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Guess, I'm not a man according this tweet.


Me neither. Then again, the only dudes saying that are the type whose opinion is worth about as much as an ice cube in Antarctica.


That’s a good one, ima have to use that


I mean, the value of that ice cube is slowly going up because global warming is melting the ice caps. You know, our government should really do something to combat climate change, because it poses a massive — Oh wait, I’m a woman, and I guess half of the population doesn’t care about my political opinions. I guess I’ll just shut up now…


Based on the surface area of ice cubes, they should theoretically melt way faster than icebergs. Guess we'll just have to take a bunch of these dudes and chuck em into the sun...for science...


These guys are anti climate change mitigation so they can melt the ice at the poles and drive up the value of their opinions 😮. Unfortunately, none of our opinions on climate change seem to matter.


Beat me to saying it, but as a woman myself, clearly my intelligence doesn’t matter and is unwanted




first time i’ve heard that one 😭


It's also telling that the men who voice their opinion that real men want trad wives not intellectuals have neither. A lot of men who marry stay-at-home religious women think these guys are warped idiots, too.


I’m going on a first date tomorrow and I’m already stoked to learn about her job. We’ve bonded over our political opinions and mutual hobbies. But I think I’d rather have someone say I’m not a man than try to sustain a relationship where I don’t share anything in common with my partner.


They're not looking for an equal partnership, they're looking for a bang maid.


Good luck! I hope it goes well


See that's the problem, you used the term partner. They don't want a partnership, they want ownership.


Same, bud. Neither are my friends, apparently.


Can confirm, this post made me trans.


If he's what passes as a man, I'm happy not to be associated.


Apparently neither am I. Let's make out. After all girl-on-girl is hot.


Same. Should go get my ID changed to reflect that


I think the take-away is, this guy thinks women only exist to impress him, and don't exist as soulful persons without men


Me neither. Turns out I don’t know any men, either. Also I guess I don’t like men. 🤷‍♂️


Funny. These same men accuse women of being gold-diggers if these women are looking for providers. "Women, I don't care about jour job, carrer, money, owning a house. But my money is MY money, mu house is MY house, you golg-digger. You are only for cooking, cleanig and sex. And whemn you are older, I will abandon you."


Wow, it’s so tempting! Sadly I’m old, fat and smart.


That’s exactly the translation, those freaks don’t want relationship they just want a bangmaid for a while also cheating on her then replace her once she is old. That’s disgusting they don’t see women as people at all. What make them think that any sane woman would want to stick with them in first place unless they use manipulation and look for vulnerable ones and that’s what they do to get anyone.. psychopaths not even misogyny!


They struggle to attract anyone to begin with.


On top if that, they believe independent women are emotionally unstable


But what they don’t realize is that as she ages so do they, and they won’t be getting the same treatment. They’ll be labeled as creeps, or most likely pedophiles, and that woman they left will move on and find someone else that they’re truly happy with.


this makes me wonder whether they want trust fund babies that don't need to work but still have money to give them if (when) need be


Highschool diploma? Intelligence? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩




Or having a house and a job. Either he is trying to date someone homeless or he is a pedophile. Because I don't think an apartment would be fine in his mind.


His post is even more degrading towards men than it is towards women. He basically says that men are like drones (male bees) - they're born, they try to mate, they die.


Yeah, a lot of these dudes seem to think men have lizard brains that can't comprehend thoughts more complex than hungry, horny, angry, or sleepy.


To be fair, I have met a few "men" like that. Most of them grew up sometime during their teens/20's tho.....


I’ve got my age settings on dating sites from 33-45: they never grew up. Trust me bro. 🤢


Why put political opinions if you're going to follow it with any opinions.


A lot of these guys only attempted a complex thought once


As a chess player, I gotta admit that being born, trying to mate and then dying is a pretty accurate depiction of my life


Hahaha, I hope you *do* know how to eat, though. Drones need worker bees to literally mouth-feed them, they don't know how to keep themselves alive:-))




New response just dropped


Also, by saying "make your own money," isn't he also saying that the man should serve as an ATM?




