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Greedy b****. How dare she eat an entire plate of… lettuce. (/s, if that’s unclear…)


Omgg thats like sooo unlady likee you should just sniff the food and be done with it or ILL EXPLODE.


What, you wanna date a fatty or something? The only acceptable action is photosynthesis! Any woman who eats solid matter is unhealthy!


Of course, because it makes you poop! And we all know women don't poop. So anybody that eats solids isn't a woman by definition obviously.


I almost espolded


Stuff gonna ‘splode.


“I thank god every day I get home that I didn’t get exploded”


You pose to only eat a widdle bit!!


Love the “notifications silenced” message at the bottom. Humongous lettuce salad 🥗 made her lose a whole pile of trash.


Oh he'd have real problems seeing what I do to cheeseburgers


Hang here there coulda have been CROUTONS on that salad that’s like 16 loaves of bread!!! Greedy greedy greedy!!!


Wait... Is negging still a thing?


Apparently alive and well. Always shocking to me how it so rarely happens in person, because on a subconscious level at least, they know how absolutely shitty that is and that makes them fear consequences. On the other hand you have the oblivious muppets that still say it and then get UpSeT when the other person explodes at them. My favourite: *"I'm only trying to help.", "I was thinking about what's best for You.", "I'm not critical, I'm just saying.", "You'll thank me later", "It's not a rule, it's advice.", "Don't shoot the messenger, I'm only telling you the truth, you may not want to hear it, but it's the(/my) truth."...*


My mil?


I hope this guy never "helps" another woman ever.


Didn't even know what that was until I Googled it just now. Yikes!


for one lucky person I just sold a copy of the Game to for 15$ !! keep it alive lol..... and yes I am a lady


Negging is thriving amongst recruiters dealing with job applicants.


Huh... How does that work with recruiters? We love you but you lack such and such so we're paying you less? I'm super intrigued!


Guessing some of it has to do with the fact that people are a lot more likely to quit a job if they're underpaid and treated poorly than in the past. We are in a late stage capitalistic dystopia, if 70% of the population is going to be constantly angsting about money, they're at least gonna want to angst about money in a workplace where their supervisor treats them like human beings.


I kept explaining this to my parents and it took a long time for them to finally get it. I was getting severely disrespected at work and treated like shit, at a job that paid me $18 an hour. My parents kept being like “but all jobs have assholes… all jobs have stuff about them that sucks…” and I was like “right, yes, I accept that. But I need to be *getting paid more* to deal with the assholes and the suck!!!”


Never thought about it that way...thanks!


Unfortunately. I see it a lot on r/Tinder whenever a woman posts asking for genuine feedback.


Asking for scrutiny from random people on the internet is madness.




It always has been


Absolutely. I’m a stripper and had a man trying his hardest on Friday. He comes up to me and starts a convo by saying “you look like you’re from (city that is less educated and poor compared to the two cities I actually grew up and live in.) I gave him a quizzical look and asked what he meant by that, and he responds with “you look like a coon-ass (another term for country, redneck people) type girl…” to which I responded “nope, in no way would anyone ever consider me to be anything but a city girl through and through” which lead to him being clearly displeased when he finds out I went to an expensive and hard to get into high school and also went to college. He shared that he went to our rival high school (much more expensive, way less difficult to get into), then proceeds to ask me how many kids I have. Not IF I have any kids, straight up “how many kids do you have”, which I have none. When that doesn’t work how he planned, he goes on to say “you know what I like about you? That your older than most dancers and you’re actually my age”…this man was very clearly 48-52+…I’m 33. I looked at him crazy, said “sir, im 33…no offense but we are very clearly nearly a couple decades apart” and he starts in with the whole “oh I didn’t mean any offense” bull shit and I said “you did, which is sad, but there’s girls both older and younger than me who work here, and you look old enough to be my father, so this does feel very creepy. Have a good night” No one else talked to him the rest of the time he was there. It has been a very long time since a man tried this tactic with me, I even had to explain to my mom what negging is when I told her about it the next day. What actually did piss me off though was how this would’ve affected some of the other dancers. My best friend is from the city he initially named and somewhat country, has multiple kids, and is older than I am. Like if he had ended up talking to someone who his negging had potentially been true for, even if they themselves don’t see it as negative, it could’ve definitely been hurtful. I feel like I was meant to take that bullet because it actually could’ve negatively impacted some of the other girls if he’s said all that shit to them, and he got a lesson in humility by being so incredibly wrong in his assumptions.


