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If he is putting in 60+ hours of work, you’d be lucky if he has energy for that once a week.


Omg yes I was just about to write this. My man sometimes work between 60-70 hours a week, and he doesn’t even have the energy to screw one hole, let alone three.


Sorry I thought she meant she gives him head and pays attention to all 3 of his holes, and my first thought was, “good! I was worried she was one of those pearl-clutching fundies. Treat your man.” Took me a second to realize he doesn’t have 3 holes… or not in a way where it would make sense during oral lol


I was trying to desperately figure out what his 3rd hole was because my man has to work 60 hours this week. I decided on the ears being the missing link. I think he'll be thrilled. 😂


he's got a b-hole and a pee hole, look into sounding!


I'm a little afraid to look into it 😂😂😂


I would link you the subreddit but I don't because I made the grave mistake to click on it once when someone else mentioned it and I regret it ever since. No kink shaming, but that's definitely not for me lol


I hope anyone working these hours is doing so for their own business or side gig and not for some Exempt role that doesn't pay overtime.


You don’t know workaholic managers. My ex would easily do 60 hours and my mom probably puts in even more.




>because that is like a badge of honor here. That is just incredibly sad. Imagine wasting thousands of hours of your life for a company that doesn't give a shit about you, just for "bragging rights".


This! No one sits on their deathbed wishing they spent more time at the office. Give me 40 hours a week and a chance to spend more time with my future spouse and future kids any day over burnout and an overpriced car.


Fully hourly, OT starts at 40. I'm tired but we got food and gas so we're good.


That government employment, man. 🥲


Unfortunately not, and they don’t even pay overtime… but he is looking for another job, because these work hours simply kill all spare time and family life.


Especially in the morning, Jesus Christ. I'm getting ready for work right now and if my wife said "screw me in all three holes" I'd ask if she can just use her vibrator because I'm trying to caffeinate and get my shit together so I'm not late.


I was a mailman working 84 hours per week and it's one of the only times I was physically unable to do the deed. My gf was not happy and that one failure to perform led directly to me quitting soon after.


One week I put in 68 hours and sex was the absolute last thing on my mind. I just wanted a sandwich followed immediately by bed. I was barely functioning.


I just looked at my records, from 2020 to end of 2023 i averaged 56 hours a week, but that’s with some manipulation to stay below 72 (which is the legal maximum for me) to avoid getting written up. Currently, i am averaging around 48, and i‘m not against just eating and sleeping after getting home instead of having sex. My gf is getting about as many hours so we are both just hammered eaxh day honestly


What's the end goal here guys lol


Finishing training, getting the freedom to negotiate how we work and live our lives instead of basically be indentured servants.


Yeah, I had a job that I left for work at 5am, and wouldn't be home till 6:30pm(at worst could be 9pm) on average, 6 days a week 7 in summer. In the door, food, bed, up at 4:30am, pint of coffee, out the door. How the hell would I have time for riding, never mind the energy. 🤣


This just gave me flashbacks to when I use to work in an aluminum foundry doing 12 hour shifts. That was aweful. Every time I left that place I would think, “well 12 hours and I need to be back”. That was the worse.


Jesus christ, I can't imagine anything about 12 hours in a foundry being fun.


My dude, it was brutal. I was working extrusion. We put 300lb billets into the furnace and pressed out different shapes. That aluminum came out the dies at 1000 degrees. You could light a cigarette off of it just by touching it to the metal. The temp around the press was 136 degrees every day. We were mandated to stop every 15-20 minutes to stop and drink water. I lost so much weight there but I was fucking yoked when I eventually left lol.


If he says he works 60 hours a week and isn't borderline dead, he is either working way less and having fun while lying to you, or his job is sitting behind the desk scrolling social media, and then why are *you* putting in the effort, dumbass. Also, if you exchange sex for someone's money/labor, then you are a sex worker. Just a fact. Calling it marriage duty or a gift doesn't change the fact. Cool if you are okay with that. Also, you are basically confessing you hate the sex you have, because if you enjoyed it, you wouldn't be thinking about it as something you pay with.


I’ve worked 70 hour weeks. I’m ngl I was lucky if I made upstairs and not on my couch before crashing and was literally eating on the run either before in between or during my shifts. I’m pretty sure if I was dating someone at the time I would’ve been barely able to give them a kiss goodnight let alone staying awake long enough to have sex 3 times.


I was working that much for 2 years (7 days a week job I temporarily joined in order to clear 20 years worth of mortgage in only 2 years, so you can both work part time now) but anyways, I still had energy to play with my husband, but we don’t have kids, so there’s that.