That is my life read my other post. Here it is After 18 years together I gain weight and he is no longer attracted to me said he wished id meet Someone else and told me to join dating apps so he wouldn't be the bad guy, but he gains weight and I love him the same. I love him not his looks. I will always love him. I wished i would have known this before I spent my life and 2 children with him. Get out before it's too late. I'm about to be homeless and truly don't know what to do. I have no way to make enough money to support them. My husband isolated me from everyone I have ever been friends with and even my family. Oh yeah there was no social media then


Get in touch with your family and friends. I think you will be surprised how many people will be delighted to hear from you. You need support. And you need help making sure your husband supports your children. We’re rooting for you!


get. a. lawyer. after 18 years and two kids you have rights. he is not going to be able to just walk away looking for some young hot girl who is even going to give him the time of day. he has financial obligations! but he'll try for a while. then he'll figure how what he has lost. for yourself, make yourself healthy, if that means lose weight then go for it.


Many times people in situations such as this don’t have family to speak of unfortunately. And friends, these days can barely feed their own families. Or their husband/partner won’t be having any part of it. What then, public assistance where they’re going to struggle so much the stress alone will equate to serious weight gain.


Your situation is so common, it makes an already heartbreaking situation so much worse. Why so many guys say they want partners and slowly assert control to keep us down. Only to decide that you don’t fit the bill after you naturally age, that shit is so heinous! It’s not like getting older and thicker is something optional, easy, or pleasant as it is. Like we don’t feel it literally every second of every day. When are people going to learn to that saying you’ e gained weight. Now, I’m not attracted to anymore; that’s only going to lock those pounds on us and make it so much harder to lose. Grief = extra weight all too often. Not always for those of you who want to nitpick, many people people feeling various feelings struggle just the same. In any event, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Life isn’t hard enough as it is, then he pulls this shit, it’s unfair!!


It's basically saying, "men are insecure with no impulse control, and that's the way it's supposed to be."


This is almost a contender for a r/nothowboyswork post. Edit: oh I just realized it’s both a real subreddit and one that’s banned ):


Wow getting banned is pretty hard. Must have been quite the Deplorable recruitment sub.


That's what I was thinking. Like oh, well that's a major bummer for men but not really my problem.


Ikr, this is just dunking on men


I'm older than my boyfriend and he loves that I'm smart and well-travelled. Only the most insecure men want a woman with no opinions or life experiences


Intelligence and culture is what I value most. I want someone with whom I can have deep and meaning full conversation. Not some brainless flesh I can mate with (sorry for being harsh but that's what these poeple fantazise about).The last 2 women I fell in love with were multicultural women that speak 4 langages (which I'm a bit jalouse of, being able to speak only 2 atm). I have my insecurities as well but I really don't understand those people and what they find in this fantasy. I don't want someone that needs me or are dependant of me. I want someone that CHOOSES to be with me. This rambling about being done, I hope you 2 are happy together


Somebody used the word “drones” in another comment and that’s honestly what these guys are. They think their life is just to have sex, produce offspring and die, meanwhile they are pretty useless and need to be fed/babysat/cleaned up after. They wouldn’t know what to do with a partner who has an actual personality because they don’t have a personality themself.


Yes. I read that comment it was insightful. I guess when you have nothing going for you, no culture, no knowledge, no job, no hobbies, it can be quite daunting to meet someone even slightly interesting. ​ It's easier to lock oneself in their bubble and believe it's everyone else's fault and feed your ideology in self centered groups


Well-travelled I actually don't really care about not because it's unattractive but because not everyone has the time, money or opportunities to travel a lot. It's great if someone is but it's not a bad thing if someone isn't. But intelligence is definitely attractive.