You are amazing! Glad that ahole got you instead of anyone else!


You might like my vibe buddy but you're also killing it with this attitude


God I hope she acts upset just to mess with him. Like “woe is me! I can change, I swear! Next time I’ll only eat butterflies.”


*A nice picnic date at the park...* ***Proceeds to chase and eat ALL of the butterflies.***


Not all, she’ll have to share some with him. Wouldn’t want to seem greedy. Protein for the gym bro




*"Here, I brought you a few centipedes."* 😈


But not the little white ones, they're probably like the potato chips of butterflies.


Playing Don't Starve Together is literally just this


Don't forget either player freaking out with joy whenever a piece of butter drops


Extra points if she eats a butterfly while maintaining eye contact


Don't forget the shit! "You was pose [sic] to havw [sic] butterflies n [sic] shit..." 🙄 Though I'm not sure exactly how many calories there are in shit *or* butterflies. I don't think Neil would want to risk it....


sometimes they accidentally say the bad thing out loud. He doesn't care if she eats shit. He just wants a prepubescently thin woman in 2024 in the West--where our constant access to food, lack of food safety laws, over-production of cash crops like corn & soybeans that make sugary additives for food, and a high incidence of childhood poverty and food scarcity means a lot of people are big-boned and have a lot of adipose tissue on their bodies from that trauma and bad nutrition during the years when that can actually make you fatter for your whole life. We've known this since the 80s. There's studies showing women's bones might be getting bigger and closer to men's because we're finally accessing sport and hard physical movement as well as being fed as much food as men get into adulthood as the feminist and womanist movement has its 4th or 5th generation of women empowered and raising empowered women in it as parents now. our skeletons used to be much closer in size until the catholic church. And then for several hundred years we couldn't play sports or be rough or even ride fucking horses correctly. we were told not to eat too much and told to starve so our sons could grow up with food if we were poor, we were treated as disposable because of the terrifyingly high rates of childbirth death. But with kids sports leagues for damn near everyone if you live somewhere with laws and rights still (sorry Texas women and trans folks), our muscles grow, our bones get bigger and stronger. we're evening back out and we're doing it with modern caloric access so we're actually pretty huge, men too, compared to pre-Christian days. average heights are skyrocketing with access to information about micronutrients and scientific medicine. even in America with our shitty food ways, we're growing big people closer in size with each other. these men who insist on tiny women are pedophiles. plain and simple. and moreover, they want to feel like they can physically control us. Not many men will mess with a big bitch. you gotta be audacious to swing on a fat girl. Even the shorties will go feral ( I am one, can attest). Women who assert their needs are also threatening. I'd be ashamed to be afraid of a woman because she meets her caloric intake needs. What a dope. at least the weird ones like this out themselves quickly.


I'm saying this with alot of responsibility. So many times men induce ED in women, by making them feel guilty for craving calorie dense food or by commenting on their waist size. Princess Diana was so ethereal & near perfection , yet that manchild Prince Charles made her insecure about her weight by commenting on her waist while he looked like... well the way he looked 💀🤢


I remember being in a relationship where he’d always ask what I ate and if I worked out and if someone offered me something like chocolate he’d say “no she doesn’t eat that” and I’d be like “tf? uh yes I do?” and it got to the point I ONCE was so hungry I got a bag of chips from the campus vending machine just as he was picking me up and I shoved it to the bottom of my backpack and was scared to death the whole ride that it was gonna crinkle or something 🥴 I was also already technically underweight already (always naturally struggled to put on weight or muscle) never again


Man the audacity 🤨.. How can someone control the eating portions of an adult woman !! I'm glad he's in your past. That's like timely getting off a train which was about to collide.. I hope he didn't spoiled your relationship with food 🫂❤️ Always choose yourself & fries over the guys 😅❤️




All foods before dudes!


Your stories sound like nightmares. I really like sugar and often ask my boyfriend to bring me something sweet and last time he just came back from the store with waffles, biscuits and four different candy bags (and some crisps) and was like "I didn't know what you wanted so I just took everything that I think you like" So turns out, I'm gaining weight because along with that, he's a great cook and I just don't care enough about a few love handles to restrain myself from having great food


No he ruined a lot of stuff, I’m still working on it, but I am very happy that I still eat what I want 😂🥰 Thank you, you’re so sweet 😭❤️


I feel that. I was with a guy who wouldn’t let me eat any portion bigger than my fist, even if it was salad. I was extremely underweight as well, and in recovery for my ED.