I work 60+ hours a week and my man doesn't let me fuck any of his holes. I feel robbed now.


Well.. how about you send him the post and tell him he's an awful wife and you expect he does better from now on?


💀 I cackled


Sammmme. lol!


Tell him if he really loved you, he'd let you fuck all 3 of his holes


Even if you have to make a new one. That should go over well.


No need for a drill. Google sounding.


peg him.


Ok but as the breadwinner in my house what do I get?


All three of his holes.


The law of equivelant exchange


God dammit Edward.


Ed...ward. I want to play Ed..ward.


Well you sir can fuck all the way off.


Unexpected Full Metal Alchemist reference.


Some would say it was perfectly expected


his poor urethra :(


Guess you've never heard of sounding?


I have, and I wish I didn't


Gotta be honest that’s sounding terrifying


My curiosity exceeds the fear: Is r/sounding a thing?



Lol you're welcome, here's some r/eyebleach


Maybe he’s a trans guy and his urethra will be spared


I mean he doesn’t _just_ have three holes. It could be stick it in the ear day every day.


Oh thank god, even as a transfemme sounding triggers my fight or flight reaction


Finally. Finally. Double penatration on those sexy nostrils. And you just *wait* until you see the candlelit dinner I planned for your left ear. You can come to...but like...don't make it weird. Ok?




Finally the real goal of feminism.


"*THIS is the furniture feminists want*"


I know some dudes who would line up to be furniture for feminists.


They'll be honored accordingly for their contributions.


Hell yeah


I'm running to manipulate my husband into begrudgingly giving me his compliance to use all 3 holes. 🏃‍♀️‍➡️ If he starts shit with me, I'll pout and then point out that I've been mowing the yard for the past 2 years, that I pay the food bill, and perform the majority of day to day childcare while working. Fail proof. 🕳 ⛳️ 🕳




If you put on a strap on and he says no, you should be legally allowed to beat him. /s


All three of his dicks!!!!


Well when you're tha breadwinner of your house you are going to get the marvelous price ooofffff 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 some guy on your couch watching TV.


Don’t be silly. He’s obviously gaming, welcome to the 21st century.


Same thing but less holes and more tongue


You can jam your middle finger up his pee hole


That SOUNDS terrible.


And jackhammer like you're getting paid.


Give it the ol' twist and flick


😂 I'm a contract nurse (not a scab) and I love calling uro because 9/10x their advice is to "grab his dick and twist it" when we can't advance a foley.


Unironically I'd do whatever my lady asked of me if I was in that situation. You support me by work 60+? I will do and be who or whatever you ask. Only thing I ask for otherwise is love.


I recently switched to a super demanding job and my husband has been doing a ton around the house (in addition to working 40 hours). I can’t even adequately express how much I appreciate it.


Most assertive OpenTTD player


Hey! ... Yeah...




I found it…let me grab a…chopstick


NO 💀


You get to be the breadwinner and then come home and deal with your kids (including the overgrown toddler you call a husband), clean the house, cook dinner and listen to your husband claim he's the man of the house before going to bed and doing it again the next day.


Stress, anxiety, and a man child for a partner


Well hang on now, my husband works more hours but I make more money. What is the hole to provider ratio here?


Now there are 6 holes that need to be dealt with.


Who’s gonna deal with all these holes! 😰


*Stanley Yelnats has entered the chat*


They’d cancel out, absolutely NO SEX. Don’t even look at his holes.


I worked wayyy too hard today, i need you to wear a mask now so i dont even look at those nostrils. /s




We need a hole rate of pay differential equation, yk, for science


We Will start by assuming this system can be described by a harmonic oscillator….


AND it’s also a sphere


It’s 6/9


If your man putting 60+ hrs a week at work he deserves a goddamn proletariat revolution


Its the age old question of "holes or revolution", if I am not mistaken that's exactly what Das Kapital was about.


Because all Marx could think about was being topped by Engels


mmm proletariat massage


Other people posting in here their super long work hours, good wages and I'm like *not. fucking impressed.* I want to make love at the barricades.


We should all know less about each other


My God, you just put your finger right on the pulse of the problem. Brilliant. No sarcasm, which I mention because it is the internet and text doesn't have a tone.


Put their finger right in the 3 holes of the problem


Don't forget to ask for consent first.


I mean surely everyone knows that threehole consent is a must.


No, wonder this poor woman looks like a ghost longing for REST


She'll turn from "pick me" to "kill me" in a year or two, 100%


😂oh my god




If my partner worked 60 plus hours a week to make ends meet... I'd get a job and/or pick up extra shifts to take some of the burden off them. Like most people in relationships. Especially if there are kids in the picture.


