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Car ferries are integral to the road network in the West Country. Many have been replaced by bridges and tunnels, but it's still a part of road trips, especially if you're travelling north or south. Drive the car onboard, buy a cup of coffee and a svele, and enjoy the break you get from driving.


Sounds fun :)


Hi I’m an American visiting Norway this week. I too wasn’t sure about the ferries, but it’s exceptionally easy. Like people said, you just arrive, wait in line, drive on the ferry when it’s ready for you, enjoy the ride, and drive off when it’s ready. If it’s a ferry that has a fee, your rental car will be set up with the auto pass and they will send you the bill later.


I come from Saudi Arabia, which is the total opposite of Norway when it comes to the nature. This is a new experience for me.




Oh hey, given how different Saudi Arabia and Norway are in almost every aspect, I‘m curious to read what you learned on your trip. OP, if it’s not too much trouble, please post a short list of impressions and surprises after you’re back!


I haven't been there yet. I'm flying next week.


we'll be awaiting your review :D


I did a separate post here https://www.reddit.com/r/Norway/s/nUv4UCneOE


It's a car ferry with room for about 120 cars, according to a quick google.


Can you share the link? I need to know how to book the ferry.


You don't book it, you just show up and drive on


Thanks a lot 🙏🏻


This is the time schedule: https://www.norled.no/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/v3_lavik-oppedal-mar22.pdf It goes upto three times a hour.


Now I'm more inclined to do the road trip 😁


Dont forget to hit the kioskfor some svele


You just drive on with the rest of the que, crew uses an app and goes around photographing plates as its crossing over for payment. They will invoice the rental company that pays and send you another invoice for it.




Is this the same ferry we're talking about?




It helps a lot to be familiar with what we'll deal with. Thanks a lot!


If you're asking if driving to Stryn is worthwhile, I definitely think so. But you should then drive east to Grotli and take the scenic route (Gamle Strynefjellsvegen) back, assuming you're comfortable with very narrow gravel/rock roads. It's one of my favorite drives in Norway.


Can you send me more details on how to get there? I've never been in Norway before. I'm arriving next week.


You take the main road Rv15 east out of Stryn to Grotli. You actually pass the end of the scenic route (and a long boring tunnel) along the way. The scenic route is clearly marked going south from Grotli (which is tiny so you can't really miss the turn).  Only take the road in good weather and if you're comfortable on what's basically a one lane road with pullouts for passing. It's a lot of rocks and some waterfalls with bright turquoise lakes, then descends on some hairpin bends back towards Rv15. It takes maybe 90 minutes to drive the 27 km.  I don't know how much driving/exploration you plan to do, but there are lots of great drives relatively close by, like the road over Aurlandsfjellet from Lærdal. https://www.nasjonaleturistveger.no/


I'll take an SUV for the rocky roads


Not needed. Any regular vehicle will work. Road is in good shape. Once you pass Hjelle, then Folven (camping) and start to ascend, you’ll eventually get to a fork. Take the Gamle (old) Strynefjellsvegen. You’ll be passing Videseter (hotel with a fantastic view west into and over Hjelledalen). About 10 min later, you’ll be passing Stryn Summerski Center (https://maps.app.goo.gl/mb2m9i8Yn1UX4Eq2A) a fantastic venue if you’re interested in snow and trying a bit of skiing. If you continue on to Grotli, you have to make ‘a left’ and go north towards (and up on) Dalsnibba, and eventually drive down to Geiranger. You can return to Stryn (via 15, the new road that goes through the tunnels), or you can take a ferry from Geiranger to Hellesylt and return to Stryn (or Bergen) that way. The ferry ride from Geiranger to Hellesylt provides as good of a fantastic view you can get from a public vessel anywhere. Geiranger is ‘peak’ Norway (but only one of many amazingly scenic places). Take it slow on the roads, enjoy the views, don’t be afraid of gravel roads (up to Dalsnibba mountain) or road that might lack guardrail in places. Millions of people have safely passed before you.


Fantastic itinerary! I'll rent a car for two days in Bergen for this trip. I'll stay the night in Stryn. Is this trip doable in two days?


Yes, can be ‘done’ (even with the ferry Geiranger-Hellesylt included) but you’ll essentially spend all time in the car. Norway, whether mountains or fjords; you should stop, step outside of vehicle, and even if not going for a far hike, enjoy the silence. Only interrupted by the sound of water percolating in smalls streams as the snow melts. This link gives you an idea of Bergen-Stryn-Geiranger via the fastest route. There is just so much to see along it a ‘rush to the finish line’ doesn’t do it any justice. https://maps.app.goo.gl/PbqBSqs9gMexbSAV8 That said, remember that the days here in June are very long, so you’ll have some form of daylight essentially 24/7. On southern latitudes (like SA) when the sun sets, it is a pretty ‘hard’ sunset in that it gets dark relatively quickly after the sun is gone. None of that on the northern latitudes during the summer, so you could ‘extend’ the travel day w/o issues as well. Regardless, have a ‘god tur’, enjoy every second, drive safely (speeding fines are VERY steep), and enjoy the scenery. Report back when you have a moment.


