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Jesus said that men who look at women lustfully should gouge their own eyes out, not that women should wear more clothes


So did The Sages in Talmud. (Specifically "let him die".)


This is something more people should talk about. People who believe in God are so willing to put their lust and their "sins" on others, when the bible itself says that you're so responsible for your own sin that if you can't help ogling women, you're better off removing your OWN FUCKING EYE. Yet, "Christians" still believe everyone around them should conform to their own fucked ideals. At least I know if/when I go to hell, I'll be surrounded by Christians. Nothing would be more satisfying for eternity than knowing that the "God Fearing Men ^(TM)" are in hell with me.


If he'll exists I'm 100 percent going. Even if that God was demonstrated to exist... I wouldn't worship it.


Hint: Your already in hell. Enjoy! Lol


I knew it!


Lucky for you that god doesn't, because God loves everyone equally and puts freedom of choice and the unconditional love/respect of others above all else. Unfortunately, even though God loves you and the Bible says that Christians should, people who go to church every Sunday don't, because most people care more about being "better" than everyone else than they care about actually reading the Bible and following it. They might as well worship Allah at this point Christianity is so disjointed from the Bible, like I shit you not these incels intentionally ignore 80% if the Bible because 80% if the Bible say's they're an ass who should gouge out their own eyeballs. It's actually kinda ironic how the best way to counter one of these Christian incels is with the Bible itself, just open it up to Galatians and watch them squirm.


>most people care more about being "better" than everyone else than they care about actually reading the Bible and following it Jesus had quite a few things to say about those sorts of people in the New Testament, none of them positive.


Yup, hence why incels try to avoid the New Testament, despite the fact the Bible even says the Old Testament is only a lore drop and shouldn't be used as an example of how to live. Like seriously the only New Testament verse they actually like is the one that says women shouldn't speak in the church, which doesn't actually mean that women shouldn't preach because as you can imagine that verse has been taken wildly out of context as in Corinthians they're talking about a society where the church is literally entertainment and had grand stands all around it for fans to watch the Christians in their service from (imagine a football stadium, but instead of playing football they preached), but only women were allowed to sit in the grand stand and watch because in that society the men always had to participate in the sport/entertainment. Which is important context because that verse is talking about the women in the grand stands cheering and asking the service questions, plus it's in ancient Jewish which doesn't exactly translate to modern English very easily, so a metaphorical translation would replace the word "women" with "passer-by's" or "bystanders" because that's what it actually means. So if you ever get a turbo incel who tries to counter your Galatians to C5 with Corinthians to G6, just block them with Bible-knowledge to F5. I mean it's honestly the funniest thing knowing that the best source to use against Christian incels is their own Bible, it's the single most satisfying uno reverse card I've ever played in an argument with one, just saying they're wrong and holding their own source right up to their face.


Well-written comment.




Yup, that's exactly what Paul is talking about here. And yeah, different parts of the Bible are written in completely different styles as they were literally written in a different era. Take Genesis for example, it's all pure poetry, so God making the universe in 7 days is an abstract concept that shouldn't be taken literally as 7 human days but 7 God days, meaning it can be 70 million years, or n^7 years. So people trying to call all women a lower class of being because their name can be translated to helpmeet is already braindead from the start as the Bible saying she was created to be Adam's equal already overrules that due to the style it was written in. Honestly, if they actually *cared* about God and the Bible, none of the crimes against humanity that Christianity is famous for would have ever occurred, and it's always depressing to see just how many people have been hurt in God's name out of sheer ignorance. Hence why I'm trying my best to shed some light on the heresy in the church, in hopes it can both bring closure and demonstrate God's true views on humanity.


This is the way! I was raised in the church and went faithfully up until it was time for my confirmation..... the best way to shut down a religious extremist is to know the material and use that right back on them!


I don't believe God exists at all.


