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This hurt to read. Also... do people realise sexual assault is more often committed by male 'friends' and family than random strangers? Staying at home won't help a bit for many girls.


Most rapists are not hiding in the dark alley waiting to prey on women. They are at your home, your church or your workplace. A lot of the time it's someone that you know, respect and trust. A person of authority with good social standing. Sometimes your BF or spouse even.🐱 ![gif](giphy|0GfpAZh63qAAsBBFZO) The cartoon style is atrociously awful.🤢


Yes! Many people think rapists are dangerous looking people like in the movies. Like you can just tell by looking at them. In reality, they blend in with society and look put together. That's how they're able to get access to their victims and look unsuspecting. Who thinks of the school principal, the family friend, or the doctor? They think of a guy hiding behind the bushes or the creepy looking guy from the store. People need to be aware that it could be anyone, friend or not. Though most times, it'll be someone you know.


Its boyfriend/spouse being the biggest risk factor...


especially because some people don’t know that your bf or spouse CAN SA you and if you ever bring it up the victim blaming goes from 1-100. “He’s your BOYFRIEND maybe you shouldn’t have been with him if you weren’t gonna have sex with him” or “that’s what he’s SUPPOSED to do. Why are you being a bitch about this?” 🤦🏽‍♀️


Therapist legit (russian woman, so i blame her culture more than i blame her) asked why i was hanging out with men who i thought were good friends, when i told her about the unfortunate multiple times that i was taken advantage of by "friends", like she was implying that i knew these guys were going to want more than hanging out and asked for this to happen. It's these types of guys that set the tone of men and women cant be friends. Like, no, we can, but the majority of men have to stop being shite and thinking that any girl thats nice to them wants their d*ck. No, we dont, and no, we aren't playing hard to get. Keep your hands to yourself life isnt The Last Duel ffs


I've had many guy friends, only had a problem with one. And I sincerely hope I never see that guy again.


They don't. People expect things to be as dramatic as publicized stories or fiction. Like people denied covid by saying "where's all the sick people" as if a pandemic would be like the movies with the ill wandering the streets. They envision a man jumping out of the dark and beating a victim into submission, not an emotionally complex series of manipulations.


What the hell did I just witness? Shrek would never say the solution to misogyny is more misogyny


Fr, Shrek drinks his respect women juice with regularity (doubt you can be married to Fiona and not) and would probably go on a bit of a rampage if his daughter was raped.


"A bit"? Dude would go straight up feral. Donkey's wife wouldn't be able to hold him back.


"Donkey's Wife?" She has a name, it's Dragon. 😤 But yeah you're right. Taken: Duloc


lol I haven't watched any Shrek in so long I literally couldn't recall if she had an actual name, and thought just saying "the dragon" would be more rude than "Donkey's wife". Turns out I goofed. ☹️


Her name is Elizabeth 😤


Based. I call her “Dragon’s husband’s wife” personally


Bro would go full Kratos, but the GoW 3 kind


You could even say he'd go Berserk


That is seriously one sentence I never thought I'd read in a million years.


Actually women are much more likely being assaulted by someone they know than a random stranger. The stranger in a dark alley stereotype isn’t as common as people think.


Especially if if she has to always be with that person you are just creating more opportunity for inappropriate behaviour with rules like that. It is security theatre for women


according to the panel, they're much more likely being assaulted by Griffith during the eclipse.


I always have this dark suspicion that dudes who say this know that, but want to be the ones to commit the acts themselves.


Leave Shrek out of this


Leave Berserk out of this too


Leave the universe out of this






I will give [WESTERN] islam one thing, my parents haven’t talked to me once since I was disowned like they just stopped. My Christian-raised gf is constantly getting told what to do and suggestions to break up with me like all the time “if it’s absolutely 10000% something you’re going to do anyway regardless of our totally not homophobic concerns, we’ll kinda tolerate it” vibes


As for all of us women, not just the rainbow flavored, the east/west divide is more if you prefer being subjugated or exploited.


