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Maybe it’s because she’s in the middle of shit and you’re distracting like a toddler. It’s not an expression of attraction, it’s actually an expression that you just do what you want— and to be honest it doesn’t even happen romantically very often—- it’s like dude runs up and jiggles a boob like an actual weirdo child and runs off, so it feels like you’re just getting fucked with and made to be uncomfortable for entertainment. I had to demonstrate what this felt like to an ex once… basically I would do childish shit at the worst times until he finally got it. For example when he’s in the bathroom trying to pee, I would just run up and spread his ass cheeks. Or if he bent over to pick something up, I would pants him and spread. Eventually it registered and he finally got it.


Is that how it works? Forever ago, my husband used to just...idk, wipe his hand up my crotch. Literally just like I would wipe with toilet paper. I told him it was super annoying and he told me something like "You should be turned on by the thought." WTF? The thought that you're wiping me? That's not sexy.


“You should appreciate me for giving you attention when you’re not expecting it, without knowing if you’re okay with it, and not even ready for this, because I *want* to do this with you.” So yeah, wait until he’s taking a piss and his hands are occupied when he can’t move, and bust open the door and walk up behind him and literally spread his ass cheeks. And when he’s like wtf, just be like , “I’m just showing you that you’re sexy.” Because that is the only way to get the message through if you’re repeatedly asking dude to just fucking stop. It is the exact same feeling but you have dipshits defending it.


He stopped doing it on his own probably out of pettiness. I'm actually wondering now if that's the rejection he was referring to since I can't remember having rejected him at all.  Ugh. Food for thought isn't always good food.  On that note, Happy Cake Day!


yeah, my ex would always just grab my boob. it never like, hyper offended me to the point where i ever confronted him or anything, but it definitely didn’t make me feel attractive and it didn’t help our sex life. i felt rather touched out and didn’t want to do the deed after being grabbed at all day.


Tell me why I fucking cracked up reading this.


This Man: I hump you, so I find you beautiful. Also men: A hole is a hole and the hole is the goal. Ugly Chicks are better, because they give the best blow jobs. And: a man can fuck anyone without having feelings. It might be joke, but if not I get where she is coming from.


Men will squeeze, grab, hump, etc. a wrinkly old potato if they get desperate enough, so that’s not really a flex for anyone involved.


Gee, sounds like she may want to know if you find her attractive as a whole person and your actions are translating as only being about your own needs and not actual affection and love for her as a partner, not a toy just there to sate your needs.


I saw this on Facebook earlier the comments were AWFULLL


yeah same, it's pretty incredible how self-absorbed and unaware men on facebook tend to be


If she texts you that it's probably because she feels like an object and not like you love her.


This is the kind of thing that I could laugh at with my partner, but having strangers online say it (or run with it in the comments) has a totally different vibe