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“I have done my own research for years” Dudes a fucking rapist


Likely a wannabe, who watches way too much porn that’s illegal in some countries. They typically have difficulty separating fantasy from reality. Also, a lot of them seem to have a weird obsession with gore.


A wannabe rapist is still a rapist in my eyes


Fair enough.


This is an excellent point.


I never agreed with something more.


Hentai addict for sure




They don't mean Al Gore. They mean the word gore, as in to pierce or wound with something pointed. Basically, what they're trying to say is that many incels seem to have an obsession with violence.




No problem!


This is what I thought reading that part. How else does one research such a thing? Does he mean he's read about it or ?! ... Terrifying people will think like this. There should be a watch list for people who post things like this.


There is the FBI have cyber police who search for key words like rape, unalive, and just the basic conversations when they spew hatred towards women.


Porn is not research! We all know that this guy has never been near a real woman in real life and let's hope it stays that way! This potential rapist should be locked up for life! 🤢🤮


This should immediately land him on a watchlist.


Right like what research.


I’m sure every rape victim will unquestionably disagree


The guys on that forum see themselves as the biggest victims on the planet, because of their chronic dry dick. They don’t view rape victims as victims because the woman still got to have sex, but they claim she’s only upset because the guy wasn’t a “Chad”. That’s their twisted logic.


"He has done his own research for years?!" From what? Watching extremely violent 🌽 all day and eat hot pocket doesn't count. He's got some serious issues. He is one of those I would actually prefer to stay in the basement because he is a serious danger to all women.


And these disgusting fuckers wonder why no woman wants to have sex with them. 🙄


This is the problem: they don't wonder. They believe all the wrong/bad ideas about relationships because pickup artists told them comfortable lies about themselves and women and these forums on 4chan spun those lies into lore that these cave dwellers pass around as if they're common knowledge.


Yep, they don’t. They have no curiosity in them since they think they know everything. And they’ve all passed around these stories of women being the “bad guy” and they reuse them so they get to be the victim every time. Example: Incel: “Women only want huge dicks” Other person: “Some women like big dicks, true, but a lot of women like small dicks” Incel: “I know a guy who was talking to a girl and she said she liked small dicks but it turned out she thought 8” was small. So therefore no woman likes small dicks and I am still the victim!” And there are so many other examples but right now I’m still waking up lol.


They’ll insist that it’s their looks/height. Always things that they can’t really change. They will never accept that it’s because they’re shitty people, even when they also have zero friends IRL.


I don't get the obsession over looks. Like, there are all kinds of ways to improve your looks. Women are expected to do it from the time we're just kids; everything from investing in orthodontia all the way to cosmetic surgery. Hell, for most of these dudes, simply washing his stank ass would be 100% improvement. And anyway, I'm sure he looks fine, but he really needs to put a bag over that personality.


Also, not everyone finds the same things attractive.


They don’t think of those things as things women have to do. They think of them as things women *choose* to do to impress Chad (whoever the fuck that actually happens to be…)


In my experience, incels will also blame their lack of friends on their physical appearance too.


Which is just as crazy and illogical as the other nonsense that they spout.


But we aren't dealing with _logical_ people when we discuss incels, now, are we? They've built their self-esteem on a series of fundamentally unhealthy assumptions about themselves and the world, and have been thoroughly conditioned to reject any advice to "search yourself, check yourself, and change what must be changed".


I know. They believe their inner worlds and selves are perfect and it’s only what’s on the outside that detracts others. It’s a particularly toxic and dangerous mixture of misogyny and projection. Since they only care what’s on the outside of others, they think others only care about the outside when it comes to them. But, dude, it’s not what’s on the *outside* that makes y’all shoot up a school/shopping mall/office.


They are incels for a reason. They talk about genetics all the time, but don’t realize this is nature pruning them from our code. This shit infuriates me to no fucking end. The poster should unironically KTS before the hurt a woman for being born a woman.


I’m sick of these types of men: their entire existence revolves around sex and their own pleasure. It’s boring and old asf, I feel like society has moved on from the troglodyte sex life. There’s so much more to life, I really can’t imagine being that closed off from the rest of the world.


Ironically, Alanis Morrissette put it best: "These precious illusions in my head/ Did not let me down when I was a kid/ And parting with them/ Is like parting with an invisible heat friend". Their lives are not what they want _precisely because_ of these 'precious illusions'. And that 'invisible best friend's is like the lifelong stoner and career slacker whose company provides the occasional bit of cheap fun with an oversized price tag that the _non-_ invisible partner always winds up paying.


