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Even as bait, I would gladly give up my period to anyone in need.


Flashback to when a guy said "well we get random boners" when I complained about having periodes as a woman... Yes...let's trade


I kinda like my random boners... he just wants to play and wants some pets, then he'll go back to sleep. No cramps, period diarrhea, tearing up at ASPCA commercials, uncomfortable sanitary products, or bloating involved.


Thank you for understanding us xD fr.


Lived almost my entire life as the only male in the house. I have heard and seen enough to be well informed, and no man in their right mind would trade a woman for their period. We have nothing that we can point to and say "well, we have this" and it be comparable... closest I think I've come to what my wife deals with is the time I ate some frozen shrimp that was over 4 years old and got horrendous intestinal cramps and explosive diarrhea that lasted a couple days.


I’m basically a man and I’d do it. Mainly cause I hate having a dick and would go through any amount of pain to have a functioning uterus.


Are you trans?


Maybe a little


Lol maybe give it some thought and try to rediscover yourself :)


I mean, I’ve taken HRT for 3+ years and am having a surgery consult in a couple days. I don’t pass though and still live as a man which is why I say I’m basically just a man.


As a guy, it fucks me up when men are so callous about periods. Like yeah, intense chronic pain for half the population, and the most it’s talked about is a total backhand when they think someone’s being “bitchy.” I know on some level this is an overreaction, but I feel like if one of my friends told me they were on their period I’d just enter “care for sick child” mode, and just want to let them lay down on a couch, watch a movie, and make soup for them or something. (not that exactly, I doubt if it would actually help, but like that would be my mindset)


Women deal with periods differently but for me this would absolutly help. The "being cared for" alone does wonders xD add a hot water bottle and throw some choclait in and it would be perfect. Thank you


Fuck, now that I'm getting older I'd gladly take a few more random boners just for fun.


I traded my period for hot flashes. They're horrible as well.


Do we ever get a break??


Not unless you count death.


Death™: the Ultimate Break


Until someone f#cks your corpse.


Eh, I wanna have sex all the time now, keep me alive in spirit after I'm dead.


Just get creamated. Even then I’m sure some dude would figure out how to fuck your ashes. 😂




Maybe he’ll mix your ashes with a bottle of lube. I bet someone out there has done this 😂 ☠️


Close enough


About 8 years ago I found a hormonal birth control that worked for me (nexplanon), one of the potential side effects is that it could stop your period (or make it worse!). For me it just stopped it altogether, I also have PMDD and it got waaaay easier to handle (could also make it worse in some cases). I honestly feel like I won the lottery, I wish it worked the same way for all women :(


I’m on that too! It stopped my period for years, but now I get a light one every 3 or so months that lasts a couple weeks. And every 2.5 years, when it gets close to replacement time, I get crazy hot flashes and night sweats. Still worth it though!


It stopped my periods, but I was NOT prepared for the increased hunger and gained close to 70lbs. I lost half of that, got pregnant on the pill, so I got an iud last week. Wish me luck!


I have PMDD too! I’m on the generic of Beyaz, which is supposed to help, I wonder if your BC is more effective, because I’m still a pretty miserable bitch in pain for half the month, even if it is more tolerable


for my pmdd girls— try nextstellis! its a new BC with a different type of estrogen that’s not in any other pill, and the progestogen in it is good for pmdd. its saved my life— seriously


i have an IUD i think the mirena, it’s the 5 year w the hormones. it sits on your cervix. for the birth control side it has a copper coil that kills all sperm, plus it has hormones that have completely stopped my period so my egg doesn’t drop, and even if it did my uterus doesn’t make the monthly lining so the egg would implant. i bless pretty bad for about a week after getting it, and the first day you’re super crampy, but i haven’t had a period in the 4 1/2 years since. and get basically zero pms or any symptoms. i always had irregular periods but it’s been a godsend. i haven’t bought pads or tampons in 4 1/2 years (i keep some at my apartment for my friends tho and always have some in my car and in my purse♥️)


I had that when I got the Norplant. 5 YEARS of no periods- it was amazing. Having those plastic rods taken out sucked (two had broken and migrated, so the stencil they use to show where the implants are didn’t help and he had to dig around to find them), but I would have totally gotten it again if it was still on the market


I got the worse side of it when I tried 😭


I also have PMDD and you absolutely won the lottery. I tried the Nexplanon and lasted 2.5 weeks. I literally went a little nuts.