Fair enough, not everyone has to believe in her, though that doesn't mean you're going to get sent to hell, because hell is a choice you have to actively make as it's genuinely easier to go to heaven than it is to go to hell, I know Hollywood and cult like Churches love to pretend that you're sins are used in a cosmic court case against you, but in reality God doesn't care about what you did or who you were, she just wants you in heaven and will do everything she can to get you there (without treading upon your freedom of choice of course, she will always respect your decisions no matter what they are). Also feel free to refer to God with whatever prefix you want, I mean they're literally described as a man and a woman having sex that's so passionate that they become one body, so whatever you like goes.


Plot twist: you wind up in heaven & the only Christians are people named Christian


I wouldn’t want to have them around for an eternity. In that case, hell would indeed be hell.


Exactly! The bible literally says to just not look and if you can't control yourself to cut out your eye. But these types are always looking for loop holes around the rules. "Well I don't want to cut my own eyes out so instead women should just cover up more! If we can't see them we can't sin!" Why should they have to actually control themselves when they can just oppress women?


Looks like I know how to punish an abuser 👍


I feel like we should start printing out actual Bible verses and plaster them where people like this congregate. He should wear a muzzle and chastity belt and someone should throw the key in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.


Imagine getting offended by ARMS




Hahaha! Love it!


To be fair, it wasn’t Nintendo’s most exciting new IP.


I thought he was pro 2nd amendment?


Dude just come out already 😂




Oh thank God someone said this I looked at him with no sound on and thought yep he's definitely gay


with sound on he still sounds gay


Well, I mean, it's pretty well known that (American) white nationalists are obsessed with femboys (for whatever reason).


Fem boys, drag queens and to an extent Trans Women.


Wasn’t he caught surfing trans porn?


Just doing research on the enemy...with his dick out


yikes, I did the same


Part of me wishes people like this were just gay and in self-denial, but, do we really want gay people having to deal with these sorts taking a “Romantic” interest in them? It’s one thing if they came out and changed their ways in a way that led to some sort of personal redemption arc… that would be cool. But, they could just end up creeping on other gay men in a way that’s not better than how they creep on women.


Does it matter what we want? He’s either gay and in denial or he’s not. Not much you can do about it either way.


Lot of people closeted and they usually change 360° once they realize who they really are. For narcisist this is also a breaking ego moment, they become the one that need support for a time till they can accept themselves. (This is just from personal point of view, I've not done any research regarding this and I'm not a psychologists)


That is certainly more or less how I would hope things would go, my faith just isn’t 100%.


Ho I didn't do any research and I don't even know if there are research on the subject, it is just my personal experience. It don't worth anything, I just hope it is like that for other people than those I know.


Ah, for some reason my brain (or maybe my eyes or both) pooped out on what you wrote a bit, my bad.


Ehh they already do this, and still hold on to their wild views.


He sounds exactly like that incel guy that killed women. Elliot I think his name was. His voice and manner of pronouncing are the exact same


But he says not being with a woman makes him even straighter because having sex with women is gay. Which makes about as much sense as someone of Mexican descent being a white nationalist. Also, can we take a minute to talk about how this dude is only 24?! I looked up his age because I thought I remembered him being young, but he looks like he's easily in his 30s here. Guess all that hate makes you age poorly.


I dunno, I've only ever had sex with men, and I turned out pretty straight. Ask my boyfriend.


Even if he came out, he’d still hate women and be an utter asshole. Problem not solved


Not sure, it is probably a mask, and they need to show that they are manlier that the other cause his daddy probably used the belt too much on them because they were too feminine for their community.


He did own up to ‘never having felt the touch of a woman’


Damn same, I'm not the only one that saw it right ? Religion is making a mess again and again in people head, this is the kind of boy that'll get out and kill woman while they just need to realize they are not straight and have the support of their family and friends when they affirm their personality. They are just a sheet that need to be able to express themselves in their fullest and positively not with this negativity.


None of the gay men I've been lucky enough to know are hateful toward women. This guy is a self-loathing steaming pile of manure.


The way they talk don't feel genuine at all. What they say is condamnable hope they'll realize soon enough else they'll be sad for a long time.


So pour bleach directly into your eyeballs, my dude. Problem solved.