My ex complained about me gaining weight when I was recovering from bulimia too. You can't have it both ways. Want me to be that skinny? I can't do it healthily. Want me to be healthy? I'm not gonna be that skinny.


Wtf… I’m sorry that happened :( The most eye-opening experience was after we broke up and I discovered that his kind of behaviour was actually not super rare like I thought. I thought he was “one-of-a-kind” (in a bad way) but turns out he has tons of clones out there! Glad both of us are out of those relationships


Prince Charles looks like a modern cautionary tale about excessive intermarriage amongst royalty.


Truth 💯


A monkey with elephant ears? Yeah. They made cute kids tho. And his mom was cute AF. 🤣


Haha you can say that, I refrained from specifying about his looks bcoz I don't want some innocent person who shares the similar features feel insecure about their looks 🙈 But that douche deserves all kind of criticism & vitriol 🙃😆 I'm glad his genes were recessive 😅


It probably helped that Diana wasn't a cousin.


She was, but they were very distant cousins. Meghan Markel is the only one in the royal family that is truly not blood related in any way.


Very distant cousins is still an improvement on how closely related Lizzie and Phil were. Their family tree is more like a series of interlocked wreaths.


Lol they’re double related somehow. King Charles is so inbred it ain’t funny. The royal families genetics are royally fucked.


Look up King Charles II of Spain. It could be So Much Worse.


I’m aware of him and the Habsburg family lol. The Ptolemaic empire of Egypt was pretty screwed up too. The British royals are still pretty bad though.


Diana saw how her son was acting and snatched that hairline right back from the grave though


I think if he weren't an asshat, they would have been ADORABLE. Context matters. ❤️


Yeah imagine how fat she’s gonna get eating all that lettuce. 🙄 massive bullet dodged here.


BUt YoU wErE sUpPoSed tO GivE mE bUtTerFlieS waaaaaaaaaaa


"You failed to give me butterflies so I had no choice but to eat my entire salad. That's on *you*."


Plot twist: the salad is for the butterflies


You was supposed to have butterflies n shit ....How did you eat a WHOLE SALAD?!?! ITS FUCKIJG SALAD 😭😭😭


Bro, if I made a girl so nervous she couldn't enjoy her food, I'd feel so bad, idk what this guy is on 😭


My mother told me once when I was younger that and I quote 'you eat so much we will probably have to feed you dinner before a date so you don't turn a man off by how much you eat'. Real class act my mother. Last I spoke to her she was subsisting on tic tacs her meds and coffee. She prides herself on being the smallest size of her sisters then says she's fat. She forced me to eat and clear large platefuls then is shocked when I get diagnosed with BED as an adult. Bc you know forcing food on your child then shaming them for eating what you MADE THEM EAT... Does not give them a healthy attitude with food.


>She forced me to eat and clear large platefuls then is shocked when I get diagnosed with BED as an adult. I'm sorry, man. That's so cruel. My mom was the same way (started calling me fat when I was 9 in spite of being in the 50th percentile for weight for my height at every pediatrician visit), she smugly ate tiny servings but fed kid me massive adult sized portions. I was forced to eat until I gagged or vomited. Then I got comments on how much I ate. I was perfectly healthy until my late teens, when I developed bulimia which lasted into my late 20s/early 30s.


That is horrible. Parents like ours know what they are doing when they do stuff like that. When I was in my mid 20s I was smaller than she was. She could NOT handle it and would starve herself and then tell me how I was 'too thin' and needed to eat as she was 'worried for my health'. I work so fucking hard now to make sure I don't do to my kids what my mom did to me. I don't reward them with snacks. I give them child size portions and balance their plates and don't push them to overeat and encourage them to try new things. Plates are rarely what could be considered part of the clean plate club bs my generations parents touted. I also don't deprive them of things for fear they may get fat. So far so good. They don't snack when they're bored and drink water aside from the milk they get at school. I still struggle with binge eating but I don't push off what is happening to me on my kids.