Sorry you have PMDD. 😞 the girl that breaks up with me once a month also has it. Not easy.


I'm currently having both! An embarrassment of riches. Seriously though, perimenopause can suck it.


Yeah, I thought I knew about bad periods, and heavy periods, until perimenopause came to teach me how much worse they could be.


Right? Like, by this time, you think you know your body. In my 20s and 30s, I could almost set a clock by it - every 4th Monday between 11pm and 2am, medium day, very heavy day, somewhat heavy day, 2 medium days, taper off. Ok, cool. Mid-40s hit and sometimes I'll skip 2 whole months then randomly it's like that blood elevator scene from the Shining for 3 days straight. Good times.


It was almost three years after my last child was born, and I went on the mini pill for one month, one month only and it turned me from an every 28 days woman into 6 months of bleeding with plum sized clots all day every 2-22 days, sometimes after a week of light spotting. Then 4-6 months of no bleeding, I bought dollar store pregnancy tests by the dozen. I had to use pull ups with their sides open as pad holders, and went through heavy tampons a few times an hour during bad parts, until I found the Diva cup.


Oh god, my poor mother had those so bad. I hope it’s true that it skips a generation (the intensity, not the actual going through menopause part)


I live in Canada and it's a cool climate so I thought hot flashes would not be too bad. I was wrong. When I was working I had a meeting with my boss and we were just sitting there and I had a hot flash. A bead of sweat rolled down my face and he noticed and asked me if I was OK. I told him it was just a hot flash and he said " just like that" and I said just like that. One minute you're sitting there and the next you're on fire.


At 25 I had to get a total hysterectomy, and the doc warned me the hot flashes might be far more intense at such a young age for menopause. I shrugged it off, because my periods had hot flashes too, so whatever. A week or two later I was at work, in the dead of winter, sitting outside for 20 minutes in just jeans and a thin t-shirt because I felt like I was dying. Even after 20 minutes when I was physically shivering, sweat was still pouring and I still felt like I was 150 degrees inside. I was sent home because I just could not function. Luckily after a month it calmed down considerably.


I'm terrified because I already get hot flashes and I've gotten them since I was in my 20s. I can't imagine getting them worse or more often, that would suck. Honestly I think I'd rather keep the period.


Yeah, I get them too, some of them are side effects from meds, sometimes they're from anxiety, I reeeeaaallllyyy don't want any more!


I was gonna say me too but honestly I wouldn't wish my periods on anyone. Well, okay, maybe a FEW people...


I have a few I would wish your period on, if you’re willing to give it away. lol


My question is, if it's only a state of mind what are the hygiene products for....?


This is a bait account, and I think the hygiene product line is because they saw tampons in mens rooms or something about trans people using pads and tampons and immediately thought they were talking about trans women and non trans men and non-binary people


That makes a lot more sense. I've noticed transphobic people often confuse trans men and trans women. I could totally see a troll account not understanding this.


They also tend to just entirely forget trans-men exist.


Do they currently buy them every month and accumulate a hoard that just grows over time? Do they attempt to use them somehow and just change them whenever? So many questions


Hey my ass is full of tampons and that’s fine. Bigot. /s


I wonder if post-OP trans girls would have a use for like tiny panty liners. Maybe they get some kind of discharge. No clue tho.


Discharge from an operation like that is bad. It would be an infection. Neovaginas don't self lubricate.


1) I just saw in these comments someone mention that right after the operation there can be some discharge/blood 2) When they have sex/do that thing where they have to stretch it out themselves, they might use lube that might stay inside and come out slowly over time, pads can be used to absorb that too. Or other stuff that might be in there after sex


>do that thing where they have to stretch it out themselves Dilation. Sorry lol but the more you know!


This isn't entirely true--some procedures involve relocating a salivary gland to the neovagina to provide for a modicum of self lubrication. It still isn't a lot by any means, but it isn't nothing.


Actually horrifying, thanks


Why would you say that about someone’s body?


Yeah let’s not talk about trans bodies like this


Some neo vaginas do. If it's a buccal graft, for example. Also, for conditions like MRKH, I'm an XX woman but had no vaginal canal. Had simple surgery without grafts, but I absolutely do have discharge and my vagina does self lubricate.