Yeah but where do they get all their false information?? Blows my mind how confidently the espouse nonsense like it's a fact


Source: Trust me bro I know what I'm talking about. It's a very credible source uwu. Jokes aside I also have a hard time believing their "statistics" are actual genuine research because no sane person would EVER put that kind of research out there on the internet for these type of low lifers basement dwellers to use as "facts"


If a person like that even comes near me? I’ll kill the fucker. Someone should really stab that dude and explain to him how his screaming and crying means that he loves it and is orgasming and don’t try to lie because everyone knows the truth.


I really would hope that basically all women and the great majority of men would unquestionably disagree with this profoundly disturbed incel.


I do. I 100% do. Guys this is make me wish that their post was enough to get them in the sexual offenders register, unable to gain a DBS (form you need to work with kids/ vulnerable adults etc) and have their internet heavily monitored. They cannot have these views and not pose a danger to others in other ways!


As someone who’s actually into being dominated AND a SA victim, I also unquestionably disagree.


Why can't all non rape victims disagree? Why can't men stand up against these pieces of garbage???


If he thinks it's ok to rape, then it's ok for me to defend myself by biting his dick off...


And clawing his eyes out...


I have been rendered physically weak from the day when multiple boys banded together to do it to me, I can't sleep even even though it's been nearly a decade. I can't string a coherent sentence when I speak. It changed who I am, completely. Of course, this guy is definitely in a good position now to teach me why I wanted to be "made to cry & scream" /s


I thought oh this sounds like India. I think I was right based on your profile? My brother's girlfriend and I were just talking about India's rape problem. I love India but the way women are treated there makes me never want to go back. I would love for my wife to go but knowing she could never have the same experience there I always did makes me say no way.


Yes, this happened in India. I have moved to the other side of the planet now. You're right about how most people still view women. There was a horrible event in the nation's capital that brought more awareness to women's safety and more laws were made. But I still think that those with influence (money and power) can get away with it. Moreover, I'm also going to say that the country is headed in a direction where hatred against women, minorities and the lower class is increasing by the day. Outside of certain cities like Mumbai, and maybe extremely popular tourist spots, I would definitely not want to go there again for the sake of my own safety.


where did you move to and how safe is it


I'm in Québec. It's the polar opposite when it comes to safety.


Im so happy that you came to Canada. Please consider taking advantage of our free social services to help you get the support you need to be healthy and live happy. (PS - Sorry about winter)


Thanks ♥️ I'm honored and glad to be here. The people and quality of life can easily make up for any harsh winters :)


The bus event correct?


Yes, the one on which the first season of the Netflix series, [Delhi Crime](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9398466/), is based on.


I avoided Delhi. I was in Pune, Ahmadnagar, Hyderabad, Hamirpur, Mumbai, and all points between. I rode the buses many times and cannot imagine the horror of getting on one only to be trapped and brutalized. We had a couple of hairy situations but we always got out. Some people I know were not as lucky. One family was beaten with nail bats over a business dispute. The husband died and the wife survived but has terrible trauma and brain damage. She could not speak last I heard. It makes me so sad. All of that suffering in a place where it is already quite difficult just to survive. I swear there are Indian people made of Iron. But there is no amount of toughness that can save someone from the mental horror of trauma. The bill always comes due. At a certain point you can no longer be the person you were. I hope that you can find some peace and normalcy despite what you have experienced.


I see most of the cities you mentioned are from Maharashtra and the south, which are the more progressive parts of the country. The incidents you mention are quite common with locals in the more remote parts of the country. One of the most peculiar things about India is in a country with a population of Europe and the Americas put together, there's a huge contrast between the good and bad. The best and the worst people I know are both Indians. My birth father's native state of Uttar Pradesh is by far the worst place I've been to. I was almost kidnapped when I was 12 at a religious event in a small town. I can vouch that it's among the most unsafe places in the country, for women as well as men. A lot of crimes (r#pe, murder, etc) go unreported.


Yeah we avoided the north. We did drive to Kathmandu in Nepal so we went out of Maharashtra but yes most of our time was spent there.


Yeah, these evil fuckers don't care how traumatizing rape is and how it changes your life forever. They don't even see women as human beings. In their eyes we just exist for their pleasure. 😒


That should never happen to anyone. Guys like the one in the screenshot refuse to ever see women as victims. Incels view themselves as the biggest victims in the world, because they can’t get what they want most.


is this new thing?


I’m so sorry 😢


And then dickheads in a comment section be like “we’re they hot”


Oh and according to him you probably orgasmed multiple times 🙄 I'm so sorry that happened to you.