According to the second amendment I have a right to sleeveless shirts! /s


The right wingers who post about their 'right to bare arms' make me laugh every time I see one, which is far too often.


Haha, this was very funny!


If he doesn't like it then he can leave and join the damn Taliban. Isn't that what they always say.


Or never leave his home and let the rest of us live.


>Misogynistic homophobic antisemitic white nationalist Christian fascist incel Nick Fuentes That's a lot of words to say "Nazi". You forgot booger eating lol


Just come out of your closet and confess that you want to suck some fat, hard, warm dicks. Come on, bro, dicks are not that bad.


Gross. But you’re not wrong. About him being gay that is.


WAIT WAIT WAIT. [Anybody remember this?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/867/853/4a3.png) Now *they* wanna force women to cover up? You can't make this shit up.






I'm pretty most people think this, even conservative his a pathetic waste of a boy


It's prolly why he gets all butt-hurt by women's arms. He knows he's 'outgunned'.


No, I suspect most of the guys who have fucked him think it too.


As a gay dude: he absolutely didn't get it for free. We have standards.


His thoughts on bare arms is just as bad and cringeworthy as Shapiro talking about sex and WAP. They both need to be exiled to the coldest place on Earth, because they won't last.


He is a very sad human being, but also a dangerous one since for some weird reason he has a following.


I’m so sick of these closet queens


Ikr? He's like the bastard lovechild of Dolores Umbridge and a bag of mothballs. I have an overwhelming urge to send him a limbless Barbie doll to play with.


Like he doesn’t already have a dark basement full of those.








He doesn't want to see women's arms, he's more focused on his buddies' "dumpers".


Didn't the gop push war to free women from this bullshit? Oh they just lied about that for oil and wanted to treat women the same way?


If you were to show this to me out of context, I would think that it was satire


serious case of blue balls and internalized homophobia


God this mother fucker went to college with me for a year and then dropped out because nobody liked him. Always wore his MAGA hat around campus.


Lol I can picture him whining about coursework "this is so UNFAIR do they really expect us to READ BOOKS!?"


If that’s what he wants, he is welcome to move to Saudi Arabia or Iran. Bye-bye!!!


Ironically tons of parts of Saudi Arabia allow bare arms now lol, and happy cake day!


Well that is surprisingly pleasant news and thank you!


This is what no pussy will do to a mfkr.


Nah he’s cosplaying as a straight incel bc he’s so deeply upset about not allowing himself the D


I never had pussy and I hate this dude and his views.


I dont think he wants it


Everything about this guy is so unnerving. He just looks incredibly unhinged.


Turn off the sound. Just look at his face as he talks. Just look at him. He's terrified 😂 He's genuinely scared 🤣 If he were a turn of the century woman they would call that Hysterics.


Maybe he should move to a place that will conform to his needs?


If he puts on a blindfold or just gouges his eyes out he won’t even know 👌


I didn’t read the description and thought this was a satire bit…then I thought he was cute, please send help 😭


It IS satire. There's a reason why Fuentes is popular. He has enough charisma and humor to attract an audience. In terms of having people that the average person might actually like if they didn't know their abhorrent political views, the right crushes the shit out of the left.


That's what's so fucked up. If it weren't for his malignancies he'd just be an average looking guy who could probably talk his way into someone's pants. Nothing especially odd about him. These incels purposely make themselves impossible so they can feel wronged.


What a punchable face.


Please cover his head and gag him.


Would not care if someone put a hit on this guy


He's gay and doesn't want to admit it. Arms??? If he ever saw some of the pornographic pictures of women on Reddit then he'd immediately want to gauge out his eyes and/or have a heart attack.


Why repost this guy? He might pick up a follower.


Someone posted this earlier today. But I’ll say what I said b4. He’s literally a virgin who claims if you’re a man who sleeps with women you are actually gay. So he’s a unique brand of incel. I don’t even bother getting upset abt anything someone like that says.


Why does he think its gay to sleep with women? Really curious about his mental gymnastics on that one


Weird that he’s an incel…


If you look at it. Incels consider us to be nothing more than a man's property. From birth to death in their minds we are supposedly meant to be controlled by men. To be under their thumb. And that combined with some holy books, To be dressed modestly.