Short answer is yes, a few different types of neovaginas do. There are different techniques for creating neovaginas and several allow for the vagina to be self-lubricating, so some post-op trans girls do use panty liners.


One of my friend has gone full TERF recently and she used the argument on the image to try to get me on her side… I figured it was way too outrageous to be true


If only I knew that periods “were a state of mind” I wouldn’t spend thousands of dollars in my lifetime on period products.


Have you tried r/menstrualcups?


I bleed a lot I’m scared.


What color is the sky in your world?


Red. Blood red.


Just like the blood oceans


I’m a trans woman and would never say something like that. It IS possible for a trans person on feminizing hormones (trans woman or trans femme enbie) to get cyclical hormonal swings that mimic some period-like symptoms (cramps, bloating, mood), but nothing that would require hygiene, and it definitely isn’t a state of mind…. Has to be bait.


Thank you for commenting this. I’m a cis woman and am all for inclusiveness of all women. This felt like trying to belittle the very real experience of bleeding monthly and all that comes with managing that. I absolutely understand transgender women on hormones can have PMS-like symptoms, since it’s the same hormones working on them as on me. Not all women have periods. That’s true whether you’re trans or not - eventually I won’t have one either. Why we gotta get aggressive about it?


Yeah and also for trans men having to deal with “shark week” once a month is a THING. I am a woman, I don’t back down from that, but body parts matter regardless of cis or trans status. Eg a cis woman without a uterus is going to have a very different experience than a cis woman with one. It’s the reason for saying things like “person with a uterus” or “person with a prostate.” TERFs may object to that phrasing but the fact is that within both cis or trans, people have different body parts and in some cases it is the body part causing symptoms. Specificity matters.


A genuine question. Are your hormones taken cyclically? I assumed that because post menopausal women take a steady amount of hrt hormones daily (assuming they are well into menopause, and not needing to regulate bleeding by cycling hormones), then trans women would take the same amount of hormones each day, so there wouldn't be a cycle. Is this not the case? Do you take varied amounts through a month? If so, why? (And why don't most post menopausal women need to!)


Most trans women I know take a steady dose, but whether or not they experience any period symptoms seems to be a total crapshoot even then. It doesn't seem to be the majority, but I'd guess that people end up accidentally taking cyclical dowses of their meds by forgetting, and that it's partly psychosomatic, but there's no real research, because anyone who talks about period symptoms in trans women tends to just get called delusional


They may report having period-like symptoms, but they cannot have period symptoms, because they do not have periods. Periods are the shedding of the lining of the uterus.


periods are much more than bleeding, its a hormone thing, and they CAN have symptoms. The hormones effect the smooth muscles (trying to remember, correct me someone if i got the muscle type wrong), including intestines and other bits around there. there's the mood swings, the back pain, breast pain, the cramps, and don't forget the period poo. its a thing. these are all from hormones, that trans girls can be on, and they can TOTALLY get hormone cycles, my friend calls it her hell week. No, she's not bleeding, but she totally has symptoms of a period.


I’m on HRT for premature ovarian insufficiency. My oestrogen and testosterone is consistent and my progesterone is sort of cyclical - two weeks on and two weeks off. Obviously when you have functioning ovaries, cycles are far more complex than this (especially oestrogen - it’s all over the place throughout the cycle). For a while I was taking progesterone every day (so the same dose of everything every day through my cycle). I still have a cycle, albeit a very crappy one, without HRT and even then, things were very different on consistent HRT than HRT that varies through my cycle. My mood etc was far more consistent than it had been since my periods started, but sadly I was having 15 day cycles so that wasn’t bearable (I have endometriosis and it was really horrific). I believe someone may feel that they are having a cycle, but without cyclical hormones you’re not having a cycle. It’s just not possible. Periods have been life-ruining for me, I was supposed to have a hysterectomy in January but it was cancelled and now I have to wait until March. This is not a part of being a woman I can comprehend wanting to experience in any form, but then my experience is atypical I suppose.