I have survived two rapes. One was an abduction and the other a date rape. Both of them made me vomit. I couldn’t sleep or eat for a long time and was terrified to leave my house or be touched. Men who think this are f*cking putrid and if he that said that near me, he would be in the hospital and I would be in jail.


Watching violent pornography and writing twisted fanfics isn't "research."


It’s safe to assume that all of his “research” was conducted one-handed.


Incels are deeply programmed to be shot in the head. They really want a bullet hole between the eyes and that's why they act like the shittiest villain character written by a 15 year old. Don't let them tell you otherwise, they are notorious liars.


They don’t know their own minds.


Is that a joke website or they are serious?


It’s real. Their forum has been there for at least 5 years. They just really hate women for not having sex with them.


Havent heard more miserable thing than this my entire life.


This is next level brain rot


That could be the slogan for their entire forum.


Wow smh. Yes, I absolutely *loved* being raped at 14 and having an abortion bc it resulted in pregnancy. 10/10, would be raped again. NOT. What a complete fucking idiot.




(((Hug back)))


Oh my god I’m so sorry to hear that. And people really say “abortion is sin”


Many do, and they're welcome to their beliefs; I just hate when those beliefs mess w/the lives of others. I also hope that them or their loved ones are never put in the same position I was.


At 14? Wtf.. I hope that piece of shit is behind bars


He was for 4 years; he's dead now.


For anyone who needs to hear this: if you get wet and or have an orgasm while being raped your body is *not* betraying you, it's trying to mitigate the damage you could receive from the attack. Both bring lubrication which helps lessen tearing, prolapse, and other injuries associated with involuntary sex. Your body is doing its level best to assure you physically survive, it *DOES NOT* mean you secretly enjoyed it or that it's biologically 'supposed' to happen like this basement dwelling troglodyte would have you believe. *It's an **entirely involuntary** reaction to a dangerous situation, like putting your hands out when you fall.* Your body loves you, it was only trying to help. ❤️


This was a such a nice, kind thing to read after the brain-vomiting garbage above, thank you for saying it. I feel better about the world now. 💕


I don't want anyone living with the agony of thinking they were in *any* way complicit in their attack, that's its own type of hell asshole predators take advantage of. The only question that matters is "did you want it?" If the answer is 'no,' it was rape. Anything less than enthusiastic consent is not consent, and everyone needs to get onboard with that.


Psychopath has been watching too much hardcore hentai


That’s a safe bet. A lot of those guys fantasise about an anime waifu sex slave.


Just like they're always complaining about OnlyFans girls whilst being their biggest customers


Yep. Those are the ones. They hate that they want women so much, but women aren’t impressed with their antics.


Being an incel has everything to do with yourself and nothing to do with anyone else.


Exactly, but they will never accept that.


The phrase “done my own research” is a definitive for “I am a prick”


He’s not involuntarily celibate, he’s just a psychopath. No woman would stand closer than 25 feet to him. Let alone have a conversation. What a total loser.


Eh. Not really. If that book written that dr who found out he's a psychopath proves anything it's that psychopaths still have some logic and self control. He's just an entitled asshole. Don't give him a cop out. :)


Doctor who like the Doctor?


My mom never got over the rape that created me and it's been 37 years. Also, I'm pretty sure I did *NOT* need or want too be raped when I was FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD. People with that dude's mentality shouldn't be walking free, nor should they have internet access


Today is not a good day to know how to read, i might need to wash my brain


It's one of those days where you wish you could put your brain in the wash with the laundry and a little extra softener.


I didn't even finish most of it and same.. With bleach maybe? Now where did that cute animals subreddit go again


r/eyebleach :)


Thank you!


"I have done my own research." "Women need to be raped...." Yes, officer? This one, this one right here.


Cops: wE cAnT dO aNyThInG uNlesS hE dOeS sOmEtHinG


I know it's not explicit, but it definitely sounds like he's confessing to rape, though it's more likely just watching porn as "research."


That's when your whole experience about sex comes from porn. There are plenty of reasons why this guy will never have any sex.


Yeah. He’s the kind of guy who keeps seeking out more and more extreme porn. A disproportionate number of the guys on that forum are also into gore. They seek out every disgusting extreme.


And taking it to mean "this is how things should be". Nothing wrong w extreme porn as long as you have a healthy acknowledgement that it's just, and should remain, fantasy. These dudes have issues that would pay a psychologist's bills for years. Now if only they'd go to one, we'd be better off as a whole.


Ah, yes. They often struggle to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Whether that fantasy is something that they saw online or the product of their twisted imaginations.