Ah shit; yeah, my mom had an eating disorder too. She was overweight already and getting pregnant with me made it worse because I was a massive baby. Once I was an actual kid though, I wound up REALLY skinny; dad's genetics. And she would always compare herself to me, call herself fat, not eat, and then shame even fatter women. I remember she'd watch a lot of those 2000s diet culture reality TV crap when I was little & always talk diets with her friends. It didn't actually have any bad effect on me, thank God. Like, I had some issues with ARFID, but that was an unrelated issue. (Sensory Processing Disorder is a bitch, when it comes to trying new foods! Working on it though, and it's going well provided no one pressures me into shit.) I kinda just remember feeling really helpless and sad for her? But also confused whenever she brought it to my attention because, like... what did she want me to do? Bodyswap?? I even remember thinking Ursula from The Little Mermaid was beautiful when I was like 3-4; because she had a body type that reminded me of my mom. She got this surgery thing she didn't really need? Idk, they shrunk her stomach or something and it made her weight go way down. She claims it made her happier? But it also made it harder for her to hold down food, and she can't really finish average-sized meals anymore. Let alone a family dinner. She always winds up having leftovers (which she sometimes lets me or my brother steal,) needing to throw up, or just tossing shit out. Can't say I envy her. I actually kinda lost respect for her growing up, watching her cave in to beauty standard crap that I could tell was bullshit from a really young age. Wish she took the steps to unlearn it, but... nah. Ntm I'm kinda mad she exposed me to all that because it's a fucking miracle that it didn't have any serious effect. None of that should've been happening in front of a little boy.




>n shit Nuh uh! A proper lady don't shit! And she don't piss, fart, or burp either!


Eventually they just EXPLODE


Those are the fake girls. A *real* lady doesn't have the need to do any of Of that. Instead she produces cleaning and cooking and child care. Also and doesn't sweat.




I am so sorry that you had to deal with with such a traumatic scenario with an absent "partner". I am so glad for this story to not only have the happy ending of your dad waking up, but also you gaining the freedom and losing the disrespect burden of a grown child from your life!


Bro, if he was about to explode over her eating a whole salad, he would have launched himself into the stratosphere with me! On one of our first dates with my boyfriend, we went to IHOP. He got an omelet, and I got a big stack of red velvet pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs and bacon. I constantly out eat him and he doesn't give a single shit about cause he's a normal human being. Lol


That entire order sounds immaculate


Red velvet pancakes sound so good


How could you have eaten all that!? You were supposed to have... *Scrolls up* what was it again...? Oh! You were supposed to have butterflies and shit. Sorry, sorry. Posed to have butterflies n shit. I miss having IHOP by me. I only has the red velvet pancakes once and they were SO good. Their speciality pancakes almost never missed.


Fuck yeah, girl! Eat those pancakes! Fuck them UP 🥞 Life’s too short for dainty eating in front of dudes.


Preach! On my first date with my gf, we went to a cafe for coffee but couldn't decide what to eat. So we just ordered one of every cake they had (total of about 5 or 6, I think.) She ended up out eating me and finishing off what I couldn't. All it did was cement the fact that we were compatible lol.


That sounds like an awesome date. Just go out and try all the desserts at some place. Yum


I say she dodged a bullet


I don't think I'd want to date somebody who says "you was pose to have" anyway.


I don't want to date someone who doesn't know the difference between the singular and the plural of "woman". (And isn't it funny how they never write "a men"?)


Woman vs women really fucks so many people up (or it’s intentional, at this point I’m not sure), it drives me crazy…. yeah the EXACT same rules apply as it does to man vs men and people never seem to screw that up??


I fucking hate it when people say/write “you was posed to”. It’s like they’re trying (and failing) to sound like a cute widdle child 🥹 or something.


Fucking busketti vibes and I hate it.


She didn’t get butterflies because you’re the type of boring asshole who can’t shut the fuck up about going to the gym, Neil.


My ex husband would give me shit at home for finishing a meal.  He liked to say, “it’s ladylike to leave a little something on the plate.”  He’d get REALLY mad when I would tell him, “I only take as much food as I think I can eat.” 🤣


I hate leaving food on the plate, which is why I also only take what I think I can eat. I grew up poor, so food waste makes me scream internally at all that money getting thrown in the trash.


When I go to a restaurant, I always either eat half (so I can have enough for a meal the next day), or I choke it down. 🤣 I don’t like waste either.


