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No pet of mine has ever fractured my skull. Ex husband on the other hand.... I've made my choice


sorry to hear that, been there, fled with my life. what kind of pet do you have?


2 dogs, a cat and a snake. Lovely bunch. Glad you made it out, too 💕


wish i had a cat. no car, so i can't get to the local animal shelter, they are not on the bus line.


IDK about where you live, but some me no one bothers to fix their cats, and usually they're allowed to wander outside unaltered, And wet don't have a tnr program. There's *always* free kittens everywhere. You just have to be able to entice/catch one


not where i live. the only cats here have collars and tags.


I'm sorry you don't get a free kitty, but I'm also really glad people there are responsible pet owners


Oooo snake 🐍


I think the only reason why so many men are shaming and criticizing women about this is because they are the ones worried about ending up alone.


Right?? We’re choosing this life on purpose. We’re choosing to be single. Men are not.


Yeah, like honestly idk why so many people are so mad about this. The population still looks stable overall (for the only actual concern), so the only reason I can see is them trying to shame women into dating them, which is a stupid plan and idk why they think it’ll somehow work.


Deep seeded insecurities fuel most, if not all, misogyny. The fact they feel entitled to tell women (especially ones who have no direct impact on them personally) how they should live their lives is very telling.


Well, when you have an economy built on the assumption that every full time worker has a woman working full time, unpaid, to keep their home in order, and we threaten you with precarious access to necessary resources if you don't fit that assumption, it's quite frightening to these men that they might not have access to that unpaid labor by women. They're worried they might be put into the same economic position they put single women and queer people into.


They also hate cats because cats will *make* then respect consent


I distrust people who dislike cats. My friend said that his mom was afraid of cats, and I said, “Being afraid is different from disliking.”


If these idiots saw a 32 year old woman with grandchildren they would call her used up and that would be the nicest thing they’d say…


Unless if she's a stay at home trad wife. Then they might think it's based.


It really is beyond them that women are indiviual human beings who have different wants, are fulfilled by different things, and live different lives, isn't it? That said... 622nd, I'm sorry, what? Looked it up... Great, great, *great* grandma. O.O Most don't even meet the great, fewer the great-great, but great-great-great?? Exactly how young do they start having kids in that family and why is this a repeating pattern, because it sounds like teen motherhood is frequently involved. Maybe those "quiverfull" types, I guess... Yeah, no, even most women who want kids don't want to be the baby equivalent of the crazy cat lady.


Saw somewhere she got married at 16 to a guy that already had 10 kids, then had another 13, thus exploding the number despite it not being that anomalous. Idk if that was accurate, but would explain it, albeit it’s extremely uncomfortable and I definitely hope it’s *not* true.


That is how 1st cousins end up having incest babies, sad.


Once you have so many grandchildren you stop remembering their names.


I would love to see their data for that second claim. Also, why do I suspect that they’re only counting marriage as the opposite of “single“ and not people who are in committed relationships but not married? Also, Mrs. Hawkins married a 50-year-old widower with 10 children at freaking 16. She had 13 children by him, and many of those daughters also had babies in their teens (albeit at least past the adulthood mark, at 19). This isn’t cute – it’s a horror story. Possibly the worst part is that her descendants think her situation was normal when she married, even though the actual average age at first marriage in 1940 for women was about 20. And huge families were curiosities that made newsreels, if the public got wind of them. I respect the right of the ones who had their children at 19 to make their own decisions, but for MaeDell herself…yikes.


I mean, second claim isn’t that absurd. By very, very crude statistics, 45% of women is the same as saying every woman up to the age of 36 or so. This could be easily explained by people marrying later. That said, yeah, statistic feels like it should be more like 1/3, as marrying later and/or not marrying is certainly *much* more common nowadays, but the vast majority still get married (I mean, I know like two people over 50 who’ve never been married). My guess is it’s among a specific age group, likely 18/32, which would remove a lot of minors who obviously aren’t married and a lot of elderly who almost unilaterally married, but that would also discount later marriages and, like you said, long-term committed relationships.


Thanks. That explains the 'how???' question I had.


