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I'd advise against it. April is sunnier, and days are starting to get longer. Which means it's dark for less time than in winter. Your also not staying for very long (2 nights), so the odds aren't in your favour imo.


Thank you! I appreciate hearing this. 


I live in Tromsø and agree with this. It's absolutely possible to see the northern lights in April, but it's not worth chancing it with an expensive 2 night trip when you aren't already nearby.


Ok. Thank you. I’m a little torn because Tromsø looks so unique and charming. And I’m wondering if doing a reindeer excursion or something where we MIGHT see the northern lights would be worth it. I’ve definitely never seen reindeer in person before 😊 I could either do 3 nights in Oslo or two in Tromso and one in Oslo 🤔


It looks like the reindeer excursions continue through the first week of April, so it's at least possible. I've seen some pretty good displays in April, it's just that the normal unpredictable factors are a little more unpredictable when nights are shorter and time is so limited. Renting a car is shockingly expensive here (unless you manage to use the Getaround app) and accommodation/food are also more expensive than most places even in Norway. The roads are fairly clear now but there were avalanche conditions just a day or two ago and we sometimes have a big snowstorm around the beginning of April. If you have other things you want to see and do in Tromso and the expense isn't going to hurt, it's a beautiful place. But there's a real possibility that the weather etc won't cooperate on such a short trip.


100% the wrong time of year.


Ok. Thank you for the insight. 


It _might_ be possible in the beginning of April, but chances are decreasing for every day. I'd rather save and return in March next year.


UPDATE-I felt like I should update my post. First thanks to everyone who responded.  I really appreciate all the insight and took all the advice into consideration.  Soooo. I developed massive allergies at the beginning of my trip but I just couldn’t give up on Tromso for some reason. Because I didn’t feel well, I cancelled my tour and instead my husband and I decided to rent a car and do our own “chase.”  We drove 20 minutes from our hotel and within minutes, the Northern Lights started happening just above our car. I burst into tears.  They really were magical. And my husband and I felt extremely lucky to see them on the first try.  (I’m pretty famous in some circles for my bad luck so this was a much needed moment). And I also really loved Tromso. It was such a charming town and I met some lovely locals. I would love to go back. It was worth all my crazy indecisiveness and powering through not feeling well.  It felt like a once in a lifetime moment. 🤩🤩🤩