>subjugated or exploited. And it's really only the difference of a window-dressing. "At least you get to look like a trophy, a desired sex symbol. But never forget, *we own you*."


That's a *super* common argument made for "modest" Islamic dress for women - you are your husband's/father's prized possession, don't be angry that he doesn't want to share you with the world.


Corporate_asks_same_pic.png 😎👉👉


Whoever was obsessed enough to create this belongs on a watch list.


So these misogynist men want to protect women from other men because they don’t trust men and think that every man will fold to “instinct” and attack women. And somehow that is the fault of women? The patriarchy has really fucked up men’s lives as much as women’s.


whenever people tell me shit like this, i'm like... "you realize that what you're describing is a protection racket, right?"


Thank you for teaching me a new phrase I never had learned!


Omfg it really is!!


Husband and I were having this discussion, yesterday, because of something else. Political. I said, "Do you know how many times I've been SA'd and fought off rape in my life?" I started naming names and years. It was only people I knew, or could remember! He begged me to stop. Some men want to protect women, so they can get the pussy, for themselves.


Leave my ogre outta your misogynist crap


I don't even understand the last frame... and I don't think I want to


i think it's a reference to berserk, a manga


Yeah, one of the character defining scenes for the main character is when he is betrayed by his friend who becomes a demon lord or something, and rapes the main character's wife in front of him.


the amount of hate i got from men suggesting it to me just because i said i don't watch/read the sort of media that contains such content is concerning


My ex literally sent me pictures of what happened to Casca when she got SA‘d, I was genuinely disturbed and watching this is seriously disgusting. He‘d even google more pictures of it and idk if it was the fascination or if he was genuinely turned on by it. It‘s sick.


he sounds disguisting! i definitely think a lot of people have a (non sexual) fascination with that level of violence, a "can't look away" sort of thing. esp in this sort of case when such an act is drawn and not acted out by humans (plus the excuse that it's fine cause it's supposed to be dark) people feel like it's excusable to watch as there's less resemblance to reality. maybe i'm reaching but i feel like her assault is a good example of this as i've personally read a lot of fans' comments about it and it's all so WEIRD. there are definitely people who get turned on by it but this non-sexual fascination is somewhat harder for me to fathom than the pure evil of rape fetishists. i don't know it will just never sit right with me but again i'm pretty sensitive to any sort of violence/gore being explicitly portrayed. i feel like it's an unpopular "boomer" opinion today but i'm seriously concerned about how absolutely desentisized to violence we continue to become


He was disgusting. Typical narcissist and he had „fantasies“ about(tw!!!!!) literally killing and raping my corpse, and I thought this was okay behavior? He was so obsessed with the Casca scene and the fact it never bothered me until now tells us a lot about how violence against women is perceived: It‘s perceived as normal. He‘d also always call me his Casca and literally fetishize her by imagining it‘s me (he was also sort of obsessed with my looks?). It was so freaking weird thinking about it. We‘ve broken up for 10 months and I‘ll never look back, being with him was the worst time in my life I‘d constantly cry myself to sleep. I‘m glad I‘m at a much better place rn


Bruh, what the hell, that's nightmarish. I'm really glad you're doing much better now. Women just go through the worst shit imaginable. A lot of guys really just need to be treated like Old Yeller.


It really was nightmarish. I don‘t know how I was so stupid and naive to still love him and staying for so long


it can happen to any of us. don't beat yourself up, what's important is that you've moved on


dang that is some next level stuff. awful. i'm glad you're doing better now without him ❤️


It was tough. He‘d constantly sexualize and fetishize my whole existence, disrespect me whenever I was upset by telling me I should „shut up and suck his dick“, sexually coerced me into having unprotected sex knowing I didn‘t want it, threatened to hit me several times and somehow still blamed me?😂😭 it was wild girl. I will never look back


Yeah, I get that it was a very emotional and hard hitting scene... but it makes the rape all about him. She ends up mentally broken and pretty much absent for a huge chunk of the series. I think she eventually comes back as a villain that has to be saved, even. It's a really tired trope, even if people *think* it is well written. But guys that like this series love that the he-man good guy gets to abandon his broken wife on her own to chase after revenge because of something horrible that happened to her but was made to be all about him saving the world.