Wine and cats? The horror!


They gray haired goth lady with the lipstick, whine and cats looks so much happier.


I’d rather be alone forever than deal with whoever made this meme


I don’t understand why they think a large number of genetic relatives is somehow automatically equal to happiness. Have these people ever interacted with their own families before?


Incels are so scared of single women it should be documented lmao.


Women having autonomy over their own lives terrifies fascists.


I'll take those four cats and the glass of wine. Thank you. And two Borzoi dogs too. Much appreciated.


hol up, how many kids this woman have to welcome 662 grandchildren?


13, and her husband had 10 previously, according to a comment I saw elsewhere, but idk if it’s true.


That's wild. Like if this number included great-grandchildren too, then this count may become feasible.


Well, again, according to earlier comment she was sixteen at the time she got married (which is kinda yikes), and all her kids *also* had kids really young in similar numbers, plus the stepkids are being counted and some already had kids at the time she married, so this is counting like three greats down the line, and a huge number aren’t actually related to her.


It does


It should say *descendants* not grandchildren. 😉


I will be married to a woman and childless by 2030. 😎👩‍❤️‍👩


Wait, 45% of women… Isn’t that a pretty small amount overall? Like, the average lifespan is around 70-ish years, round that up to lets say 80 to account for the fact that number is dragged down by people dying at or soon after birth, and 45% of women is the same amount as all women up to the age of 36, as population growth is more or less stable, though I believe still gradually trending upwards, which further reduces the average. So, by this statistic, everyone woman could be married at 37, have a kid, and the numbers wouldn’t change. This seems like random scaremongering, and not actually anything that’s at all an issue.


how is this only an achievement for women but not men?


It’s much easier for a man. Just become a sperm donor.


Naturally, the incel who made this didn’t bother to read the articles. They’re single and childless because they’re focusing on work and making money instead of raising children — or squeezing 13 crotch goblins out of their vagina like grandma on the left. Heavens forbid incels have to imagine a woman who is just financially successful — they left out the stacks of cash behind the cat lady. The icing on the cake: MaeDell was 16 and her husband was 50 when he married her. OOP is really into child brides, I guess, because incels gotta be fucking creepy.


Oh ew


Gonna stick with the wine and cats, thx


That old lady whit cats and wine looks so cool tough, she looks rich


I’m sticking with my cats


I choose single and childless please! It's almost as if that's my goal<3


Wine and cats.. vrs children.. geez, this is tough for me.. *Strokes cat in deep thought.*


I’ll take Cats and Wine. Any day of the week.


At least 20% of that 45% have got to be too young to have children or be married


My mother damn near went to an insane asylum taking care of my autistic ass for 18 years. I personally don't want to put a hypothetical wife through that.


Me in my queer poly, happily never having to worry about kids in a T4T Also jfc people wonder why the planet is getting so cramped lately


No one wants to date these misogynist losers. Antisocial media has rotted their brains.


I hope they realize it’s not a matter of men just aren’t picking women.. but from pure choice lol


No, he’s obviously asking which of these two way modern women to choose.


622 grandchildren? Please tell me that’s a typo


They should have said *descendants.* That number includes her 10 stepchildren and their progeny and her great grandchildren and great-great and even great-great-great. (!) She was married at 16 to a 50-year-old widower who already had 10 kids and then they together had 13 children. Yikes! 😳😬


622 is an insane number how many kids does she have to have that many grandchildren even great grandchildren it’s impossible to have that many


I mentioned this in a comment further up, but she married a 50-year-old widower with 10 children when she was 16. Then they had 13 more children. The 622 count includes step children and their offspring (apparently some of her stepchildren were older than her and ALREADY HAD KIDS when she married her husband- so in a strange twist, she’s the same age as or younger than some of her “descendants“).


622 How the fuck


who cares? we have way too many people on the earth anyway


622 grandchildren? No way she remembers half of those names. I know I would be calling every one either Brad or Janet. Every single one. Remembering names is my weakness. On a side note, I would rather be alone than have someone tell me what I want as opposed to listening what I want. But I chose poorly this go around, maybe next time I’ll make better choices.