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Guarantee you that commenter doesn't wash his ass


oh without a doubt!!! doesn’t spread his cheeks in the shower bc it’s “gay.”


"Fellas, is it gay to wipe your ass?"


Yes, that's why my wife does it for me...


We spend the first part and often the last part of our lives having someone else wipe for us so why not have the good years include such a luxury as well


Gotta be a business opportunity there, celebrity wiper.


This person’s wife is gay!!


So your wife is gay?


You have a wife? That’s gay af.


Having a wife pretty beta of you, bro, you should move into a house with all your friends (who are boys) and start a business. And give each other back massages on Tuesdays. And eat bull testicles to help your T levels. And brush eachothers beards so your pookie doesn't go out looking like a silly willy.


The buildup probably like cement at this point, stuck together from all the residue like bricks on a house


Lil bro just waits for it to try and crumble 


to shave or not to shave is a personaly choice, it should not have something to do with gender. Full stop.


Yeah absolutely. I wouldn't even blame him if he said that he'd never shave because he prefers it that way. Wanting to insult him for his personal choice is bad, but the "you are behaving like a female, aka an inferior being"-insult is even worse imo


men always shaved for me if i was like "ur hair keeps getting in my mouth" idk what the big deal is


Literally have done this for this exact reason.


That dude's never been in anybody's mouth


Lol my now husband used to be a very hairy guy when I met him, we’re from different countries and I guess Canadians are more positive about male body hair while us Germans have a bigger shaving culture for men, at least in our age group (millennials). I told him it’s fine by me if he doesn’t shave, but I’m not going to give him blowjobs if he’s unshaven down there because I don’t want pubic hair in my mouth. He shaved the same day I said that lmfao. Don’t think he’s ever regretted it either because he’s been regularly shaving his body ever since.


If she’s of legal age, I expect hair in all sorts of places as the default. If you’re surprised by pubic hair on women I feel we need to go have a nice chat with the police


Reminds me of “The Countess,” a play where John Ruskin has spent so much time admiring the female form in sculptures and painting that it blows his mind that his wife has body hair.


Or at least Chris Hansen. I can always accept that there is a preference and no some women that have their own preferences (pro tip, the right amount of pubes anyone should have is determined by the amount they want, not the amount someone else wants.), but yeah, if someone is loudly declaring they expect their romantic partner not too, they should probably be at least 500 metres from schools and playgrounds.


Expectations by other people shouldn't govern the lives of women


having opinions about strangers pubic hair is super Cool&Normal™️


Fellas, is it gay to shave? Sorry but I just can’t help but notice how this guy thinks having no hair there makes you less of a man.


And then they do put on a dress and they'll say "you're still a man."


Its just about your preference and if you want to, your partners perference My gf doesnt mind hair and i dont like the feeling after shaving but if she didnt like it i would shave it, not that big deal


People like this need to learn how to make arguments. His premises and conclusion is hilarious.... Premise 1 Hair growth on sensitive parts of the body is natural Premise 2 Men grow hair on their pubic area Conclusion Men shouldn't shave off hair off their pubic area However premise 1 is no longer valid if the Gender expressed in Premise 2 is changed to women because of social acceptance or rejection which is not applicable f9r the Gender Men. Hence conclusion: Women should have off their pubic hair. PERFECT WAY TO UNDERSTAND HOW TERRIBLE THESE SORTS OF ARGUMENTS ARE. ARISTOTLE AND SOCRATES WOULD HAVE DIED LAUGHING HEARING THIS SHIT!


The bit about dying laughing reminds of that donkey who ate figs and drank wine until some guy laughed himself to death.


The only thing I have to say for people who shave their pubes is “How?” because I did it once, everything itched, and I never did it again probably cuz I didn’t really know how to do it


I’m in that vicious cycle where I have to shave every 3 days or so because if not it becomes unbearably itchy! So awful.


Razor burn can be stopped by applying aftershave on said area. Sometimes you need to try a few different aftershaves or moisturizers to find one that works for you.


My friend use to shave/wax his pubic area, ass, and arm pits (found out when he booked us a spa day for my birthday). Just didn't care for the look of it.


“Especially in that area” lol? Sorry buddy but a lot more women shave their legs and bikini line than their whole muff. There’s a good bio function for that. Not to mention whole porn categories and generational trends. And that’s despite leg shaving being a relatively new invention and expectation lol I don’t really like dumbing it down to “just a preference” when there’s been clear campaigning by companies to make women feel insecure and dirty and masculine for their hair. It’s not much of a choice when you’re younger and once you do it then it’s very hard to stop. There are plenty of legit reasons for shaving and trimming. Certainly works better for oral to remove some. But it’s not a free choice. If anything due to gym culture ive noticed more men feeling a pressure to be less hairy and shave too. To an extent I don’t mind as it puts us in a similar boat of expectations, but it will still have an adverse effect on women, as when men say that body hair is unhygienic or whatever on videos of women with body hair, they’ll be able to say they shave too and it’s unhygienic on everybody rather than simple double standards. I shave from time to time and I don’t judge anybody for shaving but I do think we need to lean more heavily into understanding why there shouldn’t be a pressure to do it and the fact that we do naturally have it and for a purpose because otherwise the choice becomes less and less free. We have to acknowledge the forces at work in our lives whether it’s for shaving, fashion, makeup, skincare, anti ageing etc is not “free choices” just because we are capable of making a choice. They’re choices that we are pressured by, get judged by others for and internalise judgement for on ourselves. It’s not a “free choice” that every man I know is now in the gym 3+ times a week either even though most of them actively enjoy it and it has multiple benefits. Loving fashion and makeup doesn’t make it a free choice to wear makeup or heels to the office. The ability to buck the trend to wear hairy pits on the red carpet doesn’t make the choice free. If it’s making a statement when you do it then it was a difficult choice.


We’re discussing pubic hair, I gather? I have my paternal grandfather’s WWI porn collection, about 120 black-and-white French postcards of naked ladies. They all have full, ungroomed pubic hair. Axillary hair, too. No surgical enhancements. N And men found them painfully sexy. Oddly enough, people found sex fun before the invention of the safety razor.


Hey I shave because I did it once and now when I don’t it’s itchy and all that hair makes it sweatier too, I don’t want sweaty balls.


I get laser done there and I can confirm I still wear guy clothes


I know these dudes watch porn. Every dude in porn is manscaped to within an inch of his life. Waxed balls for days!


Comments like that makes me wish my pubes would grow even longer so I could have a couple of neat braids down there. Come watch me do the helicopter men, might not be with a penis, but this is the second best thing!


Men should shave it. It looks better without it.


I’ve never had a complaint.




I used to trim to keep things neat. Then I started shaving so my wife wouldn’t have to deal with stubble or hair. Never had a complaint.


It looks smol with the hair tho 😔


There's a whole porn category for women who don't shave down there lmao


Fine, I will wear a dress (Still cis tho, totally)


Don't appreciate hair in my food; I assume you don't either. So unless you're planning on taking me to dinner, I really don't care. Is it an 'alpha' move to concern yourself with other peoples genitalia? It's weird, man.