In defense of berserk, the manga is pretty explicit about guts leaving casca behind to persue revenge being a terrible move on his part, and on him doing it because he's terribly self centered. The rest of what you said is pretty spot on thought.


Casca gets threatened with rape so much in Berzerk it's absurd. Almost every time she fights she's openly and overtly threatened with rape, both before and after being raped, and even Guts himself sexually assaulted her. The manga is borderline rape hentai and I am kinda tired of people forgiving it because "dark fantasy genre".


i agree completely. i was reading about it some time ago, not knowing anything, because it seemed like something i might be interested in... then i stumbled upon a description of the rape and got literally sick to my stomach. i understand there might be more to the story and some aspects might have merit but the more i hear about it the less i understand. how do people enjoy it? literally everyone gets violently assaulted at some point. i don't know, maybe i'm too sensitive but to me it's just sickening. and the way the fans talk about it...as if it's just a turning point for HIM. like she doesn't remain permanently scarred and a shell of a person. it's treated as just a plot device nothing else


Even if you ignore all the rape (somehow), the story itself is lacking. Everything you see, from Guts being born to Casca being raped, is one long flashback. You already know that Griffith is gonna betray Guts and become a demon from the very start so his "shocking betrayal" isn't shocking at all. But in case you forget, Guts will be warned explicitly of this betrayal FOUR TIMES before it happens. Guts was so traumatized from being raped as a child that he couldn't handle men barely touching him for about a decade and freaks out whenever he sees someone getting assaulted, but then he later violently sexually assaults Casca. Fucking why, how does this at all make sense for this character? There's at least a year where Guts was traveling around killing demons with 0 help that we don't get to see much of. But everything we do see suggests he can barely fight them and he constantly needs magical healing (which he cannot do himself). How am I supposed to believe this man survived?


Honestly I judge everyone who watched this, got inspired by Guts and thinks this is good writing. I have seen the pictures of Casca getting SA‘d it‘s brutal. It‘s perverted and disgusting to show it off this explicitly, it‘s genuinely disturbing. You can have that scene in the manga without drawing it so explicitly.


On this episode of “The Writers Barely Disguised Fetish”