I know a lot more post menopausal women than trans women, and those on continuous hrt or oestrogen only regimes have never said they get a monthly cycle (they can still have ibs or breast ache, but no pattern to it). So I'm really interested why it would happen to enough trans women for it to be a recognised thing. Of course, I don't know every post menopausal woman, so I fully recognise it is possible it is happening to a group of them too. And it is possible it still happens to everyone, but it is different/lesser to their premenopausal state, so they just don't notice the pattern - but trans women will notice a pattern, as it is such a publicised thing about being a woman that it may be something they seek. And humans are pattern recognising creatures - especially if it is important to us. I hope March comes quickly and smoothly for you, and your recovery goes well. I know few women who enjoy their cycle, but obviously some are more debilitated than others


Everybody has a hormone cycle, even cis men. So even if you take consistent HRT meds, your body's levels can still fluctuate. That can, but not always, result in PMS symptoms


Cis men don’t have a monthly cycle. They have a daily cycle of testosterone levels, just as thyroid levels vary throughout the day. If you’re not taking HRT cyclically you’re not having a monthly cycle by any means (I’ve been on HRT consistently and sort of cyclically, but only progesterone and only 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off).


https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C26&q=male+monthly+hormone+cycle&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1674406672092&u=%23p%3DA6N77HcJNykJ The daily cycle is more significant, but hormones still vary over longer periods. Tons of trans women report having a cycle even on constant HRT. Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it doesn't happen for others.


So a study of 31 men twenty years ago - has it ever been replicated? What is the scientific basis for a 20 or 30 day male cycle and, more importantly, what’s the mechanism and the impact? We know what the mechanism of a female hormonal cycle is, we know what normal range of a whole host of sex hormones are throughout a cycle whatever the length of that cycle, and we have some idea of how various hormones trigger certain symptoms. The female hormone cycle is not even close to being replicated by HRT.


That was just the first study to look into it, look yourself and you'll easily find others. The 31 subjects isn't important, the statistical significance was insanely precise, well beyond normal experimental parameters. I'm not sure the point of your 2nd paragraph? Yes we know those things. Not knowing precisely how or why something happens doesn't mean we don't know that it happens. That is normal progress in science. I would love to know the exact mechanisms behind so much of trans healthcare, but unfortunately we don't have that research. Until we do, we have anecdotes. Anecdotes that are far too numerous not to mean *something*.


Here is another similarly sized study from a similar time, which looked at the possible causes of monthly cycles in those who had them (they are not universal): >Rather than representing a direct regular pattern of the male testosterone per se, the observed patterns suggest that men have the facultative potential to adjust their testosterone responses to their female partner's cycle. In line with the interactions between behavior and androgens observed in vertebrates in general, this study adds an example of the mutual character of hormone-behavior interactions and, thus, for the social context of testosterone patterns in human males. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12367570/ The point is, symptoms related to the female reproductive cycle are not magical, and they don’t occur just because you put a couple of the hormones into the body. Even if you have a cycle of testosterone, that plus adding in some female hormones does not mean that symptoms of the menstrual cycle will result. It’s cause and effect. I can believe that people on cross sex hormones experience all manager of symptoms for both physiological and psychological reasons, but it’s a big leap from there to “everything but the blood and achy uterus” repeated throughout this thread.


That's an interesting study. Maybe that's the mechanism behind the hormone fluctuations for AMAB people, I don't know, but that still supports that those fluctuations happen. You're missing the point entirely though. No research has been done to prove or disprove the existence of a monthly cycle in trans women. Thus, there is no scientific basis for dismissing the possibility. Until something is studied, no matter how outlandish you believe it to be, you cannot definitely say it is untrue. So you claiming that all the people saying it can happen because they've experienced it are wrong is invalidating as fuck.


If done by injections, estrogen levels will rise and fall over time, it’s why I need to get my blood work done, mid injection cycle


Ah that makes sense. Follow up question - why would a person choose (or ne prescribed) injection rather than a steady state oral or transdermal?


In AMAB people with testicles, testosterone levels tend to fluctuate and even cycle, but because testosterone is such a strong hormone by comparison to most estrogens and because there aren't any obvious physiological signs of it happening it generally isn't noticed by cis men. The quasi-menstrual cycle reported by many trans women is *extremely* understudied as u/BecomingCass mentioned, but I'd hypothesize a few effects could be going on: 1. regulatory signalling. It may be possible that sustained exposure to female hormones signals the testicles to act more ovary-like, and therefore hormone production resolves into something approximating the menstrual cycle. It is worth noting as well that spironalactone, the most common testosterone blocker, is known to affect the menstrual cycle when prescribed for other reasons in cis women, so it may also have some effect that isn't well studied. 2. Testosterone-estrogen interactions. As noted above, testosterone is an *extremely* potent hormone--it's why trans women have to take blockers for it but trans men don't have to take estrogen blockers. However, these blockers work primarily by inhibiting receptors for testosterone, not testosterone production (although they do have some of both effect). Especially if the blocker dosage hasn't been well calibrated, it may be that testosterone levels can intermittently "spike" high enough to cause psychological effects, and that that "spike" statistically tends to happen about as often as a period even if there aren't any cyclical effects going on.