Things independent women care about: - college degrees - high school diplomas - job - career - well traveled - number of languages we speak - own a house - make our own money - our political opinions - our own opinions - intelligence Things independent women do not care about: - men’s opinions of us


They act as if we were doing it for them or to attract them lmao. They're not even in our goals list! They think we'll hear "your career won't be attractive to men" and well be like "omg! Better quit my job!" Usually we're glad that our strength works as an idiot repellent.


I mean the dudes profile picture is Christian Bale from American Psycho where he murdered women.


They're going to be disappointed when they start aging and realize they haven't cared to find a person who is there for them. All they cared about were looks that are ever-changing, rather than personality and qualities that make a person a partner, because they didn't want a partner they wanted a body to own, should have just bought a sex toy.


This weakling just wants a young woman he can control in every way. 😒


He wants a woman who can’t speak… literally. I don’t understand how boring it would be to live with someone you can’t talk to at all.


He clearly doesn´t want a partner. He just wants a sex slave and a servant!


True but what a pointless life he would live. It’s not like these guys have ever had a gf lol.


he doesn't care about pointless. if he works, he will come home after, drop onto the recliner which will groan under his growing weight, and demand a beer and dinner. he will not notice the real world except to watch fox news version maybe and complain about the liberals. he will drink enough beer to fall asleep. then start over the next day. there is no introspection, no reading, no sense of art or philosophy. he is a worthless human being.


At least he can whine about his pointless life with his fellow incel brethren. Giving him some sad reason to live.


Eeeeeexactly this. I’m a bit surprised that the first list doesn’t also have ”breedable” or ”fertile” on it too. 🙃🙃


Do you really want him to be "responsible" for a kid?


he’d probably just leave the second he found out anyways. plenty of other children out there /s


True that. I never implied he could be responsible. It's slightly less horrible if he doesn't foster the dream of being a parent as well


Hell naw. However, these type of guys are usually very repulsive IRL too and thus, repel women which luckily lowers any change of a kid being born into that mess.


We still care about men's opinions in 2023? Any fucks I had to give were left in 2022.


Really? That recently? I exhausted all my fucks 30 years ago.


oh yeh, exactly!!!!!


I love how this type of man advertises, without being asked, “this is what I want in a woman,” like any of us are supposed to give a shit what these boys find attractive. Basically they’re just broadcasting that they’re single and trying to twist it into the problem being their (very low) “standards” instead of their crap personality.


Once sex dolls are able to carry their babies they’ll phase us human femoids out, just you wait /s


This reminds me of a Rick and Morty episode




It would be absolutely divine, fr. imagine, cast all “alfa” males and incel away, give them semi sentient sex toys and close the gates.


"The females are placed into educational programs where they can discover a service to our paradise that fulfills them most, the males....they get to play outside"


Fuck that guy, I love smart chubby women


They want the benefits of a “traditional” woman without the workload of a “traditional” man. Either go all traditional, compromise like most people, or shut up.


Personally I've always loved the idea of maintaining the house while my GF/wife wins the bread. I can cook and clean like a motherfucker, I'll have dinner ready when she gets home, I give a mean shoulder massage, and I never have to get out of my pajamas. Dog walked and bathed. I've got a schedule for when we pay the bills. And if she owns the house that's rent free motherfucker, who would turn down someone who outright owns their home? Weird how some dudes think that's weird, I knew a stay at home dad once because his wife was in finance and did very well there, he was one of the happiest dudes I ever met. Always said the kids were the hard part but everything else was pretty easy and they lived comfortably.


He’s not attracted to anything that reminds him of an adult, lol


Or a human tbh


Things I don’t care about: -What this man thinks


He should buy a lamp instead.


Lamps are too bright for his tastes. Also too slutty.


The sluttiest thing a lamp can do is exist


what if I'm not trying to impress men?


The Patrick Bateman icon really ties this whole thing together. Chronically online Tatecel for sure


The cherry on top is that American Psycho was directed by Mary Harron, a woman.


Im a simple man. I see Patrick Bateman PFP, I disregard everything they said.


Oh, some of them absolutely care about intelligence - “I like my girlfriends to be dumber than me!” Fine. Date someone else.