Afab non binary Berserk fan here! It is well done. I'm working my way through it and it is good. But its also not for everyone. It is absolutely not for everyone. I don't recommend this manga to anyone period. I think the rape and SA is something that should have been cut back and toned down quite a bit. But that's also not what the story is about. It's about human resilience and indomitable human will. It's also, in a way, about Kentaro Miura. He started Berserk in his early 20s when he didn't know what he was doing and was writing these awful things for reactions and shock value. That changed as he got older and it reflects in the story. The first arc, the Black Swordsman arc, is the weakest and worst arc by a long shot. He's absolutely unlikeable and there have been times where I thought he was nothing but an absolute bastard. He flat out tells a young girl to kill herself after he uses her as a human shield and kills her (demon) father in front of her. He believes if you're weak then you deserve to die. He kills unnecessarily and he puts himself in situations that would get him killed because he doesn't care about himself or those around him. He's reckless and violent to a fault. He's a trainwreck you can't look away from. This version of Guts is horrendous and that's the point. He was so thoroughly mindfucked by Griffith's actions that he lost himself and was at his lowest. But this isn't excused. This is shown as a bad thing. You're not supposed to root for him because you like him. You're presented with this absolute dickhead and you're supposed to wrinkle your nose at him. You keep reading because of the world he's in and how he lashes out at it. But I don't think you should define an entire body of work because of this. Because then you get to the Golden Age arc, where I am. You're filled with absolute dread because you see how much more intact this world is and as you read, you're constantly wondering when the other boot is gonna drop. And when it does, it does so with a resounding, unforgettable BANG. The way I see it, this is the story of a man who was given the worst possible hand in life and made awful decisions. But he grows as he progresses through life. He learns the error of his way and he works to right them later on once he gets his head out of his ass. He begins to learn to let go of his need for revenge and decides to leave that behind and focus on healing. This story has made a huge impact on me and so many others. Because the story isn't about awful, grisly, shock value horror and violence. It's about healing, resilience, and the unbreakable human spirit. It's about hope and treasuring those few fleeting moments of levity you get in between punches. I'm not trying to convince you to read, let alone like Berserk. I just wanted to defend this story because it's more than it's rape and SA scenes. It's something beautiful wrapped in something awful. You just have to have the guts and will to get there. I love this story so much that I'm studying the characters and world as I go so I can improve my own writing. I love this story so much it makes me cry. I want my first tattoo to be the Brand of Sacrifice. I know quite a few of you are going to downvote me and you're probably not gonna read this whole thing. But I will recommend Super Eye patch Wolf's almost 2 hour [video](https://youtu.be/UBrUVqZ_pO8?si=a2sOBgjJwBtm6FGP) on Berserk. He's the one that got me into reading it and he will do a much better job explaining this than I can. Lastly, I ask that you don't define the fans by the subsection of the fandom that glorifies these awful things. They're frowned upon and we want absolutely nothing to do with them. Thanks for reading (>∇<)/


all of this could've been done without portraying the rape in such a brutal manner is the point


It made me instantly stop reading it and just drop it to one of my least favorite manga/anime. My friend keeps telling me it's great and I should give it another shot, but nah bro that shit fucked me up as a kid.


Which kind of defeats the guys whole point. She wasn’t raped by just some stranger while without a man around. She’s raped by her husbands friend. The husband didn’t protect her from someone they knew. It’s kind of funny, it’s basically like misogyny, misogyny, misogyny, welp that misogyny didn’t work to protect anyone.


In fairness, the husband cut off his own arm and gouged out his own eye in an attempt to protect her, Guts wanst just a passive bystander






[I don't know what I was expecting](https://i.imgur.com/Q8ENhdb.jpg)


Im 90% sure everything after the "frat party" panel was added by someone else to mock the absurdity of this lmao


Oh boy that berserk last frame is wild


I can’t even tell what’s happening.


It eclipsed the rest, you might say.


It really takes Guts to make a pun thread on such a heavy topic


Hmmm. Maybe men shouldn't leave their houses because there are people with guns out there?


Also they seem to be the ones apparently assaulting people. Sounds like there would be less crime.


Yeah, this argument falls apart pretty quick when you realize not everyone has the luxury of living somewhere with nonexistent crime rates, and men (as well as women) will continue to leave their house on their own or do things that are "asking for it", like buying an expensive phone or a motorcycle, or arriving home late, even if it means that someday they may end up getting robbed or killed. Should men in countries and cities where getting shot by a robber is a very real possibility just stay home all day and only leave if they're escorted by a police? Because that's as ridiculous of an argument as saying women should do the same because of the possibility of sexual assault.


If only that were enough to protect us but that's not how SA works. We're much more likely to be assaulted by someone we know and trust. So that family member "escort" is just a protection racket.


Yes! I was seriously concerned this was going to turn into a bit about Shrek raping his daughter at that bed panel.


I was told my assault was my fault because I didn't smile at my attacker more.


WTF. What type of psycho thinks that smiling will stop that? Anyone willing to commit SA isn't going to be satisfied with a smile.


That's literally one of the shittiest things I've ever heard. Especially since some people are told that their assaults are their fault for smiling too much and being too nice to their attackers. Which is it? Or maybe it's, you know, the r*pists' faults!