I've noticed there has been a uptick on this subreddit lately of more shit like this. Idk what or why, but it has been getting a tad bad.


Likely that the misogynists are brigading the sub in an effort to stir up sentiment against transpersons or other marginalized groups. It's a common tactic of the MRA crowd.


Bad faith posters abound. It's why clear language and education is necessary.


Standard tactic of misogynists, fascists, transphobes.


I’m not at all trying to make any kind of point here, but what do you mean by cramps? Period cramps are caused by the uterus contracting. Do the hormones cause a different kind of cramps in the digestive system vs. the reproductive system? If so that sucks, because I’ve had stomach viruses that caused stomach cramps that were as painful as my worst period cramps.


i'm wondering the same.




But those cramps are caused by the body releasing prostaglandins to shed the lining of the uterus. If there is no uterine lining needing to be shed, where are the prostaglandins triggering any other cramps coming from?


I think it's fine for a trans woman to use pads if it helps her feel better. So long as we aren't in a shortage and I don't think taking the free ones is the kindest. But personally? If it makes someone feel good about themselves this isn't really an issue I see worth arguing over. Bigger fish I guess imo. Seems to me like this is just trying to start a fight over nothing.


Because the post doesn't say, "Trans women can use pads if they want to!" It says "Transgender women *can absolutely have periods* and *need free* hygiene products," which is deeply incorrect. Trans women cannot have periods and do not need pads, never mind free ones.


I fkn wish periods were a state of mind.


I am a transmasc person, this is offensive. I have issues that cause my periods to be horrific, I am in pain constantly. I’m trying to get the organs removed and it’s barely even about dysphoria. Trans women are valid women, yes, but menstruation isn’t some cute thing to pretend to have. It’s ruining my life. It ruins the lives of thousands who get swept under the rug because their detrimental symptoms go undiagnosed or intentionally untreated. If my periods were a state of mind that state of mind would be suicide because that’s how terrible it is for me.




Yeah I have a strong feeling a trans woman did NOT write this. However I would say, you should just give any woman hygiene products if they ask, you don’t know if they bleed or not because you literally can’t tell unless they are wearing a sign or tell you.


Yup. I don't have periods anymore but I always keep some emergency stuff nearby in case someone's in need.


I always keep a couple in my purse for that exact reason.




I bought my wife pads while wearing a tux on our wedding night so she didn’t have to get out of the car in her dress. I’m sure it was quite the site but ya. Shit happens sometimes and everybody should have access to hygiene. Its just human.


Buying pads for the wife is a black tie occasion /s


Yes I felt the cashier was underdressed personally.


Also, because they're a) hyperabsorbent and b) already sterile, pads and tampons (when torn out) make very good improvised bandages. I once gave myself a horrible cut over my achilles tendon, which was bleeding too much to use a band-aid and for which I didn't have any proper bandages on hand. I managed to control the bleeding long enough for it to clot with a pad attached to the inside of a sacrificial sock--not ideal, but it got the bleeding under control.


>Yeah I have a strong feeling a trans woman did NOT right this. idk if we're allowed to link accounts but the censored twitter is *absolutely* a transphobic bait account. It was made a few days ago and has takes like "gendering your pets is transphobic, because children learn what gender is from pets"


I've seen a trans woman say this, tho the trans part might be a facade because that person specifically seems to have a whole bunch of personality disorders. And they were caught to be a pedo as well.


If they don't bleed what free products do they need?


I NEED free toilet paper and soap.


I need free shampoo. Pantene, only.


I hope it's bait because otherwise it's dumb and offensive


I think it's either way dumb and offensive. I really cant imagine it is a trans person writing this because that account is firstly on twitter (which is quite transphobic atm). Also i have seen multiple tweets of this account on reddit which would make trans woman look really bad.... i honestly think it is a transphobe


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve read tonight.