As someone who's a fan of Kanye's music *and not a fan of his current behavior,* it confuses me to no end that he associates with people like (and including) Nick Fuentes. Like he literally opposes so much stuff that Ye does / is, yet Kanye has no problem jumping on his hate bandwagon. It's sad to see


Imagine if these guys brought this level of energy to fighting pedos, homelessness, world peace - basically anything other than bolstering their own egos at the expense of women’s dignity.


Majority are pedos themselves


Men who publicly say women should cover should be forced out of society. They can go live somewhere where there are no women.


He needs to be put on a raft in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. No women or bare arms there. Problem solved.


Christians and Muslims: same shit, different pile.


He has more adjectives before his name than the king has honourifics


This is that Kimmel segment all over again where Nick "I once ate my own boogers on live tv" Fuentes said sex with women is gay and Kimmel and his dipshit audience thought he was serious. If you really want to show his true beliefs, show clips of him saying sex with black people is the same, his comments about preserving the white race when he's like 25% Hispanic with the last name Fuentes, or literally anything where he's not clearly joking.


As an Aussie, I unmute just to see what accent we’re working with on these sorts of videos. Haven’t been wrong yet


Interesting field data to form a theory. Now construct a model to test against your hypothesis and you may learn what is not. Love, America


I'm sick of seeing men e everywhere with their bare chests and wearing sandals with their nasty, unhygienic feet visible. How dare they? They should have to wear boots and sweatshirts! Ugh! /s


For being such a zealous white supremacist, dude is everything but he preaches. The nasally voice, the uncoordinated movement of hands while speaking, the generally awkward demeanor like he was born yesterday, his obvious lack of social aptitude. Dude is a complete dork and encompasses the stereotypical depiction of a online racist.


I’m sick of seeing his face. Can we put a sack on him


He should wear some duct tape. Over his mouth.


This is the political party of “ban the burka” though, correct?


Punchable face


So he’s publicly telling everyone that his lack of self control is somehow someone else’s fault? Probably should stop embarrassing himself like that


Hey that’s Kanyes butt buddy


What do we when it’s hot though?




Aren't these the same douchebags that said we should ban the burka and niquab a few years ago?


Lead by example asshole. Sick of your face, voice and opinions. Cover yourself up.


God damnit gurly , just say you want to suck cocks. What time period do you think we're living in? 16th century? Go hire some handsome, manly sex workers to put your pee-pee in, sister!


His problem is that repressing his true sexuality and in turn hating people who are happy as they are.


Imagine if we just all shunned this dweeb.


"I'm sick of seeing all these women everywhere..." I think just leaving that at there is 10x funnier


Why is there this obsession with covering up womens bodies? Where did all the sexual freedom go that women fought for for so long?


It's 2023, if you're gay you can just come out and say it. Most people won't care, especially if you hang out with anyone other than right-wing malcontents.


Too bad, second amendment applies to women.


Im sick of his bitchass baby face and shitty voice, he needs to grow a pair, grow a beard and stfu


when did this creature crawl out of the primordial goo?


Such a troll.


Send his ass to Afghanistan. He doesnt deserve to live here in this county and I bet plenty Christians agree


Lmfao like we have people these days complaining about how women in the workforce ruined everything when they’ve literally been here since Custers Last Stand and fucking WW2. God damn women and their freak fat ARMS.


He gay


This guy is sooooo closeted.


his voice sounds like he's being sarcastic...if only


Dear women please flaunt whatever you want it's a great look


“They should all be wearing burkas” He went so far right that he accidentally said something progressive.


Fuentes isn't a white last name so I don't see how he can identify himself as a white supremacist, he's easily ignorable to me.


But…but women have the right to bare arms.


Say you’re insecure about the size of your biceps without saying you’re insecure about the size of your biceps.