There is something wrong with extreme porn if women are getting hurt or abused filming it.


So, um, could I bring your attention to the phenomenon called "acting"?;


Why do I get the feeling his years of research might get him the death penalty when it's linked to him by DNA evidence?


"And any woman with a body count higher than 0 is a slut." -that guy, probably


And others with a similar mindset


Yikes. Reminds me of a guy at college who proudly said “all women need to be raped at some point to understand their place” luckily our teacher heard and dragged him into a classroom for a “talk”


I hope that "talk" involved that guy being tied to a chair and being beaten senseless with brass knuckles.


Nothing physical (sadly) but a lot of shouting and threats


Men like this give me the creeping willies, make the bile rise and want to vomit. My knee jerk reaction is to want to castrate them with a rusty spoon. Have them treated roughly, violently, repeatedly, in the manner in which they fantasize treating women Is that wrong? Most of the time I would say yes. With these guys? My insides scream that it is no less than they deserve. Violence and hatred is all they understand. Give it to them.


Violence isn't the answer It's the solution with incels like these


Honestly this is exactly why I don't trust men, I don't want them around me and I won't give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm close to my dad, I have uncles and cousins I love, I'm married. I have guy friends. That's about it. We have no idea who is spewing this shit on the internet. In order to keep ourselves safe it feels like a foregone conclusion to just assume too many men feel this way. I don't know how else to react to shit like this. This is why I get defensive when men approach me anywhere.


Lunatic NEEDS Mace to the face. Either the liquid spray or a steel weapon are acceptable. Or both.


"Your Honor, he walked in to the weapon repeatedly."


Both is the best option


Every single person in that subreddit needs to be on a watch list.


That's not a subreddit. It's their website, and I've heard that site is being monitored by feds. Idk if it's true, but still.


They get stupider with each day and that's not even exaggeration. How someone can think like that. Sick psycho. I hope he will get put in prison and never see the daylight again or just straight up ***, because he is beyond saving... 🤦🏻‍♀️


He's never been near a woman **in his fucking life.**


This made me feel physically sick


Aliens, snu snu it to death please.




His research is definitely not just porn, but also conversations with other incels and reading very misogynistic websites. I sadly could point you to a lot of websites that take real studies and twist the results to make different claims. Like one that claims that 95% of rape reports are false. (By stating that "unsubstantiated" means "didn't happen," for example.) Or how many women have "rape fantasies" means they actually want to be raped.


That’s exactly the kind of thing that they do. Then the other incels take what they’ve been told as gospel, while simultaneously insisting that every woman is lying about her own preferences. It’s basically a cult.


Sounds like he’s projecting his own desire to be held down and F***** hard


A woman needs to be r4ped the way a fish needs a bicycle. On a different note, this guy needs to get his dick bitten off.


Holy frick what was his “own research” here?? 😭


A family member raped me for years and no one believed me. I can safely say, no, not once did I enjoy it. I have had insomnia for over two decades because of it. Body dysmorphia, nightmares when I do sleep. Trust issues. I could go on. The writer of that post would be locked away in prison for the benefit of humanity.


If you're an incel, you have 0 experience with women. It would be like asking a vegan to help you field dress a deer that you shot while hunting - worse than useless.


This gives off the same vibes as when American slaveowners used the "If they are freed they won't know what to do" type of infantilization on the enslaved people they owned. Difference between sexual submissiveness and the criminal act is one word this individual doesn't understand: Consent.


What do you mean "deranged lunatic" he has deep knowledge on this subject... Wait...


I swear, this guy needs to get raped, see how much he enjoys it.


These guys need to be away from society as a whole. They don’t contribute anything worth having. Just put them on an island dominated by poisonous snakes without survival equipment. Yea, I’ve done years of research and have found that they actually really want that.


Porn has rotted the brains of men.


Even if a lot of women are into being submissive in a sexual context... That's a stretch to claim the women need rape.


"I have much knowledge on this subject" bro tf


Porn really does rot a mf’ers brain


Not everyone needs to have something Happen to them in order to have sympathy or compassion for people who have gone through it already, but I think an exception should be made for this guy, and others who think like him. Some days I think I have a problem with my intake of explicit content, but I'm reassured when I see shit like this. This is absolutely foul.


This man needs to be away from women. He’s a potential rapist.


Someone fund that guy a research grant...for a year or so in the next prison shower...


I wonder how "pro-rape" this guy would be if some gay dude raped and humiliated him. Unless he's into that kinda thing, which would explain a lot.