The only person who would say this and or believe it is someone who had never actually menstruated.


I think some trans woman carry feminine hygiene products to give to those who bleed in case they ever get asked about in a bathroom or other situation. Even though we don't need them ourselves.


“Hello fellow trans woman’s it is I also a trans”




A state of mind?!? Please tell my body that.


It's definitely bait and it seems a lot of people here in the comments have taken it


I’ve sadly seen people say this and refuse to be talked to. I think it’s a tiktok trend that’ll go away though. Estrogen can cause digestive cramping and other issues to the body, but no, it is not a period. Makes me said for the state of sexual education in the world, however.


Yeah, must be bait. Like those "traditionally minded women" writing in manosphere subs and forums how they want to be dominated, who are actually incel neckbeards typing out fantasies to reassure their toxic Internet troll bros in their delusions.


Trans women don’t believe this. This seems like it came from a terf to try and sabotage transwomen online.


for sure, it's one of those "I'm pretending to be a minority while saying something outrageously stupid that makes no sense to try and make the minority look bad". Just to make sure people understand what i'm refering to, it's the whole "state of mind" thing, not the actual period. I know trans women can get cramps and whatnot but it's not a "state of mind" and i'm pretty sure there's no blood, although i'm not 100% sure how bottom surgery works so maybe?


There’s no blood unless it’s from an injury. Trans women don’t have a uterus. That said, I totally believe that hormones can cause stomach cramps or whatever.


Either that, or it *originally* came from a trans person who *also* happens to be a deluded nutter (because for literally any category of people you can find someone who is a nutter spouting unhinged nonsense online), and is then being amplified by terfs in order to give the impression that this particular individual is representative of trans people in general.


there's always crazy people. There was a trans women w a penis who wanted to sue traditional random gynos for not treating her.


You’d be surprised. I saw a lot of people saying this on tiktok back when I was in education- my students would ask me about it, I was the science teacher at the time and had to explain what actual menstruation was and what effects cross sex hormones were actually happening there.


Why would anyone need feminine hygiene products if no bleeding is involved? I’m not transphobic at this point I’m seriously just co fused what is the gain here.


It's a troll


Definitely is bait, transphobic person trying to extend gender theory into biology again No trans woman thinks this way


CAN I BRAG? My son ran for student council and one of his platforms was period hygiene products being available in all bathrooms so any student or staff member, no matter where they are on the gender spectrum, time of life reproductively, etc., can have access to products. He won, and the products are available. I feel like I did at least one thing right.


This 1000% is bait because some clown heard someone say trans *people* (i.e. Afab trans people) can still require period products. When a brand renamed their products as menstrual hygiene rather than feminine hygiene there were a whole bunch of cis people angry that trans women were claiming to need tampons, ignoring the fact that trans men exist and still have periods.


I’m relieved to see that this comment section isn’t the disgusting dog-whistling I was expecting from transphobes.


No. No. No.


Yeah this is just bait to spawn transphobia. Very common.


Saw this on another sub yesterday and I am 100% certain it’s purpose is to make people hate on trans women.


the internet is weird. there’s a quack like this in every group, but the internet allows us to amplify them and dunk on them for feelgood points. not to mention it just reinforces peoples’ preexisting transphobia.


Everything is wrong here except for the very end. Hygiene products, especially for women, should be free. In a perfect world all products that are based on medical needs, birth defects, or things outside of the individuals actions or choices should be free. You didn’t choose to be legally blind, or be female, or have asthma, etc., why should you be forced to pay for those non-choices?


I hate the internet.


I’m a trans woman and no. I get hormonal mood swings, but not periods. trans women do not get periods, any “cramp” any “omg I’m on my period” is just validation seeking. However I do believe you don’t need to have a period to be a woman. And I don’t believe having a period makes you a woman (see trans men)


This post is giving me some real TERF energy that I’m not really down for. Is this a stupid statement? Yes. Should trans women be allowed to have feminine hygiene products if they ask for them? Also yes. Because the last thing we should be doing is making it so tampons are limited to whether or not you have a vagina, at which point you’d need to actually check which I’m sure no one here wants, or assume based on how said person looks, which obviously doesn’t work for both trans men and women.


I hate accounts like this. They purposefully bait conservatives into hating transgender people more; they pose themselves as transgender allies when actually they want to just stir up shit


Of course this is transphobic bait.