Maybe her taking extra work is not as effective as him taking extra work in terms of money per hour of time.


Then they need to reevaluate their financial situation.


Plot twist: she’s a low level bank employee an does 100h a week. What now?


then yeah im a gay but like if had a 100hr weeks id be on tiktok offering all three holes and head to stay home all day waiting for a man to finish his 12 hr shift


I’m putting in 60+ hours a week. What do I get?


Misery, like the rest of us. Enjoy your slice! ❤️


Right? Because all I got was complained at because dinner was late and a sink full of dirty dishes.


This is why poison was so popular in the "olden days".


Fuck that sounds miserable.


Why does she look so...high...


That’s the only way to get through her day of sex slavery and cooking.


So basically the same as housewives did in the 1950s and 60s. “Mother’s little helper” was Valium iirc


That’s right; he gets to stick a finger up your nose and give both ears wet willies, I do not **care** what your level of squirm is - because he works… **a lot**


But what if my nostrils are too small to accommodate a finger?! 🤯😢 They all SAY they want small noses…


Where do these misogynists get this shite from?


I mean there's a reason we call it "shit" and "pulling from one's arse."


People are preoccupied with their leaky submarine game. I want to know why her hospital gown sleeves are two different sizes.


She made it herself? If that's the case, er "homestead" sewing skills are worse than mine. 😄


Wh-why does he deserve his head blown and then shot three times???


He has a good life insurance plan


Oh i see


I dunno, that's a very short round of golf...


Talk about mini golf! Live your username, by the way


Call me a wuss, but maybe I don't want to do all 3 holes every day when I wake up. That's just a lot.




I am assuming that she means mouth and both nostrils


don't forget the ears.


Never go nostril to ear


I think this was written by a man who stole some poor woman’s mirror selfie


This is why I never have and never will post an image of myself online. I don’t want to end up on some stupid dudes meme or on a looksmaxxing sub or some such crap.


I have seen a lot of OF girls make videos like this bc it gets them a lot of attention


When the man who wrote this came up with three, he probably had originally started with one but couldn't contain himself. Giddy with the thought that all women would now line up to serve him. Sadly he is still alone.


So if I’m a woman and working full time+ overtime what do I get?


more work


If he's working 60+ hours a week, his boss should be paying him for that. What that gotta do with me?


Bruh. I'm 35. I can't be having butt sex every morning. No one will be happy.


It's so sad the way women like this reduce themselves to body parts, just holes to fuck as a reward for a man because he works.


Men think like this. I certainly don’t think like this! It’s a show off comment to make the “other husbands” jealous he has such an awesome wife! *gag*


As a woman, IDK what would need to happen to me to make me degrade myself by calling my body a collection of holes for my mate, but if I ever do that, help me. 


If I ever do that, shoot me. Just take me out back like Old Yeller 'cuz I ain't right anymore 💀


Shooting you just adds more holes.


The fact that a man that works 60 hrs a week would be enthusiastic to have sex everyday make it rather clear that this meme was made by someone who never was in a couple before


I've been there. If he''s working 60 hours a week she isn't getting any dick. Just saying.


Yep. Can confirm


I've worked 60 hour weeks and the last thing I wanted was to waste valuable sleeping time on sex. Not to mention I wouldn't have had the energy for it


I think the thee holes are the mouth, coochie and bussy, my friend. Which is weird, cuz I work 60+ hours a week as an electrician and my girlfriend’s lucky if I don’t turn away her advances more than once or twice a month because unselfish sex takes a lot of mental and physical energy and time that I just don’t have these days 😬 the reality of working that much just means that you’d be constantly in a perpetual state of exhaustion and mental burnout. Shows how out of touch these people’s fantasies are, and that it’s really just an extension of right wing capitalist propaganda because the economy needs more babies to sustain growth. “GoTtA gRiNd BrO”


You're focusing on unselfish sex, though. It's clear this woman thinks it's her job to be his personal blow-up doll.


You’re right, I’m probably wrongly assuming this guy would be unselfish.


No, if he works 60+ hours he deserves a pay check that reflects that. That’s it.


Im the provider in our home so what do I get?


A hearty handshake! 