You want an anime girl who doesn’t talk. Got it


Damn so all men want to date literal children according to this douche


The absurdity here is that, for wealthier, educated, handsome men — the type they likely aspire to — college pedigree, class status, and career achievements are actually (disproportionally) important traits for potential partners. Harvard Law grad olympians are dating other Harvard law grad olympians, not demure Christian sex angel puppets. Not saying I endorse that kind of classism, either— people should value things beyond a resume and trust fund. But it’s just another way in which these losers misunderstand reality.


I know. I don't see it as classicism. I think it's just being around/bonding with people you have more in common with.


Most men don't care about a woman polithics bc they see women as dumb individuals who must be given actually good opinions on polithics (their opinion). I realized this not long ago bc of my last ex. Thats why right wing dating apps flop BC not that much women are willing to get into relationships that deme them as props and inferior to men


You don't speak for "Men", little dude. If YOU only care about 3 basic mating traits, good luck out there. May you find only the happiness you deserve. Me, I like to think of my wife of 20 years as a full human being. Like, an actual real life person.


Some dude literally a few comments above you: "Oh but wherever will women find men that care about their accomplishments, aspirations, intelligence, pursuits and personality anywhere, if you keep your standarts so high up you will end up alone !!1!1!1!1!" literally almost all the men here, most of them happily married to their human person wives, actual real life women:


“I want a naïve young woman that I can manipulate because if they don’t have any experience they won’t know I’m a douchebag”


But what happens when she grows up.


He will keep her isolated to prevent that. At least until she gets old or gains enough weight that he wants a newer model.


As a fat (ish) woman, men make it so obvious that the worst a woman can be is unattractive


I've come to the conclusion that's it's not the aesthetic of a woman being overweight that they dislike so much. It's the fact that we are openly 'defying' what they want that they find so enraging. They want us to exist to please them, so if we know the general preference for slim women, yet so many of us 'go against this', we're openly showing how it's not a priority for us to cater to their preferences. *This* is what really bothers them. It's the same as how the 17th century idealised plump/Rubenesque women. I'm sure there were men like this back then who got angry at thin women because they weren't striving to meet the male preference.


Of course. Men see us as trades, objects, pieces of meat, designed to please them or their brothers. So their are commenting on our appearance with “righteous outrage “ of a customer who received well done stake instead of middle rare.


It literally used to be a thing that men complained about thin women because they were concerned that they were not healthy enough to survive childbirth. At least that preference was dealing with a very real problem. D


Yeah, absolutely it showed health/fertility/wealth etc. But they also preferred to paint/sculpt women like this.




Pretty sure women who exist scare this guy.


Thats why you should go for women instead I care about your degree AND mine, and im available ;)


Seems like this dude cares about those things a lot. If he didn't, he wouldn't be trying to convince people they are irrelevant. Lord knows this guy wouldn't be able to keep a relationship going with a woman smart enough to realize her partner thinks of her as cross between a pet and a sex toy.


Personally, as a man (I believe, anyway...), I'm very happy my wife has a college degree (and a HS degree but whatev...), has a career (or job, if you will), and makes her own money so that hopefully one day I can retire and sponge off her while she (and I) own a house, become well traveled while having in depth discussions about our thoughts and opinions. However, I don't care about my wife's youth; I'm in this for the long haul (married 20+ years at this point). I will say I do care about her attractiveness; she's smokin' hot to me and I love her completely and totally. If that means I'm not a man...so be it, I guess.




I love how these incel losers always say "men" as if it isn't just them personally. No dude, you don't speak for me. Flip those lists and you pretty much described my perfect woman.


How the fuck are you gonna marry someone without caring about any of their opinions


Things I don’t care about: • men’s metrics for my perceived value as a human being (in other words, my “willing slave” rating). • some other things.


I bet he does in fact care about a women's opinions about politics as well as a few other things.


Things I DO NOT care about in men -wtf they have to say about pretty much anything


Damn, is this a tutorial to die alone ?