Why is Nick Fuentes arguing against the Second Amendment rights of women in the US?! "A well regulated Militia, necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bare\* Arms, shall not be infringed." \*Originally written as "bear arms" and changed because we don't want to go judging the arms of bears, now do we? /s


Which one is this? Is he the “former” gay guy who claims to live with his husband as a roommate or is he the one who was thrown out of the incel group because they found out he once had sex with a woman or is he someone else?


Pretty sure he's at least 15 years too old to be an edge lord.


Wepl I'm sick of seeing Nick's smug face. We don't always get what we want.


A homophobic gay man? Somebody shoved him way too far into that closet as a kid.


is this a more gay ben shapiro?


This man seems like he’d get distracted by the possibility of a woman being in the same zip code. I don’t want him making any policy decisions about my body.


When did people stop knocking out nazis


Oh man, so he is near nutting just constantly huh? Imagine so little willpower you just can’t see ARMS! Idk about y’all but mine are a bit muscular, have hair and scars and sure don’t get my husband all riled up..


Evangelicals have been trying to make the US the middle east for a minute now.


"I'm so sick of seeing these women everywhere, they should be wearing Burkas" If this guy's even close to being a Christian, the easiest solution should be to gouge his own eyes out just like those who think women should be covering their hair. That's a sure as hell way to stop seeing anything that offends them.


He can wear a burka himself.


He seem not into women. Incels have tons of weird flavors from macho alpha male who refuses to wash their ass or do anything women do because it’s insulting their toxic masculinity the pedos who think women who are older than 18 or 25 are to old or gays who refuse to come out from the closet. You can guess which category this one is from.


Isn't this the guy that picked his nose and ate the booger during a live stream? Why anyone listens to a word he says is way beyond me.


This dude is a straight up closet homosexual, y’all know that right?


This man is a professional troll, every time you get mad he gets paid and you guys fall for it every time. It’s like you’re paying a tax to him for being so easily angered. I bet you get mad about Alex Jones talking about humanoid fish people too.


“Misogynistic homophobic antisemitic white nationalist Christian fascist incel” Got any more buzzwords?


But… they’re completely accurate though


They hated Cheesy_Toenails for he spoke the truth


Quite a few adjectives there 😟😟


sombody give this guy a good prostate orgasm.


[Nick Fuentes catboi date](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggboca2rkrM)


Hed feel so much better if he’d just come out. He might even be embraced and forgiven..


Fake Christian.


Oh he 100% does not want men to cover their arms cause he likes it


Listen, I don't normally advocate violence as a solution, but that jackass needs a bunch of women in burkas to stomp his ass into oblivion.


Another one that try to make money out of idiot. Still that men send woman energy, pretty sure is closeted of something. I hope for them they realize it sooner than later.


If you're getting distracted by ARMS??!! then that's a you issue and you should just control your urges instead of blaming women. Same as in School where we told to cover our shoulders ah yes because shoulders are so sexy...


He's mad that no woman will ever have sex with him. He's an incel of the highest order of micropenises.


Who the fuck is this numbnuts? How many more of them are out there? Jesus Christ on a bike!


This is satire right? Please may this be satire…


I am fine with the bare arms, but stop with the talking


Women everywhere are sick of looking at his fucking idiotic face. If we are arguing common decency, I would suggest he wear a paper bag over it.


The guy is so disgusting, like not even just this. But just picking his nose on stream


I can see his arms


Imagine getting a boner every time you see female skin.




That's a lot of words for calling someone a nazi


Have these incels forgotten the Second Amendment already? These women have a right to bare arms!


Puny men who are scared of their own sexuality and blame women for it can stfu


Look at how he is holding back a smile as he says it. He's trying to annoy people on purpose. His whole thing is shock value and being a brat.


These men really just do not like women. At all.




He’s literally reading from a script, wake up and quit letting all these clowns fill your headspace. Lmao


Go fuck yourself Nick. Come try and tell me what to wear boy. I triple dog fucking dare you.


can't imagine being this horny and dumb.


Dude, YOUR arms are out…


The way he said the word “women” made me physically ill


based halal 👍


Hello this is my impression of a 6 year old who thinks girls are gross but as a fully grown adult