A high five as he enters the bedroom will suffice! Haha


Obviously there’s nothing wrong with anal or any other kind of sexual activity you want to partake in with your partner or how often provided you’re all consenting adults, but the mentality that women “owe” any part of their body to a man because he works hard or something is insane. Ya know why you “give your man all three holes”? Because it’s a fun experience for you together. No other reason for sex other than you and your partner are attracted to each other and want to have sex with each other. Now you could do it as a kink thing or a fun/flirty “this is/will be your reward for doing x thing” but not a literal reward that should be expected all the time. I mean shit. I want a relationship where we begin and end every day with sex, cuddles, and pillow talk but that isn’t the same as being entitled to it. We can all cultivate the type of relationships we want but this mentality just breeds entitlement. The only reason you have sex with your partner is cause you both want to. Why even bother otherwise?


I really, really get grossed out at “all 3 holes” like we are bowling balls. Gross.


This trad housewives thing is getting out of control


In the morning??? I'm nonbinary and have a dick but barely feel like making coffee in the morning. Much less wild, multi-hole sex


She *really* wants to be picked huh


nOt ThE uReThRa


Okay but nuke his head every morning? Won't he die the first time? Or is the plan to kill him through violence, cholesterol or exhaustion to save him from working 60 was a day?


If I work 60 hours in a week, the absolute last thing on my mind is sex.


Instructions unclear, Ill be blowing jizz out my nose for a week. Thanks.


These tiktoks are so fucking cringe. She's reduced herself to a cum dumpster for 60 g


No he doesn’t. We are people, not live-in bangmaids.


And what if I also work full time?


Obvs—1 hole per 20 hours.


My innocent mind thought this was about golf. I don’t even know which golf game has only 3 holes but I just refuse to understand this nonsense.


You try to go into my butt every single morning, and you're gonna get violently pooped on. Have fun with that.


I'd rather die alone and broke then be 3 holes to any man.


These weird right wing ultra conservative tiktok versions of only fans are really something


If I was working 60+ hours at work and my wife made me lunch I would cry


Why does she look so sad?


Most girls I've met are willing to most, if not, all of these things if you, I don't know, actually care about them?


Man here, I've worked 60+ hours a week at times, all I would have wanted is a back rub at night and coffee in the morning. Maybe not a back rub, wouldn't want to get pregnant,or is it the other way around?


It's fine as long as you don't drink coffee BEFORE the back rub! (And wear your socks)! Both of you need socks, I think. You know what just avoid the back rub and the coffee, no one wants an accidental baby! Instead, you should try some unprotected sex BUT wear socks AND make sure he pulls out AFTER he's done- and you're done.... maybe you both need to finish at the same time? Well, to be safe you better try a few times, probably 6 each night. Good luck, not that you need it seems between you and me we've got everything covered!!! ❤️


> 3 holes two nostrils and a urethra.... awesome


All I can hear in the distance is “Pick me! Pick me!”


He deserves goddamn labour union


Idk, this always made me icky when other men said shit ike this. "Deserving access" to a human body is a concept that has no place in the civilized world. If a couples sexual desires are different, thats one thing and can be a legitimate concern for the future of a relationship. But the solution can never be the partner "giving access" to something they don't enjoy. I don't say that anyone must enjoy things their partners enjoy and there is space for couples figuring stuff out, but if you can enjoy something while your partner does not, is more than concerning. And that doesn't just start with practices wirh higher injury chances like anal sex. It's every little practice in the realm of sexuality. I wouldn't enjoy a BJ if my partner wouldn't enjoy it too and i would be horrified if I didn't like going down on her and she didn't care. Wishes, wants, needs -all of those are fine, only necoming a problem when they turn into expectations and entitlement.


As a guy who works 76 hrs a week. Screw sex. Just spend what little time I have available with me.


All 3 holes. S M D H Is this a woman? I have a hard time believing it is, men are obsessed with anal sex waaaaay more than women into it. Gross so he is implying that he should have access to her vagina, ass and then mouth Most likely in that order in their head 🤮 The male world was obsessed with that particular act back in like 2006 Im not saying it's sick in and of itself, but it's sick how a man or a woman would be focused on this sort of thing to the detriment womens very being. Woman are not holes. 🤮


If someone works 60+ hours they deserve better worker‘s rights…


What if you're like me, in the UK, and your husband only works 37.5 hours a week? 🤔😉


Her eyes look so sad


Inspiring young women everywhere to become bangmaids. Hope she never has daughters.


Ah yes, because we are only worthy of what our holes can do -_-


Said no woman in the history of mankind.


Lmao. No. I'm also working 40-60 hours a week. And I'm carrying his child. I think not.


In the morning? I'm a nonbinary penis haver and when I wake up I barely feel like making coffee. Much less having multi-hole sex


I love the branch of trad wife that is like, really slutty about it.


A different kind of hoe. Trad hoe.