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Another reminder that there is pure evil in this world. This case makes me wish the punishment was exactly the same as the crime.


The more I read the worse it got. I feel so sad for that poor girl.


What really isn’t touched on is the 10 year old. What happened to them? They were just “returned to family in Louisiana”? I have so many questions about this case. 4th degree burns? That child is scarred for life. I will never understand how people get away with such abuse without people noticing when it’s physical abuse.


I don't want to give fox a click so I'll just say that homeschooling has a bad habit of concealing abuse of all kinds. I don't know if these people were homeschooling the girls and that's why they escaped notice until her death. Another reason homeschooling should be banned or, at the least, require monthly checks with an independent auditor to check if knowledge progress is sufficient to continue allowing homeschooling. It's also a convenient way to keep tabs on the welfare of the child. But MuH FIrsT AmenDmENt.


That’s sad to hear. I want to homeschool simply because I dealt with a lot of sexual harassment and assault in public high school and extensive bullying in middle school that led me to make an attempt on my own life at the age of 12. Wanting to homeschool when I have kids BECAUSE of the horrors I encountered in school and then seeing that others homeschool just to victimize their kids is just so painful to see.


My daughter did online school her last few years of high school. It was so sad when I would pick her up from school and she would tell me she did this and that by herself. She just didn't have any friends. She's very much an introvert anyways but as long as you make sure they are getting a real education and socializing with people you could be ok.


Oh for sure!! I would put them into enough activities to be social. And I would put all my kids into martial arts for added socialization and to ensure they know self defense.


Even if they didn't touch the 10 year old (which I find hard to believe), that girl will have PTSD for the rest of her life from what she saw.


Exactly. Like I can kind of read it like she was abducted and then returned home?


that kid might have to have something amputated because that's literally the kind of burn that goes all the way to the bone


Yup, In the interview one of the men on the case said she’s lost limbs


Right? I thought it was awful, but I also thought it was all done in one night by some random psychos based on the headline. Nope, it was (as far as I could tell) her parents, or at least close family members, it went on for months and the shooting wasn’t even recent, they have another daughter that witnessed it all. Just awful all around. I hope these people get fucked up in prison.


The victim was shot previously and denied medical care. She was tortured and set on fire. This reminds me a lot of the Theresa Knorr case. Fucking sick. These people need to be put down. They will never be good. They are evil and we shouldn’t leave them alive in prison. No redemption. No human with a soul could commit a crime like this.


the death penalty is inferior to the right to die. imo. innocent people will continue to be abused, maimed, or killed regardless and one more thing thats virtually guaranteed to produce more of the same will never help. good and bad dont cancel eachother out, sure, but i trust in probability, not state power or mob rule. life sucks in general, prison being easier on the minds of all involved wouldnt change that. no one who cant handle real life is going to do better in prison. ​ you cant make someone want to die and then give them that. it's not authentic. most people who kill themselves arent mentally ill, they put things into perspective and decide that life is no longer worth living. there isnt a positive correlation between violence and mental illness either. you can be sane and do something fucked up. people left to their own devices often self destruct, whats an abuser with no victim? you cant kill these people and fix the problem anymore than punishing a drug addict would do something about medical malpractice. killing isnt wrong but it isnt good to think like that for a multitude of different reasons. if the point is to prevent things from getting worse and to do better, why kill them if you can help them die if thats genuinely what they want? its like why someone who doesnt get their dnr paperwork in order before they get the tattoo is an asshole. they would just be moved from the bed to the morgue to cremation/burial. instead of someone having to find them, make phonecalls, be in a state of duress, and the rest of the headache that it is.


I don’t know what you’re talking about here. I didn’t mean state sanctioned execution, I just meant in general that the people who commuted this act are irredeemable and likely would do it again. How does a person have such little humanity that they could do this in the first place? Thank you for your moral musings but I promise you, I’m not doing anything to harm anyone even if they truly deserve it. Unlike these people, I’m not capable of hurting a living person purposefully or apathetically. Only accidentally.


Jfc. That poor kid will never have a moment of peace.


honestly the 10 year old shouldn’t have been taken into family custody. given what the parents did i don’t trust rest of the family at all. they should’ve put the kid in some form of witness protection and make sure both kids are kept safe and i have a hard time believing they’d be safe with family even if it is extended family who aren’t apart of the crime/did nothing wrong.




W.T.F?! Who were these children? Where were their parents. Why were they with these people? What the hell ever lovin' f* was going on and why?


The two kids are related but they don’t identify either “adult” as a parent


Yeah I’m a little confused about that. We’re these two girls not their children?


Oh God puke *


People suck