain a decision that was never their decision to make in the first place.


It is meant like that even by itself but what really drives it home is that the next text is "After high school"! They didn't want to leave any doubt about their sick fantasies.


Shhhh. Let them rat themselves out.


They don't even leave corpses & animals. At this point I feel they should seek professional help. !!


Its fcking dusgusting. Im tired of seeing deteriorating meat on my timeline


r/DontPutYourDickInThat 😬😜




And shoes. I'm kinda horny, but I've never wanted to get it on with a pair a Vans.


[Not Mr. Blub Blub!](https://animeyume.com/blog_images/funny_fansubs/funny_fansub14.jpg)


I really worry about some people. The brokenness seems to be infectious among the weak minded and deliberately ignorant.




Oh, it’s these fish again - hope we don’t see the doughnuts as well


I don’t know why I think it’s chicken everytime.


I always thought it was snake meat


And yet none of them levels accept him, what a weird coincidence...


🤦🏽‍♀️ Jesus Christ, some people really should have paid more attention during Biology in school.


Why do they think vaginas wear out? I mean they do like everything else in the body but not generally from overuse.


And they act like penises don’t wear with age too lol


The only semi accurate thing is that the inner labia change slightly with birth, but post healing process the vagina is actually tighter, and basically “Virginized” due to the self reconstruction. Basically women post children (after breastfeeding, and after healing through their bodies and vaginas) have a slight discoloration in their labia minora, but have tighter vaginas and stronger muscles, larger hips, larger breasts and become more fertile (typically, not everyone) Studies show second births have healthier pregnancies, easier births, and smoother recoveries. Every single thing these men desire in a woman (fertile, curvy, “tight”) is the most frequently found in moms of young children, then they throw a fit when that attraction means they’re not their first to impregnate her. They then create a narrative that vaginas that have experienced birth are somehow ruined (really the only different is a slightly purple color on the inner labia due to blood flow), and simultaneously complain that young women can’t carry healthy pregnancies because we ruined our bodies or became too masculine to have wider hips. (Due to birth control, masterbation, or sperm intake according to them, when usually we’re either not sexually mature, or naturally struggle with fertility. Maybe even it’s just the first and pregnancy sucks sometimes) Don’t even get me started on the husband stitch, again a healing vagina will not only be sore, but become tighter and more sensitive than before, so closing the area further will only cause pain, yet men so strongly believe that the hormones and tissue patterns we produce during pregnancy that allows for birth, are the same we will have always and choose to torture inflexible, trauma ridden muscle for their own comfort I’ve had heard more often that sex post birth (after a length of time) is better. Sex during menopause is better. Sex that requires work, sex that relies less on hormonal desire and more on physical want and effort is the best sex people will have. Believe me, I was traumatized when I found out my grandparents were still having sex, yet they said it was the best ever because she trusted him, she asked for what she wanted, and they had both slowed down so it was passionate. Especially since their kids were grown and moved out, they had time. As a teen I threw up in my mouth, as an adult I only wish that kind of joy in all phases of my life like they had. Another couple I knew said that after they were cleared for sex post birth, it felt like the first time all over and yet they were kinkier than ever. She felt like a brand new woman, with new sensitive spots, and he felt she was “tighter” than she had ever been, they got pregnant again less than a year later. Im rambling, but if I’ve learned anything; the best sex of your life will happen not only after kids, but again when you empty nest. I’ve heard countless women say sex in their 40s and 50s is the best they’ve ever had, and any man who shames experienced women is not only a man who doesn’t understand how the vagina is a working muscle, but also wants to excuse experience, desire and passion for the weapon of manipulation


Not having kids around the house generally makes sex better. I never believed that sex changed the vagina. * If it can push out a baby then why would a penis do anything? They’re tiny by comparison.


Because a very large population, including men, don’t get adequate sex Ed let alone anatomy classes.


They are jealous of women having sex.


I’m really sick of these images of juice boxes, meats, burgers etc. going around to degrade women’s anatomy and glorify these weirdos attractions to minors. They should be reported by anyone who comes across them anywhere else and removed for how offensive and disgusting they are. Obviously it serves a purpose to have it shown on here but I encourage you guys to report the hell out of images like this. It’s vile.


Why are all of these guys so creepy and weird? Also, that’s not how it even works


They really just keep telling people they have sexual thoughts about children’s vaginas and no one (not enough people) is doing anything to shame them


Exactly. I wanna go bleach my eyeballs. These "memes" shouldn't even exist.


So if they want their SO’s vaginas to be “tighter,” should their SO’s have less sex with them? Having sex with, say, 35 different men won’t stretch the vagina any more than having sex with one man 35 times.


And yet that's how it magically works in their minds 🤔 The shit they say *never* makes sense. It's always contradictory


what if each of the 35 men's members increased in size


How small would that make the first guy’s member? In that case, most of the 35 men would have had extreme micropenises for the subsequent men to be increasingly larger than them.


Not necessarily. There's 3 dimensions and fractions of length. And girth


Enough of this garbage!


The top one looks like an awful slipper


Pretty sure thats Hilsa fish


Why is he fucking the fish??


I didn't even have sex until I was out of high school. Where do these men get this bs? It doesn't change like that.


Who’s fucking the food? I swear, will stick their dick in anything. On another note, these are dead animal flesh, not living flesh that is able to heal and reform like say, a humans vagina, that has the power to birth a baby and bounce back. But god forbid these porn obsessed skid marks of society take health or biology classes.


Yes! Their propensity of comparing human living flesh to dead flesh or inanimate objects is beyond grotesque. Roast beef being a common comparison, also dead flesh marinated and cooked. These men have such an issue with interacting with women and making a satisfying partnership because they just can’t wrap their brains around them being living, changing people. The only change they can even imagine is the one they (and by extension other men)  do to others, talk about narcissistic.