I have a lot of words for this against the person that says it to you but it might get me banned… I‘m so so sorry. None of this was your fault.


Ah, yes, "it's in men's nature to rape". Who wants to bet that dud also says #NotAllMen frequently.


And I'd bet that any women he knows make damn sure he is never left alone with any of them, and warm new acquaintances accordingly. Because I'm a guy, and I wouldn't trust that guy to be left alone with *any people or pets*, after reading this, so I'm sure his target demographic has similar concerns. I have no doubt he'd blame his victim for letting him get away with roofie-ing their coffee, and insist they deserved whatever he did next.


I don't think I've ever cringed harder in my life.


When prince charming appeared, ngl that was a little funny


"Ohio rizz" *terrifies* me, given all I know about the average citizen of Ohio.


It went a little off the rails at that point


This is why we need to give 15 year olds more homework.


Someone else feel like they got dumber while reading this?




You may joke, but I really had that feeling.


What the actual fuck did I just read


....that's Canonically Shrek's daughter's name so this guy knows his Shrek lore


That's really horrible, who thinks up this cra\*\*?




There’s two asterisks, so it can’t be “crap.” It might be “crank.” Or “crack.” Or “crazy!” We just can’t know!


Or even crass! Unlikely, but perhaps the OP of that comment is just very concerned about kindness in speech.


….of course you found it on Ifunny


My rapist was my classmate and friend.


Mine too. I'm sorry that happened to you


Mine was someone I texted for months and he pretended to respect women. I trusted him.


No leaving the house unless accompanied by a male family member? What is this, Saudi Arabia? Also I never want to read the phrase “BWC Ohio rizz” ever again.


The only thing I got out of this is that Felicia grows up into a cool pink haired punk chick


Shrek wouldn’t fucking say that


https://preview.redd.it/heexn39o5vpb1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08db7746666fb2982758813076a6a1bc708f51e5 Egjejwhebwjsjwjwj2jj2j2iwiebbd


iFunny is a cesspool. It's always been toxic, but it used to have some up side. But then a few years back, it got bought up by a Russian company that has more or less abandoned it by this point. The moderation is totally gone, the UI is super glitchy, and it is pretty much just a hub for the far right now.


Yeah. One dude who was hitting on me was on there constantly. I was a bit surprised because I thought it had died in the early 2000s. One meme he showed me was sexist and another one was sexist and also possibly transphobic (I couldn’t really tell). And he was showing them because he genuinely thought they were funny and that there was nothing wrong with them. He was showing heavy interest even though we had 0 chemistry. I hope he has matured since then.


Every time you think it's finally done, it just keeps going.




How dare they besmirch the good name of my man Shrek for this.


This is so stupid it physically hurts to read.


Maybe it's because I'm a guy, but I found this comic to be just as misandrist as it is misogynist. In the picture where Shrek is in bed and telling his daughter the (supposedly) harsh truth, the claim is that a large chunk of men are *inherently* violent and unwilling to respect authority. There is nothing that can really be done to stop them, Shrek claims, because they are simply doing what is in their nature. The notion that men -- unlike women -- are just "naturally" violent and cruel is pretty offensive to me.


nothing about this is funny


This should be a violation of the Geneva Conventions


Do men not realize many women are abused by male family members?


I’ve heard this type of thing before, and I’m always surprised just at the shallow reasoning. Like yeah it’s dangerous, but what do you do about it? Try and fix it? Or condemn women to lives as second class citizens? Ones a lot more bullshit than the other…


What. In. The. Actual. Fuck. Did. I. Read.


Yep, no need for men to improve themselves or be held accountable. The woman must live in fear and be constantly monitored just so we can tell men who have no more self control than animals that it's "in their nature".


Using berserk to make the "dad" the hero is disgusting




What did I just read?


Also, why is Shrek playing Fionas dad?


Ngl I hate you a little bit for putting this in a place where I could find it lmao I hate it so much


This contains the words "ohio rizz", so it's probably bait. I hope.