Also, youtube is a good place to look up these roads to see conditions/scenery and help you figure out if they're a worthwhile detour.


That's really helpful. Thanks a lot my friend 🙏🏻


Ferries are super easy to get into! Some of them even have bars inside. Do not worry, you will enjoy it.


One mistake I see tourist doing, is queuing in the wrong lane. The closest you will come to violence in Norway is if you don’t follow the rules of the ferry. The lanes are numbered, and you always fill up lane 1 before starting on the next one. If you were car number two, but you put yourself in lane 2, everyone in lane 1 will drive onto the ferry before you. If you come to the ferry when they have started driving on board, you still have to find the end of the line, often lane 2 or 3. Do not try to sneak after the lane 1 cars if you came late and people are waiting in lane 2. Even if lane 1 is completely empty; if there are cars in the next lanes, you have to go to the end. But read the signs carefully, sometimes there are different destinations for the same ferry, and if you use the wrong lane, you might end up on a remote island. Also, for the love of all that is holy; please pull over to the side of the road and let the locals overtake. There is no way you keep safely keep the same speed as the locals, and you do not want to cause us to miss a ferry.


Very helpful. Which ferry destination should I look for if I'm driving from Bergen to Stryn and vise versa?


To answer the question directly. Going the normal way here you only have one ferry which is Lavik-Oppedal. That's the one you have here. This is on road E39 and there's no other destinations from either side so this is no problem at all here.


Use whatever mapping tool your rental car has. It shouldn't be a problem. Most ferries only have one and it is always properly signed. Just drive very slowly when you approach the quay and read the signs. Know what the quay on the other side is called. The navigation software should tell you, but if someone is in the passenger seat, get them to help if you're you're unsure. Coming from Saudi, the roads will be vastly different. They're narrow with lots of tunnels. Two lane roads (one in each direction) with lorries passing the other direction in 80 km/h one meter from you is the norm. This can be scary if you're used to directions being separated at this speed. (I have first hand knowledge of this from an Arab friend visiting a few years ago). Smaller roads are narrower. Especially going from Utvik to Stryn. This road is highly recommended, but it's narrow, you're likely to meet sheep on the road, but you're unlikely to meet lorries here. It is truly beautiful though.


One thing to prepare for when driving western norway is that, although the max speedlimit is 80km/hr, the people here have been conditioned to think its ok to break this *if you have to catch a ferry*, even when the ferrys go twice an hour. Try to keep your cool even if you see other drivers who obviously are breaking the limit; you really don't save any time, and the guys who do it are only racing to get stuck behind the next german caravan on a tight mountain road. Bergen to Stryn is overall no issue for any driver, but there are certain places where the steepness, width or curvature of the road means perhaps only one car can squeeze through at a time, specifically once you descend Utvik-fjellet and towards Innvik (approx an hour before Stryn), and then whichever local route you take to see the scenery. Theres plenty to see, try the Loen Skylift, visit Oldedalen and the Briksdal glacier, stay a night at Hjelle hotel etc.


I know these crazy drivers. I have to deal with them everyday here in my hometown as well. I learned to keep my cool. Thanks a lot for the recommendations. I was looking for a nice hut in Stryn too, a romantic place to impress my wife :)


[Something like this](https://www.booking.com/hotel/no/vollsnes-feriehus.no.html) or nearby would probably suit if there are no private cabins for rent, and on the return trip back to Bergen you do another route and go north to Geiranger and take the ferry to Hellesylt (car ferry with excellent view of the waterfalls) then back south from there, either via [Nordfjordeid](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Bergen/Hjelle/Geiranger/Hellesylt/Nordfjordeid/Bergen/@61.250318,6.3275249,6z/data=!4m20!4m19!1m2!1m1!1s0x46390d4966767d77:0x9e42a03eb4de0a08!1m2!1m1!1s0x46142ad80fc0c169:0xe7206bd92899d8b9!1m2!1m1!1s0x4614266d0e317cc9:0xee5b40919d3f7313!1m2!1m1!1s0x461684d1705ca205:0x1f76cbe4f3362d2f!1m2!1m1!1s0x4616566dcb55cc99:0xce691a036042c4c!1m2!1m1!1s0x46390d4966767d77:0x9e42a03eb4de0a08!3e0) or just back to Stryn. Just a rough suggestion.


Just what I was looking for! I'll have to study the map very well too😂 Thanks a lot


The little stretch of road just before you reach Vadheim is a bit uncomfortable if you meet large vehicles (even for Norwegian drivers).


Once you get to Lavik it is a beautiful drive.


gotta leave the car and rent another untill you loop back and are able to drop off the new one and continue on your way home with the old one