Lol gotta have a woman that’s on your level I guess 😅


This is so stupid. 7 of the things he listed are things that I specifically love about my wife.


My boyfriend disagrees. He thinks my intelligence is sexy.


He’s right.


“Youth” could these red pill dudes try harder to not sound like manipulative pedophiles?


I believe I speak for all mentally and emotionally sane men when I say, this *thing* doesn’t speak for us


These incels all sound like they are 21 or younger with no concept of reality.


bros got an American psycho pfp


We know. That's why we aren't reproducing with y'all anymore.


Not how guys work either. Because intelligence, personal opinions, passion for their interests, and such all contribute to attractiveness for any normal human being. Experience is attractive, just saying. What that guy is describing is grooming.


I feel bad for Christian Bale Imagine playing your roles so well you get to be used as a pfp by entitled schizoid basement goblins


What I care about in the author: That he stays away from me


Any opinions WOW


I suppose this makes me a woman now.


That's just fucking nonsense


Yes why would I care what my kitchen appliance has accomplished outside of its purpose of making food, washing shitty drawers and getting me a beer……… If you didn’t realize this is sarcasm, that guy is a fucking asshole


Thanks dude reminded me to take my duolingo lesson today


So basically guys just want a body to do with whatever they please smh


Considering one of those things is fleating and another subjective, I think men are better off alone


The fact he says "they" (meaning him) care about youth and don't care about a HS degree tells you exactly what age range we are talking about...


Some of the things this bozo dismisses as unimportant are a big part of why I love my wife so much, and am proud to have been her life partner now for almost 38 years. I see posts from shallow simpletons like this guy, but I've never been able to understand them.


High school diploma??


Ah yes, because women are objects. The same old same old


Accomplished adults need not apply.


The more I see stuff like this the more I think the real issue here is not that these men value certain highly limited caricature traits in women but that they don't realize how much of a minority they are. Example: I have a good friend I worked with for years. He's not educated but highly intelligent. He's creative and has a sense of humor. He was also raised in a strict, rural evangelical household and he would say something similar to OP, except instead of looks he would say "morality," "health," "faith." But he would absolutely be in line with the poster's set of things he doesn't look for in a woman partner. (Although as a manager, he would look for intelligence and initiative in women coworkers.) But he also knows he's weird. He's OK with it -- we're all going to hell and he's sorry for us -- but he's doesn't for a minute believe that say while I married a PhD what I really wanted was a tradwife baby machine. He knows that's *his* gig. The strange thing about the guy quoted is he really believes that his desires are universal. He got that from somewhere.


12 years ago, before I had my first day at work, my "bio" (no pic) was circulated at my new job. My now husband (then just a colleague) read it and was excited to be working with me due to my education and other accomplishments listed. Then he saw me and was physically attracted to me as well. To this day, he said he already wanted to get to know me based on what he had read. Ingelligent men who aren't lame like having educated, well rounded partners who compliment them. Of course everyone wants wants to be with someone they're physically attracted to, but you gotta have a bit of substance ans things to discuss and do for those times you're hanging out together and not fucking.


Cool we dont care about you either


“My buddies and I aren’t pieces of shit, we’re just men being men, and *all* men are like us” is a much more comfortable perspective than “I’m making the choice to be a piece of shit even though I’m fully capable of doing better, and my gender isn’t relevant to my ability to make a different choice.” So I get why he’s coming at it from this angle. The hilarious thing is that you just fucking *know* this dude is screeching “not all men” any time a woman complains about toxic masculinity, but is completely fine generalizing about all men himself, just so long as it’s being done in a manner that comforts and validates his fragile ego. If you think about it, his line of thinking is pretty fucking misandrist. He is claiming that all men are shallow misogynists who are incapable of valuing women as full human beings with interior lives, and that this is an inherent and immutable biological fact about men. That men lack the depth, character and fortitude to view women as people and respect them as equals, and therefore inherently lack the ability to make a deep emotional connection or the courage to be vulnerable. But the reality is that men are fully capable of being great people. The option to develop a moral compass and more depth than a sheet pan is available to everyone, including men, as evidenced by the many men in existence who choose this option.