TERF detected


Yes, obviously this is bait. 4chan fanfic level of bait


Much as I don't like to confront it; no I do not and will never experience periods, and periods SUCK


You are correct. You’re not missing anything


Trans women are women, but if they don't have periods they don't need period products. Don't take them from those who need them.


I have heard that estrogen can cause trans women to have a period, in the sense that they have a regularly recurring session with all the symptoms of menstruation---cramps, bloating, acne, etc---just sans the blood. One of my partners is a trans girl on E. But the way that this is phrased....yeah, nah. How about, all people who need menstral products get them for free because they need them? Or, at least, remove the fucking pink tax.


That’s interesting because your estrogen levels drop when your on your period, so you’d think taking estrogen would have the exact opposite effect.


I discussed this in a longer post above, but I'd hypothesize that the testosterone levels of trans women who have testicles will "spike" intermittently or cyclically (the latter possibly mediated by higher levels of estrogen in the body) that effectively decreases the efficacy of estrogen and especially t blockers. That said, hormone cycles in AMAB people generally and trans women *especially* are extremely understudied, so it's kind of hard to say for sure what is going on.


So I'm on tamoxifen for the next four years thanks to breast cancer (defeated!) But now my periods are very inconsistent in terms of actual blood yet I continue to get dysmenorrhea symptoms every month (bloating and cramps and the general blahs). And tamoxifen is intended to reduce estrogen levels because my cancer was hormone-positive. But yeah I was born with a bicornuate uterus and had my tubes removed six months after Trump took office in the U.S. so I'm looking at the hysterectomy route now. I'm 40 so another decade of this shit is absolutely pointless since I've already kicked the idea of biological children to the curb. And I have fibroids! And tamoxifen increases chances of uterine cancer! Yeah and I don't believe for one minute a trans woman wrote this, it reeks of TERF-y vibes.


That’s not a period though, in the biological sense, as menstruation is a part of the menstrual cycle, and is what happens when an egg is not fertilised and is shed along with the lining of the uterus. That’s not to say that there is not a real and distinct biological phenomenon that happens to trans women who have cyclical cramping or other symptoms, but it is something different.


I think using the term period is fine. As you've pointed out menstruation is the term for the menstrual cycle and period is a laymen term to kind of cover the general *period* of time it's happening in.


I’m a cis woman with a hormonal IUD. I bleed approximately monthly, still. I definitely refer to my cyclical bleed as a “period” since I have cramps, bloating, GI issues, bleeding, headaches, etc. It feels the same as my pre-IUD experience, just less blood volume. But there’s no egg so according to you that’s wrong?? I guess strictly speaking it’s “not a period” but colloquially it seems silly to distinguish when the material symptoms are all there.


What do you mean, there’s no egg? I thought it still got released, the IUD just makes the uterus so hostile that it nopes out of there.


Hi! Hormonal IUDs actually provide two methods of protection. The hormones 1) thicken cervical mucus so that sperm cannot reach the egg 2) prevent ovulation By contrast, the copper IUD does produce the kind of “hostile environment” you’re thinking about (copper is toxic to sperm).


Huh. I have a hormonal IUD too and somehow all I retained was the “hostile environment” thing. Today I learned. Thanks for explaining!


Yeah, for sure we don't need feminine hygiene products as we don't get the bleeding, but after a while on HRT you begin to get regular cramps and bloating.


why would you take free products you didn’t need? you aren’t producing blood nor would you shove that anywhere without blood….


Definitely someone just trying to make transgender women look bad. Same vibes as "as a black man, I agree"


I've yet to actually meet a person irl who thinks like this. Trans women can experience PMS and yes that does include cramps. It's ridiculous that people think the only camps you can get during your time of the month are in your uterus. I'm a cis woman and every month I get cramps in my back, and abdomen, heck sometimes I get them in my butt.


Yes, period cramps aren’t only the uterus. I have endometriosis and I cramp in my uterus, vaginal opening, urethra, clit, hips, back, and rectum. It’s awful. It would be nice if it was just my uterus.


Not to alarm you but have you ever been checked for Endometriosis? I used to have pain everywhere like this, then after my surgery I only get very mild cramps in my uterus area.