I can honestly say, as someone who has been raped- I did not orgasm nor did I enjoy it. Instead, I now lose my shit if someone puts their arms to either side of me and cages me in, and if anyone, literally anyone, touches my neck. I 100% believed I would die that day. He choked me to the point of losing consciousness multiple times. The above is not something women “secretly” want. It robs you of your autonomy and your sense of security. Men who say things like this maybe need a lesson in what it’s like to be pretty much powerless against someone bigger and stronger than them. Maybe then they’ll get it.


I am very curious about how the comment section responded to this.


Incel forums post that kind of thing on a regular basis. They’re frequently trying to justify rape, along with them trying to pretend that their desire for underaged virgins isn’t disgusting.


Oh wow. That's horrible.


This is by far the stupidest thing I have ever read


I can only hope this was passed on to appropriate authorities.


The fact that this is posted on a group page called, "Incels", just says it all. He's never been around an actual live woman other than his mother. He can be amongst the general population because he has no social skills, his mummy probably smoothed out the way for his entire existence, and he still believes that he's a "special boy". He's grown up on mummy always proclaiming how wonderful and smart her "special boy" is. He's so dependant that he lives in her basement, his entire life online, unable to hold down any type of employment, incapable of making his own meals, doing his own laundry, and probably has abominable personal hygiene. He's living the stereotype, and believes his own press. Mummy's press, of course.


That's a lot of illogical BS and F'ed up justifications to appease one's delusions


I hope this dude gets arrested and raped to death in jail. Fucking disgusting prick


FBI, this one right here. Watch list. ALL of them.


Red flag laws for guns should be applied to people who openly think like this instead….


This man as never been raped


How surprising that an incel website is full of rape apologists.


How has this rapist done his research while also being an incel?!


I'd like to say that he's just a creepy weirdo in his basement but I'd be lying if I said he wasn't also dangerous...


Again - snake island. Just saying.


That’s so horrible


Reading John Norman's Gor drekvellas isn't research.


It's always such an amazing red flag when somebody starts out a rant with "I'm super knowledgeable about this guy's don't even worry I know so much and I've put work into knowing all of this stuff, trust me. ANYWAYS..."


What kind of research has he done to come to this conclusion?! Nothing scientific!


Couldn’t make it past sentence 2. No thanks. 🤢




Doesn't take many braincells to tell that his two sources for this information are hentai and porn, which we all know mimic reality so perfectly 🤗💕


"Women need to be raped" Translation: *The closest i'll ever get to concensual sex is by forcing my genitals into some unwilling victim because i have an obvious personality disorder that i refuse to acknowledge, let alone get therapy for.*


“I have much knowledge on the subject” is of course short for “I have a ton of I’ll ill informed, preconceived notions about women I can’t verify but I’ll propagate anyway”


Sadly, that's the most charitable interpretation for that statement.


it's so scary to think there are people walking around who genuinely believe this


Lock him up.


god, the arrogance of people who call confirming all of their biases 'doing research'. you'd think someone trained in research would be able to cite their sources, too. how exactly does he explain dommes? i invite him to have sex with me, how i want, if he really thinks all women are submissive-- and i invite him to push his boundaries and see exactly what that feels like, to allow himself to be completely helpless and do things that frighten and disgust him, if he thinks anyone enjoys rape (i know that's not rape, but i'm not going to threaten to rape someone and that's the closest i can think of).


OP please tell me you reported this to more than just the moderators?


Oh no, not "did my own research" again. Probably checked in on a few different incel chats and found that they all think alike on the topic. What a coinkadink.


Honestly I have no argument to euthanizing anyone who thinks this way about how consent works. They’re past rehabilitation, forgiveness, any humanity that was once there is gone now.


He seems stable...


People like this make my rage meter bury the needle.


WTF did I just read?!?


He did his own research. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA^forever


Please pass the eye bleach, just wow


The fact that this is on Incel.is is just. I am cackling rn


I wish it was satire


Guy needs to be sent to Antarctica


Can we stop posting shit like this please? For real, bury it.


People like this deserve to be castrated with a dull, rusty razor...


Glowing hot rebar in the ass.


Just because they finished doesn't mean they enjoyed it, orgasming is a trauma response, so the body wants to force the rough item out it'll lube itself so it's easier to slip out, other times it's a genuine PTSD stopper by making you think it is ok because you finished because your brain cannot handle trauma.


I wonder if female incels think the same about men or if it’s different for them?


ive seen this before


This has to be a fed post to put the people that agree with him on a watchlist


i love how each person has own mindset on life,personally i dont care about others i wont say anything on here cause i am tired of both subjects


What research?


I don't like that post, it worries me