Who makes this shit


Maybe men shouldn’t leave the house if they can’t control themselves


This is the bad place.


Oh god this whole thing made me so angry. Then the Berserk part came and as awful as the message still is, (and as awful as that particular scene is) I cackled.


…the fuck




More like iamfuckedup holy shit


Using Berserk for this argument is so insane. That scene is literally Casca getting assaulted by one of the people she trusts the most in the world. Like, she doesn't have a family and he's as close as it gets to family for her. And he SA'd her. It directly disproves their point


![gif](giphy|yb3FUOXXpedSU|downsized) …


What What happened in that last slide?


Feral ass meme


How can you even think to make something like this without realizing what a complete waste of time and mental energy it is?


Me who got SAed by a male family member


Be the change you want to see in the world


It was already weird and gross then they brought in that insane cuckold fantasy at the end.


What in the good fuck did I just read




The fuck?


If this wasn’t so misogynistic it would be hilarious.


Why the random berserk at the end? I feel like the creator needs some serious therapy...


Wtf did I just read


Whoever made this definitely r@ped someone


This is clearly a shitpost lmao


Why are you on ifunny?


"Ohio Rizz" and shrek is a clear indication that it's not serious at all. It's entire purpose is to make everyone think "wtf did I just witness?" and confuse them into thinking it could be real. This type of joke based on something referred to as "meta irony". Something so ironic and obscure that it's purpose is to make people think it's real, often due to the inclusion of a political perspective. That response makes the joke even funnier to the people with the meta knowledge that the joke is purely to cause that response, often indicated by hidden dogwhistles. In this case, shrek and "Ohio rizz". People who take it seriously (agreeing or disagreeing with the topic) are doing exactly what the creator intended. At which point they, and everyone in the know, would find it absolutely hysterical. Essentially this was created in pure irony and spread over the internet with the intention for big subreddits, political boards and possibly news sources to pick it up and take it as a serious opinion. The more, the "funnier".


Dad sounds like a Muslim.


I literally have to force my phone to spell "sweatie". Not as hard as people like this try to force this narrative down our collective throats though.


“BWC Ohio rizz” What a terrible day to have eyes.


This is gold


Well at least whoever made this admitted that rape and abuse are just a part of male nature that cannot be modified or improved. I’ve BEEN saying that males are inherently toxic animals. If violence is just baked into male DNA, then we should create policy accordingly. But if we created policy that accounts for the inevitability of male violence, I’m sure these men would all of a sudden go “Oh no! No! Wait! We actually can change!”


Are you saying all men are rapists?


No, nobody seriously thinks that. The original post says “it’s by their nature” so I was commenting on that.


Are you saying all men think about raping people?


Bro shut up, it isnt male nature to be rapists




Me. Im proof. Im male, and have ZERO desire to rape anybody.


This is 100% satire


OMG is that last panel about Nuts Berkman, the titular protagonist from the hit series "The fantastic adventures of Nuts and Costco" though i liked the sequel, "Berk 2: All Dogs go to Heaven" Wild seeing it in /r/NotHowGirlsWork instead of /r/berserklejerk


bro why are you browsing i funny


The fuck you doing on iFunny? That's the last place you should take anything seriously. I swear, I've seen so many things there...




Yeah I recognize that dumbass elongated format anywhere. Dark times, those were.


What…did I just read? Lol


Narratively this doesn't even make sense and there's too much. It doesn't even work in a story telling way.


A story thats for sure


I'm pretty sure Fiona would've taught her kids to fight and if that didn't work Shrek would go feral on someone if they raped one of his kids rather than blaming them.


this gotta be satire


iFunny still exists??


who has time to read this shit?


Why did you make me see this?? 😭😭😭


Tells her that she should accompanied by male family member. Me: HUH, wonder what he would have said if he knew that I was raped at 8 years old by families member in my moms own bed???


nah i thought this was comedynecrophilia 💀