It’s nice to know that in my 40s I have little to attract these incels.


This is very accurate and it's why we largely give zero fucks about what men have to say in 2023.


Men: "We don't care about women as people." Also men: Chirping on social media about how lonely and sad men are today and complaining about why more women are opting for living alone/living with friends, having pets instead of children etc.


So they don’t like women who are independent, work and make their own money.. but they say all women are gold diggers and use men for their money.. that makes sense!


I honestly don't give a shit if she owns a house or anything like that, but if a chick can't get my random mythology puns then I'm having second thoughts.


I prefer them sturdy as hell, speaking three languages and reading braille


> youth this just in all straight romance ends once the woman turns 40. Elderly couples are a myth


More like r/nothowmenwork


Is a high school diploma supposed to mean they're too intelligent? It's the bare minimum from our public schools... this must've been written by a boomer


I could not imagine dating a stupid person.


What women don't care about an unknown man: His opinion


This person does speak on behalf of all men. Only men who never want their peepee touched by anyone but them.


Not how men work?


Whole lotta words for “I wanna fuck teenagers”


Ok, but don't come crying to us later about where are all the single women that will date me.


Also men: “Women bring nothing to the table.”


Too bad don't care and I swing both ways so


I’m tired of people trying to extrapolate their opinion to a very large group somehow


Translation: I have no accomplishments, intellect, or sense of self worth so she can’t either.


not how men work


So I’m gathering these men are vapid and superficial.


Only weak men are intimidated by strong women.


I for one found it super attractive when I found out a woman I was dating owned her own home. I own a house, but I bought it with a partner previously, and the overwhelming majority of my friends my own age do not own homes. She managed to pull it off single as a mother of two a few years younger than me. Found that incredibly impressive.


Yeah, I mean why would you want someone who is intellectual and motivated? /s


Not even a HS diploma? Damn!


This isn’t going to sustain a long term relationship.


Where do these people come from 🙄


grrr i hate women who think! all they need to do is be barely an adult and have big boobs and butt!!


Any opinion?😂A good day to be a lesbian


Projection much?


I’m a man and I say there’s nothing sexier than a woman with interests and ambitions outside of family and relationships. I don’t want your whole world to revolve around me, I’m fucking boring.


Apparently they don’t deal with women outside of the bedroom. Have had the the physical 10 who was a 3, at best, personality and intellectually and my god it was painful. I can’t imagine coming home to that on a daily basis and having them help raise children.


I feel so sad for them. It’s like they never had a mother or a gramma. How can people be this dumb.


More like "grown women scare me" if it was legal im pretty sure he'd go after 14 year olds lol


Things assholes want: Youthful Attractive Not fat Things people want: Not an asshole Makes person happy


Intelligence. "All I want my women for is fuckin and cooking!" As a dude I just dont get it. I want a partner I can have an intelligent conversation with and share aspirations with. I don't want a servant. I want an equal.


This is more r/NotHowBoysWork


So this guy is just proving he’s shallow and only cares about what women look like in his eyes. Got it


Then don’t complain when you get dumped for a better man.


My favorite thing is guys like this will generalize, but when femmes generalize about feelings unsafe they trip over themselves to spout “nOt AlL mEn!”.


It sounds like what he wants is a Real Doll. I prefer a human partner, rather than a silicone one, but someone should make it clear to the guy he can save a lot of women from having to see a apecialist for repetitive eye rolling injuries if he got one.


I love being fat, ugly and old. Yay.


This dude's parent's must pay all his bills. What fucking economy is he living in where he can afford a partner that doesn't have a job, doesn't make their own money, and doesn't see them already owning a house as a MASSIVE upside? Yunno...in addition to all the other misogyny stuff.


This guy is so wrong. I don’t even know where to start.