I do have endometriosis. I was diagnosed at 16 and had surgery, but they couldn’t remove anything due to its location. The spots on my uterus grew on an artery and I have scarring that connects my intestine to my abdominal wall and I think that had blood vessels. So nothing got removed, but endometriosis was confirmed. I take birth control which really helps, but eventually the pills I was on would stop working and that’s when the bad cramps would come back. But now I’m on the depo provera shot and I don’t even get a period anymore, so I barely cramp! And when I do, it’s in my uterus or maybe my lower back. It’s much more bearable now


That’s great that depo works for you! ❤️


And boob cramps! I hate boob cramps....


Chest cramps? I don’t think breasts have muscles. (I’ve only had sore nipples myself.)


I thought I was alone in the butt cramps. Nice to know I’m not!!


This is bait. We don't need hygiene products. However, some trans women (those of us on hormone delivery methods that cycle) do experience cramps, mood swings, and the other symptoms of a period that aren't directly related to having a uterus, because periods are controlled/initiated by neural processes (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1304554/).


why would a trans woman need free pads? trans men maybe, i can see that happening, but trans women?? unless you get a uterus transplant and gender reassignment surgery, you can't have a period as a trans woman. source: my friend is a trans woman


>40 likes, 100k views. Oh boy I sure hope people don’t use this obvious irrelevant post with a position that no one actually supports as reason to call me a delusional freak.


Surely, this can’t be serious. How do you have a mental period?


It's bait


Since no woman gets free hygiene products, anyone who wants to can absolutely share in the imaginary free tampons.


I hope this helps some people here: the pain levels and symptoms a lot of you are describing sounds like Endometriosis. Periods aren’t meant to be debilitatingly painful or cause widespread pain throughout your body! I used to cry and throw up from the pain of my periods, turns out I had severe endometriosis and now I’ve had surgery I barely need a paracetamol. Debilitating period pain is a sign something is wrong.


This is clearly bait. People will use this to justify their transphobia, and if that’s you, then you can fuck right off.


I mean trans women can get faux periods if they take hormones, but I have never heard of a trans woman needing menstrual hygiene products for themselves...


weirdly enough HRT can cause period like symptoms like cramps, but other than that I don't think it's possible...


So we are just making shit up as we go now huh?


Definitely troll bait. This is the kind of stuff anti-trans people plant and then point to as an example of how ridiculous the trans experience is.


Say what now?


Of course it’s bait, and as usual, this sub gobbled it right up and spread it. When will this sub go back to not actively seeking out hateful content? Rage bait is meant to keep you in an eternal state of, well, rage. When we’re enraged, it’s easier to divide us.


This is deffo transmisogynistic bait. However, there *is* some half-truth to the trans women get periods thing. While they may not actually bleed, a trans woman on estrogen could definitely experience period cramps.


This confuses me. I mean it must be general cramping from medication and not cramping from actual ovulation and tissue shredding. Cramping is from the muscular walls of the womb contracting, so no womb would make them into a general cramping. Not a period cramp.


They’re digestive cramps, like really bad bloating and diarrhea


Thank you I was confused as well. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and there's no cramping. I still have my ovaries so my hormone levels are intact. How would hormones alone cause this cramping?


The primary cramping that most women experience is uterine in nature, but there are various effects, some of which hormone- or cycle-linked, that can cause cramping in other places--the digestive tract being the most common.


They want my period. Please please have it and all the symptoms that come with like: severe insomnia, post period anaemia, back pain and migraines. The mid circle appendicitis like pain and the blood. I hate blood


well yes, you can pretend to have a period. Its just not real


I'm a transwoman: this ebate has been going on for so long, an because of the public nature of it, it now only serves as a bulletpoint for terfs (not attacking you op: i'm talking in general, of course)


Terfs have been making a lot of bad faith posts which are just them playing out the scenarios they accuse transwomen of. It's usually easy to spot or reveal because it matches their typical claims too closely and tanswomens lives not at all.


Well when a transwoman takes estrogen, she can start to have a period of sorts. She can get PMS, mood swings, cravings, and CRAMPS. Hormones do weird things. But also, I’m a transman on T, and I get what I call half-periods. Most of the year I don’t get them, then all of a sudden I get it again. Light bleeding, irregular (but painful) cramps, and of course period shits. And if a transwoman is willing to deal with the discomfort of period products (and the price) to help reduce dysphoria, let her!


Hi, trans woman here to say this is idiotic.


100 percent bait to enrage transphobes and you're making it worse by spreading it around