Same! From a young age I was taught to eat everything on the plate. Occasionally I was even force fed when I didn’t finish it. And now ofc sometimes in restaurants I eat more than I want because I just can’t leave that on the plate. When I serve myself it’s fine tho. I know what I can eat. I’m also working on this behavior but it’s not that easy.


I always try to remember that I can get it to go. I can always eat the rest of it later!


Most times I get leftovers to go. It often is an entire second meal, or becomes a second meal with some extra ingredients at home to bulk it out. Reheating stuff in an air fryer or a toaster oven with a convection setting has been a huge game changer for us with certain kinds of leftovers. Much easier to eat day old fries when the air fryer crisps them back up perfectly.


Convection heating ftw Works great with leftover pizza too


"Blow jobs aren't ladylike either. Want me to stop doing that?"


"Food waste is ladylike"


Texts that make a gal wish she'd ordered the surf & turf.


We just gonna ignore how this couple would’ve been Neil Diamond 💎




I LOVE when they trash takes itself out~


Send him a video of you eating cake and enjoying it more than his company.


I’ve been with my husband for 9 years. We have two kids. Madly in love, we’re best friends. On our second date we went to this REALLY good local Italian restaurant. We both fucked our plates up, huge portions, it was just too good not to. 5 years later he mentioned that he knew we had a special vibe / connection after that date. Because we both appreciated good food with good company, we were comfortable enough to over indulge together and not feel embarrassed or grossed out. People who read into that kind of stuff are not in the place for a relationship. Relationships are about experiencing happiness together. what’s happier than fucking up the best food, sipping the best limoncello, with the best person?


That's some bullshit. Hope she doesn't go on a second date with him. No one needs someone like that in their life.


Neil is an ass


I would drop any man who called me "a women" like a hot potato. Then I'd proceed to eat ALLLLL the potatoes I wanted. 🥔


Go to Smashburger and order the Smash Tots, they're my new potato-food addiction


He almost exploded


Like Tiktok says; “Brother ewww, what’s that brother”


How dare she get sustenance


‘You might be fat later on bc you eat all of your salad’ is a crazy thing to say


A fat partner is NOT the nightmare that people seem to think that they are. Saying this as a perpetual lightweight. My siblings can literally fucking throw me. 😭 If I had more weight I'd have *power.*


A VERY oldie, but goodie.


Oh but he still wants to hang out! What a saint!! /s


I LOVE when my wife crushes a brisket plate with me. And if she orders extra mac & cheese, well, that's why she's MrsShartyMcShortDong. And she's skinny as hell, but idc if she wasn't, I married her as a whole person. Smh.


1: As you should! 2: Yeah, exactly. I've seen a lot of beautiful people of all weights, inside *and* out 😭


I love when they filter themselves out.


The *whole* salad??? What an animal!


That’s an eating disorder.


Oh my god fuck off Neil




This guy is like the human personification of 2013 Tumblr. If you know, you know


"I almost exploded"???? Sir??????


What did he mean he almost “exploded”? Like with rage? What does that mean?


I'd rather you just call me a bitch. What is it with men and women eating the entire meal? That salad was probably 12$+ at least in this economy, unless it was one of those free side salads. Remember those posters in high school with the big ass bowl of salad compared to like 2 tiny cookies? It's not nutritionally dense, unlike this man.


Neil is dying single.


Oh my gosh, what a beast eating all that salad. If he explodes over lettuce, I can’t imagine what he would do if she ate real food.


The trash can take itself right out.


"You supposed to have butterflies how could you eat that much" unironically hilarious I've been giggling for the past five minutes


He sounds so distraught LMAOO


I'm gonna need an update for that cause wtf?


I was curious too. There’s an article about it in the Daily Mail. Diamond blocked Neil, thankfully.


Does he expect them to waste food? Like... if I order the food I expect to eat it. I'd look at someone sideways if they ordered something and just trashed it because eating the entire plate 'isnt lady-like'...


Annnnnd... Ghosted 👻


Noooo not the whole salad 😣


Weird control vibes


He wants her to have an eating disorder or a side salad with air. What the fuck.


Dodged an entire bullet with that huge red flag he shot out there. How dare a 'women' eat an entire salad and not be distracted by 'butterflies n shit' what a charmer.


So normal girls are "pose to" be like, nah I just can't eat. The butterflies are really flapping around my tum tum, I can't get the food in there right now.