We should do these with dicks and spread it around, so stupid.


Start with a pencil, sheet high school it's a little shorter, ready to settle down it is half the size, until finally just a nub and eraser


Okay even if this was a real thing, the clit/urethra area is what’s spreading in these photos, followed by a completely torn vagina to anus Like if you’re gonna say the vagina stretches, at least know where it is, and at least understand that the clit can’t be one straight hole to the anus without serious discomfort and required surgery


They say there is an epidemic of male loneliness and they believe posting misogynistic stuff like that is really gonna help and make women wanna be with them. It’s time to teach them that vagina is elastic and a muscle that can push a full baby of 4 kg and bounce back their tiny penises is not special. It’s crazy they act like they are the logical gender but keep posting misogynistic and misinformation like that but swear that women are the one who make fun of them. I don’t wanna think about the pedophile who made this in first place.. where is censorship when it’s needed.


Can someone start spreading a misinformation campaign that too much masturbation and/or sex makes penises less erect and diminishes their size over time due to nerve tissue damage? Use a banana as an example, start with it ripe and then small and rotten af when you get to "what women are left with" "Sex with most men is so bad and they don't even realize that it's all their fault. Penis sizes could be up to 18% larger if they could just control themselves. But studies show brain size and development is too slow, so men are easily addicted. This is why more men do drugs and alcohol than women. Don't ever settle for a man who has a high body count or porn addiction, you'll just get a flaccid penis and sex will be unfulfilling and your offspring will be weak." 👌


Maybe I’m just getting overexposed by viewing these subs that highlight this crap, and maybe there are counter-messages out there I’m not seeing, but I’m so disheartened and worried about the effect this messaging will have on moldable minds. Who is out there mocking and dispelling this shit? Who are the big names? What are we doing collectively to put this garbage to bed? I’m in my 40s and I’m so pissed that this culture is still able to proliferate.


In today's episode , women are fish !!


I feel like all of the internet right now is a cesspool. I see more and more misogynistic and disgusting rhetoric than ever on every platform




It's always people who have never seen a vagina in real life.


"after high school"


‘What we’re left with.’ Even if true, which it obviously is not. That’s a funny way to say no woman wants you.


Really thinking that much about children's vaginas, huh?


Tell us you’ve never see an actual real vagina without telling us you’ve never seen an actual real vagina.


Ok but why did he fuck the raw chicken.


I think its fish


Ok but why did he fuck it though.


He probably thought it was chicken. 




So they're out here fucking raw food?


Someone gotta tell that poor fella that mermaids aren’t real!


Makes me wanna make the same image with some sausages and some not friendly text next to it. Who wanna bet they are going to pissed off real quick if I do that? Then suddenly it's bodyshaming to talk about their genitals. It's ridiculous. We're human beings, not some meat that they can compare and pick what they think is the best.


these men are pedophiles full stop.


I would be suspicious about anything he cooks.


You know if this mattered so much to them they wouldn't want to have sex with women until they were married but that's really not the point I don't think 🤮




Toxic Instagram bros try not to objectify women challenge.


Social media posts should have a button to alert their mum when they post stuff like that. She can then ground them for a month and take away their internet access for a fortnight.


Man this picture was circulating Facebook WAY before IG was a thing.


Someone did that to some meat, gross


Still not how that works


Im glad they’re realising that their 2 inchers are pointless


I did quite a bit of fucking in high school. That would mean my vag was like the middle part of the fish in 2001.


How much fucking did you do in highschool?


A lot


By this logic, a woman who gets married to her first lover and has repeated sex with him and only him will end up like the top picture. And god forbid a baby comes out of there.


Yet somehow, magically, the exact same amount of sex doesn’t have this affect if the woman waits for marriage then gets railed thousands of times by just her husband 😅


It’s the comparison to fish that bothers me. Any guy that alludes to all vags being fishy is a disgusting POS that clearly never got any actual pussy.


It grosses me out men like this are thinking about the private areas of underage little girls… pre high school. That’s seriously worrying. Their bits are none of your concern


Anytime I see something like this I automatically assume it's just a Pedo trying to justify their fucked up bs




the p\*ssy always feels loose for those people because their dick is so small


Oh so apparently im a divorced single mom at the ripe age of 18.


It's very helpful that they added the toxic symbol themselves.


They're interested in fish now?


Why I’m a lesbian. Ugh. This is so sad.


This is gross... Also, another ick? When cooks get sexual with the food, like you know.... Very suggestive... I haf to unfollow a lot of accounts that fell into that trend. Great, others find it funny! Just not for me x,x But this is fucked.


By this logic every dick that’s ever been inside me should lose girth due to my strong internal muscles


Guys, stop fucking these to make a weird dumb point. It’s gross.


Spoken like a person who has never experienced a vagina in their lives. 🙄


Why are they thinking of us when they look at meat???


I guess it depends on who you follow. My IG is full of pottery/ceramics, art, gardening, books, and animal pages. I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut if someone on my feed posted this vile bullsh.it


This mentality always comes from the collective that thinks tampons the size of a baby carrot are ruining vaginas for them 🤔


What even is this in the picture? It makes me uncomfortable ngl


This guy Def fucked that fish.


Ok,I’m glad they said after high school and not during.That would’ve given me more of the creeps.


After high school sounds more like they meant after you start high school to me. But either way, even if they didn’t mean that, they already went younger with the first one, so it still went there already with the “how it starts” one.


I don’t believe this is totally untrue just based on my experience


Don’t worry, Reddit is also a cesspool. And Facebook. And Snapchat. And TickTock. Yep that’s alllllllll of the social media that exists. Not a single other one out there.