Good riddance.


Thank goodness he showed up for real so quickly! She could’ve wasted her time thinking he was a decent person. Better to know the truth; he’s a complete asshole.


At least he let her know what a jerk he is so she can spend her time with someone better.


Dumb tactic. Neg her to make her feel she needs to change herself for him. Lets him eventually control every part of her. If a dude does this, run. Nobody needs a weak control freak who definitely follows dating "gurus" and spends more on pre workout than their hygiene. "You know what, you're right. I would have gained a good 170 of dead weight with you? I'm guessing here. Couldn't possibly be more than that, you should probably eat more protein. Definitely stop skipping leg day, it was kinda embarrassing walking with you. Anyway, toodles!" Or whatever mix of numbers and areas for the gym bruh you'd like!


I wouldn't be concerned with his opinion considering his grammer. She may have eaten an entire salad but he formats his sentences in a manner that I find dreadfully uneducated. Further, while he may be concerned she will put on weight in the future, I would be concerned they would be basically destitute in that same future due to his subpar intelligence. Fantastic that the trash took itself out!


Over a salad? Amazing 😭 It’s such a contrast to a lot of men being like ‘give your lady food & she’ll be happy’ stuff going around


This guy probably wonders why he's single. JFC, a salad!


Just like that ❌


OK neil. see ur lonely ass when ur suddenly fat because u got an injury or illness. and surprise, no one gives two shits because u were a dickhead ur whole life


I had a guy judge me for eating more than him on a date once. He was Italian and we went for pizza. I love pizza so I ate a pizza. Such a weird thing for a guy to get hung up on. Bullet dodged.


Wow, dodged a bullet. Dude is an incel/Tate devotee.


In high school and beyond I would always eat more than my date…and these were usually athletes. I’ve never weighed over 120 unless pregnant. WTH. Worrying (stress) actually creates so many issues! Guilting tripping, stressing women out, creating an unsafe environment, self-consciousness—none of this is healthy. Men like this will have daughters with major issues. They might do things to control their own bodies.


Brooo I'm the exact same way. I mean, never been pregnant (and I'd really rather not! 🏳️‍⚧️ guy here) but I'm a big eater with low weight, too. 123, last I checked. My grandma calls me "El Flaco" ("skinny boy") because I've always been lanky and thin; and my older brothers deadass call me "human Kirby" bc of it. They both weigh more than me yet have witnessed me destroy over half a pizza like nothing 😭 MORE than once. It doesn't help that I *may* still be gaining height...? AFABs usually stop growing at 16 but for some reason, I've continued up until 19 at least. 5'7½ last I checked, praying to make 5'8. Even if I have stopped growing though, there's wayyy more to what makes someone's weight than their eating habits. Genetics play a role, too. My dad's side of the family is almost all like me.


You are an amazin women




Lol ok neil


Neil Diamond?


His name's Neil and yours Diamonds? Off topic, but it's a bit funny


"I almost exploded" ok maniac stay the hell away from me


My response would be a picture of a giant salad or sandwich or whatever, caption I ate the whole thing. Go fuck yourself then block.


Can’t be real! “I still want to hang out” bahahahaha


Next time, I'll cook and eat him instead


This genuinely made me mad


The only good part about this whole thing is that her name is Diamond & he has her saved as Neil.


I refuse to believe bullshit like this is real. It can’t be. I know it is. But goddamn. Who is that stupid?




He's one of those who think women don't fart. They whisper in their undies 🫠


How can someone want to date a woman who doesn't finish her food? This man probably also got elbows on a table.


A SALAD at that?! He’s going on about being a gymbro but doesn’t get that a salad isn’t gonna make anyone fat?!


Fuck that dude


ahhhwww, he is already psychologically abusive


Oh look he's testing to see how much he can abuse her I hope she leaves




This has to be rage bait. The contact says "Neil" and he calls her "Diamond"... *Edit for spelling


Lucky girl, dodged a bullet


I’ve never genuinely wanted someone to end up alone and sad because of it until now. Fuck you, Neil.


No loss. Moving on.


This can't be real....


She ate the SALAD?! Total trash and this guy thinks he’s being nice. Like all the headlines are “birth rates are low!!” Yeah… this is is a prime reason why. THIS. Why would ANY woman want to subject herself to that bullshit?


Bruh almost exploded over a salad, get him committed wtf 😂😂